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Quatrain 6.89 Scaphisme

Entre deux cymbex pieds & mains estachez,

De miel face oingt, & de laict substanté:

Guespes & mouches fitine amo ur fachez,

Poccilateurs faucer, Cyphe tenté.

Feet and hands bound between two boats,

Face anointed with honey, and sustained with milk:

Wasps and flies, paternal love vexed,

Cup-bearer to falsify, Chalice tried.

Perhaps there most famous case of Scythism – it the execution of the warrior Mithridates by the Persian king Artaxerxes in 401 BC. This warrior killed Cyrus the Younger in battle. The king attributed this feat to himself, and Mithridates was subjected to the Persian execution – "rewarded"! Tied between two boats, smeared with milk and honey, he lasted 17 days, and was eaten of insects. This incident was described by Plutarch.

Decoding of number 6.89. If to rearrange the numbers – 896, put 1 in front and consider as 1000, then 1000-896=104. On the backward 401bc is the year of execution.

Quatrain 3.89 Cyprus will be frustrated

En ce temps là sera frustré Cypres,

De son secours de ceux de mer Egee,

Vieux trucidez, mais par masles & liphres,

Seduict leur Roy, Royne plus outragee. D

At that time Cyprus will be frustrated,

Of its help by those of the Aegean Sea:

Old ones killed: but by speeches and moneys

Their King was seduced, Queen outraged more.

This is a quatrain about the seizure of Cyprus by Venice, through a prenuptial agreement. In 1468 James II de Lusignan becomes king of Cyprus. He marries the daughter of the Venetian patrician Catherine Cornaro. The wedding by proxy took place in Venice. The bride's dowry was at that time a large amount, which the king was tempted to do. One of the points of the marriage contract was the transfer of Cyprus to the rule of Venice, if the spouses will not have an heir.

Four years later, in 1472, 18-year-old Catherine arrives in Cyprus, accompanied by her uncle. Less than a year later, the king suddenly dies before even reaching 40 years of age. The queen gives birth to an heir, but he too suddenly dies without living a year.

The Spanish advisers blame the deaths on his uncle and kill him and his nephew. In response, Venice sends its fleet to the island. The conspirators were executed. In 1489 the queen handed over her powers to Venice and returned empty-handed.

Decoding of number 3.89. If you add 1 to 3, then 489 is the year of the transition of Cyprus to the protectorate of Venice.

Quatrain 5.55 Suleiman I

De la felice Arabie contrade,

Naistre puissant de loy Mahometique:

Vexer l'Espagne, conquester la Grenade,

Et plus par mer a la gent Lygustique.

In the country of Arabia Felix

One powerful will be born in the law of Mahomet:

To vex Spain, to conquer Grenada,

And more by sea against the Ligurian people.

To this quatrain, Suleiman I the Magnificent (1494-1566) is most suitable. Under his rule, the Ottoman Empire reached its highest power. However he did not conquer Grenada. Whether the prophecy was partly not fulfilled, or it is about another person?

Suleiman I concluded a secret alliance with the French King Francis I, who competed with Spain in conquering Italy.

The 4 line. The war with Spain and Italy was conducted mainly on the sea. France provided its ports for the Muslim fleet. This caused condemnation in Christian Europe. The Algerian pirate Barbarossa commanded the Ottoman fleet.

Linkage with other quatrains: 10.62.

Decoding of the number 5.55. If first 5 to flip in 2 and to consider as 2000, 2000-55=1945, 5-1=4, 9 tk put between 44, then we get 1494 – the year of birth.

Quatrain 10.62 Assault of the Ottomans on Hungary

Pres de Sorbin pour assaillir Ongrie.

L'herault de Brudes les viendra aduertir,

Chef Bizantin, Sallon de Sclauonie,

A loy d'Arabes les viendra conuertir.

Near 'Sorbia' to assail Hungary,

The herald of 'Brudes' will come to warn them:

Byzantine chief, Salona of Slavonia,

He will come to convert them to the law of the Arabs.

