Czytaj książkę: «The Swan Song»



To our friends,

Through the highs and lows, the late nights and early mornings, you have been there, supporting us with unwavering love. Your cheers from the (mostly thin) crowd and your laughter in the (thinner) audience have fueled our passion for music. This book is dedicated to you, the ones who have stood by us, believed in us, and shared in our journey as The Bohemian Basterds. Your friendship has enriched our lives in countless ways.

To our family,

You have been our rock, our foundation, and our constant source of love and encouragement. Your unwavering support has given us the strength to chase our dreams and conquer any obstacles in our path. This book is dedicated to you, our family, who have nurtured our creativity, celebrated our successes, and stood by us through every twist and turn of our musical odyssey. Your love and belief in us have been our guiding light.

To our pets,

In your loyal eyes, we have found solace and inspiration. Your unconditional love and presence have brought us joy during the most challenging times. This book is dedicated to you, our faithful friends, who have wagged your tails, purred your melodies, and shared our adventures, offering us comfort and companionship when we needed it the most. Your presence has been a constant reminder of the beauty of simplicity and the power of connection. To all those who have supported us, believed in us, and shared in our journey, we offer our deepest gratitude. This book is a testament to the love, support, and inspiration we have received from each and every one of you. May our story continue to resonate with your hearts and souls as we embark on new chapters of our musical odyssey together.

With love and gratitude,

Vivek & Elena


Following up on our last album, "Ladders", where we indulged in the pleasure of writing a cohesive story spread across 10 songs with some songs flowing from one to another, we began writing "The Swan Song" in its entirety as a concept album. After spending months reading the meticulously written books of Mahabharat in the 19th century variant of Marathi and borrowing every possible reference to study the great story in depth, we began to relish the pleasure of creating a Rock & Roll expression of one of our favourite stories from the monumental timeless lore. With hard work, dedication and integrity as our strengths and king ambition and queen jealousy driving the purpose, we present to you, humbly, a sparkling coin from a bottomless treasure chest.


Somewhere amidst their thirteen years of exile1, the fallen King, a beacon of virtues and all that is good, pondered over a battlefield of defeated wits. He looked over his shoulder and shed agonizing tears of innermost sorrow upon seeing his loved ones live like savages, at the mercy of the merciless.

"I have remained true to my path of righteousness. I have lived by every virtue, even in the battle against deceit and hate. Yet, I suffer endlessly with this desolation that my stubborn mind has brought upon us. Have you ever witnessed a man so devoid of fortune? Is there anyone in the world as unlucky as me?"– King Yudhishthir sang his lament to the exalted sage.

Rishi Vrihadashwa, in his vast wisdom derived from ageless knowledge, smiled at his troubled pupil acknowledging his peril. He rose from his pedestal atop a small hill, as they resided in the wilderness of the Himalayan foothills. The sage gazed to the southwest, perhaps searching for something, for his eyes held a glittering purpose.

He spoke in a gentle voice, "Beyond the horizons that most can see, to the southwest from here, lies an ancient monument of love – timeless mountains, the great Vindhyas2. They still bow down in a solemn prayer to the Himalayas. Mountains that set the stage for the saga of a lifetime. The Odyssey of Two Lovers, where their love endured, prevailed, and triumphed through similar trials and tribulations as you face today. May their journey reignite the flame of hope in your righteous heart."

As he finished speaking, he returned to sit at the edge of a Himalayan hill, and his pupil, the exiled King, bowed down in love and respect before taking a lower seat in front of his teacher, his counsel, a maharishi. Vrihadashwa began his sermon, and the eldest of the five Pandavas listened curiously.

1 – The story of Nal & Damayanti comes from an ancient book, Mahabharata, whose primary story revolves around the lives and times of the 5 Pandavas. In Mahabharat, Sage Vridhashwa recites ‘Nalopakhyanam – The tale of Nal’ to Yudishtir – the eldest of the 5 Pandavas in the 3rd year of their 13-year exile.

2 – ‘Vindya’ is the mountain range situated in central India

Strangers In A Strange Land

“Turn back the clock, until it turns no more,

Open the gates wide, let the sunshine galore,

The vibrant hues of yesteryear kind,

The colours will bring solace to your troubled mind.

