Czytaj książkę: «The Chosen People: A Compendium of Sacred and Church History for School-Children», strona 13




1. In what state was the Earth when first created?

2. To what trial was man subjected?

3. What punishment did the Fall bring on man?

4. How alone could his guilt be atoned for? A. By his punishment being borne by one who was innocent.

5. What was the first promise that there should be such an atonement?—Gen. iii. 15.

6. What were the sacrifices to foreshow?

7. Why was Abel's offering the more acceptable?

8. From which son of Adam was the Seed of the woman to spring?

9. How did Seth's children fall away?

10. What was Enoch's prophecy?—Jude, 14, 15.

11. Who was chosen to be saved out of the descendants of Seth?

12. How was the world punished?

13. In what year was the Flood?

14. Where did the ark first rest?

15. What were the terms of the covenant with Noah?

16. Which of Noah's sons was chosen?

17. What was the prophecy of Noah?—Gen. ix. 25, 26, 27.

18. What lands were peopled by Ham's children?

19. What became of Shem's children?

20. What became of Japhet's children?


1. Whom did God separate among the sons of Shem?

2. What were the terms of the covenant with Abraham? A. Abraham believed, and God promised that his descendants should have the land of Canaan, and in his seed should all the nations of the earth be blessed.

3. What was the token of the covenant with Abraham?

4. Which son of Abraham inherited the promise?

5. Who were the sons of Ishmael?

6. What measure was taken to keep Isaac from becoming mixed with idolators?

7. Which of Isaac's sons was chosen?

8. Why was Esau rejected?

9. What was the promise to Esau?—Gen. xxvii. 39, 40.

10. By what names were the descendants of Esau called?

11. Where did the Edomites live?

12. What sea was named from them?

13. What were the habits of the Edomites?

14. Who is thought to have been the great prophet of Idumea?

15. What was the prophecy of Job?—Job, xix. 25, 26, 27.

16. How was Jacob's name changed?

17. Who were to be in the covenant after him?

18. What prophecy was there of the Israelites going into Egypt?—Gen. xv. 13.

19. Which son of Jacob was to be father of the promised Seed?

20. What was Jacob's prophecy of the Redeemer?—Gen. xlix. 10.


1. Who were the Egyptians?

2. What kind of place was Egypt?

3. What remains have we of the ancient Egyptians?

4. What were the idols of Egypt?

5. How long were the Israelites in Egypt?

6. How were they treated in Egypt? 7. What prophetic Psalm is said to have been composed in Egypt?—_P_s. I. xxxviii.

8. Who was appointed to lead them out?

9. How was Moses prepared for the work?

10. How did God reveal Himself to Moses?

11. What wonders were wrought on the Egyptians?

12. What token of faith was required of the Israelites at their departure?

13. What feast was appointed in remembrance of the deliverance from Egypt?


1. How many Israelites did Moses lead into the wilderness?

2. How were they supported there?

3. What was the difference between the covenant with Abraham, and the covenant on Mount Sinai?

4. How did the Israelites forfeit the covenant?

5. How was God entreated to grant it to them again?

6. What signs of the covenant did they carry with them?

7. How was Moses instructed in their observances?

8. What was the Tabernacle to figure?

9. What did all the ceremonies shadow out?

10. Why were the Israelites to be kept separate from other nations?

11. How were they trained in the wilderness?

12. How long did they wander there?

13. Why did not Moses enter the land of Canaan?

14. What were the two great prophecies of the Redeemer which were given in the wilderness?—Num. xxiv. 17. Deut. xviii. 15.