The quatrain described the Byzantine ruler's attack on Hungary for the conversion to Arab faith. The Byzantine ruler is Suleiman I, the sultan of Turkey, who occupied the territory of the former Byzantine Empire. Slavonia is a territory bordering on Hungary in the south. Apparently, Ottoman army came there from. This battle took place in 1526 near Mohacs. Almost 2 times superior forces of the Turks won a quick victory over the united army of Christians. As a result, a significant part of Hungary and other Slavic peoples found themselves under the Ottoman yoke. True, this event was earlier than the publication of the Prophecy book?

After 161 years, the Ottomans were defeated and expelled by the Austrian army again in the battle of Mohacs.

Linkage with other quatrains: 5.55.

Decoding of the number 10.62. If 2 flip in 5, 1000-65=935, 3-1=2, flip 9 in 6, 6 and 5 swap, then we get 526 – the year of battle.

Quatrain 6.41 Frederick II

Le second chef du regne Dannemarc,

Par ceux de Frise & l'isle Britannique,

Fera despendre plus de cent mille marc.

Vain exploiter voyage en Italique.

The second chief of the realm of Denmark,

Through those of Frisian and of the British Isle,

Will coerced spend more than one hundred thousand marks,

The exploiting in vain the voyage to Italy.

The 1 line. This is the prediction of the king of Denmark and Norway from 1559 Frederick II (1534-1588). Although he was not the 2nd head of Denmark (before him there were many), but under the name of Frederick, he was the second.

The 2 & 3 lines. Many states trading in the Baltic sea concluded an agreement with Denmark to pay dues for passing vessels across the channel Sound. This was an important trade route of Northern Europe. The dues brought considerable income to the royal treasury. In order to protect the strait, Frederick built the Kronborg fortress in Helsingar and fought against pirates. The first part of his reign, this king fought a lot, mostly unsuccessfully. The second half of his reign was marked by the peace and prosperity of the country.

Decoding of the number 6.41. If 1 to put in front, then 1600-41=1559 – the year of beginning reign.

Quatrain 4.18* Inquisition and science

Des plus lettrez dessus les faits celestes

Seront par princes ignorans reprouuez,

Punis d'edit, chassez comme celestes,

Et mis à mort là où seront trouuez.

Some of those most lettered in the celestial facts

Will be condemned by illiterate princes:

Punished by Edict, hunted, like criminals,

And put to death wherever they will be found.

The 1-2 lines. In the Middle Ages the fires of the Inquisition were blazing in many countries of Europe. Especially was brutal the Spanish and Italian inquisition. True, she herself could not bear the death penalty, but gave the convicted to secular justice. If scientists put forward theories or teachings that are contrary to church dogma, they were accused of heresy. This slowed the development of science until the Holy Inquisition ceased to exist in the XIX century.

The 4 line. The most famous victim of obscurantism was Giordano Bruno (1548-1600) – an Italian astronomer and mathematician, philosopher and poet. In 1600 he was burned alive at the stake. He popularized the teachings of Copernicus, arguing that the Sun does not revolve around the Earth, but conversely, as well as other progressive theories. Copernicus himself escaped the verdict, having renounced his views. Bruno fled from Italy, tried save oneself, but he was tricked and attracted.

The next Galileo Galilei was involved to the Inquisition after 30 years. He also accepted the theory of Copernicus. Thanks to the improvement of the telescope, he made outstanding astronomical discoveries. To avoid the sentence, he publicly renounced his views, but in the soul remained true to them. He is credited with the famous phrase: "And yet it spins." After Galileo, the Inquisition was increasingly subjected to public condemnation, and its had to reckon with it.

Quatrain 3.36 John Calvin

Enseuely non mort apopletique,

Sera trouue auoir les mains mangees

Quand la cite damnera l'heretique,

Qu'auoit leurs loix ce ieur sembloit changees.

Buried apoplectic not dead,

He will be found to have his hands eaten:

When the city will condemn the heretic,

He who it seemed to them had changed their laws.

Blood went through the mouth during the last sermon of John Calvin (10.07.1509-27.05.1564). After that, he lay down and never again preached. Apparently he had hemorrhage else, which paralyzed him and made him speechless. He fell into such a state that he was considered dead and buried at the age of 54. I read somewhere on the Internet, when he was reburied, it found that he had gnawed his right hand.