Strange were the days, the world a mystifying place,

Yet soon, it would feel similar, unveiling a familiar face,

The names, the customs, and the ways, they remain,

In shadows, the same vices linger, forever’s their domain.

The lands, back then, were a fruitful sight to behold,

Not just for fauna and flora's bloom, but the civilizations untold,

When virtue claimed its reign,

As Vices sneaked unseen, tightening their grip on forever's domain.”

The Vindhyas still stood, bowing in reverence to the Himalayas as they do today. They served as a natural boundary between the two kingdoms that ruled the lands to the north and the south. The amicable kings governed their countries with benevolent hearts and were loved by their countrymen. Both kingdoms were soon blessed with boons. Little did the two aging kings know that these two would be the two halves of a perfect soul in the years to come.

The world celebrated the downpour of benign golden sunrays on the day the princess was born to the king in the south. Bathed in golden radiance that illuminated the skies as far as the eye could see, the princess was endowed with every virtue as she grew from a child of nature to a proud mother's daughter. She embodied all that was beautiful. Like an ever-blooming lotus of a celestial orchid, her grace even envied the gentle winds. Her scent, like the fragrance of flowers, traveled for miles, enchanting every living being that breathed in her essence. The moon and stars seemed to have befriended her, as three of them took turns illuminating the night skies. Happily living among her maidens and friends, the princess was an ever-blooming flower in an orchid with jasmine, daisies, and all that is good. Damayanti, true to the essence of her name3 , embodied calmness and serenity.

3 – Damayanti – a Sanskrit word that means one who’s calm and serene

The northern king also rejoiced, as he was blessed with a baby boy radiating a peculiar glow. Like his father, the prince grew up guided by the virtues of life. The boy transformed into a handsome and valiant young man, a physique that rivaled the chiseled marbles adorning the royal gardens. The prince amassed boundless knowledge and wisdom through years of penance. He was an astute marksman and the swiftest charioteer. Well-versed in ancient texts, he was a favorite pupil of revered sages and saints. He held a special place in his heart for animals, and it almost seemed as if he could communicate with them in their own language. Proficient in the arts of war and peace, the prince embodied greatness and humility. Every woman he passed by deeply admired him, enthralled by his presence. They would surrender their every sense to their beloved prince Nal.

Peerless among men,

Peerless among the living beauty,

Blessed be their reunion.

"Have you heard about the Princess and the Prince? A queen and her only king? Have you heard about Nal and Damayanti?" – asked not only humans but also animals, birds, and even the elements to one another. Beasts began to howl in a soothing melody and the wind carried the fragrance of sandalwood and jasmines. Rivers flowed along their beautiful curves with renewed excitement, and birds sang a peculiar harmony. The barren foothills of the Vindhyas transformed into an oasis of love and musings. Rumormongers gathered from both sides of the mountains, sharing their stories. Every tree in the forest bloomed with fruits and flowers, while every beast seemed to have become gentle and kind. Flocks of birds flew up and down between the two kingdoms, perhaps searching for the peerless lovers, intrigued by the stirring rumuors that kept spreading in all ten directions.

The Love was born,

Long before it had a heartbeat.

Nal and Damayanti soon became the audience to their own rumors. Deeply fascinated by each other, they couldn't contain their silent passions any longer. Impatient for love, just a glimpse of each other was all they needed to ignite a bonfire of love that was meant to be. They began to drift away from their daily routines, sinking slowly into a world of disbelief. The once radiant glow that emanated from their bodies was lost in the haze of the unknown as they gazed toward each other, attempting to transcend the boundaries of the horizons that constrained the reach of their eager eyes, yearning to indulge in the sight of one another.

One fateful morning, Nal was wandering through a blooming orchard, singing the words of love in his heart. Intermittently, he would gaze at the empty sky, but in his heart, he stared deeply, in love, at the empty portrait of his queen that adored every wall of his heart. Gazing southwards, he noticed a flock of ordinary swans flying towards the orchard. Among them was a peculiar swan, its wings draped in gold, feathers as white as snow, and its eyes sparkling like multicolored gems. Locking its eyes with the curious prince, the swan separated from the flock and began to descend towards the orchard. Prince Nal was eagerly waiting its arrival.

