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The Mist and the Lightning. Part 19

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“You motherfucker! Do it not here!” Kors yelled at him, pushing him from the perimeter of skins into the grass.

Having buried his face in the ground, Arel didn’t even wake up.

“Well, at least not in your pants,” Kors shook his head, “crazy creatures!”

After a few hours, the friends recovered a little, got up heavily, and, staggering, returned to their horses, while already clutching another bottle in their hands. Taking a couple of sips straight from the throat, they passed it to each other, like a cigarette, and very quickly threw the already empty one aside. Looking at all this lawlessness, Kors involuntarily thought that, perhaps, that was also why Nik and Arel got along so well and fell in love with each other. They were tightly boundby an irrepressible attraction to drinking, and they found themselves an ideal companion and partner in this destructive passion. Because hardly anyone else could make them a worthy couple in such an immoderate use of strong drinks as they were to each other, and they were on the same wavelength. Kors was very tired from their drinking, but he couldn’t say anything to them and stop this mess.

He only hoped that in the end they would calm down and come to their senses.

Meanwhile, the black warriors of Zagpeace and Tol, who arrived in the prince’s lands a little earlier, had already settled in a nearby town and were celebrating their arrival and the successful completion of the campaign with might and main, having fun with the locals at the fairground. Many unclean ones, as soon as they arrived, immediately joyfully joined them. And those who didn’t go for a stroll to the fair pitched their tents in the vicinity and also began to have fun and celebrate with no less enthusiasm and scope.

On the porch of Prince Arel’s mansion sat a large and very well-fed black-and-white tomcat. He slowly turned his head, showing his beautiful white chest, and looked with an indifferent, unblinking gaze at the riders entering the yard. The clatter of horses’ hooves, the jingle of harness and weapons didn’t agitate the animal in the least, the cat didn’t even move its ear. He raised his hind paw and began to lick it thoroughly with great diligence.

Nik, Kors and Arel with Valentine entered the living room on the first floor of the estate.

“Gods! I’m not even happy because I can finally spend the night under the roof,” Kors said with relief. “I’m glad just because you’ve finally finished your bad competition over who will drink more!”

Nik thought for a moment, but then, apparently, he understood:

“Aha, we didn’t compete at all.”

And Arel laughed too:

“I don’t compete with anyone and never, I just do what I want!”

“Yes, I know, I know,” Kors muttered, “does your head hurt?”

“What?!” Arel laughed again.

“Well, yes, if it’s empty, why hurt there, what am I talking about …” Kors agreed. “Actually, do you know that at the crossing your stupid Beauty plucked grass near the sandy shore? You were not up to it at that moment, of course, and now he probably has a stomach full of sand.”

“I’ll figure it out,” Arel replied.

“How? It must be pumped up with water properly, andhis stomach – washed through the tube.”

“Vitor, watch your own horse. Forget about my Beauty, he’s not yours anymore! Arel turned away in displeasure, and Kors, looking at his arrogant and painted face, thought about how crazy one still neededto be in order to cover his face with gray dye for most of his life and be with those black lips and black paint smeared around the eyes. Live with such a face. “Arel, everyone thinks that you are not afraid to be yourself, but really? It’s high time to put you in a psychiatric hospital, Arel,” Kors thought, but said:

“Eh, I forgot about this horse a long time ago, I just feel sorry for him. Stupid horse, I had to tinker with him, educating him, and you ruined him again.”

“It doesn’t concern you!”

“You will live with us in Arel’s room,” Nik told Kors.

Kors remembered this room very well, only everything had changed too much since then.

“It’s small,” he remarked, “won’t the three of us be cramped? You, probably, will also put Verniy and Valentine there? There were large rooms in the Fort, and the Prince’s Estate was of an ancient construction. There are thick walls, but cramped rooms, low ceilings.”

“We won’t be cramped,” Nik objected.

“Nik, I understand that you are used to living in small kennels, and often not alone, and you have no idea what personal space is, but maybe I’ll live nearby? In the room where I used to live? I’m used to living in spacious apartments. I will come to you at the slightest call.”

“No! And Ver and Valin I will settle in the former room of Lis. They will go there,” Nik immediately objected categorically, “and you will live with us. And you will leave the room only when I allow it!”

“Law of reflection,” Kors nodded knowingly. He defiantly removed his iron stick from his belt and handed it to Nik:

“Hold on! I assumed that it would be so, and I am ready to endure all this shit to the end.”

“What? No! I’m not going to shove you with a stick like you did to me! It’s painful and unpleasant.”

