Medienerziehung in der digitalen Welt

Grundlagen und Konzepte für Familie, Kita, Schule und Soziale Arbeit
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Starting from a basic view of education, this book provides nuanced insights into the different ways in which children are now growing up in an increasingly mediatized world, and into the ways in which children and young people currently deal with media. The media-related preferences and skills of various age groups, which are conditioned by their development and socialization, are presented in a way that is close to everyday life, providing starting points for media-educational action. The rights of children and young people that are anchored in Germany=s constitution, parental privilege and the state=s supervisory role are outlined as the major legal frameworks.

The other essays in the volume are dedicated to the individual fields of activity of preschool centres, schools, family and social work. The essays illustrate not only demands, patterns of media-educational activity by parents and the support with this that parents need, but also the way in which educational professionals can act appropriately in the world of digital media.

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Ograniczenie wiekowe:
Daniel Hajok, Sandra Fleischer
Kohlhammer Verlag
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