Czytaj książkę: «Prophecies by Nostradamus», strona 15


The 4th line is probably Russia, the USA and Great Britain, which defeated Germany. In 1944 Hitler was sandwiched between two fronts: from the East came the Russians and from the West – Americans and English men.

Linkage with other quatrains: 10.66, 8.41, 4.56.

Decoding of the number 9.53. If 1 is put at the ahead, by swapping 53 then we will get 1935 – the year when the anti-Jewish law was adopted.

Quatrain 3.10 Munich is starving

De sang & faim plus grand calamité,

Sept fois s'appreste à la marine plage:

Monech de faim, lieu pris captiuité,

Le grand mené croc enferree cage.

Greater calamity of blood and famine,

Seven times it approaches the marine shore:

Munich from hunger, place captured, captivity,

The great one (will travel) in a metaled cage.

In this quatrain, as in the next 2.24, it is said of the great man. He in an iron cage travels. This is Hitler's propaganda tour of Germany on an airship, described in the following interpretation.

In the 1 and 3 lines the word "hunger" speaks of the hard and hungry years of the First World War and after it.

The 3 line. In 1923 Hitler organized a "beer putsch" in Munich. After that the city became the capital and stronghold of fascism. Near Munich the first concentration camp Dachau was established. There the Nazis were kills their enemies.

Linkage with other quatrains: 2.24.

Probable decoding of number 3.10. If 3+1=4 and to consider as 400, 400-01=399, to swap 39 in 93, last 9 to flip in 6, then we get 936 – the year of seizure power.

Quatrain 6.51* The assassination attempt on Hitler

Peuple assemble voir nouueau expectacle

Princes & Roys par plusieurs assistans,

Pilliers faillir, murs, mais comme miracle,

Le Roy sauue & trente des instans.

People assembled to see a new spectacle,

Princes and Kings amongst many bystanders,

Pillars walls to fall: but as by a miracle

The King will saved and thirty of the ones present.

The German Nostradamus decoder Kraft warned the Führer that on the days from November 7 to 10, 1936 he would face mortal danger, calculated from this quatrain of Nostradamus. This prediction turned out to be correct. On 8 November at a speech by Hitler at the Munich City Hall, there was an explosion, 20 people died, the Fuhrer miraculously survived. Hitler believed to Kraft, ordered him to further decrypt Nostradamus. Kraft deciphered that prophet predicted the defeat of Germany in the world war. This information reached Hitler in a somewhat transformed form.

Decoding of number 6.51. The numbers rearrange – 561. If to flip 5 to 2 and to consider as 2000, then 2000-61=1939. Turn last 9 over in 6 we get 1936 – the year of explosion.

Quatrain 2.24 In an iron cage

Bestes farouches de faim fleuues tranner,

Plus part du camp encontre Hister sera,

En cage de fer le grand fera trainner,

Qunad Rin enfant Germain obseruera.

Beasts ferocious from hunger will swim across rivers:

The greater part of the region will be against the Hister,

The great one will cause it to be dragged in an iron cage,

When Germany will observe of the Rhine's child.

Napoleon and Hitler thought this was a prophecy about them. They were afraid that they would be taken in an iron cage, and would be shown as wild beasts. Napoleon, being in exile on the island of St. Helena, said that this is not better than an iron cage. The iron cage was not a shameful ending, but, on the contrary, a triumphal procession of Hitler at the beginning of his military victories. In the finals, as you know, he suffered a complete fiasco.

The 1 line. 3 German battalions crossed the bridge of Hohenzollern, connecting the banks of the Rhine. They occupied the territory beyond the Rhine, which belonged to France. Hitler bluffed – he then did not have enough military power to fight with France. He would have immediately retreated if France had begun military operations. That did not happen. Hitler felt like a winner. In Germany then it was pretty hungry. The Führer managed to feed the people, and this is one of the reasons for his popularity. Nostradamus calls the fascists wild beasts. Indeed, the cruelty of Nazis is known to all.

The 2 line. The League of nations condemned Germany for violating international treaties. Only these were just words, no actions backed up. Hitler believed in his fate, as he later said in Munich: "I am following the path indicated by Providence, with the certainty of a lunatic." Here he was right, all his actions were long predefined.

The 3 line. After the occupation of the Rhine area, Hitler's prestige increased, and he immediately took advantage of this. He dismissed the Reichstag and became the head of state as a result of the plebiscite. On the rigid-frame dirigible "Hindenburg", decorated with a swastika, Hitler triumphant parade marched through the cities of Germany. If you look at the photo of the airship frame, you can see that the frame is a double metal cage. Everything came true as predicted.