Nostradamus calls him a heretic and is probably right. Calvin was not famous for his deeds of mercy and goodness. He executed a lot and cruelly. Geneva got rid of the despot.

Connection with other quatrains: 1.47.

Decoding of number 3.36. If 3 to consider as 300, then 300-36 = 264. Turn 2 over in 5, 1 put in front and we get 1564 – the year of death.

Quatrain 4.92 Ali Pasha

Teste /Tête/ trenchee du vaillant Capitaine,

Ser ietté deuant /devant/ son aduersaire,

Son corps pendu de sa classe à l'antenne,

Confus fuira par rames à vent contraire.

The head of the valiant captain cut off,

It will be thrown before his adversary:

His body hung on the sail-yard of the ship,

Confused they will flee by oars against the wind.

Here the decisive episode of the naval battle at Lepanto 07.10.1571 is predicted. It was a battle between the Ottoman and the Allied fleet of Christians. Both fleets, built in battle order, consisted of the center and flanks. In the center the main battle ensued between the flagships of Ali Pasha and John of Austria. Ali Pasha, who led the Ottoman flotilla, was shot dead. His head was cut off and raised at peak. This caused a great panic in the Turkish fleet. Despite fewer ships, Christians won.

Decoding of the number 4.92. If 1 to put in front and consider as 1000, then 1000-429 = 571 – year of battle of Lepanto.

Quatrain 10.91 Catholic League

Clergé Romain l'an mil six cens & neuf,

Au chef de l'an fera élection

D'vn gris & noir de la Compagne yssu,

Qui onc ne fut si maling.

In the year 1609, Roman clergy,

At the beginning of the year you will hold an election:

Of one gray and black issued from Campania,

Never was there one so wicked as he.

This is one of the few quatrains, where the year is specified explicitly -1609. The Roman clergy, as is known, is a Catholic church. In that year, Maximilian of Bavaria organized and was elected head of the Catholic League. Several German principalities entered it: Bavaria, whose elector was Maximilian, as well as Würzburg, Cologne, Mainz, Trier. He created the League to fight against Protestant, who in 1608 united in Unia. The confrontation between the two religious movements led to the Thirty Years' War, which swept not only Germany, but also other European countries.

Nostradamus writes about black and gray. If you look at the picture of Carl Piloty "Katholische League", then in the center of it you can see two men in black and gray. Black clothes were worn by Maximilian of Bavaria.

Maximilian of Bavaria was a pupil of the Order of the Jesuits, who from his youth instilled in him hatred for the Protestant.

Decoding of the number 10.91. If 0 to put in the end, 9 to flip in 6, then 1610-1=1609 – thr year of beginning Katholische League.

Quatrain 5.74* Eugene of Savoy

De sang Troy en naistra cœur Germanique,

Qui deuiendra en si haute puissance,

Hors chassera gent estrange Arabique,

Tournant l'Eglise en pristine preeminence.

Of Trojan blood will be born a German heart

Who will rise to very high power:

He will drive out the foreign Arabic people,

Returning the Church to its pristine preeminence.

Quatrain is marked *, as previously deciphered by T. Dubrovskaya.

Prince Eugene of Savoy (18.10.1663-21.04.1736) was born in Paris. In connection with "affair of the poisons" his family was deported from France. The first line says that the German heart will be born from the Trojan blood. The according to legend, the French are the descendants of the Trojan king. Since 20 years, Savoy began to fight against the Ottomans in the Austrian army. Later he was its commander-in-chief. He died in Vienna.

The second line says that he will become powerful. Eugene won many battles and became one of the outstanding generals.

The 3 line. In 1697 he defeated the superior forces of the Ottoman Turks in the Battle of Zend. Later this led to the liberation of Hungary and Transylvania from the Ottoman yoke and the weakening of the domination of Muslims.

Decoding of number 5.74. If 7 to put in front and to consider as 700, 700-54=646, 4-1=3, then we get 663 – year of birth.

