Classics fantasy – 7. Stories-2

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Czcionka:Mniejsze АаWiększe Aa

At my first acquaintance with the socialist city this absence of children I charged to shortcomings. It is bad when children rustle, disturb and bother seniors, but it is boring also without children… Subsequently I was convinced that children take the much bigger place in city life, than I assumed and that they take in city life the most live part almost in all areas of life and especially in improvement maintenance. Obviously, just there was such hour when children were at school or in the country.

Near a path for pedestrians the bicycle path stood at attention. Easy hissing of tires is continuously heard – it athletes and sportswomen rush, having cheerfully something in common. Behind a bicycle path – again the site of the park, and further – the bus, well asphalted road. There are no trams here, they are replaced with buses long ago. Behind the road one more park layer, behind it a house wall, but you can not see it as houses are scattered at considerable distance from each other here. They stand as the locks surrounded with parks.

In parks beautiful booths – book, snack, confectionery, with mineral waters, fruit are seen here and there. But, Fritz, take heart, my friend, I will strike you the most terrible news: not only in the city, but also in all city there is no tobacco booth, any tobacco shop, any cigar, a cigarette, a tube! Isn’t that so, “it is awful”? !

– Would you like to pass here here, to the right – Nick offered.

We turned to the shady chestnut avenue. It brought us to quite wide round platform with the fountain in the middle. The platform was surrounded by skillfully made statues of leaders of the world proletariat and several groups. In realistic and at the same time simple and clear symbols they represented the main stages of fight of the proletariat and creation of socialism. About this platform of a sculpture it would be possible to write the whole book… yes it, apparently, and it is written. I was surprised and delighted.

– Who creator of these magnificent statues? – I asked the conductor.

– Workers of our plants – he answered simply – among them is many excellent musicians, sculptors, painters, poets.

– But the school is necessary here, and the school demands time, persistent work for overcoming the equipment.

– Well, and that? – Nick asked. And he explained that all this result of reasonable use of leisure of which the socialist worker has more, than at the worker of the bourgeois countries.

– We work only several hours, and we assume to work even less. At the correct organization of work, production and distribution what exist at us it is quite enough to provide us to all necessary, but do not think that we use the leisure only for an entertainment and rest. If it was so, we would go not forward, and back and socialism would create only stagnation of stupid content. No, our leisure is filled with very “energetic” contents. As the old zealous owner owner did not cease to care for the plot of land, for the small economy, and we, without reckoning with time, we care for our socialist economy. We do not cease to care also for those which still groan under a capital yoke. On all this a lot of time, perhaps, not less than two thirds of free time leaves. Then physical culture, then occupations favourite arts and, at last, entertainments.

By the way, whether you know that we already created a new narcomat – culture and life which deals with issues of the most reasonable use of working leisure and the organization of new life? Thanks to reasonable use of leisure at us almost each worker has several specialties. One went to science, others – to art. We have firemen-chemists and plumbers-journalists, the turner-astronomers, milling-machine operators-sculptors. Does not disturb one another at all. Exclusive talents – musicians, poets, writers – were granted the right to be engaged only in art. But even the most gifted of them periodically come back to factory: work change, according to them, not only does not affect adversely creativity, but even stimulates it.

Here I dropped a hint of doubt:

– I can understand that, say, the coppersmith can be an astronomer, even the painter. But whether the fireman can vykholit the gentle flexible fingers necessary for the violin virtuoso? Whether the coalminer-miner can be a pianist?

– Well, so they will be not musical virtuosos, but astronomers – smiling, Nick answered. – However every year the car more and more facilitates heavy physical work and thus protects a human body from an excessive posterization. I do not say any more that a number of productions demands thin, sensitive as from the pianist of fingers – for example, production of exact tools, pocket watch, tungsten threads for electric bulbs. Of course, there are difficulties which we cannot overcome still. You see before yourself not notorious “paradise on the earth” but only the improved human society. The facts, however, it is available: simple workers created these statues, workers play in our theaters, sing in the opera, paint pictures, produce in the manual way graceful bagatelles for decoration of our dwellings and public buildings in free time. From an accordion, from “bayan” the worker rose to a difficult electric symphonic grand piano with three keyboards, pedals and mass of registers, and he owns this tool not worse, than the machine… Well, and now I will show you the center of our city.

– Everything you have a center?

– Yes, but it has absolutely other value, than in the old cities. There lived aristocrats, here at us are located… However, you will see now!