"Is that a bird? Is that a celestial messenger? Or is she a divine angel herself? It flies like a bird, but it resembles a perfectly chiseled artwork from a piece of snow-white marble. Its eyes resemble the gems gifted by the churning ocean, and it has a peculiar glow around its golden wings. A truly extraordinary swan," – the prince thought, his curiosity heightened as the swan drew closer, almost within his reach.

"Is this the happy omen I have been ceaselessly seeking?" – he pondered, his heart throbbing with optimism, and decided to investigate further. Swift as a panther, the prince leaped toward the descending swan and gently caught it in his hands. Holding the swan in his large yet soft palms, the prince took a closer look at the beautiful bird. And the swan began to sing a song of love.

"Spare my life, I implore,

I carry the whispers of lore.

From the south of Vindhyas, I took to the skies,

And there I beheld her, a sight to mesmerize.

She's beyond words, she's Glory's very essence,

A missing piece, destined for your presence.

With joy in my heart, I flew to the North,

Over hills and rivers, carrying hope's worth.

In these orchids, I glimpsed your love filled stride,

Longing for Damayanti, your Love, your Guide.

Into your hands, I landed, completing the puzzle,

For the union of the peerless, let the world's blessings drizzle.

I shall be your messenger to the southern lands,

Carrying your praises in my flight's commands.

To the gardens of princes, swiftly I'll soar,

And sing to her the words she's been longing for.

Oh, the world shall rejoice, in harmonious delight,

When the peerless unite."

The swan pleaded to the bewildered prince in a human tongue. Nal remained unaffected by the miracle of a talking swan, as she uttered the words he had longed to hear. He set the messenger of love free and returned to his blissful thoughts, filled with love and optimism. With a smile and a sigh of relief, he immersed himself once again in the thoughts of love, his mind brimming with delight. For he knew, deep in his heart, the swan’s song was just a start.

The swan zoomed past the mountains, leaving a trail of love filled melody as it reached the farmlands of the southern king. It flew into the capital, heading towards the palace where the princess resided. From a window, the swan could see a brilliant radiant glow that obscured most of its surroundings. As the swan flew closer, it caught sight of Damayanti who stood in her balcony gazing at the Northern skies. She adorned jasmine in her hair, captivating the universe within her grasp. Her eyes were filled with love and excitement, as if she had been eagerly awaiting the swan's arrival at the window. With a gentle landing on the window pane next to the princess, the swan approached and whispered in her ear.

"The King in the North, as you well know,

Exceeds his description, his love for you only grows.

Enamoured, he roams the fields with lovesick desire,

His heart filled with your image, a burning fire.

In his eyes, in the air he breathes, you reside,

He yearns for your presence, in his every thought.

For he loves you deeply, as you love him too,

If the peerless unite, love's reign will imbue.

In this union, our world shall find solace and grace,

As love conquers all, in its warm embrace."

The swan whispered in her ear, uttering the words she had longed to hear. And then, with a graceful departure, it flew away into the sunset, setting off an odyssey of trials, tribulations, and love.

That night, the moon and the stars refused to show up. That night, Damayanti wandered through the gardens, fields, orchids, and streets, adorned with a blissful smile, blushing and radiating with a captivating glow. Her beauty illuminated the dark sky, spreading its radiance as far as the eye could see. Occasionally, a falling star would greet the enamored princess. Perhaps Mother Nature was indulging herself in the celebrations.

Nal & Damayanti continued to live their lives with renewed excitement, always attentive to the signs of auspicious omens.

Trial Of the Champions

Earth's most beautiful woman had surrendered her innermost soul to her love for her king. Damayanti yearned for love through countless cycles of days and nights, succumbing to sighs of despair. Wrapped in misery and solitude, she withdrew from her friends and maids, forsaking the luxuries and necessities of life. Every waking moment was spent gazing towards the northern skies, even in the darkness that obscured her vision. And as she slipped into a shallow slumber, her closed eyelids concealed eyes that were fixated on the northern star.

Her maidens and friends grew increasingly worried and felt helpless, unable to bear witness to their princess's suffering. The news of Damayanti's distress eventually reached the royal corridors of her father, the aging Southern King. Consumed by concern for his beloved daughter, the king sought advice from his counsel, ministers, sages, and saints.

