I Do…

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Chapter Eight

Julia stepped into the afternoon light and put on her sunglasses, more to hide the unshed tears welling in her eyes than for sun protection.

Frank Davis, her attorney, took her elbow to guide her down the steps of the county courthouse. They’d spent the past two hours in a heated session with Jeff, his parents and their lawyer. She couldn’t believe how much information they’d dug up, from the details of her finances, including the business loan that had yet to be approved, to her credit history. Thanks to a loser boyfriend who’d stolen her bank-account information, her credit was spotty, at best.

They knew all of the dead-end jobs she’d had over the years, including those she’d been fired from or quit without notice, and had a detailed record of her habit of moving from city to city for short periods of time.

They’d brought in statements from one of her ex-boyfriends and a former employer stating she was flighty and irresponsible. Her old boss even said that she’d threatened to set fire to her hair salon. No one mentioned the woman had skimmed Julia’s paycheck without her knowledge for over nine months after she’d discovered Julia’s learning disabilities. Torching the place had been an idle threat, of course, but it hadn’t sounded that way today.

“They made me seem crazy,” she muttered.

Frank clucked softly. “It’s all right, darlin’. A lot of mamas in the South are a bit touched. No one around here’s gonna hold that against you.” He checked his watch. “I got a tee time with some of the boys at one. Give me a call tomorrow and we’ll plan our next move.” He leaned in and planted a fatherly kiss on her cheek, then moved toward his vintage Cadillac parked at the curb.

Frank had known her since she’d been in diapers. He’d been one of her father’s fraternity brothers in college. Not for the first time, she questioned the wisdom of hiring him to represent her. It was no secret Frank was close to retirement, and from what Julia could tell, he spent more time on the golf course and fishing with his friends than in his office or working on cases.

Lexi Preston might look like a pussycat, but she was an absolute shark. From her guilty expression every time they made eye contact, Julia knew Lexi was the one who’d researched her so thoroughly. Julia would have admired her skills if they hadn’t been directed at her.

She glanced toward the courthouse entrance. Jeff and his parents could come out at any minute and she didn’t want them to see her alone and on the verge of a breakdown. She wished now that she’d let her mother or Lainey come with her today.

She turned to make her way to her car and came face-to-face with Sam.

“Hey,” he said softly and drew the sunglasses off her nose, his eyes studying hers as if he could read what she was thinking. “How did things go today?”

“I told you not to come,” she said on a shaky breath.

“I don’t take direction well.” He folded her glasses and pulled her into a tight embrace. “It’s okay, honey. Whatever happened, we can make it better.”

She tried to pull away but he didn’t let her go. After a moment, she sagged against him, burying her face in the fabric of his uniform shirt.

As his palm drew circles on her back, her tears flowed freely. She gulped in ragged breaths. “So awful,” she said around sobs. “They made me seem so awful.”

“I don’t believe that,” he said against her ear. “Anyone who knows you knows you’re a fantastic mother.”

“What if they take him from me?”

“We’re not going to let that happen. Not a snowball’s chance.”

Julia wiped her eyes. “They’re going to come out any minute. Jeff can’t see me like this.”

“My truck’s right here.” Sam looped one arm around her shoulders, leading her away from the courthouse steps. He opened the passenger door of his truck then came around and climbed in himself. He started the engine but didn’t make a move to drive off.

Julia kept her face covered with her hands and worked to control her breathing.

“Is that him?” Sam asked after a minute.

Julia peeked through her fingers as Jeff, his parents and the attorney walked out of the courthouse. Shading his eyes with one hand, Jeff scanned the area.

“He’s looking for me so he can gloat.” Julia sank down lower in the seat. “Jerk,” she mumbled.

The group came down the steps.

“They’re heading right for us.”

“Sit up,” Sam ordered, and she immediately straightened. “Smile and lean over to kiss me when they come by.”

The urge to duck was huge, but Julia made her mouth turn up at the ends. “Here goes,” she whispered as Jeff led the group closer, his father clapping him hard on the back. She waited until he noticed her through the windshield then leaned over and cupped Sam’s jaw between her hands. She gave him a gentle kiss and pressed her forehead against his.

“That a girl,” he told her. “Don’t give him the satisfaction of seeing you upset.”

“I can do this,” she said, and Sam kissed her again.

“They’ve passed.”