But before we reached Revolution Square, I had to stop once again. We approached a wall of the turning green bushes which were cut through by the narrow asphalted path. Having taken several steps, I screamed from delight: before us there was the real dwarfish Japanese garden. As a matter of fact, it was the ravine, but that was made by culture with this ravine! On its slopes streamed and cheerfully small falls jumped, on a bottom the pure stream proceeded, falling into a reservoir with the fountain in the middle and red small fishes in water: through a stream easy graceful bridges were thrown here and there. The arbors twisted with an ivy attracted in a dense shadow, among greens and flowers small statues of children, swans, animals were seen. The second reservoir, in the corner, had a great sculptural group – the small child, chubby as cupid, gave on a watering place couple of young lions who bent on a watering place as the drinking cats. And flowers, flowers! Cascades of flowers!.

– I remember still that time – Nick told – when on this place there was a thrown wild ravine where the nettle yes a burdock grew. And here what we made. It was the invention of children.

We slowly passed “ravine”, rose by other party and at once got on the wide platforms which are filled in with the sun. There was a tennis, soccer, пушбол, the basketball, volleyball and is a lot more others, unknown to me, sports. All platforms were full players – women, men, young and old.

– Here it is never empty – Nick told me.

I could not but stop. Sports were very curious here. According to Nick, some of them were borrowed from the small nationalities inhabiting the USSR. Here, for example, a construction which I would compare to a huge drum in three meters in the diameter and meter height. On this reel there is a young girl in a sports suit and jumps up. The drum springs probably on it thick rubber is tense, and the girl flies up above and above. People around encourage it with approval exclamations. A game consists in that, having jumped up to fall by legs and not to fall, again to jump up and again to fall. Amazingly! This girl seems weightless. It jumps up above and above – on meter, two, three, four, five, six! – and dexterously becomes independent for a new jump. But here jumps become lower and lower, and the girl descends from a drum to the applause. After it does not care the man of average years gets and under approving and derisive exclamations begins to jump up. The second jump, the third jump – and it flies head over heels, falls on a back and begins to fly up up, sideways, the head in the most helpless situation. Laughter and shouts, the loser slips from a drum, having hopelessly waved a hand.

And further fly – more true, jump – through the area people with the attached small balloons which counterbalance the weight of their body. The person “weighs nothing” and at the slightest jump separates from the earth. It is remembered, such sport was invented in America. But what dexterity and accuracy at these flying people! And here something absolutely unprecedented. At athletes on soles springs because these athletes jump as just right to jump only to a flea are attached probably. This sport demands big dexterity and threatens with big risk, than jumps on a drum. But jumpers, obviously, are well trained and dexterously jump through booths and even through small trees.

But, alas, I should constrain myself again, otherwise I will never end the external description of the city. It was necessary to come off an interesting show and to follow further. Again the shady avenue, and here we by two white buildings come to the big square.

What to tell you about it? Whether to compare it to a huge crater of a volcano or to the Roman amphitheater? Looking at this square, I was once again convinced what huge advantage is in building the city not in tens and in hundreds of years, and to build at once, according to a certain plan. Only under such condition it was possible to make this the area, most original in the world, at once. It has absolutely round form. From all directions it is surrounded by buildings which are built so that ledges go down to the area the floor behind the floor. On each ledge there are ranks of benches towering one above another. On the square, running up up to the height of the first floor, the real amphitheater making a whole with the amphitheater which settled down on ledges floors of surrounding houses is located. Thanks to such device one grandiose amphitheater which can contain almost all population of the city turns out. It is real Greek “agora” (area) on which there were meetings. It is curious to note that, despite the huge size of the area, it can become covered by special awnings during a rain or strong heat.


In the middle of the area there is a high tribune supplied with megaphones which do possible to hear the speech of the speaker equally distinctly in all corners of a grandiose amphitheater. In houses which are located around the area government agencies are located. It is, so to speak, the municipal center. In a northern corner of the square the grandiose figure of Lenin with the raised hand towers. I represent what majestic show is made by this area when it is full of the people, and in particular in the evening when from edge to edge it is penetrated by fires of searchlights! Nick says that on holidays it is illuminated and then even more beautiful and solemn show turns out. Here citizens the most solemn and important minutes of public life gather.

While I visited the square, it was almost deserted, except for several young glider pilots who excitedly started models of gliders from numerous top platforms.

