Czytaj książkę: «Пятнадцать тысяч полезных английских фраз. Часть X. Фразы для публичных выступлений»
A fact of vast moment
A few words will suffice to answer
A further objection is
A great many people have said
A little indulgence may be due to those
A majority of us believe
A man in my situation has
A more plausible objection is found
A proof of this is
A servile mind can never know
A short time since
A specific answer can be given
A thought occurred to me
Able men have reasoned out
Above all things, let us not forget
Absolutely true it is
Abundant reason is there
Accordingly by reason of this circumstance
Add this instance to
After a careful study of all the evidence
After full deliberation
After reminding the hearer
After this it remains only to say
Again, can we doubt
Again, I ask the gentleman
Again, in this view
Again, it is quite clear that
Again, it is urged
Again, let us compare
Again, very numerous are the cases
Again, we have abundant instances
Against all this concurring testimony
All confess this to be true
All I ask is
All of us know
All that I will say now
All the facts which support this
All the signs of the time indicate
All these things you know
All this being considered
All this is historical fact
All this is very well
All this suggests
All this we take for granted
Allow me for a moment to turn to
Allow me to tell a story
Altho I say it to myself
Amazing as it may seem
Am I mistaken in this
Among many examples
Among the distinguished guests who honor
Among the problems that confront us
An answer to this is now ready
An argument has often been put forward
An example or two will illustrate
An indescribably touching incident
An opinion has now become established
And again, it is said
And again, it is to be presumed
And coming nearer to our own day
And did a man try to persuade me
And do you really think
And everybody here knows
And for myself, as I said
And further, all that I have said
And hence the well-known doctrine
And here again, when I speak
And here allow me to call your attention
And here I am led to observe
And here I come to the closing evidence
And here I have an opportunity
And here I reproach
And here I wish you to observe
And here let me define my position
And here let me give my explanation
And here let us recall to mind
And how is it possible to imagine
And I am bound to say
And I beg of you
And I call on you
And I might say this
And I refuse assent
And I rejoice to know
And I say, it were better for you
And I should in like manner repudiate
And I speak with reverence
And I submit to you
And I trust that you will consider
And I will make a practical suggestion
And I will tell you why
And I would, moreover submit
And if a man could anywhere be found
And if any of you should question
And if I know anything of my countrymen
And if I may presume to speak
And if I take another instance
And if this be true
And if you come to a decision
And if you think it your duty
And in conclusion
And in like manner
And in order to see this
And in thus speaking, I am not denying
And is not this lamentable
And is there not a presumption
And it happens
And it is certainly true
And it is doubtful if
And it is not difficult to see
And it is not plain
And it is one of the evidences
And it is precisely in this
And it is strikingly suggested to us
And it is undeniable, I say
And it is well that this should be so
And last of all
And lest anyone should marvel
And let it be observed
And lo! and behold
And more than this
And next I would ask
And now allow me to call attention
And now behold a mystery
And now consider
And now having discussed
And now I beg that I may be permitted
And now I go back to the statement
And now I have completed my review
And now I have said enough to explain
And now I must touch upon one point
And now if I may take for granted
And now it would be very pleasant for me
And now observe how
And now, sir, what I had first to say
And now supposing this point to be settled
And now that I have mentioned
And now the chief points of it
And now the question is asked me
And now, to close, let me give you
And now, to what purpose do I mention
And, of course, you are aware
And of this I am perfectly certain
And quite as difficult is it to create
And right here lies the cause
And, sir, a word
And so, again, as regard
And so I am reminded of a story
And so I leave these words with you
And so I may point out
And so I might recount to you
And so, in the other cases, I have named
And so in the present case
And so on
And so through all phases
And so, upon every hand
And sometimes it will be difficult
And that gave another distorted view
And the reason is very obvious
And the same holds good
And then again
And then hastily to conclude
And then I may be reminded
And then there is another thought
And then when it is said
And there are reasons why
And there is also this view
And therefore am I truly glad
And therefore it is not unfrequently quoted
And therefore it is not without regret
And this brings me to the last thing
And this is really the sense
And this leads me to say a word
And thus consistently
And thus it is conceivable
And thus it seems to me
And thus we are led on then to further question
And to all this must be added
And to return to the topic
And to this conclusion you must come
And unquestionably
And we are brought to the same conclusion
And what do you suppose will be
And when I have shown to you
And when I recall that event
And when we pass beyond the bounds of
And where, let me ask
And why should I insist
And will you still insist
And with these thoughts come others
And yet I can not but reflect
And yet I feel justified in believing
And yet I think we all feel
And yet let me say to you
And yet one more quotation
And yet this notion is, I conceive
And yet though this be true