“And humiliating,” added Kors, “well… it would definitely be humiliating for me, so come on! Don’thold back!”

“No. And I behaved badly then, I was guilty. I didn’twant to wear glasses and reminded my father of the past. I behaved very, very badly and received little more for my such disgusting behavior, I received an undeserved punishment. You should have punished me even harder, you took pity on me, daddy. I love you, I won’t do this to you!”

“Nik…” Kors even stammered, “sometimes you sneer so cynically that I feel uneasy…”

“You speak very clever words, daddy master, you understand everything, and I’m a fool, you know.”

Kors took a deep breath.

“I know, Nik, that you and Arel love me very much, okay?” He unconsciously touched his injured eye. The tumor had already gone, but there was still a black bruise under the eye, and the skin around it was a bright yellow-green color.

“Yes! Is it clear now!” Nik rejoiced. “But when will you understand that I am not punishing you?”

Nik turned to Arel, behind whom Valentine stood like a shadow. Thin and lanky, dressed in expensive leather clothes, but at the same time in a slave helmet, Valentine was heavily stooped, tilting his head down and forward.

“Valin,” Nik asked, and he shuddered in fright, bending his head even lower, as if he wanted to completely squeeze it into his shoulders, “Valin, what do you think we are doing with sir Kors? Answer me!”

Valentine hurriedly knelt down.

“Y…Y…You are changing s…s… Vitor K…Kors, j…just like you, sir Nik…you were changing m…my m…master sir Arel, and m…my…master…is changing… me,” Valentine barely managed to utter, as he alwaysbegan to stutter violently when being nervous.

“Why are we doing this?”

“T… to…become better, sir…”

Nik looked questioningly at Kors.

“Here you see? Even Valin understands the essence of what is happening, and you still continue to think that I am punishing you for cooling down.”

Kors grimaced in displeasure, he was insanely annoyed by Valentine’s eternal bleating, how much he stuttered, and now he was also infuriated by the fact that Nik compares him to some kind of miserable slave, and even sets him as an example. Allegedly, Valentineunderstands everything, but Kors, you see, does not understand. He barely restrained himself:

“Nik, you need to understand that punishment is not used out of revenge for a mistake, but to prevent it in the future …”

“Fuck, this is not a return to you!” Nik shouted in annoyance. “You really are obsessed with punishments. This is not a punishment! But you know what?! Until you understand this, for you it will be so!”

“Okay, so I don’t get it yet,” snapped Kors.

“Well, if you don’t understand,” Nik immediately responded, “then let’s go!”

They went upstairs to Arel’s room, where everything remained as it was, as if they had never left, and the wide bed was neatly covered with a silvery northern fox fur coverlet.

Valentine immediately knelt at the front door, and Nik said, turning to Kors:

“Take off your clothes, undress and go over there,” he pointed to the post near the bed.

Kors understood what awaited him, but didn’t object, some crazy anger and stubbornness continued to bubble in him.

“Don’t be afraid, don’t ask and… don’t think about it, damn it!”

He undressed, went up to the post and knelt down:

“Yes please! Since this is not a punishment, I will fulfill any of your thematic requests!”

“What?” Nik and Arel looked at each other and laughed.

“Fuck, Vitor, I’ll probably never get used to your expressions,” Nik said through laughter. Bandages prevented him from smiling broadly.

“Just like me to your piercing!” Kors didn’t remain in debt and pointedly looked at the ring sticking out from under the bandages.

“Did you mean to say that you can never stop jerking off to my piercing?” Nik’s shoulders shook with laughter again.

“Enough!” Kors shouted. “The fact that you don’t understand my noble expressions, and you have a meager vocabulary, is not my problem!”

Nik attached a chain to Kors’ collar and tied him to a post. But he left a considerable length, Kors realized that he could easily get up and lie down, and even move a few steps away from the pillar. He didn’tmove. Let it be, what will be, and he will not call Zaf for anything! Nik is jealous of Kors, and this can only aggravate the situation. Kors would endure now, whatever it was: punishment, reflection, training, and when they returned to the city, he would ask Leonardo for help, so he decided.


Nik and Arel obviously didn’t plan to stay in the room, they began to gather, and Nik covered his bandaged face with a mask.

“Nik…” Kors asked cautiously.


“Are you going somewhere? It’s hot outside, don’t put on a mask over the bandages as well, this can aggravate the already deplorable situation with your face.”

“What am I supposed to do? I’m going to go outside, and there are people.”