– Air sport – Nick told – has absolutely exclusive success in us. Try to go beyond the city and to look what there becomes. Our glider pilots reached in this sport of big perfection, they keep on motorless devices the whole day. Besides, very curious motorless air yachts, air sailing vessels which by means of the planes and wings make are designed, using only a wind force, quite considerable travel. However, it was given not at once. Several our air athletes on such air yachts, without having taken care to gain sufficient height, on favor of the wind which ceased to blow mudflows among fields, having decently crumpled wheat, and we had about it even “diplomatic complications” to the neighboring agricultural city. It was necessary to reward them for losses, and to transfer skilled flights to strictly certain places.

– Well, now where you will lead me? – I asked, having admired Revolution Square.

– Nearby from there is a museum of manual skills. You want, we will examine it – Nick offered.

Museum of manual skills! What could it be? Possibly, something historical. To admit, I not really love such museums. But here, in this city, everything was special and therefore I did not protest. Probably, and in the field of studying of history there will be something original.

We went to the museum of manual skills.

Guess where I got? On an exhibition of the most wonderful, most beautiful works of art! However, not only arts. Partly it reminds huge department store with a set of offices. Pictures, sculptures, frames, books in amazingly beautiful covers, vases, statues, carved furniture, hats, gloves, footwear, fabrics. Fabrics especially interested me in fine manual manufacture and an art coloring. All this is performing manual skills, actors of the business, “fans”. How many here is a delicate taste how many love patience! Here for what spend the leisure rest here. Almost each communitarian goes in at a leisure for some craft, applied or pure art. For this purpose in the house commune various workshops, laboratories, studios, studio are arranged. It is really free, creative, not forced labor. One does graceful covers, another – a framework, the third or third is engaged in art embroideries or manual weaving, the fourth paints pictures, and besides absolutely not in an amateurish way – is juicy, surely.

Almost all these objects have practical value and at the same time are original works of art. They are done because process of creativity it gives pleasure. They are done as the bird sings the songs. Then their authors give these fine products to relatives, friends or expose in the museum of manual skills. Everyone can get to himself several such things. The commune strictly watches that living rooms did not turn into a warehouse of furniture and did not remind the antiquary’s bench. Anything superfluous, anything unnecessary! But the commune does not prohibit to have at itself in the room several good things which would decorate the room: several pictures on a wall, a figurine on a desk, a flower vase. Communitarians quite often change these works of art, and very pleasant – transport with themselves, changing the room or the city.

In the museum of manual skills there were very many visitors. Women reached more for fabrics, hats, suits – a remnant of old psychology! However, has to counterbalance this impression with the instruction on the fact that the considerable number of women crowded also near such departments as binding, frame and even optical and physical devices. Be not surprised: there are excellent shlifovalshchik of lenses photographic, astronomical and microscopic. Grinding – not so much the equipment, how many art.

We stayed in the museum of manual skills long enough, and I wanted to have breakfast. There is nothing more simply: the buffet was right there, at your service. You can choose any food, not only cold appetizer, but also the roast hissing on the electric stove.

– Nevertheless you can be tired. Whether not to take us the bicycle?

– Yes, perhaps, it not superfluous! – The nickname went to depot of hire and received couple of bicycles from there.

– Let’s make the general review of the city – he offered. – By bicycle it will take away a little time.

I agreed, and, having saddled our steel horses, we started at way. On the way I paid attention that houses in the majority are built as “block”. The main big house is connected by a warm corridor to the house less, and the one-storey house with a set of glass verandahs stands apart – Nick explained to me that the main house commune is connected by a corridor to a day nursery where there are children. Through a corridor parents can go out on dates to children… I feel that I approach questions which will cause a hot objection of your Marta, but we still will talk about it! Now I write only about the first impressions. So, in one house there live adults, in another a day nursery, and in the third, standing independently is located, there is a kindergarten. Children! So much attention how many it is not given anywhere and never is paid to them here. Day nursery and kindergarten do not limit child care facilities. We passed by the real children’s town. I only for a moment could look at it. I saw the big two-storeyed building with huge windows painted in the gentle cream color which was well shading surrounding greens. I saw the cheerful kids filling with the voices flower beds, kitchen gardens, gardens, platforms for games. I saw outdoor constructions which purpose was explained to me by Nick.

– This big building – school. School students here not only study, but also live in this building. And outdoor constructions are skilled hleva, pigsties, rooms for rabbits, for poultry. Our school students first of all practicians!

