The Mighty Quinns: Brian

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The only thing that can bring down a Quinn is a woman…The next Mighty Quinn…Investigative reporter Brian Quinn is known for two things–always getting his story and always getting the girl. Only, this time neither one is cooperating. He's on the trail of a huge political scandal–one that could make his career–but there's one person standing between him and his story. PR specialist Lily Gallagher–the woman he slept with last night…His downfall…Lily Gallagher is very good at putting a positive spin on things. But even she is having trouble making light of the incredible one-night stand she shared with sexy Brian Quinn. Suddenly she can't keep her mind on her job–or off the sexy Irishman. Only, they're working against each other…and every disagreement ends up in the same place–his bed. But how can she complain, when she's never found her work more satisfying…?

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Data dodania do LitRes:
16 maja 2019
210 str. 1 ilustracja
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