A Wrongful Death

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Who knew that being a Good Samaritan would lead Barbara Holloway to face her biggest challenge ever: being named prime suspect in a high-profile kidnapping?Barbara's peace at her retreat on the Oregon coast is shattered when a terrified young boy leads her to a cabin in the woods where his battered mother has clearly been left for dead. Barbara runs for help, but by the time she returns both mother and son are gone.The puzzle deepens when Barbara learns the boy she met is the grandson of a prominent family…and they have accused her of aiding his disappearance.With the help of her father, Frank, she delves into the mystery, only to realize the kidnapping is a ruse for a more sinister plan–one that pits the meaning of family against cold hard cash.Troubling obstacles thwart Barbara's every move–from the justice system that employs her to the false identities of those around her. Yet none will compare with the shocking murder scene that awaits her.

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Data dodania do LitRes:
12 maja 2019
320 str. 1 ilustracja
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