15. What books were written by Moses?

16. What Psalm was written by Moses?—_P_s. xc.


1. In what year did the Israelites enter Canaan?

2. What kind of country was Canaan?

3. Where was the first seat of the Tabernacle in Canaan?

4. How was the inheritance of the tribes arranged?

5. Why did not the Israelites occupy the whole of their territory at once?

6. Who were the Phoenicians?

7. What were the chief cities of the Phoenicians?

8. Who were the chief gods of the Canaanites?

9. How were the Israelites governed?

10. What was the consequence of their falling from the true worship?

11. Who were their chief enemies?

12. In what book in the Bible is this history related?

13. For how long a period did the rule of the Judges last?

14. What crime brought on them the loss of the Ark?

15. How was the Ark sent back?

16. What was the prophecy of the Redeemer during this period? —1 Sam. ii. 35.

17. Who was the first of the Prophets and last of the Judges?


1. When did the Israelite kingdom begin?

2. Who was the first king of Israel?

3. On what conditions was Saul to reign?

4. What was Saul's great error?

5. Who was chosen in Saul's stead?

6. Of what tribe was David?

7. What was David's great excellence?

8. What were David's exploits?

9. How was David prepared for the throne?

10. What terrible massacre did Saul commit in his hatred of David?

11. What prophecy was thus fulfilled?—1 Sam. ii. 32, 33.

12. What was the beginning of David's kingdom?

13. What was the end of Saul?

14. Who reigned over the rest of Israel?

15. What became of Ishbosheth?

16. What were David's conquests?

17. What is the meaning of the name Jerusalem?

18. How did David regulate the service before the Ark?

19. Which are David's chief prophecies of our Lord?—_P_s. ii.—xvi.

20. Which Psalm marks David as our Lord's forefather?—lxxxix.

21. Why was not David permitted to build the Temple?

22. How long did David reign?

23. What was the site of the Temple?

24. How was the Divine Presence marked there?

25. For what was Solomon's reign remarkable?

26. How did Solomon fall away?

27. What was to be his punishment?

28. What are the prophecies of Solomon? A. Prov. viii. and ix.—where our Lord is spoken of as the Divine Wisdom.—_P_s. xlv. The Song of Solomon on the mystical union of Christ and His Church.—Eccles. iv.


1. How did Rehoboam bring about the accomplishment of the sentence on Solomon?

2. What tribes were left to him?

3. How was he prevented from making war on Jeroboam?

4. Who was the Egyptian king who invaded Judea?

5. Who succeeded Rehoboam?

6. Who succeeded Abijah?

7. What was Jehoshaphat's great error?

8. Into what danger did Ahab send him?

9. What great deliverances were vouchsafed to Jehoshaphat?

10. How did Jehoram act on coming to the throne?

11. How was he punished?

12. What became of Ahaziah?

13. Who was Athaliah?

14. Why could she not entirely destroy the seed royal?

[Footnote 1: These references are to the Prayer-Book version.]

15. What prophecy was fulfilled by these massacres?—2 Sam. xii. 10.

16. How was Joash preserved?

17. How was he restored to the throne?

18. How did Joash reign?

19. What was the sin of Amaziah?

20. What was the sin of Uzziah?

21. How was the sin of Uzziah punished?

22. Who reigned in Uzziah's stead?

23. Who began to prophesy in Uzziah's time? A. Isaiah.

24. What was the character of Ahaz?

25. How was the sin of Ahaz punished?

26. What were Isaiah's chief prophecies of our Lord? A. Isaiah, vii. 14.—ix. 6.—xi.—xii.—xxxii.—xxxv.—xl.—xlii.—l. 5, 6.—li. 13, 14, 15.—liii.—lxiii.