Julia stayed pressed against him for another moment before moving away. She leaned against the seat back in order to see out the side-view mirror. Jeff and his parents headed away, but Lexi trailed behind the group, looking over her shoulder every few steps.

“This isn’t going to work.”

“Yes, it is.”

She shook her head. “I told you before, I made a lot of stupid decisions in my life. It’s like they’ve uncovered every single one of them to use against me.”

“Did you kill someone?”

Her head whipped toward him. “Of course not.”

“Armed robbery?”


“Do you know how many people I meet in the course of my job who do bad things every day? Their kids are rarely taken away.”

“Maybe they should be,” she suggested, too unsettled to be comforted. “Maybe if they had people with buckets of money and tons of power going after them, they’d lose their babies.”

He wrapped his fingers around hers. “You aren’t going to lose Charlie. Stop thinking like that.”

“You don’t know, Sam. You weren’t in that room.”

“A mistake I don’t intend to repeat. I should have been there with you. For you.”

The tenderness in his voice touched a place deep within her: an intimate, open well of emotion she’d locked the lid to many years ago. She wanted to believe in him, to trust that he could protect her the way she’d never been willing to protect herself or even believed she deserved. The part of her who’d been hurt too many times in the past wanted to run.

She excelled at running away. She’d practically perfected it as an art.

That was what she’d been thinking in the courthouse. People disappeared all the time with no trace. She’d wanted to slip out of that room, gather up Charlie and whatever would fit in her trunk and drive away from the threat looming over her. She could cut hair anywhere. Why not start over in a place where no one knew her or her insecurities or all the ways she didn’t measure up? She had friends around the country who’d help her if she asked.

The weight of trying to make a new life in a place that was as familiar to her as a worn blanket seemed too heavy. Of course trouble had followed her to Brevia. This was where it had started in the first place.

Sam’s faith had made her feel as though things could work out, the same way Charlie’s birth had renewed her hope in herself and her desire to really try.

What was the use? This morning was a cold, harsh dose of reality and she didn’t like it.

“Stop it,” he said quietly. “Whatever’s going through your mind right now, put it out. It’s not going to do you or Charlie any good for you to give up.”

Because she couldn’t help it, she met his gaze again. “I’m scared, Sam.” A miserable groan escaped her lips. “I’m terrified they’re going to take my baby and I won’t be able to stop them.”

“We’re going to stop them.” He took her hand. “What did Frank say?”

“That all Southern women were crazy, so it wouldn’t be an issue, and he needed to make his tee time and we’d talk tomorrow.”

“Tell me what happened in there.”

“I can’t.” She bit her lip again and tasted blood on her tongue. “I put my mistakes behind me. Or I thought I did. Their attorney knew things about my past I hadn’t even told Jeff. They went after my character and I had nothing to offer in my defense. Nothing as bad as me killing someone, although the urge to wipe the smug smile off of Maria Johnson’s face was almost overwhelming. They made me seem unstable and irresponsible. Two things I can’t afford if I’m going to keep sole custody of Charlie.”

“Then we’ll come up with something.”

“This isn’t your problem, Sam.”

“Hell, yes, it’s my problem. You’re my fiancée.”

The lunacy of that statement actually made her laugh. “Your fake fiancée. Not the same thing.”

“For the purposes of your custody case it is. You’re not alone, Julia. We both get something out of this arrangement. My dad has talked about heading back home before the wedding. That’s huge for me. Dinner was a big success. It’s my turn to repay you.”

Sam knew there was more to his interest in her case than wanting to repay her. Yes, his dad had backed off, but it was more than that. Sam cared about Julia and Charlie, about keeping them safe. No one should be able to make her feel this bad about herself. He also knew it was dangerous territory for him. He’d let his heart lead him before, with disastrous results.


His father might be the king of emotional diarrhea these days, but Sam remembered clearly the months after his mother’s death. He’d fixed lunches for his little brother, made sure they both had baths at night and taken money out of his dad’s wallet to buy groceries on his way home from school. He’d walked a mile out of his way once a week so no one at the local grocery would recognize him and be concerned. When he wasn’t at work, his father had sat in the darkened living room, paging through photo albums, a glass of amber-colored liquid in his hand.

That was what loving someone too much could do to a man. Sam had learned early on he wasn’t going to make that mistake. When he’d caught his brother, Scott, with his ex-fiancée, he’d been angry and embarrassed, but mainly numb.