“Are you going to the holiday? Nik, to drink again?! Damn, how much can you?!”

“Not to the holiday, and you yourself explained to me that I should not open my face in front of people, like my mouth.”

“Did you ever listen to what I told you?”

“Yes, and more than once! I listened to you and obeyed. Are you my father? Or no longer? I always told you that I listen to you! I love you and listen to you!”

“Yes, yes, I am your father, and I told you this, and if you are doing this because I ordered you…”

“I promised you!”

“Nik… I’m canceling my order. You can not wear a mask and talk to people with whom you want.”

“Hmm, if you’re trying to ease your situation this way, it doesn’t work that way, Vitor.”

“No. My position is irrelevant here. Limit me as you wish, do whatever I did to you…”

“I don’t reflect! Well, you motherfucker! This is not a return or revenge! How many times do I have to repeat this before you get it?!”

“Okay, okay, you’re changing me, I get it… Training. It’s not very clear how I can change and develop from the fact that I was strapped to a pole … but okay.

“I just limited you a little. What's bad about it?

“It’s probably familiar to you, but I haven’t been a slave for ten years!” For me it's bad!

Nik shrugged.

“I left enough space for you,” he turned to Valentine, “Valin, bring a bucket from the bathroom.”

Valentine immediately followed the order, and, understanding everything, put the bucket next to Kors.

“Here. If you feel like it,” Nik said.

And Prince Arel silently handed Kors a bottle of wine. Kors looked frowningly at the prince and took it.

Nik didn’t listen to Kors, didn’t take off his mask, and, putting on gloves, adorned his finger with a ring as usual.

“Don’t wear a ring over a glove! Complete bastard!” Kors thought angrily, watching him, unable to restrain himself.

And Nik froze, then turned sharply to him:

“And you’re whining about humiliation?! Am I humiliating you?! I’ve never hit you with words the way you do! Never! And you lied to me! You knew from the beginning that you would never introduce me to the world of true blacks. Because I’m finished for you, and such a son can never be shown to noble friends! You knew it from the start! You fed me with empty promises!”

“No, no…”

“And you haven’t told me anything about your true black world! You thought I didn’t need it! Of course, why, if I’m a jerk! You haven’t revealed any of your fucking secrets! You didn’t tell me about your secret language of communication, your phrases, gestures, which, like a password, open doors only for the elite, immediately make it clear whether you are yours or the dirt under your feet! I have told you much more about the Demon world than you have told me about the true black world! And then I’m a liar to you?! I’m a liar, right? Not you?”

Kors froze, but caught himself quickly.

“What secrets? Prince Arel is a true black, why don’tyou reproach him? Why don’t you demand from him the discovery of a secret behind seven seals?”

“Arel got kicked out, thanks to you too!”

“He had to behave normally!”

“Yes, he is an apostate, and he put a dick on all your pretentious rules! He ignored them!”

“Whatever the prince, Arel was in the system and knows a lot. I don’t understand what you want from me now? I pulled you up as best I could! And, you might think, you don’t know everything yourself, Demon, all the secrets. Are you looking for an excuse to hit me? What are you accusing me of now? You pretend as if you believed my words!”

“I trusted you and your opinion,” Nik replied softly and resentfully.

“Fuck it, what a show!” Kors shouted in annoyance. “You were just playing with me! You already know everything about true blacks!”

“I wanted my daddy master to tell me about it.

“Enough! What kind of daddy master am I to you?!”

“Why not?”

“I am the physical father of a human, that’s all.”

“You said you were the Demon’s father too.”

“But you laughed at it! You just played along with me.”

“No! And when you say that now, you hurt me! I really feel like an orphan!”

“Okay, okay,” Kors held out his hands with open palms slightly forward and towards Nik in a conciliatory gesture. “If you want me to be your Demon father, I’m only too happy about it. But then I’m higher than you in the hierarchy, why don’t you obey me?!”

“I obeyed you!”

“You didn’t fucking listen at all!”

“I obeyed as best I could! Just because I am like this!”



“Okay, I’m sorry if I didn’t believe you and didn’t understand that you weren’t a liar and I… I honestly worry about your physical condition,” Kors tried to turn an unpleasant and dangerous (as he decided) conversation for him into another direction.

“It’s fine with me, and I don’t want them staring at my bandages anyway,” Nik bought into his ruse, changing the subject to one that Kors had carefully directed him to. “I don’t like it when people stare at me. And everyone got used to me in a mask.”

“And that’s sad,” Kors breathed in relief.

