Objętość 234 strony
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Soft-switching PWM full-bridge converters have been widely used in medium-to-high power DC-DC conversions for topological simplicity, easy control and high effi ciency. Early works on soft-switching PWM full-bridge converter by many researchers included various topologies and modulation strategies. However, these works were scattered, and the relationship among these topologies and modulation strategies had not been revealed. This book intends to describe systematically the soft-switching techniques for pulse-width modulation (PWM) full-bridge converters, including the topologies, control and design, and it reveals the relationship among the various topologies and PWM strategies previously proposed by other researchers. The book not only presents theoretical analysis, but also gives many detailed design examples of the converters.
Describes the soft-switching techniques for pulse-width modulation (PWM) full-bridgeconverters systematically Covers topologies, control and design, from the basics, through to applications anddevelopment Deliberates the soft-switching PMW control technique rather than the standard PWMcontrol technique Presents detailed theoretical analysis with design examples for various possiblevariations to the full-bridge topology using the soft-switching technique Soft-Switching PWM Full-Bridge Converters: Topologies, Control, and Design is an essential and valuable reference for graduate students and academics majoring in power electronics and power supply design engineers. Senior undergraduate students majoring in electrical engineering and automation engineering would also fi nd this book useful.