When he’d broken off the engagement, Jenny had told him the entire situation was his fault. He’d been too cold and distant. She wanted to be with a man who could feel passion. She’d thought seeing her with someone else would awaken Sam’s passion. Talk about crazy, and she wasn’t even Southern.

He’d known he didn’t have any more to give her or any woman. Even though his pattern of dating hadn’t been deliberate, the look a woman sometimes got in her eye after a couple of dates scared him. The look said “I want something more.” She wanted to talk about her feelings. Sam felt sick thinking about it.

As far as he was concerned, a pretend engagement suited him fine. He cared about Julia and he wanted to help her, but their arrangement was clear. He didn’t have to give more of himself than he was able to, and she wasn’t going to expect anything else.

“Jeff asked me to marry him,” she said, breaking his reverie.

“During the mediation?” he asked, sure he must have heard her wrong.

She shook her head. “Last night. He came to my apartment.”

Sam felt his blood pressure skyrocket. “You let him in? What were you thinking?” Especially since Sam had practically had to hold himself back from making the short drive to her apartment. He’d had a long day at work, and as he was pulling into his driveway, he’d realized how much he didn’t want to be alone in his quiet house. He’d resisted the urge, telling himself that he shouldn’t get too attached to Julia or her son. They had boundaries and he was a stickler for the rules. Now to find out that her creep of an ex-boyfriend had been there?

“He came crawling back.” Sam kept his tone casual. Inside, his emotions were in turmoil. This was the guy she’d wanted to marry so badly. What if she still carried a torch for him? He’d obviously been an idiot to let her go once. If he came back now, trying to rekindle a romance and wanting to be a real family, would Julia consider taking him back? That thought hit Sam straight in the gut. “What did you say?”

She studied him for a moment. “He didn’t quite come crawling. More like trumpeting his own horn. He told me the reason they’re coming after Charlie is because his parents want an heir to the family business.”

“They’ve got a son. Let him take over.”

“Not his deal, and Jeff isn’t going to have other children. He’s made sure of that. Although it’s crazy to think they could start grooming a mere toddler. No wonder Jeff has so many issues. If only I’d been smart enough to see it when we were together. You know what the strange part of this is? No one in Jeff’s family has tried to get to know Charlie. It’s like they want him on paper but they don’t care about having a grandson. I want him to know their family if they have a real interest in him. But I saw how Jeff suffered from being a pawn in his parents’ power games. I can’t let the same thing happen to Charlie.”

He held her hand, his brilliant blue eyes warm with emotion. “Your son needs you. He needs you to fight for him.”

She nodded and wiped at her nose.

“What you need is a plan of defense. You flaked on some jobs. It happens.”

“There’s a reason,” she mumbled, almost reluctantly.

“A reason that will explain it away?”

She shrugged and shook free from his hand, adjusting the vents to the air-conditioning as a way to keep her fingers occupied. “I have severe learning disabilities.”

When he didn’t respond she continued, “I’ve been keeping it a secret since I was a kid. It’s a neurobiological disorder, both visual and auditory. Only my family and a few teachers knew, and I kept it from them for as long as I could. Everyone else assumed I was lazy or didn’t care.”

“Why would you hide that?”

“You have no idea what it’s like, how much shame and embarrassment is involved. To people who’ve never dealt with it, it seems cut-and-dried. It’s not.” Her hands clenched into fists as she struggled with her next words. “I’m a good mimic and my bad attitude served me well as a way to keep everyone from digging too much. I got by okay, but I can barely read. Numbers on a page are a puzzle.”

“All those books on your shelf...”

“I’m nothing if not determined. I’ll get through them someday. Right now, I’m working with a literacy specialist. They have a lot of methods that weren’t available when I was in school. But it never gets easier. For years, I tried so hard in school but people thought I was a total slacker. Ditzy blonde cheerleader with no brain. A lot of the time that’s how it felt. Once I was out on my own, I hid it as best I could. People can take advantage of me pretty easily when it comes to contracts or finances. And that’s what happened. A number of times. It always seemed easier to just move on rather than to fight them.”

“Every time someone got wind of it, you left.”

She nodded. “It was cowardly but I don’t want to be treated like I’m stupid. Although, looking back, I acted pretty dumb most of the time. Especially when it came to boyfriends. I trusted Jeff. He never let me forget it.”

