Let It Snow...

The Prince who Stole Christmas (Bedtime Stories, Book 23) / My True Love Gave to Me... (Bedtime Stories, Book 24)
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The Prince Who Stole Christmas by Leslie KellyWhen charming Prince Philip decides he wants to find true love rather than being married for his crown, he heads for the magical land of New York City. There, during the holiday season, he meets and woos Claire Hoffman, the perfect girl for him…who might or might not think he's crazy when he reveals who he really is, and where he comes from! My True Love Gave to Me… by Jennifer LaBrecqueGertrude ‘Gertie’ Brown had been in love with Knox Whitaker for what feels like her entire life. She’d wanted a life with Knox. But when he suffers the loss of his grandmother he becomes someone she doesn’t recognise. Gertie tries to forget him and move on with her life yet she always feels as if there’s a piece missing…

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Ograniczenie wiekowe:
210 str. 1 ilustracja
HarperCollins Publishers
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