"My dear girl will soon come of age, yet her distress lingers. What can bring her solace?" – the noble king inquired, his heart weighed down by worry.

After careful deliberation, the wise counsel presented a solution born out of their understanding of Damayanti's longings. "Your daughter is a paragon of virtue, and she yearns for a worthy companion, her true king. She’s a girl and would be a Woman soon. We suggest hosting a Swayamvara4 , a grand tournament where eligible kings from all corners of the earth will compete for the highest reward this universe could offer – Damyanti’s companionship. Princess Damayanti will be the supreme judge of her suitors, and it will be only her decision to choose her champion. She will decide the feats and she will set up the charts. The Princess shall become Queen to the only King that she desires" they proposed, their voices brimming with confidence.

4 – Swayamvara is the type of marriage where a woman presents the suitors with challenging tasks and chooses the champion of the trial as her husband

The king's face lit up with hope and delight as he wholeheartedly embraced the idea. A beautiful glow of fatherly love for his beloved daughter sparkled from his optimistic eyes. He summoned his ambassadors and envoys, entrusting them with the crucial task of delivering individual invitations to the lords and kings in all ten directions, cordially inviting them to participate in the grand Swayamvara.

A spectacle unfolds, behold the invitation,

To a grand tournament, where hearts seek elevation.

In this cosmic theater, all are cordially invited,

For the highest reward, to the only champion.

The princess Damayanti, a vision of beauty unmatched,

Shall grace the arena, where destinies are dispatched.

Amidst the valiant and bold, she shall find,

Her champion, a king, in whom her love is enshrined.

Come forth, noble souls, with courage and might,

Gather beneath the moon's enchanting light.

For in this grand affair, fate's hand shall sway,

As hearts entwine in love's mystical ballet.

Esteemed guests, prepare for this grand display,

Where love's power shall guide each warrior's way.

In this tournament, hearts shall be tested true,

And the chosen King, by Queen Damayanti, shall be true.

Soon as the invitations began being read out in the royal courts across the vast lands, swords and arrows found solace, as battles gave way to a greater quest. The barracks became deserted and some were turning into theaters of art and music. The kings, adorned in regal attire, prepared for a grand trial of love, where riches and treasures awaited those worthy. Each ruler, in haste, readied their caravans, laden with opulence and their hearts with a supreme desire. A queue formed, leading to the majestic walls where the princess eagerly awaited her most eligible suitor.

Love-struck and elated, Nal embraced the invitation for the Swayamvara. No carts filled with gold or gems accompanied him, for the priceless treasure within his heart surpassed all earthly riches. Like a radiant star, his love illuminated the fateful morning as he embarked gallantly towards the realm of the southern king. With each stride of his trusty steed, Nal drew nearer to the gates of his destined encounter, where his fateful union awaits.

Meanwhile, in the realms beyond mortal men and materials, a messenger proclaimed the news with resounding voice to his audience of 4 celestial lords:

“There’s Peace on Earth!

They’ve given up their swords

Quarrels don’t matter much

When that Lady is looking for her Lord.

The mighty Kings assemble with their great armies

Not of swords and lances but of tributes and wits

lined outside her palace, their egos ceased

to fight a battle, to win the highest reward there is

In this battle,

There is no death and destruction

There’s Peace on Earth

Damayanti is the reason”

Amidst the celestial planes, Lord Indra, the king among gods, brandishing thunderstorms and a playful reputation5 , deployed his omnipotence to steal a glimpse of this enigmatic princess. Just by the message that was relayed, the 4 Celestial Lords were enamoured and after a short glimpse at her sight, they were lovestruck and held a very strong desire. Their minds aflame with attraction and curiosity, they indulged themselves in the admiration of the beautiful princess. The quartet soon decided to descended from the heavens, and mingle among mortals, eager to compete for the reward so exquisite and opulent, even for their kind. Arriving at the crossroads, the final turn before the gates of their destiny, the four prepared for the grand event.