Quatrain 6.49 Battle of Vienna 1683

De la partie de Mammer grand pontife,

Subiuguera les confins du Dannube:

Chasser les croix par fer raffe ne riffe,

Captif, or, bagues, plus de cent mille rubes.

The great Pontiff of the party of Mars

Will subjugate the confines of the Danube:

The cross to pursue, through sword hook or crook,

Captives, gold, jewels more than one hundred thousand rubies.

In 1683 the huge Turkish army in 200 thousand people has besieged Vienna – a city on the banks of the Danube. The siege lasted almost 8 weeks. Garrison in 16 thousand people defended the city from the vastly superior enemy forces. The unified army of Christians under the command of Jan Sobieski came to the aid of the besieged. It included Poles, Lithuanians, Austrians, Bavarians, Saxons. Pope Innocent XI blessed this expedition. The troops of the Sacred League won a brilliant victory, captured 5000 turk people and huge booty: carts, cattle, all artillery. This victory and the subsequent victory in the Battle of Mohacs in 1687 weakened the Ottoman Empire and became a turning point in history. The Turks could no longer regain these lands on the Danube.

Decoding of the number 6.49. If 9 to consider as 900, then 900-64=836, 1 and 6 is put in front we get 1683 – year of battle.

Quatrain 3.77 The Ottoman-Hotaki war 1723-1727

Le tiers climat sous Aries comprins,

L'an mil sept cens vingt & sept en Octobre,

Le Roy de Perse par ceus d'Egypte prins,

Conflit, mort, perte, a la croix grand opprobre.

The third climate included under Aries

The year 1727 in October,

The King of Persia captured by those of Egypt:

Conflict, death, loss: to the cross great shame.

1 line. Aries zodiac sign is March-April. In the spring of 1723 the Ottoman Empire began a war in the Caucasus, and then in Persia.

The year 1727 in October – Ottoman-Hotaki war ended with the victory of the Ottomans, whom the prophet for some reason calls the Egyptians.

The King of Persia – Ashraf ,under peace treaty in Hamedan, actually came under the rule of the Ottoman Sultan (captured). Northwest Iran, including Tehran, became part of the Ottoman Empire.

4th line is not decrypted.

Decoding of number 3.77. 3-1=2 (277). The numbers rearrange, get 727 – year of end the war.

Quatrain 3.31 The uprising in Armenia

Aux champs de Mede, d'Arabe & d'armenie

Deux grands copies trois fois s'assemble- (ront:

Pres du riuage d'Araxes la mesnie,

Du grand Soliman en terre tomberont.

On the field of Mede, of Arabia and of Armenia

Two great armies will assemble thrice:

The host near the bank of the Araxes,

They will fall in the land of the great Suleiman.

Perhaps, the Armenian uprising against the Ottoman yoke in 1722-1728, under the leadership of David-bek, is predicted here. In 1722-1725 he managed to liberate the Syunik and Artsakh regions from the Persians. From 1726 to 1728 the Armenians fought against the Ottoman Turks. David-bek managed to take several Turkish fortresses, including Alidzor. In 1728, the Armenians struck a heavy blow to the Turks in the Battle of Meghri settlement. The name Meghri is translated as Honey. It is on the river flowing into the Araks. However, there is a discrepancy, the ruler of the Ottoman Empire at that time was Ahmed III, and not Suleiman.

Decoding of the number 3.31. 300-13=287. If 1 and 7 to put in front, then we get 1728 – year of victory over the Ottomans at Meghri.

Quatrain 5.20 Crossing the Alps

Delà les Alpes grand armee passera,

Vn peu deuant naistra monstre vapin:

Prodigieux & subit tournera,

Le grand Toscan à son lieu plus propin.

The great army will pass beyond the Alps,

Shortly before will be born a monster from vapor:

Prodigious and sudden he will turn,

The great Tuscan to his nearest place.