“That you had a learning disability?”

“That I’m just a pretty face. The blond hair and long legs. When I told him I was pregnant, he told me that once my looks faded I wouldn’t have anything left to offer.”

“He’s a real piece of work.” Sam couldn’t believe how angry he was. At her idiot ex-boyfriend and all the others who took advantage of her. But also with Julia. Watching her, Sam could tell she believed the garbage people had fed her over the years. He threw the truck into gear, not wanting to lose his temper. “Where’s your car?”

“Around the corner.” She pointed then shifted in her seat. “Thanks for coming today, Sam. I was a mess after the mediation. You helped.”

“I could have helped more if you’d let me be in there with you.” He pulled out from the curb and turned onto the next street. Her car was parked a few spaces down.

“Maybe next time,” she said quietly. She reached for the door handle but he took her arm.

“You have a lot more to offer than looks. Any guy who can’t see that is either blind or an enormous jackass.” He kept his gaze out the front window, afraid of giving away too much if he looked at her.


He heard the catch in her voice and released her. After she’d shut the door, he rolled down the window. “The Mardi Gras Carnival is tonight. I’ll pick you and Charlie up at five.”

“I’m beat. I wasn’t planning on going.”

“I’ll pick you up at five. You need to take your mind off this, and it’s a good place for us to be seen together.”

Her chest rose and fell. “Fine. We’ll be ready.”

After she’d gotten into her car, Sam pulled away. Although the air was hot for mid-March, he shut the windows. Julia’s scent hovered in the truck’s cab. Sam wanted to keep it with him as long as he could.

He’d meant what he said about taking her mind off today. As police chief, he was obligated to make an appearance at town events, but he looked forward to tonight knowing he’d have Julia and Charlie with him.

Chapter Nine

Julia dabbed on a bit of lip gloss just as the doorbell rang. She picked up Charlie, who was petting Casper through the wire crate.

“Let’s go.”

“’Bye, doggy.”

Casper whined softly.

“We’ll be back soon,” Julia told him. The doorbell rang again. “Coming,” she called.

She grabbed the diaper bag off the table and opened the front door, adjusting her short, flowing minidress as she did.

“We’re ready.”

“Sammy,” Charlie said, bouncing up and down in her arms.

“Hey, bud.” Sam held out his hands and Charlie dived forward.

Julia worried for a moment about Charlie bonding so quickly with Sam. In a way it worked to their advantage, at least as their pretend engagement went. But she had concerns about Charlie’s clear affection for Sam. She didn’t want her son to be hurt once their time together ended.

“You don’t have to take him.”

“My pleasure.” Sam looked her over from head to toe then whistled softly. “You look amazing.”

Julia felt a blush creep up her cheeks. “You, too.”

It was true. Tonight he wore a light polo shirt and dark blue jeans. His hair was still longer and her fingers pulsed as she thought about running them through the ends. He hadn’t shaved, and the dusting of short whiskers along his jaw made him look wilder than he normally did as police chief.

It excited her more than she cared to admit. She hadn’t been on a real date in over two years. This wasn’t real, she reminded herself. This was showing off for the town, convincing people their relationship was genuine.

Not that being in this relationship had helped her earlier. She’d barely said two words in her own defense as the Johnsons’ attorney had put forward more and more information about her deficiencies as a person and how they might be detrimental to raising her son.

The mediator, an older woman who was all business, hadn’t said much, nodding as she took in everything and occasionally looking over her glasses to stare at Julia.

Sam was right. She needed to get her mind off the custody case. So what if this night wasn’t a real date and Sam wasn’t her real boyfriend? It wouldn’t stop her from enjoying herself.

Because of Charlie’s car seat, she drove. Once they were close to the high school, she could see the line of cars. Half the town was at the carnival. She knew Lainey and Ethan would be there along with her mother.

“Is your dad coming tonight?” she asked, a thought suddenly blasting across her mind.

Sam nodded. “I told him we’ll meet him.”

“My mom is, too.”

Sam made a choking sound. “Okay, good. They can get to know each other. It’ll be great.”

“That’s one word for it.”

“Does your mom believe the engagement? I haven’t seen her since she walked in on us.”

“I think so.” Julia slowed to turn into the lower parking lot. “It’s not the first time she’s seen me be impulsive.”

Sam shook his head as she turned off the ignition. “You never give yourself a break.”

