To the Bottom of the Ocean. Lunniva's light on the way to the unknown

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2070, the time has come for advanced nanotechnology. A team of Japanese scientists, including cyber experts, nanotechnologists, astronomers, geologists and biologists, using their satellite systems, detected the appearance in the middle of the Pacific Ocean in an unknown way to an organically recreated floating Island Shunevo. Azure Avenue Building Company over the past twenty years has been engaged in a secret mission entrusted by the government, namely the development of high quality diving cyber suits from a special nanomaterial obtained during a revolutionary breakthrough in 2050 by a group of experimental scientists. Trained from childhood using the PADI (Professional Association of Diving Instructors) system, six friend’s of an already professional group of divers, by the suggestion of Japanese government, gathered at the headquarters of the Azure Avenue Building in Yokohamin to discuss the terms of a mission of special importance level, which only they can fulfill.

Szczegółowe informacje
Ograniczenie wiekowe:
Data dodania do LitRes:
15 listopada 2022
Data powstania:
50 str.
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Valentine Solonevich "To the Bottom of the Ocean. Lunniva's light on the way to the unknown" — ebook, pobierz w formatach mobi, epub, txt, pdf lub czytaj online. Zamieszczaj komentarze, recenzje i głosuj na swoje ulubione.

Отзывы 1

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Awesome fantasy, definitely worth a read. I love this kind of work. The cover of the book is very well done. Hi from Poland)

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