Night of the Bold

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Night of the Bold
Night of the Bold
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Night of the Bold
Night of the Bold
Czyta Wayne Farrell
Opis książki

The #1 Bestselling series, with over 400 five star reviews on Amazon!

"Night of the Bold" is book #6 – and the final installment – in Morgan Rice’s bestselling epic fantasy series "Kings and Sorcerers"!

In "Night of the Bold", Kyra must find a way to free herself from Marda and return to Escalon with the Staff of Truth. If she does, awaiting her will be the most epic battle of her life, as she will need to face off against Ra’s armies, a nation of trolls, and a flock of dragons. If her powers, and the weapon, are strong enough, her mother awaits her, ready to reveal the secrets of her destiny, and of her birth.

Duncan must make an epic stand against Ra’s armies once and for all. Yet even as he fights the greatest battles of his life, leading to a final stand in The Devil’s Gluch, he cannot expect the dark trickery that Ra has awaiting him.

In the Bay of Death, Merk and King Tarnis’ daughter must join forces with Alec and the warriors of the Lost Isles to fight off the dragons. They must find Duncan and unite to save Escalon, yet Vesuvius has resurfaced, and they cannot anticipate the treachery awaiting them.

In the epic finale to Kings and Sorcerers, the most dramatic battles, weapons and sorcery all lead to a breathtaking, unexpected conclusion, filled with both heartbreaking tragedy and inspiring re-birth.

With its strong atmosphere and complex characters, "Night of the Bold" is a sweeping saga of knights and warriors, of kings and lords, of honor and valor, of magic, destiny, monsters and dragons. It is a story of love and broken hearts, of deception, ambition and betrayal. It is fantasy at its finest, inviting us into a world that will live with us forever, one that will appeal to all ages and genders.

Szczegółowe informacje
Ograniczenie wiekowe:
Data dodania do LitRes:
01 kwietnia 2016
Data powstania:
220 str. 2 ilustracje
Prawa autorskie:
Lukeman Literary Management Ltd
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Inne wersje
Night of the Bold
Czyta Wayne Farrell
Książka należy do serii
«Kings and Sorcerers»
A Forge of Valor
A Realm of Shadows
Night of the Bold


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