Pädagogik bei Autismus

Eine Einführung
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This book examines autism from the point of view of the strengths the condition confers, but without disregarding the challenges that autistic behavior poses for the surrounding world. The volume starts with an introduction on the history of treating with autism, before going on to outline the current understanding of the condition, always focusing on viewing the problem sympathetically. Moving on from there to educational practice, the book first discusses the guiding principles of contemporary remedial and special education, as well as work with the disabled. Central issues in educational work are then addressed, with topics ranging from early assistance and preschool teaching, school and classroom work, to adult education, vocational training, employment and housing.

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Ograniczenie wiekowe:
Kohlhammer Verlag
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Mieke Sagrauske "Pädagogik bei Autismus" – pobierz epub, mobi, pdf lub przeczytaj online. Zamieszczaj komentarze, recenzje i głosuj na swoje ulubione.


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