1. Where had the greatness of Joseph's children been foretold?

A. Gen. xlix. 25, 26. Deut. xxxiii. 13, 14, 15, 16, 17.

2. How did Jeroboam forfeit these blessings?

3. What warnings did he receive?

4. Who overthrew the house of Jeroboam?

5. What kings reigned next?

6. What city did Omri make his capital?

7. How had the site of Samaria been made remarkable?—Deut, xxvii.

8. What was the difference between the sin of Jeroboam and the sin of Ahab?

9. How was Ahab influenced?

10. What prophet warned him?

11. What proofs were given that the Lord is the only God?

12. Who were the chief enemies of Israel?

13. What was the fate of Ahab?

14. Who became prophet after Elijah?

15. Who executed judgment on the house of Ahab?

16. How long was the house of Jehu to continue?

17. How did Joash disobey Elisha?—2 Kings, xiii. 19.

18. What prophets succeeded Elisha?—A. Hosea and Amos.

19. What was Hosea's prophecy of Redemption?—Hosea, xiii. 14.

20. What was Amos' prophecy of Redemption?—Amos, ix. 11-15.

21. What was the end of the house of Jeroboam?

22. Who were the two allies against Judah?

23. What generous action was done by the Ephraimites?


1. Who founded the Assyrian Empire?

2. What is the description of Nineveh?

3. What prophet was sent to warn the Ninevites?

4. How did the Ninevites receive the message?

5. What prophetic book besides Jonah is concerned with Nineveh?

6. Which King of Nineveh was contemporary with Ahaz?

7. Why did Ahaz seek the alliance of Tiglath Pileser?

8. What victories did the Ninevites gain?

9. What was the effect upon Judah?

10. What profanation did Ahaz commit in the Temple?

11. Who was the successor of Ahaz?

12. Who was the last King of Samaria?

13. What partial reformation took place in Israel?

14. What was the punishment of the Israelites?

15. Where were the Israelites placed?

16. What was the next conquest attempted by the Assyrians?

17. How was the danger turned away?

18. What apocryphal book mentions the history of an Israelite captive?

19. What great mercy was vouchsafed to Hezekiah?

20. How did he show that he was uplifted?

21. What was the rebuke for his display?

22. Who was the King of Nineveh after Sennacherib? A. Esarhaddon, also called Sardocheus, and Asnapper.

23. What apocryphal history is supposed to have taken place at this time?

24. How did Esarhaddon fill the empty land of Samaria?

25. What request was made by these heathen colonists?

26. Of what race were they the parents?

27. What additions were made to the Holy Scriptures in Hezekiah's time?

28. What is Micah's chief prophecy?—Micah, v. 2, 3, 4.

29. Who reigned after Hezekiah?

30. How were the crimes of Manasseh punished?

31. What was the end of Nineveh?

32. What is the present state of Nineveh?


1. What was the character of Amon?

2. What reformation did Josiah make?

3. What discovery was made in cleansing the Temple?

4. Why was the Law of Moses so awful to Josiah?

5. What answer did Huldah make to Josiah's inquiries?

6. What was the great merit of Josiah?

7. What prophecy did Josiah exactly fulfil?—1 Kings, xiii. 2. 31, 32,

8. Who were the prophets of Josiah's time? A. Jeremiah, Zephaniah, and a little later, Habbakuk.

9. What was Josiah's situation with regard to his neighbours?

10. Why was he forced to go out to battle?

11. How does Jeremiah speak of Josiah's death?–Jer. xxii. 10.

12. How had Isaiah foretold it?—Isaiah, lvii. 1.

13. What two names had the successor of Josiah?

14. What fate did Jeremiah foretell for him?—Jer. xxii. 11, 12.

15. Whither was Jehoahaz carried captive?

16. Who was set up instead of Jehoahaz?

17. What did Jeremiah predict concerning Jehoiakim? Jer. xxii. 18, 19.

18. By whose favour had Jehoiakim been set up?

19. Who was Jehoiakim's enemy?

20. What injury did Nebuchadnezzar inflict in 606?

21. What prophet was then carried captive? A. Daniel.

22. What was the promise of Jeremiah?—Jer. xxv. 12.

23. Why was Jeremiah persecuted?

24. What was the great wilfulness of these kings?

25. What was the end of Jehoiakim?

26. By what names was his son called?

27. What does Jeremiah say of Jehoiachin?—Jer. xxii 24 to 30.

28. Was he really childless? A. Either he was childless, and Salathiel was his adopted son of another branch of David's family, or else it meant that his son should not reign.