“I’ll be right back,” Nik said.

They left, and Arel took Valentin with him. Kors was left alone. For a while, he just sat on the floor and drank wine from a bottle, trying not to think about anything. But it was hard for him to sit like that. Moving a little closer to the bed, since the chain allowed him to do this, and the pillar was close, Kors pulled the fluffy coverlet of the silvery fur of northern foxes. He pulled it off the bed, folded it into two layers, and lay down on top of it. It became softer, but not more comfortable. Soft fur tickled the body, and it was hot. Kors felt himself sweating and the fur sticking to his damp body. He stood up and folded the coverlet with the fur on the inside and the silky quilted lining on the outside. So it was much more comfortable, but there was not enough pillow. Kors pulled the pillow off the bed and lay down. “Are they coming soon?” He tried to see them, but he couldn’t. Nik closed him not only in the room, but also from being able to hear and see them.

“Nik said they weren’t going to party. Okay, they’reprobably just handing out some housekeeping instructions. In the end, Arel is the owner of a large Estate, and he needs to check what happened here without him. What was the harvest. Arel has huge areas planted with grapes, and he will surely take care of the wine. Or did they still go to the party? To the unclean ones? Hardly, though…” Kors tried to stop guessing and torment himself. In order not to think about anything and not to panic, he simply recited in his head all sorts of verses and passages of texts that he remembered by heart. Over and over again, he repeated the same thing, eventually sliding down to several lines and just stupidly repeating them like a clockwork:

"Every night and every morn

Some to misery are born

Every morn and every night

Some are born to sweet delight

Some are born to sweet delight

Some are born to endless night"

Every morn and every night

Some are born to sweet delight

Some are born to sweet delight

Some are born to endless night"

Some are born to sweet delight

Some are born to endless night"

Chapter 12

About four o’clock in the morning they returned, and Kors jumped up on his couch. Nik walked into the room very confidently, he was without his crutch, which Kors had become so accustomed to lately that he even put up with it. Nik’s face, as always, was covered by a mask, but Kors immediately realized that his son had removed the bandages. Kors noticed it instantly, as soon as he saw Nik and how his hair, now unrestrained, scattered on the sides of his face, obscuring the entire right side of his face. And it was the same, no matter how Kors combed it and smoothed it. What was the point of cutting his bangs if it instantly grew back? And Nik, apparently, didn’t want to be any other, only shaggy. Kors also saw that Valentine was wearing a leather band over his helmet that limited his vision, exactly the same as the blue cleaning slave in the Limit. Now Valentine could only look at his feet. Arel was leading him on the chain.

Kors looked at them in surprise.

“Where have you been?!”

“In my Limit,” Nik answered calmly and without any tricks, and Kors couldn’t believe his ears:

“In the Limit? But how?!”

“A local old witch used to live here not far away. Well… she was also stirring up all sorts of drugs, she was very bad at it. But the Port remained in her cave, I already opened it before and went to my Limit,” Nik explained in detail.

“But why didn’t you take me with you?”

“Did you want to?”

“N-n… I don’t know, probably not…”

“Vitor, we didn’t stay there for long, I just needed to recover a bit. I will take you there next time. My word!” Nik promised.

“To recover? You have taken off your bandages! Did you take Black Water there?” Kors bombarded him with questions.

“I have recovered,” Nik repeated evasively, “and now I will continue your training.”

“Now? At four in the morning?”

“Why not?” Nik turned away and began taking his damned tools out of his bag and laying them out on the table.

Prince Arel approached Kors. He saw Kors take the coverlet and pillow from his bed. And Kors shrank a little, expecting that Arel would now take them away from him, and even hit him for taking his belongings without asking. But Arel didn’t. In his commanding manner and slightly drawing out his words, he said to him:

“Wake up, Vitor, wash your face and don’t forget to brush your teeth,” the prince laughed, took from the bedside table a decanter filled with water, and, taking a big sip, forcefully splashed all this water from his mouth right into Kors’ face, dousing him with cold spray. Kors didn’t have time to cover himself. Arel’s actions were always abrupt and unpredictable for him, and he closed his eyes, quickly bending his head down, and tried to wipe his face with his palm.

Arel collapsed onto the bed, and Valentine immediately began to take off his master’s boots. When he finished, he got down on all fours, habitually pretending to be a bedside table.

“Valentine, get out of the room!” Arel ordered rudely.

And Valentine, hurriedly getting up and stretching his hand forward, walked a little hesitantly towards the door. It was noticeable that, being limited by a leather strip pulled low over his eyes, he could still poorly navigate in this room.