The 4 line. Rhine child should be understood in the sense that it was the Rhine operation that gave Hitler the way he went down in history: as the aggressor and the great conqueror. Germany observe – this agitational journey of the Fuhrer in the country on the airship.

Linkage with other quatrains: 3.10.

Probable decoding of number 2.24. If second 2 flip in 5, 5+1=6 then 2000-64=1936 – the year of a capture of the Rhineland.

Quatrain 6.3 Hitler and religion

Fleuue qu'esprouue le nouueau nay Celtique,

Sera en grande de l'Empire discorde:

Le ieune prince par gent Ecclesiastique,

Ostera le sceptre coronal de concorde.

The river that tries the new Celtic heir

Will be in great discord with the Empire:

The young Prince through the ecclesiastical people

Will remove the sceptre of the crown of concord.

In quatrain 3.58 says: "Near the Rhine… will be born a great one". In prophecy 2.24 Nostradamus also calls Hitler "the child of the Rhine." Hitler’s birth is predicted in quatrain 3.35. This river really caused a great deal of conflict. In 1936 German battalions occupied the territories beyond the Rhine belonging to France (quatrain 2.24). This has caused an international scandal.

Lines 3 and 4 say about the complex relationship between Hitler and the clergy. He was a baptized Catholic, but did not attend Mass. To attract more people, he proclaimed himself the protector of the church. In 1933 a concordat was concluded between the Vatican and the Third Reich.

However this did not prevent him from closing churches and seizing church property from time to time. The German Catholic church has criticized the NSDAP for the dissolution of some catholic organizations.

In 1937 Pius XI in his encyclical stated that the concordat was violated constantly by the NSDAP and spoke out about the incompatibility of the Christian religion and fascist ideology. The encyclical was promulgated in all Catholic churches in Germany.

Decoding of the number 6.3. If 1 to put in front and to consider as 1000, then 1000-63=937 – is the year of the papal encyclical.

Quatrain 3.63 Visit Mussolini to Germany

Romain pouuoir sera du tout à bas

Son grand voisin imiter ses vestiges:

Occultes haines ciuiles & debats

Retarderont aux bouffons leurs follies.

The Roman power will be thoroughly humbled,

Following in the footsteps of its great neighbour:

Hidden civil hatreds and debates

Will delay their follies for the buffoons.

The rapprochement between Italy and Germany began in 1936, when it was necessary to support the fascist regime Franco in Spain.

The 1 стр. After 5 refusals Mussolini at last decides to visit Germany in 1937. To impress the guest Hitler organizes huge meetings and military parades. He demonstrates his amazing influence on the crowds. At a grand meeting in Berlin, Mussolini made a speech: "Italian fascism finally got a friend, and he will go with his friend to the end."

Linkage with other quatrains: 5.29, 4.68, 3.11.

Decoding of the number 3.63. If 3-1=2 and to consider 2 as 2000, then 2000-63=1937 – the year of visit.

Quatrain 1.40 Hystra

La trombe fausse dissimulant folie,

Fera Bisance vn changement de loix,

Hystra d'Egypte qui veut que l'on deslie

Edict changeant monnoyes & alloix.

The false tornado concealing madness

will cause Byzantium to change its laws.

Hystra from Egypt there will go forth a man who wants

the edict withdrawn, changing money and standards.

During World War II Egypt was occupied by British troops. In 1940, Italian troops invaded Egypt and went far enough. However, they could not take advantage of the numerical advantage and were soon driven back by the British with heavy losses. Hitler sent his troops under the command of Rommel to help the allied Italy.

Lacking sufficient forces, Rommel ordered to make mock-ups of tanks and guns in order to deceive the enemy. He was a talented military leader and acted very successfully in Africa until 1943, when the United States came to help the British.

Hystra, possibl is Hitler. In 1935 he ordered the minting of coins not with a coat of arms, but with a swastika surrounded by a wreath of oak leaves. The coins also featured an eagle. During the war, when there was not enough metal, the Fuehrer ordered the expensive coin alloy to be replaced with a cheap one made of zinc and aluminum, which quickly deteriorated.

Decoding of number 1.40. Let's rearrange the numbers – 410. 410-1=409. Rearranging, we get 940 – the year of the Italians' invasion of Egypt.

Quatrain 5.81 Capitulation of France

L'oyseau Royal sur la Cité solaire,

Sept mois deuant fera nocturne augure:

Mur d'Orient cherra tonnerre esclaire,

Sept iours aux portes les ennemis à l'heure.

