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The podcast Investing in IT projects

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The podcast "Investing in IT projects" is your chance for success!  Dear friends! If you are an innovator, a startup, or just a person with a unique idea in the field of technology, our new podcast will be a real godsend for you. We invite you to exciting meetings with leading experts and investors who are ready to discuss the future of IT and share their knowledge in our studio!Why our podcast?It's not just talking about money! This is an opportunity to see the direction in which the world of global investments is moving. We do not just analyze current trends, but also delve into the real experience of people who have already made significant steps in this area. Ask questions, share your ideas and soak up the experience from those who have already achieved success! Global investments — where to look for money?Each issue of our podcast is dedicated to strategic topics and issues that are important for everyone who seeks to raise funds for the development of their own project. We explore exactly where money is in the world, which industries are becoming relevant and which technologies will have an impact on the future. You will learn how to present your idea correctly so that investors are interested in it.Investing in your project is real!A total of 25,000 rubles per hour of communication with professionals in their field. It's not just learning — it's your window into a world of possibilities. We are sure that the funds invested in the podcast will bring you invaluable experience and help you find exactly the investors who were looking for your idea.Get ready for unforgettable meetings!On our podcast, you can not only listen, but also actively participate in discussions. Ask questions live, share your opinion and get in touch with people who can become your partners and investors. Every meeting is a chance that cannot be missed! Welcome to the Regions of Russia TV!We are waiting for you in our podcast "Investing in IT projects". Discover new horizons, enrich your knowledge and subscribe to us! Together we can create a future of technology full of inspiration and opportunity. And remember: your project can be the next successful step in the world of innovation! Don't miss your chance! Join our podcast and let's create the future together! GO

Szczegółowe informacje
Ograniczenie wiekowe:
Data dodania do LitRes:
26 sierpnia 2024
Data powstania:
28 lipca 2024
Czas trwania:
02 min 07 sek.
Андрей Ильин
Prawa autorskie:
Андрей Ильин
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