The 1 line is about Suvorov's Swiss campaign in 1799. Russia took part in the war against France as part of the second coalition. The Russian army conducted military operations on land and at sea. Russian-Austrian troops under the command of AV Suvorov acted very successfully and liberated the entire north of Italy from the French. For connection with another corps, the Field Marshal was to conduct the army to Switzerland. The troops in the hardest winter conditions crossed the Alps, despite the enemy's resistance. Having descended into the Mutenskaya valley, the 14 thousand army of Russians was surrounded and took up a battle against the 24 thousand-strong army of the French. The Russians won a brilliant victory with minimal losses. After that, Suvorov moved the army through a snow-covered pass. The whole Europe was amazed his actions.

A monster from vapor, in the notion of Nostradamus, is a steam engine. In 1769 the Frenchman Kanyu created a self-propelled vehicle with a steam engine, and in 1788 the first steamship appeared. In a sense, the steam engine is a monster, because steam boilers often exploded.

The 4 line. Perhaps the great Tuscan is Napoleon I. He was born in Corsica, not far from Tuscan. After withdrawal of Russian troops from Italy, Napoleon returned there in 1800.

Decoding of the number 5.20. If 5 to flip in 2 and to consider as 2000, 2+1=3, then 2000-3=1997, 7 is put before 99 we get 1799 – year of Swiss campaign.

Quatrain 7.24 Pierre du Pont de Nemours

L'enseuely sortira du tombeau,

Fera de chaines lier le fort du pont:

Empoisonné auec œufs de Barbeau,

Grand de Lorraine par le Marquis du Pont.

He who was buried will come out of the tomb,

he will make the strong one out of the bridge to be bound with chains.

Poisoned with the roe of a barbel,

the great one from Lorraine by the Marquis du Pont.

One of the few quatrains, where name is indicated exactly: du Pont, which in French means a bridge. DuPont is a famous dynasty of American multimillionaires with French roots. The founder of the dynasty Pierre (1739-1817) was the son of a simple Parisian watchmaker, made a career, became rich, was a friend of the French prime minister. During the Revolution, he took the side of the King, apparently, therefore, became a Marquis. The village Nemours, where Pierre met his future wife, became a family estate. His family immigrated to the USA in 1799 fearing revolutionary terror. There they began to successfully develop chemical production. By the middle of the 20th century the family numbered up to 1.5 thousand people. The DuPont Corporation has evolved into a gigantic campaign with many of factories producing weapons, aircraft, computers, etc.

The 1 line. This seemingly incredible prophecy has come true and has a simple explanation. Pierre was very clever from childhood, but weak in health and limp. Once, he contracted smallpox. A few days later the doctors mistakenly stated his death. The unhappy mother spent the whole night near the coffin. Fell asleep in the morning, she was awakened by his cry. Pierre survived, but traces of smallpox spoiled his face for life. [14]

The 2 line. US President Jefferson, with whom Pierre met in France, instructed him to negotiate with Napoleon I. Through this mediation (bridge), America bought Louisiana, doubling its territory.

Probable decoding of number 7.24. 700-24=676, first 6 is put at the end, 66 flip in 99, 1 is put at the ahead we get 1799 – the year of immigration to USA.

Quatrain 6.15 Prince Henry

Dessous la tombe sera trouué le prince,

Qu'aura le prix par dessus Nuremberg:

L'Espagnol Roy en Capricorne mince,

Faint & trahy par le grand Vitemberg.

Under the tomb will be found a Prince

Who will be valued above Nuremberg:

The Spanish King in Capricorn thin,

Deceived and betrayed by the great Wittenberg.

As a possible suggest the following interpretation of this quatrain. The first two lines can be about Prince Henry of Prussia (1726-1802) – an outstanding commander. During the war for the Bavarian inheritance, he led the army. The result of the war was the annexation of Bavaria to Prussia, and Nuremberg – one of the largest Bavarian cities conquered by Prussia. Prince took part with the Seven Years War (1756 -1763) and won it last battle. Henry was buried in a pyramidal tomb.

The third line may be about the loss of Spain of vast territories Florida, which were transferred to England following the Paris Peace Treaty. By the way, it was signed in 1763 on February 10 (Constellation Capricorn). In exchange, Spain received Havana.

The explanation for the last line could not be found.

Probable decoding of number 6.15. If 1 is put at the ahead and consider as 1000, flip 6 in 9, 1000-915=085, flip 5 in 2, 08 swap 80 then we will get 802 – the year of death.

