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The Book of the Epic: The World's Great Epics Told in Story

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Odyssey, 17, 18, 40-62, 63, 83, 139, 325, 372, 416, 467

Oechalia, 19

Oedipus, 19

Ogier, 360

Ogier le Danois, 81

Ogygia, 45, 55

O'Hagan, John, 85

Oisianic Poems, 215

Oisin, 215

Olifant, 92, 99

Olindo, 200, 201

Oliver, 86, 89, 90-94, 96, 98, 196, 324

Olives, Mt., 208

Olympian, 26, 77

Olympus, 22, 26, 29, 34, 40, 64, 130

Olympus, Mt., 25, 36, 44, 129

On the Nature of Things, 63

Orestes, 18, 53

Orgoglio, 259, 261

Oriental Princess, 189

O Oriente, 127

Ore, 193

Order, 282

Orlandino, 138

Orlando, 138, 183, 190-192, 194-196

Orlando Furioso, 138, 189

Orlando Innamorato, 138, 189

Orlandos, The, 189-197

Ormsby, 113

Ormudz, 412

Os Lusiades, 127-129

Osman, 393

Ossian, 215

Otfried, 323

Otnit, 325

Oude, 416, 420, 423, 424, 429

Ourique, 131

Ovid, 142


Padua, 197

Palamon and Arcite, 220

Palestine, 211, 290, 347

Palinurus, 72

Palladium, 18

Pallas, 26, 41, 45, 76, 78, 79, 80

Palmerina D'Inglaterra, 127, 221

Palmotitch, 393

Pandavas, 434, 445

Pandavs, 434-447

Pandemonium, 291

Pandu, 433, 434

Panipat, 440

Paolo, 143

Papal Chair, 174

Paradise, 90, 97, 140, 141, 173, 176-189, 205, 294-296, 302-304,

308-311, 313, 322, 401, 430, 446

Paradise Lost, 139, 217, 288-313, 356

Paradise Regained, 213-222

Paridell, Sir, 272, 273

Paris, 17, 18, 20-25, 27-29, 33, 38, 143

Paris City, 192, 197

Parthian, 319

Parvans, 431

Parzifal, 326, 349-354, 361

Pasiphae, 173

Passau, 338

Pastorella, 287, 288

Pathfinder, 467

Patrick, St., 214, 215

Patroclus, 30, 32-36, 39, 42

Paul, St., 174

Peccata (P.), 166-172

Peirian, 175

Peleus, 17, 20, 21, 40

Pelleas and Ettarre, 229, 240

Pelles, 236, 352

Pellerwoinen, 374

Pellias, 234

Penelope, 18, 40-42, 44, 56, 58, 60-62

Pelican, 185

Penthesilea, 18

Perceval, 82, 229

Percival, 352, 355

Perfect One, The, 113, 115

Pergamus, 26

Pericles, 218

Pero Mudo, 124

Persepolis, 400

Persia, 125, 319, 398, 399, 401, 407, 408, 412

Persian, 393, 398, 465

Persian Consort, 394

Persian Epic, 398

Persians, 401

Peter the Cruel, 132

Peter the Hermit, 198, 208

Peter, St., 125, 126, 166, 185, 186, 188

Peter Damian, St., 184

Petöfi, 392

Petrarch, 138

Phaeacia, 45, 55

Phaeacian, 45, 47, 53, 55

Phaedria, 265, 268

Phaeton, 151

Pharos, 44

Pharsalia, 63

Philip II., 282

Philip IV. of France, 170

Philip of Macedon, 318

Philips, Stephen, 222

Philoctetes, 18

Philosophy, 169

Phlegethon, 147

Phlegyas, 145

Phoebus, 60

Piccarda, 172, 177

Pilgrim, 468

Pilgrin, Bishop, 338, 340, 316

Pioneers, 467

Piran-Wisa, 412

Pirate, 467

Pisa, 157

Pisistratus, 17

Plautus, 171

Pleasure, 264

Pluto, 61

Plutus, 144

Poe, 467

Poema del Cid, 107-126

Pohyola, 383

Poland, 393

Polar Star, 134

Poles, 393

Polyolbion, 220

Polyphemus, 48-50

Pompey, 63

Ponemah, 468

Pope, 21, 41, 110, 220

Portugade, 128

Portugal, 112, 127, 129, 131, 133, 135, 136

Portuguese, 129, 130, 131, 133, 135, 136

Portuguese Epics, 127-136

Portuguese Literature, 127

Pot of Basil, 221