29. What became of Jehoiachin?

30. What prophet was carried off in this captivity?

31. Who was the last King of Judah?

32. What message did Ezekiel send Zedekiah?—Ez. xxii. 25, 26, 27.

33. What was Ezekiel's lamentation for the sons of Josiah? —Ez. xix. I-9.

34. What were Ezekiel's chief prophecies of the Redeemer? —Ez. xxxiv. 23, 24.—xxxvii. 24, 25, 26.

35. What was Zedekiah's duty?

36. How did he show his want of faith?

37. What was the consequence?

38. What was the prophecy of Ezekiel that Zedekiah thought impossible?—Ez. xii. 13.

39. What were the sufferings of Jeremiah in the siege of Jerusalem?

40. What prophecies of Moses had their first fulfilment in this siege?—Deut. xxviii. 52, 53.

41. Who boasted over Jerusalem?

42. What was the desolation of Jerusalem?

43. Which book in the Holy Scripture mourns over it? A. The book of Lamentations of Jeremiah.

44. What became of Jeremiah?

45. How did the remnant act who were left in Judea?

46. Who was the prophet who spoke against Edom? A. Obadiah.

47. What was the great prophecy of Jeremiah?—Jer. xxiii. 5, 6.

48. What was the year of the taking of Jerusalem?


1. Who were the Chaldeans?

2. What does Isaiah say of the origin of the Chaldeans?—Is. xxiii. 13.

3. Who was their chief god, and how was he worshipped?

4. Describe Babylon.

5. What were the prophecies of the state of the Jews in captivity?—Lev. xxvi. 33, 34.—38, 39.—Jer. v. 19.

6. What change for the better passed over the Jews?

7. Who were the royal children brought up as slaves?

8. How had their slavery been foretold?—Is. xxxix. 7.

9. What instance of self-denying faith was given by them?

10. How was Daniel's inspiration first made known?

11. What was the first dream of Nebuchadnezzar?

12. What was the interpretation?

13. What judgment is recorded of Daniel in the Apocrypha?

14. What proof did the other princes give of their faith?

15. What is the hymn of praise said to have been sung by them in the furnace?

16. What was the effect on Nebuchadnezzar?

17. Where had Edom's fell been foretold? A. Numb. xxiv. 18-21, 22.—Jer. xlix. 7-22.—Obadiah.

18. What other conquest did Nebuchadnezzar effect? 19. Where had the fall of Tyre been predicted? A. Is. xxiii.—Ez. xxvi. xxvii. xxviii.

20. How soon was a new Tyre built?

21. What was to be the recompence for the toils of the siege of Tyre?

22. Where is the ruin of Egypt foretold? A. Is. xix. 1 to 20.—Jer. xliii. 8 to 13.—xlvi.—Ez. xxx. xxxi. xxxii.

23. What was the end of the Pharaohs?

24. What was Nebuchadnezzar's second dream?

25. What was the meaning and the fulfilment?

26. What acknowledgment did Nebuchadnezzar make?

27. In what year did he die?

28. Who was his successor?

29. What was the first vision of Daniel?

30. What was the interpretation?

31. What was the second vision of Daniel?

32. What was the meaning?

33. How were the visions explained to Daniel?


1. What was the power which was to overcome the Assyrian?

2. How had the Persian power been figured in the visions?—Dan. ii. 32.—vii. 5.—viii. 3, 4.

3. What was the meaning of the two horns of the Ram?

4. What was the difference between the Medes and Persians?

5. What was the religion of the Persians?

6. What was the character of Cyrus?

7. Who was the reigning King of Babylon?

8. What was the trust of the Babylonians?

9. But what had been foretold concerning Cyrus?—Is. xlv. I, 2, 3.

10. How did Cyrus attempt to gain an entrance?

11. How were the Babylonians prevented from being on the watch?

12. What awful warning interrupted Belshazzar's feast?

13. Who interrupted the writing?

14. How had Jeremiah foretold the taking of Babylon by the Medes? —Jer. l. 35 to li.

15. How long was the captivity to last?—Jer. xxv. 11.—xxix. 10.

16. What had been the promise of Moses?—Lev. xxvi. 44.

17. What had been the prayer of Solomon?—1 Kings, viii. 46 to 50.

18. What had Isaiah said of Cyrus?—Is. xliv. 28.—xlv. 13.

19. Who made intercession for the fulfilment of these prophecies?

20. How was Daniel's prayer answered?

21. What great promise was made to Daniel?—Dan. ix. 24 to 27.

22. In what year was the decree for the restoration of Jerusalem given?

23. Who governed Babylon?

24. What was the proof of Daniel's faith?

25. What story is told of his destroying the worship of Bel?

26. How had Isaiah foretold this overthrow?—Is. xlvi. 1,2.

27. What was revealed to Daniel in his last vision?

28. What was Daniel called? A. The man greatly beloved.


1. How many Jews returned from the captivity?

2. Who were the leaders of the return?

3. Who was Zerubbabel?

4. Why is it supposed that his father was only the adopted son of Jehoiachin? A. Both because Jeremiah sentenced Coniah to be childless, and in Luke iii. Zerubbabel's descent is derived from David, through Nathan.

5. What story is told of Zerubbabel's gaining favour with Darius?

6. What title did Zerubbabel bear?

7. What was the only inheritance left for him?

8. What was the blessing of God to Zerubbabel for his faith?—Hag. ii. 21 to 23.—Zech. iv, 6 to 10.

9. What were the prophetic blessings to Joshua the priest?—Zech. vi. 11-15.—Hag. ii. 4, 5.

10. Of what typical vision was Joshua the subject?—Zech. iii.

11. What are Zechariah's other remarkable prophecies of Redemption?—Zech. ix. 9 to 12.—xi. 12, 13.—xii. 8-10.—xiii. 1, 6,