Quatrain 6.30 The Belgian revolution

Par l'apparence de saincte saincteté,

Sera trahy aux ennemis le siege,

Nuict qu'on cuidoit dormir en seureté,

Pres de Braban marcheront ceux du Liege.

Through the appearance of the feigned sanctity,

The siege will be betrayed to the enemies:

In the night when they trusted to sleep in safety,

Near Brabant will march those of Liege.

Judging by the content, this is a prophecy about the revolution in Belgium (1830-1831). As a result, the Kingdom of Belgium was separated from the United Kingdom of the Netherlands.

The 1 line. The south of the Netherlands predominantly professed Catholicism, and the north – Protestantism. Perhaps this religious antithesis was not so much a cause as an excuse for revolution.

In August 1831 the Dutch army beginning a war, crossing the border of Brabant. It defeated everywhere. However, under the pressure of the international London conference, Willem I was forced to withdraw his troops.

Decoding of the number 6.30. If 6 to flip in 9, 9-1=8, then we get 830 – year of Belgian revolution.

Quatrain 4.33[1] Discovery of the planet Neptune

Iupiter ioint plus Venus qu'à la Lune

Appatoiƒƒant de plenitude blanche:

Venus cachée ƒous la blancheur Neptune,

De Mars frappé par la granée blanche.

Jupiter joined more to Venus than to the Moon

Appearing with white fulness:

Venus hidden under the whiteness of Neptune

Struck by Mars through the white brink.

In this quatrain the prophet describes the first observation of the planet Neptune by the English astronomer Challis in August 1846. He thought that it a new star. The quatrain describes the mutual position of the planets and the moon at the time of observation. After 1.5 months, Neptune was discovered by the German astronomer Galle.

Probable decoding of number 4.33. If last 3-1=2, 4+1=5 (532), 500-32=468, 8 is put at the ahead, then will be 846 – the year of discovery.

Quatrain 4.82 Fire in Bucharest

Amas s'approche venant d'Esclauonie,

L'Olestant vieux cite ruynera:

Fort desolee verra sa Romanie,

Puis la grand flamme estaindre ne scaura.

A throng approaches coming from Slavonia,

The old Destroyer the city will ruin:

He will see his Romania quite desolated,

Then he will not know how to put out the great flame.

The big fire in Bucharest was in March 1847. It quickly spread due to a strong south wind. Almost a third part of the city burned out, 15 people died, many were left without housing and property.

Decoding of number 4.82. If you rearrange the numbers – 842, 8 to consider as 800, then 800-42=758. 5-1=4, in the reverse order will be 847 – the year of fire.

Quatrain 3.76 German Workers' Parties

En Germanie naistront diuerses fectes,

S'approchant fort de l'heureux paganisme,

Le cœur captif, & petites receptes

Feront retour à payer le vray dixme.

In Germany will be born diverse sects,

Coming very near happy paganism,

The heart captive and returns small,

They will return to paying the true tithe.

The 1 line. The movement of the proletariat in Germany was organized in May 1863. Then in Leipzig the General German Workers' Union was formed, which united representatives of several large cities. It was headed by a well-known publicist and orator Lassalle, closely acquainted with Karl Marx. The union opposed Bismarck's reactionary policies, sought universal suffrage and increased wages.

Later in 1869 another, more numerous, Social-Democratic Labour Party was formed. Wilhelm Liebknecht and August Bebel were its leaders. It fought against the unification of Germany under the primacy of the Prussian monarchy.

The 2 line. K. Marx and F. Engels were the theorists of the new working movement. They created a philosophical theory of materialism, denying the divine beginning of the universe. This doctrine was adopted by Lenin and the Russian workers' parties and led to atheism in Russia during the Soviet period. Instead of religion, the theory of communism-happy paganism-was preached. The utopian theory of communism was Lenin's mistake, as well as atheism. It was based on the fact that people will gradually improve themselves spiritually and will value the interest of society above their personal, will work volunteer and free of charge for the benefit of society.

