How to understand everything

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Opis książki

A book with pictures of how to understand everything for an hour. It will tell you the answers to the most obscure questions of psychology, creation and faith: Who am I? When happiness comes? What is the meaning of life? What does a woman want? How to get all the answers? And even who is the God, and why does He want all of this? - will know who will read.

Szczegółowe informacje
Ograniczenie wiekowe:
Data dodania do LitRes:
26 listopada 2021
Data powstania:
22 str. 9 ilustracji
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Cytaty 11

Coming soon. Mankind came to the time, when it seeks to replace bureaucratic machinery with software algorithms, automate drudgery, use safe and clean forms of energy, and recycle garbage.


The desire to go against instinct and fear to lead a better life shows that animals become smarter when they look at us. And that's great!


It works by forming the conditions of maximum cognition, cutting off the excesses and faceting stone of our soul of the golden measure


3.Height and influence: the higher it is, the less it can be influenced from below


That is, if it is summer, it is no snow, because there are no conditions for it in summer, except for exceptions, which still occur under conditions peculiar to the space: snow still occurs in summer under certain conditions that can be created in the atmosphere. Thus, everything is interconnected and, in one way or another, intrinsic or even sometimes similar in mechanism of realization

5 cytatów więcej

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Вся Истина за час теперь и на английском;)

побалуй свой мозг Тайнами Мироздания..

Дополни свою реальность и расширь горизонты познания..

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