The royal bird over the city of the Sun,

Seven months in advance it will deliver a nocturnal omen:

The Eastern wall will fall lightning thunder,

Seven days the enemies directly to the gates.

Nostradamus calls Paris the city of the sun not only here, but also in the quatrain 1.8. The royal bird – the soaring eagle was the symbol of the Luftwaffe (German Air Force). Apparently, it is predicted the night flights of reconnaissance aircraft under the command of Rovel. In 1939-1940 it conducted reconnaissance of France and allied countries. This can be regarded as a warning, (prophecy) of the impending attack. Seven months, apparently, the period of a strange war is a confrontation between German and French troops on the Maginot line, from September 1939 to April 1940.

In the third line, the fall of the Eastern wall, the Maginot defensive line, is predicted. Thunder and lightning – shooting and bombing.

In the 4th line – the last seven days before the surrender of Paris.

Linkage with other quatrains: 5.30.

Decoding of the number 5.81. If 500-81=419, 9 to put in front, then we get 941-1=940 – the year of capitulation of France.

Quatrain 8.41 Election of the Hitler

Esleu sera Renad ne sonnant mot,

Faisant le saint public viuant pain d'orge,

Tyrannizer apres tant à vn cop,

Mettant à pied des plus grands sur la gorge,

А Renad will be elected without speaking one word,

appearing saintly in public living on barley bread,

afterwards he will suddenly become a tyrant

putting his foot on the throats of the greatest men.

Perhaps this is a prophecy about the election of Hitler. After the death of President Hindenburg in 1934, a plebiscite was held. By a majority of votes, Hitler was elected head of state.

The second line can be interpreted as the oppression of the Jews.

The third line, apparently, about the tyranny of the Fuhrer: the genocide of peoples, concentration camps, mass fusillades, gas chambers and other atrocities against humanity.

The 4th line about the conquests of Hitler. Under the greatest, most likely, Stalin is meant – an attack on Russia.

Linkage with other quatrains: 2.24, 3.63, 5.29, 9.53, 4.56.

Probable decoding of number 8.41. If 8+1=9 then we will get 941 – the year of the attack on Russia.

Quatrain 5.59[3] The attack to Russia

Au chef Anglois à Nimes trop feiour,

Deuers l'Espagne au secours Areobarbe,

Plusieurs mourront par Mars ouuert ce iour,

Quand en Artois faillir estoille en barbe.

Too long a stay for the English chief at Nоmes,

Toward Spain red-beard to the rescue:

Many will die by war opened that day,

When a bearded star will fall in Artois.

In the 1st line, perhaps the participation of British troops on the side of France in the war against Germany is predicted. Nimes is a city in the south of France, not far from which one of the defense lines was broken through by German armored forces.

In the 2nd line there is the word Areobarbe – redbeard. So Hitler called the plan of attack on Russia – "Barbarossa". Germany tried to drag Spain into this war, but Spain remained neutral. However, the Spanish units were part of the German troops.

The 3rd line indicates the day the war began. It is encrypted in number 559. If all numbers to flip, then we get 226 – 22 June 1941 Germany attacked Russia in the early morning.

In the 4th line, the word faillir is translated as fail, go broke. Stella Artois is a famous brand of light Belgian beer. In 1940, Belgium was occupied by fascist troops.

Decoding of number 5.59. If the first 5 to flip into 2 and consider as 2000, then 2000-59=1941 – year of the attack to Russia.

Quatrain 5.90 The great famine in Greece

Dans les cyclades en Perinthe & Larisse,

Dedans Sparte tout le Pelloponesse;

Si grand famine, peste, par faux connisse,

Neuf mois tiendra & tout le cherrouesse.

In the Cyclades, in Perinthus and Larissa,

In Sparta and the entire Pelopennesus:

Very great famine, plague through false dust,

Nine months will it last and throughout the entire peninsula.

The Peloponnese is the southern part of Greece, which was occupied by Italy during the Second World War. Very strong hunger was in this area, in large cities. It began in the autumn of 1941 and lasted until the summer of 1942. Supply of products began to get better in the autumn of 1942. This was a manifestation of one of the forms of fascist genocide. The Germans said that the Greeks do not belong to the higher race because there is a lot of Slavic impurity in their blood. They literally robbed the country, taking out the entire food stock for the needs of Germany. Approximately, 300 thousand people died of hunger in Greece.

Linkage with other quatrains: 9.53.

Decoding of the number 5.90. If 500-09=491, 1 to put ahead, by swapping these numbers we get 1941 – the year of beginning great famine.