The 3 line. It was such people who surrounded Lenin. Revolutionaries were so devoted to the idea that not only their labour, but also their lives were ready to give for the benefit of society. They went for everything: prisons, exiles, emigration; neither fame nor money interested them. Many died in the struggle for a high idea. But these people were specially born for the purposes of the Revolution. If we now look around ourselves, we will not see such. People do not become better. On the contrary, the better they live, the worse. Thanks to the conquests of the Revolution, many now live well. Nobody not only does not put public interest above personal, but, on the contrary, for their own benefit, they are ready to violate the interests of the neighbour, the laws of society, justice. The theory of communism is a beautiful fairy tale, but, like everything beautiful, it has the right to exist.

Linkage with other quatrains: 3.67.

Decoding of the number 3.76. If 7+1=8, 3 to put in end, then we get 863 – the year of formation the first workers' party in Germany.

Quatrain 3.67[2] A new sect of philosophers

Vne nouuelle fecte de Philosophes,

Mesprisant mort, or, honneurs & richesses,

Des monts Germains ne seront limitrophes,

A les ensuyure auront appuy & presses.

A new sect of philosophers

Despising death, gold, honors and riches

Will not be bordering upon the German mountains:

To follow them they will have power and crowds.

The 1 and 2 lines are apparently about the revolutionaries. They worked clandestinely, like a sect, selflessly went to deprivation, prison, exile and even death for the sake of a high idea.

The 3 line. The German economist K. Marx was the ideologist of communist philosophy. In May 1867 the first volume of his book "Capital" was published. His ideas were most widely spread not in Germany, but in Russia.

The 4 line. The revolutionary movement received broad support among the masses and led to the Revolution in Russia and then in other countries.

Linkage with other quatrains: 3.76. Both quatrains have the same digits in numbers.

Quatrain 5.50 The events of 1914

L'an que les freres du lys seront en aage,

Lvn d'eux tiendra la grande Romanie,

Trembler les monts, ouuert Latin passage,

Pache marcher contre fort d'Armenie.

The year that the brothers of the lily come of age,

One of them will hold the great 'Romania:

The mountains to tremble, Latin passage opened,

Pasha to march against the fort of Armenia.

In 1914 Ferdinand I became king of Romania, after the elder brother's refusal from the throne.

The 3 line. In the same year, the First World war began. The mountains are probably the Balkans, and the Latin, perhaps, the Italians, who had occupied part of Albania.

The 4 line. Eastern Armenia in the First World War was on the side of the Entente. Turkey sought to attract Western Armenia to its side, and Russia – to its own. Military operations were conducted, mainly, in western Armenia. The Turks launched an offensive in 1914. On occupied territories they made genocide against Armenians. By the summer of 1916 most part of Armenia was occupied by the Russian army.

Decoding of the number 5.50. If first 5 to flip in 2 and to consider as 200, 50+1=51, then 200-51=149. 1 and 9 are put in front we get 1914 – the year of events.

Quatrain 5.12 Mata Hari

Aupres du Lac Leman sera conduite,

Par garse estrange cite voulant trahir,

Auant son meurtre a Aspurg la grand fuitte,

Et ceux du Rhin la viendront inuahir.

To near the Lake of Geneva will it be conducted,

By the foreign maiden wishing to betray the city:

Before its murder at Augsburg the great suite,

And those of the Rhine will come to invade it.

The most famous woman spy – was the performer of dances in the oriental style under the pseudonym Mata Hari (1876-1917). The third line of quatrain comes to her. Her murder was predicted there. She was an agent of German intelligence. Margaret Zelle (her real name) entered into personal ties with high-ranking military and political figures. She could profitably to sell the information received from them. Probably, she was driven by the desire to get rich in any ways. She tried to become an agent of French intelligence, but was arrested and convicted. In October 1917, she was shot on the verdict of the court. The circumstances of her espionage activities are still shrouded in a veil of secrecy.

Decoding of the number 5.12. If 5 to flip in 2 and to consider as 200, then 200-21=179. 1 and 9 to put in front, it will be 1917 – the year of execution.

Quatrain 9.7 Tutankhamun

Qui ouurira le monument trouué,

Et ne viendra le serrer proprement,