Poverty, 180

Powers, 177, 180, 187

Prairie, 467

Prakrit, 415

Pramnian, 51

Priam, 18, 23, 24, 29, 37, 39, 40, 68, 84, 218

Pride, 257

Primum Mobile, 186

Prince Arthur, 261, 267, 269, 270, 271, 277, 278

Princedoms, 177, 179, 187

Priscilla, 285

Prometheus Unbound, 221

Promised Land, 311

Prophet, 394

Prose Epic, 243

Proteus, 44, 278

Provençal, 137, 180

Provence, 216

Providence, 313

Prudence, 160, 174, 263

Ptolomea, 158

Publius Terentius Varro, 63

Pucelle, La, 84

Pulci, 85, 138, 189

Punic War, 63

Purana, 415

Purgatory, 137, 140, 141, 160-176, 184

Purgatory, Mt., 160, 161

Puritans, 465

Pushkin, 372

Pygmalion, 170

Pyle, Howard, 230, 243

Pylos, 42

Pyrenees, 85, 87, 99


Quatre Fils d'Aymon, Les, 81, 82

Queen Mab, 215

Queen of Heaven, 185, 188

Queen of Night, 258

Quest for the Holy Grail, 107, 218, 230, 239, 240, 241, 352, 354, 355

Quest of the Sangreall, 222

Quiloa, 129, 135

Quintus Curtius, 63

Quintus Smyrnaeus, 19


Rachel, 173, 188

Radigonde, 281, 286

Raghuvamça, 415

Ragnar Lodbrog, 361

Ragnarsdrapa, 361

Rahab, 180

Rakshasas, 424

Rakush, 404-407, 411, 414

Rama, 415, 416, 418-431

Ramayana, 415, 416-431, 439

Ram Charit Manas, 415, 431

Ramona, 467

Raoul de Cambrai, 81

Raphael, St., 297, 298, 300-303

Rape of the Lock, 221

Ravana, 415, 417, 424-429

Raymond Béranger, 179, 206

Rebecca, 188

Red Cross Knight, 256-264, 270

Redeemer, 213, 214, 306, 309

Red Handed, 264

Reformation, 327

Regin, 364, 365, 366

Reinecke Fuchs, 327, 356-359

Religion, 262

Renaud de Montauban, 190, 199

Renaissance, 138

Revelations, 174, 396

Revolt of Islam, The, 221

Revolutionary, 466

Reynard the Fox, 137, 356-359, 360

Rhapsodist, 17

Rhesus, 31

Rhine, 214, 328, 329, 330, 332, 337, 341, 365

Rhodes, 20

Ricciardetto, 139, 197

Richard Coeur de Lion, 219

Richard, King, 251, 252, 253

Richard of the Lee, Sir, 249

Righteousness, 354

Rinaldo, 138, 190-194, 196, 197, 199, 204, 206, 207, 209-211, 213

Rip van Winkle, 467

River God, 37

River of Death, 381-384

Robert de Borron, 230

Robert of Naples, 179

Robin Hood, 243-255

Roderick, the Last of the Goths, 221

Rodomont, 192, 194, 195, 197

Rodrigo Diaz de Bivar (the Cid), 108, 109, 110, 113, 115, 117

Rogero, 192-196

Roland, 84-100, 107, 138, 156, 189, 216, 324, 325

Roland Insane, 138

Rolandseek, 325

Rolandslied, 324

Romance of Beni Hilâl, 398

Romagna, 155

Roman, 63, 131, 315, 319

Roman Commonwealth, 465

Roman d'Alexandre, 19, 83

Roman d'Aventure, 221

Roman de la Rose, 84, 137

Roman de Rou, 84

Roman de Thèbes, 83

Roman de Troie, 19, 83

Roman du Renard, 83

Roman Empire, 320

Roman History, 179

Roman Literature, 64

Romance of Antar, 398

Romans, 64, 214, 320, 323

Rome, 63, 65, 74, 76, 80, 140, 149, 168, 169, 174, 197, 198, 320

Romeo, 403

Romesh Dutt, 416, 435

Romulus, 65, 74

Roncesvalles, 87

Roncevaux, 87, 89, 91, 98, 156, 324

Ronsard, 84

Rose, 177, 187

Rosengarten, Der, 326

Rother, 325

Round Table, 107, 216, 229, 234, 239, 241

Rudaveh, 403, 404

Ruddy Main, 264

Rudiger, 337, 338, 340, 342-345

Rufo, 108

Rufus, 63

Ruksh, 411

Rumanian Literature, 393

Ruslan and Lyudmila, 372