5 – Implying from several tales of Indra from Mahabharat

Meanwhile, bathed in the resplendent hues of the bright morning sun, Nal approached the same crossroads. In the distance, a shimmer of golden light caught his attention, captivating his weary gaze. Guided by curiosity, he ventured closer, drawn to the radiant source. As he neared, four ethereal silhouettes materialized from the luminous brilliance. Recognizing their distinctive features, the prince humbly bowed, his hands folded in reverence, and greeted the familiar beings with his honest and heartfelt words,

"I stand before you as your devoted servant. How may I serve you?

Your presence evokes a sense of divinity.

There is an aura of mystique surrounding you, an energy unlike any other.

Your feet seem to transcend earthly bounds, as if floating above the ground.

Your attire exudes a celestial essence, as if woven from the fabric of the heavens.

Your complexion remains immaculate, untouched by any blemish or flaw.

And atop your heads, radiant crowns of golden luminescence adorn you.

Please tell me, who are you? Are you the Guardians of Life,

Or perhaps the kings of the legends lost in the tapestry of time?"

Nal inquired with humble devotion. Pleased by the prince's eulogy, the higher beings introduced themselves briefly, saying,

"We are the Four lords. The Paradise is our abode.

We caught a glimpse of the princess.

Since that moment itself, she has won us over

We have surrendered to her.

And descended to the earth.

We shall challenge every king and every lord

to win the heart of the only woman we desire.

I am Indra, the ruler of the Paradise,

and these are my friends preside over the realms of

Fire, Wind and Life .

Be our messenger; be our voice.

Send our words of love to the Queen of our hearts

Tell her she may happily choose any one of us four.

We all desire only her.

She can test us as she pleases.

No mortal could match our feats."

As Indra's words reverberated through the air, Nal’s spirit shattered like a delicate glass vase being crushed by a Himalayan peak, each shard piercing through the next. His very essence fragmented into innumerable, insignificant pieces, torn apart by the weight of his disbelief. He began to speak in a trembling voice a plead for mercy,

"I beg you as your devotee,

spare me from this torment,

this incomprehensible transgression.

My heart belongs solely to Damayanti;

In my thoughts, I have wed only her.

My love is untainted, as you surely comprehend.

I beg you as your devotee,

spare me from this torment,

do not compel me to betray my unwavering devotion

My heart belongs solely to Damayanti"

Yet, amidst his words, he recognized the undeniable truth, for honesty had always guided his righteous existence, flowing through him like the currents of a steadfast river. In the face of righteousness, the power of love dimmed. Nal was reminded of the first words he had spoken to the four celestial lords. "I stand before you as your devoted servant. How may I serve you?”. Truth, his mightiest sword along the path of righteousness, prevailed in every word that he spoke. He took a few moments to gather his wits and senses. Though his mind remained numb and his vision obscured, he humbly accepted to the divine decree.

"But how may I deliver your message amidst the watchful gaze of men and the keen senses of the creatures guarding the queen?" – inquired Nal, standing before the towering divine lords. No sooner had the words escaped the lips of the desolate lover than Lord Indra produced a crystal vial containing a shimmering silver elixir.

"You are blessed with our divine favor. Consume this potion, and you shall remain unseen until you desire to be seen" – he proclaimed, extending the boon to the shattered prince, who wept inconsolably not in his tears but in the shreds of his innermost soul. "Bring us tidings from the princess. We await eagerly. Our presence shall be nearby, We’ll show up as soon as you desire to meet us" concluded the Thunder King, bidding farewell as the Nal embarked on his divine duty along his righteous path.

As he approached Damayanti’s palace, he gulped the potion and within moments could see his shadow disappear. The light seemingly passed through his body as he could see the grass beneath through his stretched-out palm. He stealthily entered the palace unnoticed. He stood beneath the magnificent arch that adorned the entrance to Damayanti’s chamber. Delicate curtains in shades of white and indigo gracefully adorned the intricately carved sandalwood frame, while the ceiling of the halls seemingly reached for the heavens. To his left, a beautiful wooden bed adorned with fluffy, pristine white clouds beckoned, and to his right, an angelic figure sat by the window. Damayanti, the epitome of boundless grace, occupied the seat near the window, her gaze fixed upon the long queue of lords and kings gathered outside the royal coliseum. It was as if she sought the king who resided within the depths of her heart among that crowd.