Quatrain 4.68 Operation "Hercules"

En l'an bien proche eslongne de Venus,

Les deux plus grands de l'Asie & d'Affrique:

Du Rin & Hyster, qu'on dira sont venus,

Cris, pleurs a Malte & coste a Lygustique.

In year very near not far from Venus,

The two greatest ones of Asia and of Africa,

From the Rhine and Hyster they will be said to have come,

Cries, tears at Malta and the Ligurian side.

Since Hitler is mentioned in the third line, and in the 4th – Malta, then after looking at the history of Malta during the Second World War, I found the "Operation Hercules". By Germany and Italy was planned in 1938 a joint operation to seize Malta. It was necessary to them as a springboard for the transfer of troops to North Africa. At that time this island was a British colony and there were air bases.

The 4 line. In 1940 Italy declared war on England and began bombing Malta. To her Germany joined, having stationed in 1941 its air corps on the island of Sicily. The German Aces had drops the bombs precisely for the purpose in contrast to the Italian pilots, who sometimes dropped their shells into the sea. Particularly difficult was for defenders of Malta in 1942. Only for the first half of the year 6557 tons of shells were dropped. The maximum break between air alarms was only 24 hours.

In connection with the changed military situation, the operation for the landing of the fascist landing was abolished in 1942. In 1943 the Italo-German troops capitulated from North Africa. In the same years military operations were conducted on the Apennine and Balkan peninsulas – the Ligurian coast.

Linkage with other quatrains: 2.24.

Decoding of the number 4.68. 4000-86=3914. If 3 to put in the end, 1 to put in front, then it will be 1943, by subtracting 1 we get 1942 year.

Quatrain 1.99 Tehran conference

Le grand Monarque qui fera compagnie,

Auec deux Roys vnis par amitie,

O quel sou(s)pir fera la grande mesnie,

Enfans Narbon a l'entour quel pitie.

The great monarch will join

with two kings, united in friendship.

Oh, what a sigh a great army emits,

the children around Narbon what pity for.

In Nostradamus' time, there was no such thing as a President, so he calls them monarchs or kings. The great monarch – Stalin I. V. The USSR waged a long, hard war against Germany. In 1943 in Tehran the 3 leaders of the USSR, USA and England has the first conference. Two kings are Roosevelt and Churchill. The prophet calls them friends because they had already met before and discussed among themselves the opening of the 2nd front.

In Tehran, this issue was resolved positively. Six months later the United States and England opened a 2nd front. Fascist Germany was forced to transfer part of the troops from the eastern front to the western. This was a huge relief for the Soviet army (3rd line). Hitler ran out of human reserves, and he was forced to recruit adolescents for the western front – the children around Narbon.

Connection with other quatrains: 10.66, it is interesting that if to turn over 66 in 99, we will get all the numbers of this quatrain 199!

Decoding of number 1.99. If 99 to turn over in 66, 1 to consider as 1000, then 1000-66=934. 3 and 4 to rearrange, 1 to place in front, we get 1943 – year of the Tehran conference.

Quatrain 1.29 Military amphibians

Quand le poisson terrestre, & aquatique

Par forte vague au grauier sera mis,

Sa forme estrange, suaue & horrifique,

Par mer aux murs bien tost les ennemys. A iij

When the fish that travels over both land and sea

is cast up on to the shore by a great wave,

its shape foreign, smooth and frightful.

From the sea the enemies soon reach the walls.

Nostradamus predicted amphibious vehicles, amphibious tanks, which began to be produced in several countries before World War II. The United States used amphibians vehicles in 1943 when landing in Sicily, in 1944 when the 2nd front was opened, when landing in Normandy, and also during the war with Japan.

Decoding of number 1.29. If 29 to turn over in 56, 1 to consider as 1000, then 1000-56=944 is the year when the Allies landed in Normandy.

Quatrain 10.66 Second front

Le chef de Londres par regne l'Americh,

L'isle d'Escosse t'empiera par gelée:

Roy Rebauront vn si faux Antechrist,

Que les mettra trestous dans la meslée.

The chief of London through the realm of America,

The Isle of Scotland will be tried by frost:

King and 'Reb' will face an Antichrist so false,

That he will involves all them in the conflict.

Perhaps in quatrain the opening of the 2nd front by America and England in 1944 is predicted. The first line can be interpreted as the visit of the British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill to the USA in may 1943. On the ship "Queen Mary" he arrives in America. The purpose of the visit is to resolve issues related to the opening of the second front.