Russia, 372, 373

Russian Epics, 372, 373

Rustem, 404-411, 413, 414

Rustum, 409, 411

Ruth, 188, 396

Rutules, 76, 77

Ryenee, 269


Saavedra, 108

Sabines, 76, 179

Sabula, Mt., 426

Samson, 393

Sachs, Hans, 326

Sack of Troy, 18

Sacred Mysteries, 354

Sacripant, 192

Saemunt the Wise, 361

St. Gall, 324

Sakuntala, 431-432

Saladin, 199

Salem, 201

Salisbury Plain, 231

Salve Regina, 164

Sampo, 372, 373, 379, 380, 381, 383, 388, 389

Sanchos, 131

Sanglier, Sir, 279

Sangreal, 352

Sanhedrim, 154

San Pedro de Cardena, 114, 119, 126

Sanscrit, 431

Sansfoi, 257, 258

Sansjoi, 258

Sansloi, 260

Santarem, 128

Sapia, 168

Saracens 85-87, 89-91, 94, 96-100, 105, 194-196, 202, 279, 282, 348

Saragossa, 85, 87, 89, 96, 98, 99, 115

Sarah, 188

Sarpedon, 33, 34

Sarras, 229, 348, 353, 355

Satan, 144, 159, 160, 230, 288-301, 303, 304, 306, 307, 308,

312-322, 347, 395, 417

Satrughna, 418

Saturn, 75, 176, 184

Satyavan, 451-454

Satyrane, Sir, 260, 261, 272, 273, 275

Saul, 167

Saviour, 315

Savitri, 439, 451-454

Saxon, 222, 231

Saxony, 329

Scandinavian, 360-362

Scandinavian Epics, 360-391

Scarlet Letter, 467

Scarlet, Will, 247, 251, 254

Scean Gate, 27, 28, 32

Schiller, 85, 327, 392

Scorn, 286

Scotch, 215

Scotland, 192, 214, 215

Scots, 214, 257

Scott, 221

Scriptures, 217

Scudamore, Sir, 273-276

Scudéri, 84

Scyldings, 226

Scylla, 53, 54, 70

Scythian, 319

Sea of Gluttony, 265

Sebastian, 129

Seer of Patmos, 896

Seistan, 414

Semele, 184

Semiramis, 143

Seraphim, 177, 186

Serena, Lady, 285, 286, 287

Serpent King, 400, 403

Servia, 393

Servian, 393

Sette Giornate del Mundo Creato, 138

Seven Branched Candlestick, 353


Seven Deadly Sins, 354

Seven Kings before Thèbes, 19

Severin, St., 99

Seville, 118, 133

Shah-Nameh, 398-414

Shah of Persia, 399

Shakespeare, 83, 219, 327

Shakespeariana, 230

Shelley, 221

Sheriff, 243, 245, 246, 249, 252

Sherwood Forest, 248, 250, 254

Shield of Heracles, 19

Siawush, 411, 412

Siberia, 372

Sibyl, 73, 74, 146

Sicily, 70, 137, 162

Sidney, Sir Philip, 283

Siege Perilous, 234, 241, 348, 351, 352

Siegfried, 329-338, 341, 345

Siegmund, 329, 337

Siennese, 168

Sigfried, 323

Siggier, 362, 363

Sigmund, 225, 362, 363, 364

Signy, 362-364

Sigurd, 364-371

Sigurd the Volsung, 362-371

Silence, 193

Silius Italicus, 63

Simeon, 317

Simon, 316

Simurgh, 402, 404, 407, 410, 413

Sin, 291, 307, 308, 312, 314

Sinai, Mt., 311

Sinfiotli, 363, 364

Singer of Paradise, 398

Sinon, 18, 67, 156

Sirens, 53, 54, 136, 169

Sishih, 457

Sita, 420-430

Siva, 415, 419, 420, 439

Skalds, 361

Sketch Book, 467

Skeleton in Armor, 467

Skiold, 222

Slander, 84, 278, 283

Sleep, 33, 34, 266

Sleipnir, 364

Snorro Edda, 361

Snorro Sturleson, 361

Socrates, 318

Sodom, 173, 308

Sofonisba, 138

Soldan, 281, 282

Solomon, 181, 279, 317, 355

Solon, 179

Solyman, 206, 207, 213

Somnus, 38

Son of God, 292, 293, 301, 302

Song of Igor's Band, 372

Song of Songs, 396

Song of the Crusade Against the Albigenses, 83

Song of the Nibelungs, 328

Song of Roland, 84-101, 189

Son of Man, 230

Sophronia, 200, 201

Sorab, 407-411