Like a radiant pearl resting upon a vibrant seabed, amidst enchanting ferns and mythical mermaids, Damayanti occupied a seat meticulously carved from a single teak tree. Draped in a celestial green garment that cascaded gracefully along her slender form, she emanated a serenity that would make the seas envious and a charm that would bring delight to Mother Nature herself.

Surrounded by maidens adorned in hues of red and white, Damayanti resembled an everblooming flower nestled amidst a heavenly orchard. Jasmine blossoms adorned her hair, and a gentle smile graced her lips. The perfect harmony of these elements captivated the love-stricken prince, compelling him to suppress his ardent passion and contain the overwhelming love that surged within him. Yet, with each passing moment, his love flourished, multiplying a thousandfold. The mere sight of his beloved, his one and only Queen, brought him an unparalleled joy. Ultimately, love triumphed, and the prince yearned to reveal himself, desiring to be seen by Damayanti.

As Prince Nal appeared before the surprised maidens, their eyes widened in awe, captivated by his striking presence. Meanwhile, Damayanti turned around, her gaze meeting his in an instant. In that profound connection, a peculiar sensation stirred within her. Goosebumps danced along her skin, and her smile broadened, mirroring the joy that erupted within her heart, pulsating with newfound vitality.

With the grace of a flowing river, she glided toward the mysterious stranger, her steps guided by an invisible force. Her eyes delved deep into his, as if peering into the very essence of her soul's companion – the home where she would reside for the rest of her life. In that moment, Damayanti recognized her champion, destined king. Their union became an unspoken truth, interwoven by the threads of love and destiny. She began to tease her lover, for she knew the answer to each of her questions

"Who are you? The most beautiful one!

Who are you? Who has awakened all of my love?

You're no thief, nor a foolish spy.

The stern mandate of the king won't let you in unseen.

Who are you? Speak the words to your queen, the most beautiful one"

Damayanti inquired with a smile, eagerly awaiting the words she had longed to hear. The two peerless stood in front of each other, waiting to begin the life of love they’ve been longing for.

"I am the messenger, blessed by a divine boon.

Four Celestial Lords sent their message.

Lord Indra and the Keepers of Life, Wind and Fire

They have surrendered themselves to your choice.

They will be in competition among the others

You are all they desire to possess.

You are free to judge them as you please.

No mortal could match their feats"

Nal, in his words displayed every element of an honest soul. Although his eyes could barely hold back his tears. He stood there motionless, solemnly staring at the feet of the only woman he had ever wanted to possess. Damayanti listened patiently to each word. Her longing for love was about to end. She had her lover, her only King, standing in front of her. Like a steady river determined to flow, she gathered her thoughts and searched for a way out. She looked at the frowning face of the defeated prince and, with the kindness of a lover, spoke in her soft, gentle voice.

"The swan rekindled my soul.

It ignited the ever-burning love

With the same melody that the Swan’s sang.

Now, I see you in your flesh and bones, just as described.

We are two halves of a perfect soul.

I see a way of refuge with no blame.

When the ceremony begins,

I will walk up to you in the presence of the kings and the divines,

With the universe and its keepers as alibi

I will pledge myself only to you as my Champion, my King"

Damayanti had made up her mind. She decided to put her true love to the test before the desires of every King and Lords that awaited the trial. Nal stepped back and bowed in respect before hurriedly returning to the crossroads to relay the message to the Divine Four. Damyanti retired to her sleepless slumber. Filled with hope, joy and faith in her heart, she dreamt one last time of the life she would soon begin to live.

The moon remained in the sky even as the sun rushed to dawn on a day of good omen. The celebrations began early, and the music added to the air of excitement as the bugles sounded the summons. Kings and lords from the corners of the world assembled in the royal coliseum, each seated on his throne like a lion on the mountain. The coliseum looked filled with glory and power, resembling a cauldron of might and light.

The Kings indulged in conversations and musings with their neighbours. The air within the coliseum began brewing with power and determination. Each king spoke with a voice louder and heavier than the other, each began to sharpen up their wits in occasional pauses. The commotion of mixed emotions captivated the universe within the coliseum as some Kings grew impatient and began flirting with pride and anger among other emotions.

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