I decided to visit by all means school – this factory at which develop new socialist people. But having decided to sight-see at first the city “in general”, I was forced to go further.

– At us it is several such schools. They are evenly scattered across all territory of the city. There, you see two white stocky buildings in a garden? It is the insulator for children, suspicious on a disease. Nearby – hospital.

Having passed the dense park with two big ponds, we came out to the river bank. The sunlight after a penumbra of the park blinded me and when I opened eyes, saw the wide river dazzling with boats of all sizes and types. Here were also long narrow – on ten oarsmen, and small – on one person, with a cross over two-bladed oar, both motor, and sailing, and double pies, and water skis, and water bicycles, balsas, floating spheres, the spinning circles… All this moved, had cheerfully something in common, splashed water… There was an abundance of air, the sun and water. Here it was cheerful and noisy. Half-naked people rowed competing in speed, jumped out of boats water, dived, drove a big rubber sphere on water, competed in speed of swimming. And below – on the sandy beach sunbathed in the sun… From this city it is not necessary to come out to the dacha: it is the real “country city”, the resort town! There is no more separation of the city dweller by nature, from the sun, from fresh air. Having become the owner of life, the worker of the USSR first of all took care of destroying the capitalist cities – these nests of diseases and an infection, exhaustion and degeneration.

Also I do not know whether Nick guessed my thought or it was accident, but he told meditatively:

– Here people gain health and strength. And still diseases are not won up to the end. But they will be won! Undefeated there will be death. But it is necessary in circulation of life. Our medicine was reconstructed, having transferred the center of gravity to prevention. To warn diseases best of all and more economically, than to treat them – here our slogan. We have a weekly obligatory survey of all population. And survey not superficial. Besides, hygienic knowledge and even serious medical knowledge became property if not everything, then many. Clinics are available at each house commune. Out-patient clinics on each street, and hospitals… Let’s look at them!

We took seat on bicycles again and rushed off on a path which turned to the left. It was the city border, behind our path there was still an avenue for pedestrians, and further, leaving to the horizon, fields on which waves of speyushchy wheat in human height waved turned green.

Perhaps, suburbs of this city were most amazing. I remembered fetid, dirty, stuffy, close suburbs of our cities with shabby hovels and the collapsing houses where the working poor huddled. What can be more sad than the suburb of a big industrial capitalist yurod! And what contrast with the center where there live owners. And here on the suburb of the socialist city I see the same parks, grieve the greens, the same lamps placed at identical distance, at least, than in the center. The same houses scattered in greens of gardens and parks.

We went round nearly a half of a circle of the city when we uvidat several white buildings which were standing apart a little and separated from the city by the big park. From three sides of these white two-storeyed buildings there were also parks, and one party, with open verandahs on the South, came to the square set with a low English garden to give perhaps bigger access to sunshine.

– Hospitals! – Nick told, pressing pedals.

Some time we went well shossirovanny road among ears across the field. Ahead the green island the massif of densely dense pyramidal poplars rose. Between them the beautiful white building was seen.

“The island of death” – in the head reminiscence of Beklin’s picture for some reason flashed. I was not mistaken.

– A crematorium – Nick told.

I wanted to indulge in sad reflections about caducity of all terrestrial (alas! the German sensitivity still lives in me), but Nick did not allow me to make it. A nickname still the young man, but this young man notices for the years much. That it: result of communistic education, life by collective? The right, it represents for me a riddle.

So, Nick looked at me, grinned and cheerfully exclaimed:

– I do not want at all that you finished survey of the city by this place where the fulfilled human car returns the material borrowed from the nature. Let’s go to life sources, there, where circulation of substances is started anew!

– Where it? – I asked, having not absolutely understood.

– Well, in maternity hospital, of course! I will show you the little, krasnenky, just born Communards. You will see them through the glass wall separating newborns from visitors. You will see “The island of life” and will stop thinking about “The island of death”. Live has to think only about live, in particular if life is so fine and interesting!

And we turned the bicycles and drove in the opposite end of the city. There, where life is born…

My friend, I wrote you the whole message, but did not exhaust also the 100-th share of what saw and learned in only several hours of stay in the socialist city. Next time I will write to you how I moved from hotel to the house commune it is possible to learn more stoutly as there live new people of the new world. I will tell that I saw and learned new there.

Good-bye. Hi your lovely Marte.