And yet we ought, if we are wise
And you may also remember this
Another circumstance that adds to the difficulty
Another consideration which I shall adduce [adduce = cite as an example]
Another instance of signal success
Another of these presumptions
Another point is made as clear as crystal
Another reason of a kindred nature
Another reflection which occurs to me
Another sign of our times
Another signal advantage
Another striking instance
Answers doubtless may be given
Are there not many of us
Are we content to believe
Are we forever to deprive ourselves
Are we not startled into astonishment
Are we satisfied to assume
As a general rule I hold
As a last illustration
As a matter of fact
As a proof of this
As an illustration of this truth
As briefly as I may
As far as my limits allow
As far as this is true
As far as this objection relates
As far as we know
As for the rest
As I have now replied to
As I look around on this assembly
As I rise to respond to the sentiment
As I understand this matter
As memory scans the past
As society is now constituted
As some one has well said
As the foregoing instances have shown
As to the particular instance before us
As well might we compare
As we shall see in a few moments
Assuredly it is this
At the outset of this inquiry
At the risk of digression
At the same time, I candidly state
At the utmost we can say
At this juncture
At this solemn moment
Away then with the notion
Be assured, then
Be confident, therefore
Be it so
Be not deceived
Be sure that in spite of
Be these things as they may
Be your interests what they may be
Bear with me for a few moments
Bearing on this point
Before attempting to answer this question
Before going further
Before I close I will particularly remark
Before I come to the special matter
Before I proceed to compare
Being fully of the opinion
Being persuaded then
Believing, as I do
Beyond all question we
Bidden by your invitation to a discussion
Broadly speaking
But, above all things, let us
But after all, I think no one can say
But again, when we carefully consider
But am I wrong in saying
But apart from the fact
But besides these special facts
But can this question
But depend upon it
But despite all this
But do not let us depend
But do you imagine
But doubts here arise
But even admitting these possibilities
But everyone who deserves
But first of all, remark, I beg you
But, further, I shall now demonstrate
But, gentlemen, I must be done
But grave problems confront us
But here I am discussing
But here let me say
But how can we pass over
But how shall I describe my emotions
But however that may be
But I am bound to say
But I am certain from my own experience
But I am very sorry to say
But I am willing enough to admit
But I can at least say
But I can not conceive
But I can promise
But I cherish the hope
But I confess that I should be glad
But I digress
But I do not propose all these things
But I do say this
But I have been insisting simply
But I have heard it argued
But I have no fear of the future
But I leave this train of thought
But I may be permitted to speak
But I may say in conclusion
But I need hardly assert
But I pass that over
But I propose to speak to you
But I repeat
But I resist the temptation
But I return to the question
But I shall go still further
But I simply ask
But I submit the whole subject
But I trust that you will all admit
But I venture to assure you
But I will allude
But I will not further impress any idea
But I would earnestly impress upon you
But if I may even flatter myself
But if I seek for illustrations
But if you want more evidence
But if you wish to know
But in making this assertion
But in my opinion there is no need
But in the course of time
But is it quite possible to hold
But is this any reason why
But it does not follow from this
But it happens very fortunately
But it has been suggested to me
But it is a fact
But it is impossible for one
But it is necessary to explain
But it is no use protesting
But it is not fair to assert
But it is not my intention
But it is not necessary to suppose
But it is not possible to believe
But it is not really so
But it is otherwise with
But it is sometimes said
But it may be doubted whether
But it may happen that I forgot
But it will be a misfortune
But it will naturally be asked
But it will perhaps be argued
But it would be vain to attempt
But let me ask you to glance
But let me before closing refer
But let none of you think
But let us also keep ever in mind
But let us look a little further
But lo! all of a sudden
But mark this
But more than all things else
But my allotted time is running away
But my answer to this objection
But, my friends, pause for a moment
But never was a grosser wrong
But not for one moment
But notwithstanding all this
But now look at the effect
But now take notice of
But on the other hand
But on what ground are we
But passing these by
But perhaps I ought to speak distinctly
But perhaps you are not yet weary
But putting these questions aside
But quite contrary to this, you will find
But recollect, I pray you, how
But, sir, it is manifest
But some other things are to be noted
But some will ask me
But sooner or later
But still, I repeat
But suppose the fact
But surely, you can not say
But that I may not divert you from
But that is not all
But that must be always the impression
But the fact is
But the final value
But the greatest proof of all
But the most formidable problem
But the necessity of the case
But the question may arise
But, then, let us ask ourselves
But there is another duty imposed
But there is much more than this
But this I do not hesitate to say
But this I fearlessly affirm
But this I know
But this is a circuitous argument
But this is no place for controversy
But this is not all
But this is what I mean
But this much I affirm as true
But this warns me