12. What was the condition of Jerusalem?

13. What was the promise of restoration?—Zech. viii. 3, 4, 5.

14. What was the first measure of Zerubbabel and Joshua?

15. Where had directions been given for the new Temple?

A. In the latter chapters of Ezekiel, but these were a further prophecy of the New Tabernacle in Heaven.

16. How soon was the Temple begun?

17. What were the feelings of the people?

18. What promise did Haggai give?—Hag. ii. 6, 7-9.

19. What rebuke did Haggai give the Jews?

20. What interference befell the Jews?

21. Why was all intercourse with the Samaritans forbidden?

22. How did the Samaritans revenge themselves?

23. What was the state of the Persian court?

24. What was the end of Cambyses?

25. What was the story of the impostor, Smerdis?

26. Who became King of Persia?

27. What history did Darius's governors send to him?—Ezra, v. 7, &c.

28. How were they answered?—See Ezra, vi.

29. What revolt took place in the time of Darius?

30. What prophecies were here fulfilled?—Ps. cxxxvii. 8, 9. Is. xlvii. 7, 8, 9.

31. What were Darius's two vain expeditions?

32. What was the great expedition of Xerxes?

33. How had it been predicted?—Dan. xi. 2.


1. Who is Ahasuerus supposed to have been?

2. What was his great act of tyranny?

3. By what means did he try to repair the loss of Vashti?

4. Of what race was Esther?

5. Why would not Mordecai bow down to Haman?

6. What benefit did Mordecai do the king?

7. How did Haman seek revenge for Mordecai's scorn?

8. How did Esther conduct her intercession?

9. What great deliverance was given to the Jews?

10. What fresh aid was given to the building at Jerusalem?

11. What was the date of Ezra's arrival?

12. What is counted from this date?

13. Who was the other assistant who arrived?

14. How had Nehemiah obtained leave to come and assist?

15. In what state did he find the city?

16. What prophecies were' there of her desolation?—Ps. lxxx. Is. xxxii. 13, 14.

17. What was Nehemiah's great work?

18. How were the Jews obliged to build?

19. How had this been foretold?—Dan. ix. 25.

20. What blessing had been laid up for Nehemiah?—Is. lviii. 12, 13.

21. What reformations did Ezra and Nehemiah bring about?

22. What became of the schismatical priest?

23. Where was the Samaritan temple?

24. Who was the last of the prophets?

25. What were his great predictions?—Mal. iii. I, 2, 3. —iv. 2, 5, 6.

26. What books are thought to have been compiled by Ezra?

27. What Psalms were collected by Ezra?—From cvii. to the end.

28. What prophetic verse is ascribed to the time of Ezra?—cxviii. 22.

29. What were the songs of degrees?—Ps. cxx. to cxxxiv.

30. Who had the keeping of the Scriptures?

31. In what tongue were the early Scriptures?

32. What tongue was commonly spoken after the captivity?

33. What was therefore done when the Law was read?

34. What arrangement did Ezra make for public worship?

35. What was the synagogue service?

36. How were the Jews dispersed?

37. In what state was the Persian Empire?


1. Who were the Greeks?

2. Who was the chief Greek god?

3. What were the Greek philosophers trying to find out?—See Acts, xvii. 27, 28.

4. What were the Greek games?—See I Cor. ix. 24, &c.

5. Which were the two chief Greek cities?

6. What was the most learned of all cities?

7. Who subdued all the rest of Greece?

8. What was the name of the great King of Macedon?

9. How was Macedon figured in Daniel's visions?—Dan. vii. 6.—viii. 5, 6, 7.

10. What yet older prophecy was there of the Greek invasion?—Num. xxiv. 24.

11. What was Chittim? A. The east end of the Mediterranean.

12. In what year did Alexander enter Asia?

13. How was the swiftness of his conquests shown?

14. How did Darius go out to battle with him?

15. What cities did Alexander take in Palestine?

16. What was Zechariah's prophecy about Tyre?—Zech. ix. 2, 3, 4.

17. What was his prophecy about the Philistine cities?—Zech. ix. 5,

18. What about Jerusalem?—Zech. ix. 8.

19. How was Alexander received at Jerusalem?

20. What did he declare that he had seen?

21. What city did Alexander build in Egypt?

22. What became of Darius?

23. How far did Alexander spread his conquests?

24. What city did he wish to make his capital?

25. How did the Jews at Babylon show their constancy?

26. What befell Alexander at Babylon?

27. How had this been foreshown?—Dan, viii. 8.—xi. 3,4.

28. What was the year of Alexander's death?

29. What difference did his conquest make to the East?

30. What language was much learnt from his time?

31. What became of Babylon after his death?

32. How had the ruinous waste of Babylon been fore- told?—Isaiah, xiii. 19 to 22.—Jer. li. 43.