Thinker. Logical gaming device, which combines the elements of Rubik’s Cube, the 15 puzzle, Dominoes and playing cards

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For a long time the games are the entertainment, which is the most demanded for. Both in USA, and in a number of European countries, gaming industry overcame cinema in annual income already several years ago. The annual turnover in gaming industry already exceeded 15 billion dollars, and it still grows every year. I have proposed a logical gaming device, which combines the elements of Rubik’s Cube and the 15 puzzle, and which can be used widely to improve logical thinking abilities in children.

Szczegółowe informacje
Ograniczenie wiekowe:
Data dodania do LitRes:
26 maja 2016
13 str. 8 ilustracji
Prawa autorskie:
Издательские решения
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Valeriy Zhiglov "Thinker. Logical gaming device, which combines the elements of Rubik’s Cube, the 15 puzzle, Dominoes and playing cards" — ebook, pobierz w formatach mobi, epub, txt, pdf lub czytaj online. Zamieszczaj komentarze, recenzje i głosuj na swoje ulubione.


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