But this we may put aside
But to go still further
But to say the truth
But we are met with the assertion
But we are to recollect
But we ask, perhaps
But we may depend upon it
But we think it is not wise
But we want something more for explanation
But what a blunder would be yours
But what is the fact
But what we must needs guard against
But when it is declared
But when we look a little deeper
But while it may be admitted
But who has not seen
But why do I numerate these details
But with these exceptions
But yet nothing can be more splendid
But you should know
By no means
By the way, I have not mentioned
By this time it will be suspected
Can it be supposed
Can the long records of humanity teach us
Can there be a better illustration
Can we pretend
Can you lightly contemplate
Can you yield yourselves
Cautious and practical thinkers ask
Certain it is
Certainly I am not blind to the faults
Certainly, one can conceive
Clearly enough
Coming back to the main subject
Coming down to modern times
Coming to present circumstances
Common sense indicates
Consequently, I am not discussing this matter
Consider, I beg you, what
Contemplating these marvelous changes
Delude not yourselves with the belief
Depend upon it
Did it ever occur to you
Difficult then as the question may be
Do I need to describe
Do me the honor of believing
Do not imagine
Do not let us conceal from ourselves
Do not suppose for a moment
Do not talk to me of
Do not think me guilty of
Do we not know
Do what you will
Do you ask how that can be
Do you believe this can be truthfully said
Do you not know I am speaking of
Do you remember a concrete instance
Do you think, then
Does any man say
Does it ever occur to you
Does it not seem something like idiocy to
Does it not shock you to think
Does not the event show
Does not the nature of every man revolt
Doubtless the end is sought
Every now and then you will find
Every one has asked himself
Every one therefore ought to look to
Every reader of history can recall
Far from it
Few indeed there are
Few subjects are more fruitful
Few things impress the imagination more
Finally, it is my most fervent prayer
First in my thoughts are
First of all I ask
For, be assured of this
For behold
For I must tell you
For if any one thinks that there is
For, in truth, if you please to recollect
For instance, I can fancy
For is it not true
For it is not right to
For let it be observed first
For mark you
For my own part, I believe
For myself, certainly I think
For observe what the real fact is
For one I deny
For, perhaps, after all
For, perhaps, some one may say
For so it generally happens
For the sake of my argument
For this is what I say
For this reason, indeed, it is
For we all know
Fortunately for us
Fortunately I am not obliged
From one point of view we are
From the circumstances already explained
From the standpoint of
From this statement you will perceive
Generally speaking
God be praised
Grant this true
Granting all this
Had I time for all that might be said
Had my limits allowed it
Happily for us
Hardly less marvelous
Hardly will anyone venture to say
Have I exaggerated
Have you ever noticed
Having taken a view of
Having thus described what appears to me
He is the best prophet who
He seems at times to confuse
He was an eminent instance of
He who is insensible to
Hence arises a grave mischief
Hence, as I have said
Hence it follows
Here again the testimony corroborates
Here arises the eternal question
Here comes the practical matter
Here for a moment I seem
Here, however, it may be objected
Here I am considering
Here I end my illustrations
Here I must pause for a moment
Here I only insist upon
Here I ought to stop
Here is another strange thing
Here is good hope for us
Here is no question
Here let me meet one other question
Here, then, I am brought to the consideration
Here then I take up the subject
Here then is the key
Here, then, it is natural at last
Here then, we are brought to the question
Here, then, we are involved
Here undoubtedly it is
Here we can not but pause to contemplate
Here we come into direct antagonism with
Here we come to the very crux of
Here we have it on high authority
History is replete with predictions
Hitherto I have spoken only of
Holding this view, I am concerned
How can we help believing
How do you account for
How does it happen
How human language staggers when
How infinitely difficult it is
How infinitely superior must it appear
How is this to be explained
How many a time
How momentous, then
How much better, I say, if
How much more rational it would be
How shall I attempt to enumerate
How shall I describe to you
However, I am viewing the matter
However, I will not in any way admit
However, it is to me a very refreshing thing
I abide by my statement
I add a few suggestions
I adduce these facts [adduce = cite as an example]
I admire the main drift of
I admit, of course, at once
I admit the extreme complexity
I again ask
I allude to
I always delight to think
I always will assert the right to
I am a great admirer
I am a little at a loss to know
I am about to supplement
I am agitated by conflicting emotions
I am alarmed, indeed, when I see
I am also bound to say
I am also satisfied
I am apprehensive
I am asked to-night to propose
I am assured and fully believe
I am at a loss for adequate terms
I am bold to say
I am but saying
I am by no means certain
I am certain that you will give me credit
I am certainly in earnest sympathy
I am confronted by the hope
I am conscious of the fact
I am convinced by what I have seen
I am deeply imbued with the conviction
I am deeply insensible of the compliment
I am determined
I am even bold enough to hazard
I am exceeding my necessary limits
I am exceedingly glad of this opportunity
I am extremely obliged to you
I am familiar with
I am far from asserting