FEMDOM tales: 13 Female Led Relationships & Submissions novellas. From light to hard. From staring at dangling heels to hardcore ballbusting

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FEMDOM tales: 13 Female Led Relationships & Submissions novellas. From light to hard. From staring at dangling heels to hardcore ballbusting
FEMDOM tales: 13 Female Led Relationships & Submissions novellas. From light to hard. From staring at dangling heels to hardcore ballbusting
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"You don't think I'll just play with 'it', do you?" Red lipstick broke into a predatory smile, and from touching the earlobe and whispering, goosebumps ran down the young boy's back. 13 shocking stories about how ordinary men were broken by powerful beautiful sexy women. Fatal beauties, innocent ruddy boys and strict millionaires who derail their lives, money and fortune for the sake of a pair of chic legs. Look at the table of contents - you will find a story about yourself there. Subscribe to the author New stories every week. This is a short erotic story. It has everything you need for a delicious read Samantha Jones is the author of a new unique genre of psychological erotica. Only in her stories the focus is on the most acute feelings and experiences of the heroines All stories are based on the therapeutic practices of a psychologist, on the revelations of patients with various kinds of sexual addictions and fetishes Check out the author's library

Szczegółowe informacje
Ograniczenie wiekowe:
Data dodania do LitRes:
12 stycznia 2023
Data powstania:
Czas trwania:
2 godz. 26 min 16 sek.
Авточтец ЛитРес
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FEMDOM tales: 13 Female Led Relationships & Submissions novellas. From light to hard. From staring at dangling heels to hardcore ballbusting


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