“Why do I deserve one?” She paused then said, “It’s fine. I’m repairing my reputation with my family. It’s a long progress, but I’m getting there. What makes you ask about my mom?”

“I saw Ethan downtown yesterday and he gave me the third degree about my intentions toward you.”


“His big-brother routine was going strong. Told me how special you are and that if I hurt you or Charlie I’d have him to answer to.”

“I don’t know why he’d care. He went through hell because of me, although it’s ancient history now.”

“There you go again with the self-flagellation. We’re going to need to work on that.”

“Whatever you say.” She got out of the car and picked up Charlie from his car seat. As she turned, she took in her old high school. It looked the same as it had almost fifteen years ago.

She filled her lungs with the cool night air. This was her favorite time of year in the North Carolina mountains. It smelled fresh and clean, the scent of spring reminding her of new beginnings. Coming off of the cold, wet winter, the change of seasons gave her hope.

Just like Sam.

Julia knew hope was dangerous. She was a sucker for believing in things that would never come to pass. She’d been like that in high school, too—wanting to believe she’d be able to keep up. Or, at least, admit how deeply her problem ran.

For some reason, that never seemed an option. Sam could say what he wanted about her learning disabilities being beyond her control. She knew it was true. But by high school, when elementary-age kids read more clearly than she could, it felt like stupidity.


None of her teachers had understood what was going on in her head. She’d never truly opened up to anyone about how bad it was. It had been easier to act as though she didn’t care, to limp through school with a lot of blustering attitude and paying smarter kids to write her papers.

Charlie tapped her on the cheek. “Hi, Mama.”

She shook off the memories. Sam stood next to her, watching with his too-knowing eyes.

“I’m guessing you haven’t been back here for a while?”

“Not since graduation.” She adjusted Charlie and headed for the gymnasium entrance. “Remind me again why we’re here.”

Sam put his hand on the small of her back, the gentle touch oddly comforting. “The annual Kiwanis carnival not only celebrates Fat Tuesday but raises a lot of money each year for local kids. It’s a great event for the town.”

“Spoken like a true pillar of the community.” She gave an involuntary shiver. “Which I’m not and never will be.”

“You never know. Either way, I promise you’ll have fun. Greasy food, games, dancing.”

Since she’d been back, she hadn’t attended any town events. It was one thing to reconnect with people she’d known within the relative safety of the salon. No one was going to rehash old resentments while she wielded scissors. Here she was out of her element and not confident about the reception she’d get from the girls she once knew. Especially since she’d taken Brevia’s most eligible bachelor off the market.

A memory niggled at the back of her mind. “Didn’t you do a kissing booth last year or something like that?”

Sam’s confident stride faltered. “They auctioned off dates with a couple local guys.”

She flashed him a smile. “How much did you go for, Chief?”

In the fading light, she saw a distinct trail of red creep up his neck. “I don’t remember.”

“Liar.” She stood in one spot until he turned to look at her. “Tell me.”

“A thousand,” he mumbled.

“Dollars?” She gasped. “Who in the world paid that much money for you?” When he leveled a look at her, she added, “Not that I don’t think you’re worth it. But not a lot of people around here have that kind of cash.”

“It was for a good cause” was his only answer.

Another thought struck. “Unless...it was Ida Garvey!”

He turned and she trotted to catch up with him, Charlie bouncing on her hip. “Let me take him.” Sam slid his arms around Charlie and scooped him up.

“It was Ida, wasn’t it? She’s the only one around here rich enough to pay that amount.”

He gave a reluctant nod. “I got the most money.”

“What kind of date did you take her on?”

“Would you believe I escorted her to her fiftieth high-school reunion over in Asheville? She had me wait on her hand and foot. Kept calling me her ‘boy toy’ in front of her old friends.” He shook his head. “I swear my butt had bruises from being pinched so often.”

Julia laughed harder than she had in ages. “You really are a hero, you know?”

“It’s not funny.”

“Yes, it is.” She looked at him and saw humor shining in his eyes, as well. Then she noticed they were at the gym entrance, light spilling out into the darkening night. She studied Sam for another moment, wondering if he’d told her that story to ease her nerves.

He really was a good guy, she thought. He should be with someone like him—a woman who was smart and sweet.

Someone nothing like her.