Sorab and Rustem, 323

Sordello, 137, 164, 165

Sorlin, St., 84

Sorrento, 197

Southern Cross, 134, 160

Southey, 221

Spain, 85-89, 96-99, 107, 108, 125, 127, 133, 191, 282, 348

Spanish, 349

Spanish Ballads, 221

Spanish Literature, 107

Spanish Epics, 107-126

Sparta, 21, 43, 44

Spartan, 24

Spenser, 139, 220, 255, 287

Sphinx, 322

Spirit of Evil, 385, 388

Spirit of Solitude, 221

Spirit of the Cape, 134

Spiritual Pride, 261

Squire of Dames, 272, 273, 275

Squire of Low Degree, 220

Star of Bethlehem, 315

Stasimus of Cyprus, 17

Statius, 63, 170, 171, 172, 174, 176

Steinthal, 373

Stentor, 26

Stephen, 169

Story of Apollonius of Tyre, 218

Story of Bimini, 221

Strage degl' Innocenti, La, 139

Stupidity, 259

Stately, Will, 245

Sugriva, 426, 427

Stygian Lake, 77

Styx, 145, 146

Sun, 52, 54, 176, 180

Suomi, 378, 391

Superstition, 259

Suttee, 434

Swamp-land, 390

Swanhild, 371

Swan Road, 224

Swayamvara, 433, 448

Sweden, 222, 360

Swedish, 360

Swinburne, 221, 230

Swiss, 392

Switzerland, 214, 392

Sylvia, 76

Syrian, 203, 397


Tagus, 121

Taillefer, 85

Tales for Children, 216

Tales of a Wayside Inn, 467

Taliessin, 216

Talus, 279, 281-283

Tamineh, 407, 408

Tancred, 199, 202, 204, 205, 206, 208, 209, 212

Tantalus, 266

Tarncappe, 331

Tarpeian Rock, 320

Tartar, 404, 408, 412

Tartarus, 29, 53, 74, 291, 296, 299

Tasso, 138, 197, 198, 372, 393

Taylor, Bayard, 464

Tebar, 115

Tegner, 360

Telegonia, 18

Telegonus, 18

Telemachia, 18

Telemachus, 18, 41-44, 55-60, 84

Télémaque, 18, 84

Tell, William, 327, 392

Temperance, 160, 263

Templars, 348

Temple, 169, 213, 322

Tennyson, 221, 230, 235, 236, 240, 326

Tenth Muse, 465

Tenth Ocean, 385

Ten Tribes, 320

Terence, 171

Testament, 178

Teucer, 30, 34, 74

Teutonic, 217, 323, 325, 392

Thais, 151

Thalaba, 221

Thames, 278

Thebais, 19, 63, 83

Theban Cycle, 19

Thèbes, 63, 149

Theodoric, 323, 328

Theogony, 19

Théroulde, 84, 101

Thersites, 23

Theseus, 147

Thesprotia, 18

Thessaly, 20

The Thousand Tales, 398

Thetis, 17, 20, 21, 22, 35, 36

Thidrekssaga, 361

Thirty Years' War, 327

Thomas, St., 136, 180, 181

Thomas Aquinas, St., 180

Thousand and One Nights, 394

Thracian, 69

Thrones, 177, 184, 187

Thuringian Chronicle, 327

Tiber, 73, 75, 76, 77, 78, 168

Tiberius, 320

Tiera, 385

Timias, 261, 277, 278, 285, 286

Tintagel, Castle of, 241

Tiresias, 52, 53, 61

Titan, 135

Titurel, 348, 349, 350, 351, 353

Titus, 347

Tizona, 122

Tobosa, 110

Toldi, 393

Toledo, 111, 112, 116, 123

Topelius, Zacharias, 372, 373

Topsy-Turvy Land, 105

Torelore, 105

Tories, 466

Toro, 110

Torquato Tasso, 138, 197, 198, 372, 393

Tortosa, 198

Toru Dutt, 455

Tous, 399

Trajan, 166

Tramtris, 237

Trask, Mrs., 222

Triamond, 275

Trij, 402

Trinacria, 52, 53, 54

Trinity, 177

Trissino, 138

Tristan, 82, 107, 143

Tristan and Isolde, 326

Tristram, 238, 239, 240, 284, 285, 392

Tristram and Iseult, 220, 221, 237

Triune Divinity, 186

Troilus and Cressida, 220

Trojan, 24, 30, 31, 64-67, 69, 72, 77, 80, 84, 183

Trojan Cycle, 17, 392

Trojans, 18, 21, 26-30, 32-35, 37, 39, 47, 69, 70, 71, 73, 75-79, 156