Kors wiped himself with the covers and said as indifferently as he could:

“Arel, your jokes are stupid,” of course, he was very unpleasant, but he tried not to show it.

Arel constantly humiliated him. “He will finish me… finish me. He’s going to torment me,” thought raced through his mind, but Kors tried to pull himself together.

“You know, prince, your act is the level of a bully in elementary school, nothing more. In my school, I remember, there were a couple of these jerks who, in their opinion, “had fun”. I quickly put them in place. I don’t answer you, Arel, only because I myself voluntarily agreed to endure this… training.”

“I didn’t go to school,” Arel said, and affectionately tickled Kors with his invisible fingers under his chin, stroking his throat.

Kors froze, and Arel laughed contentedly and let him go.

“Unfortunate, you were even deprived of this smallness,” Kors said through force, “your tyrant father kept you in your castle as in a prison – without friends, without communication with other children.”

Arel lit a cigarette:

“Vitor, do you remember how you threatened me that you would make me your slave?”, he suddenly said, “remember?”

Kors remembered. Strongly worried about getting a reflection of his actions from Nik, he completely forgot about Arel. Yeah, it was very thoughtless –to threaten him then like that.

“You promised me to cut something out of my ass, so that I could no longer squeeze it, and so that all the shit would fall out of me. Some restraining muscles. Well, remember!”

“Forgive me,” Kors said humbly, “forgive me, please, for those thoughtless words!” He started shaking involuntarily. “No, no, Nik won’t let that happen to me!”


“You are trembling so much,” Arel was very pleased, “now live with it and wait. What saves you now is that Nik will take care of you, but don’t forget about me too.”

Curling into a ball, Kors remained silent.

“Vitor, lie on your back and don’t move,” said Nik, finishing his preparations.

He calmly waited for Kors to obediently carry out the order. Seeing that Kors lay down, he approached, and, carefully kneeling beside him, bent over Kors, bringing a thick needle to the bridge of his nose.

Kors understood everything:

“No, please, don’t do it!” He pleaded. “Please, take it away!”

But Kors didn’t raise his hands to his face to protect himself. He pleaded, but didn’t resist, because he knew it was pointless and would only make things worse. They will end up doing whatever they want with him anyway, because they have the power and he doesn’t. And all the prayers are absolutely in vain. But he was so scared that he couldn’t remain silent, showing weakness. And because of this, he became disgusted with himself.

“Come on, you said you were ready to change,” Nik said very calmly. “You said you wanted to study. You told me that I was a bad student, so let’s see what you are!”

“How long will I have to wear them?” Kors whispered in some attempt to clear up the hopeless situation. Panic washed over him.

“It will be up to you,” Nik said, and drove the needle deep into the bridge of his nose.

Kors was sitting on his bedding, his head bowed low, and now iron shutter glasses were tightly fitting to his eyes.

“Why did I only mess up with you? What for?” He said bitterly.

“Why?” Nik asked. Kors could hear him standing near the table, his bottles clinking a little. “Vitor, answer yourself honestly! Don’t tell me you did it to help your son and bring him into the world of true blacks! You like to fuck with me! That’s all! And in addition, you wanted to get power from the Demon! You just got afraid!”

“I’m not afraid anymore!”

“You are afraid.”

“No, I’m not! I endure everything from you!” Kors shouted in despair.

“Aren’t you used to enduring?”

“No, I’m not!”

“Lucky for you, you got a good fate.”

“It means I deserved it!” Kors straightened his shoulders with some kind of doomed pride and raised his face, turning approximately in the direction from which he heard Nik’s voice.

“Think about it, and don’t forget to ask why you’ve been treated this way now.”

“It’s just that you enjoy torturing me!”

“Would you like to torture us like before?”

“I would like, as before, to love you and take care of my dear boy! Give me back my boy!”

 “Return him,” Nik said, “I don’t mind, take him back.”

“How?! I’m tied and blinded!”

“Don’t know how? Then shut up!”

Kors fell silent, and Nik said:

“Say a word, I’ll pierce your tongue and fasten it. Do you understand?”

Kors nodded convulsively.

He heard Nik coming up to him, shoving a glass into his hand.

“Hold it, drink and relax. We will be loving you.”

“I love you too,” Kors answered him mentally and, taking the offered wine, took a long sip.