He smoothed the skin between her eyebrows. “Stop frowning,” he said gently. “We’re going to have fun.”

He dropped his hand, intertwined his fingers with hers and led her into the gymnasium. He greeted the two women working the ticket counter, neither of whom Julia recognized. Sam made introductions, and both women gave her a genuine smile and shook her hand, offering congratulations on their engagement. She flashed her ring but noticed Sam stiffen when one of the ladies complimented him on it.

Charlie became suddenly shy and buried his face in the crook of Sam’s neck, something Julia would have loved to do, as well.

“Come on, buddy,” Sam coaxed. “Let’s find some cotton candy.”

“I don’t think so,” Julia said. “He hasn’t had dinner yet.”

Charlie gave Sam a wide grin. “Can-ee.”

“We’ll get a hot dog first,” Sam promised her and moved into the crowd.

“Kids can always count on their dad for a good time,” one of the women said with a laugh.

“While Mom cleans up the sick stomach,” the other added.

“He’s not...” Julia began, wanting to explain that Sam wasn’t her son’s father. Then she realized they already knew that, although Sam was certainly acting like the doting dad.

“He’s quite a catch.” The blonder of the two women winked at her.

Julia’s stomach flipped because she knew how right the woman’s statement was. “I’d better stick with them,” she said and hurried after the two, emotions already at war in her mind and heart.

“Julia!” Lainey’s voice carried over the crowd, and a moment later, she was surrounded by her sister, Ethan and their mother. Lainey gave her a long hug. “Sam said today was rough. Are you feeling any better?”

“I knew I should have come with you.” Vera shook her head. “I’d like to get ahold of that family and talk some sense into them.”

“When did you see Sam?” The thought of Sam giving information about her to her family made her more than a little uncomfortable.

“I ran into him downtown,” Lainey said. “What’s the big deal?”

“He shouldn’t have said anything.”

“He’s going to be your husband,” Vera corrected. “He has a right to worry.”

“We all do,” Lainey echoed. “Jules, you’ve got to let us help you. You’re not alone.”

“Where’s the little man?” Ethan asked, his internal radar about conflict between the three Morgan women practically glowing bright red through his T-shirt.

“Right here,” Sam answered, balancing a huge cotton candy and a paper plate with hot-dog chunks and small pieces of watermelon on it.

Charlie reached for a piece of fruit and babbled a few nonsense words.

“You cut up the hot dog,” Julia said, stunned.

Sam’s forehead wrinkled. “I thought you were supposed to cut up round food when kids are little.”

“You are.” Julia felt ridiculous that something so minor had such an effect on her emotions. “I didn’t realize you’d know it.”

“Don’t be silly.” Vera reached for Charlie and snuggled him against her. “He’s spent enough time around you and Charlie to realize that.”

Julia saw Lainey studying her, a thoughtful expression on her face. “That’s right. Isn’t it, Jules?”

Julia nodded and stepped next to Sam, leaning up to kiss him on the cheek. “Of course. Thanks, hon.”

Lainey’s features relaxed and Julia blew out a quiet breath of relief.

“There’s my favorite son and future daughter-in-law.” So much for her short-lived relief. Julia heard Sam groan.

She turned and was enveloped in one of Joe Callahan’s bear hugs. He moved from her to Sam. “Look at you, Sammy. Surrounded by friends with the woman you love at your side.” His meaty hands clasped either side of Sam’s jaw. “I’m so proud of you, son. You’re not a loner anymore. I thought my mistakes had cost you a chance at a real life. But you’re making it happen.”

“Dad, enough.” Sam pulled Joe’s hands away. “Not the time or the place.”

“There’s always time to say ‘I love you.’”

Sam met Julia’s gaze over his father’s shoulders. His eyes screamed “help me,” and as fascinating as everyone seemed to find the father-son interaction, she intervened.

“Joe, I’d like you to meet my family.”

He turned, his smile a mile wide.

“This is my sister, Lainey, and her husband, Ethan Daniels.”

Joe pumped their hands enthusiastically. “Pleasure to meet you both. I’m Joe Callahan.”

“Are you in town for long, Mr. Callahan?” Lainey asked.

“As long as it takes,” Joe said with a wink at Sam.

A muscle in Sam’s jaw ticked and his eyes drifted shut as he muttered to himself. They flew open a moment later when Ethan added, “You, Sammy and I should do some fishing once the weather warms up.”