Trojan War, 74, 220

Tronje, 329

Troubadours, 81

Trouvères, 81, 229, 346

Troy, 19, 20, 22-24, 27-29, 33, 34, 36, 40-43, 47, 53, 63, 64-66,

68, 84, 137, 218, 219

Trumbull, 465, 467

Truth, 169, 256

Tuck, Friar, 248, 249

Tudela, 83

Tulsi Das, 415, 431

Tuoni-bear, 384

Turkey, 394

Turkish Literature, 393

Turks, 392, 393

Turnus, 75-80

Turoldus, 84

Turpin, Archbishop, 90-92, 95, 96, 98

Turpine, Sir, 281, 286

Tursus, 375

Tydides, 31

Tyre, 65, 218

Tyrian, 65, 71


Ugolino de' Gherardeschi, Count, 157-158

Ukko, 375, 380, 389

Ulster, 215

Ulysses, 18, 23, 24, 30-33, 40-62, 70, 84, 155, 169, 222

Una, 256, 257, 259-263

Under King Constantine, 222

Uriel, 293-295, 300

Usk, 234

Uther, 229, 232

Uther and Igerne, 229, 231

Uther Pendragon, 231, 232, 234

Uz, 395


Valhall, 369

Valence, Count of, 102

Valencia, 116-126

Valerius Flaccus, 63

Valkyr, 367

Valley of Roncevaux, 87, 89, 91, 98

Vallombroso 194, 289

Válmikí, 416, 429, 430

Varro, 63, 171

Vasco da Gama, 127-136

Veillantif, 88

Vellido Dolfos, 111

Velasco, 108

Venice, 137, 152

Venus, 20, 23-26, 39, 64, 65, 66, 68, 70, 76, 78, 80, 129, 130, 135,

136, 139, 176, 179

Veronica, St., 347

Vespasian, 347

Vestal, 64

Victor Hugo, 84

Victorian, 221

Vidura, 433

Vienna, 338

Viking, 217, 364

Virgil, 63, 64, 140-160

Virgin, 185, 188, 199

Viriagus, 131

Virtues, 177, 182, 187

Vishnu, 416, 417, 418, 419, 446

Vision of Columbus, 466

Vision of Sir Launfal, 467

Visions of Judgment, 323

Vivien, 101, 229, 241

Vladimir, 373

Vogelweide, 326, 328

Volker, 341, 342, 343, 345

Volksbücher, 327

Volscian, 76, 77

Volsung, 362, 363, 364

Volsunga, 361

Volsunga Saga, 362-371

Voltaire, 84

Vondel, 356

Vörösmarty, 393

Vortigern, 229, 230, 231

Vosges Mountains, 324

Vulcan, 22, 35, 36, 47, 76

Vyasa, 431, 433, 436, 444, 446, 449


Wace, 84, 218, 219

Wackerlos the Lapdog, 356

Wagner, 230, 327, 352, 362

Wagner's Trilogy, 361

Wainamoinen, 374-384, 386, 388-391

Wainola, 390

Waldhere, 217

Wales, 214, 216, 218

Walter of Aquitaine, 217

Walter Map, 218

Walther von Aquitanien, 323, 324

Walther von der Vogelweide, 326, 328

Wandering Jew, 327

Warner, William, 220

War of the Roses, 220

War of Troy, 17

Water of Life, 420

Wealth, 265, 439

Wealtheow, 225

Weber, 83

Welsh, 216, 240

West, 214

Western Asia, 392

Western Europe, 394

Western Sea, 160

Westwood, Thomas, 222

White Aster, 456-463

White Demon, 406

White Man, 468

Whitsuntide, 356

Whittier, 467

Wieland, 83, 327

Wigglesworth, Michael, 465

Wiglaf, 228

Wipunen, 382

Wissant Bay, 92

Wolf-Dietrich, 325

Wolfram von Eschenbach, 219, 230, 326, 328, 352

Wonders of the East, 218

Worms, 328, 329, 330, 333, 336, 337, 339, 346

Wrath, 257

Wreck of the Hesperus, 467

Wulfstan, 218

Wülpensand, 326


Xanten, 329, 333

Xanthus River, 37

Xerxes, 179

Ximena, 107, 108, 114, 116, 120, 126


Yale, 464

Yama, 453, 454

Youkahainen, 374, 376-379

Younger Edda, 361

Yudhishthira, 438, 442, 443


Zal, 402-405, 411, 413, 414

Zamorin, 135, 136

Zamorra, 110, 111, 112

Zealand, 325

Zephon, 295, 296

Zeus, 22

Zhukovski, 372

Zohak, 400, 401

Zopher, 396

Zrinyi, 392