Czytaj książkę: «To the Bottom of the Ocean. Lunniva's light on the way to the unknown», strona 7



Yep, I can handle this.


I see, I’m stay in the diving bay!


Beyond all doubt, I’m on my way to the control bay.

Sailing on the Lunniva to the impending underwater cave, divers noticed that a huge flock of aggressive swirling fish was swimming next to it, the control system detected Ryux and Nayu in the camouflage mode of external suit’s.


I found them, they are both inside the cave now in disguise mode.

Kize successfully completes placing the creatures in the required tanks, leaves the conference bay and enters the control bay.


I have an idea, the entrance to the cave is huge, let’s try to carefully sail there in our submarine in camouflage mode. If I’m not mistaken, Lunniva has this function, it’s time to use it, if everything goes smoothly, then we can send the necessary signal to Ryux and Nayu. Our task now is not only to find them, but either to prepare for the meeting. And I, during this rescue operation, will take the place of the lower battle bubble in the diving bay.


I partially listened to your conversation. The idea is good, albeit somewhat dangerous, but there are no other options, we need to act this very minute.


I share your opinion, then let’s do it! And get our team out of this predicament!


Then I left, Miya and Kize, go ahead and good luck! I will pass all this information on to Yuto if our conversation has not reached him.

The rescue operation has begun, Miya activates Lunniva’s camouflage mode, almost imperceptibly and cautiously the submarine enters the cave, sailing a little ahead, the cave is divided into three paths. Miya sends a special signal to the disguised divers, based on the response from the other side, she understands where to sail next. At the end of the cave there is an exit, a whole horde of dangerous swirling fish swims a little further from it. Among the sparkling corals, two divers can be seen with the naked eye in a camouflage mode, slowly moving from one place to another. Miya manages to connect with Ryux and Nayu on a voice signal, after which negotiations begin.


A-Yo! What’s crack-a-lackin?


Oh thank god, my dear, we’re in a bit of a quandary here…


Yeah, it means we need to make it like a tree and leaf, but way faster!


Listen to me carefully, you are swimming at full speed of the outer cybersuit to the entrance hatch of the submarine. In order to activate the speed functions of both the outer suit’s and the submarine, we will need to turn off the camouflages, in any case, it will turn off by itself in a couple of minutes. It will be a little nervous, but be patient, Ami also guards you, she is now on the battle bubble. This subspecies of dangerous fish does not smell, but has perfect eyesight and swims quickly. On the count of three, you take off your disguise, then quickly swim to the hatch, and to hell with this place, we have to sail ahead…


Hmm, all right, fair enough.


God dammit, let’s do it already or my heart will explode now.


Three, two, one!

There was an agonizing anxiety hidden in them. They knew that the operation had taken a different turn, but everyone tried to keep a positive attitude. After a moment, the divers abruptly turn off the camouflage systems and begin to swim towards the submarine with all possible speed. And Miya, for her part, brought Lunniva as close as possible to her partners. Meanwhile, an immediately sighted flock of swirling fish began to move towards the divers, Ami began underwater shelling. A minute later, the divers manage to get to the hatch, open it and seemingly successfully enter, but a couple of fish that escaped Ami’s gaze manage to grab Ryux by the left leg, and Nayu by the right hand, loud screams were heard, but no one hears them except themselves…

Pulling out his cutlasses, Ryux with an effort manages to cut through the fish, and successfully enter the hatch with Nayu. Miya receives a signal about the opening and closing hatch and the presence of subjects inside the sub, based on which she concludes that two are already in the diving bay, after which she sails at maximum speed into the gap. As a result, a flock of fish lags behind the sub, and Miya puts Lunniva on auto mode on the course. Everyone runs to the diving bay with the hope of a good outcome.

After desynchronization, Ryux and Nayu were able to get out of the external suit’s, but, bleeding, Nayu passes out, and Ryux, having managed to catch her in his arms, falls with her. Completely exhausted, he waits for help.

The four run into the diving compartment, seeing the whole situation, they immediately begin to act. Yuto having previously bandaged the wounds visible to him, picks up Nayu and carefully brings her into the rest bay. Kize and Ami help the almost passed out Ryux to reach the same place. Arriving in the compartment, Ryux also loses consciousness. Miya brings the appropriate medicines, the divers begin to treat and bandage the wounds of their partners. Everyone was terribly tired after what happened. Each of the four saviors, having assisting their partners, silently falls asleep.

A day later, a weak signal is heard in the control bay. Ami, Miya, Yuto and Kize decide to go there together and notice in the distance the huge and brightly luminous Three Trunks, endlessly rising up and occupying a huge area.


Is this what I’m thinking right now?


100%, it can’t be real…


Yes, we sailed to the very Island we were

supposed to go to!


Shunevo Island…

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