The Greatest Novels, Tales & Poems for The Holiday Season
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Selma Lagerlöf's 'CHRISTMAS ESSENTIALS' amalgamates over 180 timeless works into a single compendium, celebrating the holiday season through a tapestry of literary classics. This anthology weaves together an impressive array of storytelling, including the tender musings of Mark Twain, the poignant parables of O. Henry, and Lagerlöf's own 'The Holy Night.' Rendered in a digital format accessible to the modern reader, each piece is curated with a sense of historical context and the enduring themes of love, generosity, and tradition, all while showcasing Lagerlöf's keen eye for literary selection and her appreciation for the genre's rich variety of stylistic approaches.

Selma Lagerlöf herself, the revered Swedish author and the first woman to win the Nobel Prize in Literature, compiles narratives and poems that transcend the generations, united under the festive spirit of Christmas. A tribute to her own Scandinavian heritage and her passion for storytelling, Lagerlöf's choices echo the enchantment and wonder that typify her own narrative style, evident in works like 'Gösta Berling's Saga.' Her literate and heartfelt curation reflects an intimate knowledge of literary greats and a desire to share that love and comfort during the Yuletide.

Whether it's the classic discovery of the Christmas spirit in Dickensian England or the magical escapades of L. Frank Baum's fabled lands, 'CHRISTMAS ESSENTIALS' is an indispensable addition to any literary enthusiast's library. Inviting readers of all ages into a world where festive lore and literary legends coalesce, this anthology promises to rekindle the warmth of the holiday season with each turn of the page. It is an inspired choice for anyone seeking to immerse themselves in the narrative beating heart of Christmas—where every tale is a gift in itself.

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O. Henry "CHRISTMAS ESSENTIALS" – pobierz epub, mobi, pdf lub przeczytaj online. Zamieszczaj komentarze, recenzje i głosuj na swoje ulubione.


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