Quantum entanglement and parallel worlds

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Few people know that the theory of the existence of many worlds, which are copies, consequences or consequences of our world, is studied scientifically and there are quite logical hypotheses. Let's imagine that you and I make an experiment, while still mental, virtual, in imagination, flight to distant worlds. Let's talk and discuss whether it is possible, and if it is possible, how. We will plunge into science, into the grandiose infinite world around us, discuss the prospects of cloning, copying consciousness and rewriting it into a clone, and most importantly... flights of this very consciousness to distant worlds.

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Ograniczenie wiekowe:
Data dodania do LitRes:
11 grudnia 2023
Data powstania:
160 str. 1 ilustracja
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Artur Zadikyan "Quantum entanglement and parallel worlds" — ebook, pobierz w formatach mobi, epub, txt, pdf lub czytaj online. Zamieszczaj komentarze, recenzje i głosuj na swoje ulubione.

Отзывы 1

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A smart, educational, world-opening, energy-filled book with a rather high intellectual content. you listen to it and realize how great and unexplored the world around you is. It is obligatory for the school course, to look at reality in a different way, to penetrate the realities, to understand that, it is necessary to make a rather serious change in the worldview. used on this energy will help to make a breakthrough into the progressive future. The complicated things are explained very clearly. One gets the impression, at first, that this is a real and rather abstruse, hard science fiction or even space opera, philosophical novel, with elements of humor.

Science is going to a new level and taking over the universe. And it's already a perfect brain activity. Now artificial intelligence comes into play. Despite the inherent roboticization, the characters turned out very bright. I advise you to listen to this very voiceover, it fits into the context of science fiction like no other.

Great. Listened in Russian. excellent reader, great story. if you compare with the series about the quantum thief, this one is more interesting in my opinion.

Not bad non-fiction. Perhaps not all reached the intellectual perception. a lot of terms from the new world.

The author describes quantum people

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