Nik and Arel fucked him in turn and at the same time. He could tell them apart, felt Nik’s hands as he squeezed him, and felt the absence of a finger on his hand. Kors really continued to love them and was afraid. But he was more afraid of Arel, because Nik was affectionate with him, and the prince could start fucking him and then hit him. Arel beat him, but still not as hard as before. He could just fuck and then kick him off the bed like a used thing. And Kors, crawling back to his post, endured it. Having played enough, they didn’t leave him alone, but stuffed a long and thick dildo into him like a plug. It was especially painful for Kors if Arel did it. He pushed this thing very roughly and as deep as possible, and Kors had to endure this stick inside for as long as they themselves didn’t use him. But they didn’t take away the coverlet and pillow from him, and he still lay on his soft bedding.

Blinded, he lost track of time, but it seemed like a couple of days have passed. Kors tried to determine the time of day by the loud bird that whistled outside the window only in the morning. Nik didn’t call Verniy, but he took Kors to the bathroom and toilet. He pulled him by the chain, and Kors followed him on all fours, or if Nik was too lazy to get out of bed, he would give Kors a bottle to empty himself. From time to time, Nik made for him the sweet drink of the unclean ones, gave him wine and gave Kors injections. He took care of his natural needs, yes, not too diligently, one might say, so-so, but he did so not out of malice, but simply because he himself was messy and stupid. Nik couldn’t take care of himself properly either. Kors knew his nature too well and was grateful to Nik just for this little thing, realizing that Nik himself was sincerely sure that he was taking good care of Kors. But time passed, and Nik still didn’t release him and didn’t let him go anywhere. Kors obeyed them implicitly. It was hard for him, but he endured, not asking for indulgence. He believed that sooner or later it would end, because they couldn’t stay in this house, in this room forever. On the one hand, they tormented and limited him, and on the other hand, they gave him incredible sensations of pleasure from their caresses. Crazy orgasms overcame all the torment, Kors felt that if Nik told him now, as he once told Arel: “I allow you to come”, Kors would come. He would have come just from his word.

One day, when Kors was lying on his bed, trying not to move, so that the stick inside would not bite into his insides more, and “his boys” were resting on the bed, he heard Nik call out to him in a low voice:


Kors slightly raised his head, turning his face in his direction. He didn’t have the strength to get up and sit down.

He heard Nik get off the bed and sit down next to him.

“Vitor, well, try…”

Kors felt the gentle touch of his lips on his own ones, no longer covered with bandages. Kors felt his soft, always so sweet, as if slightly capriciously poutedlower lip, and the metal of the rings in it. He choked with happiness and the pleasure that flooded over him, answered with all the passion and dared to timidly touch Nik’s face, his scarred cheek, not feeling the usual crack and unevenness of dead skin under his fingers. Kors’ heart pounded wildly. He realized that the treatment, his treatment helped, and Nik was no longer disfigured! How Kors wanted to see him now! To confirm his feelings, he quickly ran his fingers under Nik’s bangs, across her forehead, feeling only smooth skin. And, since Nik didn’t push him away, Kors grew bolder and began feverishly stroking his face with his hands, feeling, bumping only into the piercing in his nose and lip, but no longer feeling the dent from the scar. He wanted to scream and cry with happiness, but Nik forbade him to talk. And, although his tongue was not limited by anything, like Arel’s one in the past, Kors was very obedient without restrictions and screamed only in his thoughts and never aloud. Nik let him stroke his face, he didn’t let him see him, but he let him touch him. Kors began to pull Nik towards him, simultaneously spreading his legs. He wanted Nik to pull the stick out of him and stick his cock in, alive and warm. Nik succumbed, pulled a dildo out of Kors and began to fuck him. With the same passion as Kors gave himself to him, Nik took him. Breathing heavily, he moaned, sometimes his singas he was getting completely carried away. Kors imagined his face, remembering it as handsome as it had been in the Limit. He clung to him, hugging him, and Nik smelled so sweet of death, and even stronger than before. Kors howled and whimpered, it seemed to him that not only sperm would now spring out of him, but all his insides, all his essence, everything would break out of him, from his physical body, through this small hole. He was literally twisting and bursting, it seemed that his cock would not withstand such tension and would burst, tear to shreds, and all of it would splash out on Nik, and, mixed with him, would return back to Kors with incredible pleasure when Nik, hissing, came into him. It was a unity of nonhumans. And after that, Kors felt like had died, left his physical shell, devastated it and gave everything to the Demon to the last drop, and then returned back, filled again, but already with something different, with an alien admixture. And it was fine, and all the humiliations no longer mattered.