The 2 line. Here is an indication of the winter season. From November 28 to December 1, 1943, negotiations between Stalin, Churchill and Roosevelt took place in Tehran on the opening of the 2nd front. Another half a year, the United states and Britain held a wait-and-see attitude. Only in June 1944, when the Germans had only a quarter of the occupied territory of the USSR, they opened a second front.

Lines 3 and 4 predict that Stalin, will involve America and England in the 2nd World War.

Linkage with other quatrains: 9.53, 8.77, 3.59, 9.17.

Decoding of the number 10.66. If 6-1=5, then 1000-56=944 – year of opening the second front.

Quatrain 5.94[1] Prediction of the 2nd World War

Translatera en la grand Germanie,

Brabant & Flandres, Gand, Burges & Bologne :

La treue sainte le grand duc d'Armenie,

Assaillira Vienne & la Cologne.

Will transfer into great Germany

Brabant and Flanders, Ghent, Bruges and Boulogne:

The sacred truce, the great Duke of Armenia

Will assail Vienna and Cologne.

The second line lists the territories in Europe occupied by fascist Germany during the Second World War.

The sacred truce is probably a non-aggression pact concluded between the USSR and Germany, which was perfidiously violated by Hitler in 1941. Duke of Armenia – apparently, Nostradamus had in mind Stalin, but commit inaccuracy since Stalin was not an Armenian, but a Georgian.

The 4 line. In 1945 Cologne was occupied by American troops in the spring – in this part the prophecy did not come true. Vienna was liberated by Soviet troops, but then it was divided into 4 parts between Russia, France, America and England.

Linkage with other quatrains: 10.66.

Decoding of the number 5.94. Year is indicated almost explicitly. If 5 to put in end, 1 to put in front, then we get 1945 – the year of liberation Vienna and Cologne.

Quatrain 9.90 Hungary in World War II

Vn grand Capitaine de la grand Germanie

Se viendra rendre par simule secours

A Roy des Roys ayde de Pannonie,

Que sa reuolte fera de sang grand cours.

A captain of Great Germany

Will come to deliver through false help

To the King of Kings the support of Pannonia,

So that his revolt will cause a great flow of blood.

Germany was formed in 1871 with the unification of disparate German principalities. It can be called Great in the period of world wars I and II. Pannonia is Hungary. Until World War I it was part of Autro-Hungary. After war it separated as an independent state, but a considerable part of the territories and Hungarians found themselves abroad. This caused discontent and claims of Hungary to neighboring countries.

Hitler can be called the King of Kings, since the leaders of the occupied states obeyed him.

Before the war Germany offered a help to Hungary in solving its territorial problems. In exchange, Hungary mast be to join align with Axis countries, which happened. 20. 11.1940 Hungary signed the Berlin pact, which meant Hungary's entry into a military alliance with Italy, Japan and Germany. Pannonia did not receive real help, but was drawn into the war. It cost her a lot of blood: half a million Jews burned down in Auschwitz, about 800 thousand soldiers died on the fronts.

Decoding of number 9.90. If 9 to flip in 6 (960), 9 to consider as 900, then 900-60=840. 8+1=9, 940 – year of Berlin pact.

Quatrain 3.11 Air fights

Les armes battre au ciel longue saison,

L'arbre au milieu de la cité tombé:

Vermine, rongne, glaiue en face tyfon,

Lors le Monarque d'Hadrie succombé.

The weapon to fight in the sky a long time,

The tree in the middle of the city fallen:

Sacred bough clipped, steel, in the face of the firebrand,

Then the monarch of 'Adria' fallen.

The 1 line. During the First World War, aviation was just beginning to make its first steps. The World war III will be a war of missiles. Therefore, this line is most suitable for World War II. Air battles were fought constantly, especially at the end of the war, when of aircrafts were built a lot.

This line can also be interpreted as an atomic bomb explosion in Japan, which was dropped from aircraft.

The 4 line. If we assume that Adria is the Adriatic Sea, then the most significant state in this region is Italy. Victor Emmanuel III was her monarch at that time. However, he did not have real power, but Mussolini. The name Andrea is among his names, which is consonant with Adria. In April 1945 he was killed. His face was disfigured beyond recognition.

Linkage with other quatrains: 5.29, 3.63.

Quatrain 4.56 Hitler

Apres victoire de raibeuse langue,

L'esprit tempté en tranquil & repos:

Victeur sanguin par conflit fait harengue,

Rostir la langue & la chair & les os.

After the victory of the raving tongue,

The spirit tempted by a tranquility and repose:

Throughout the conflict the bloody victor makes orations,

Roasting the tongue and the flesh and the bones.

Adolf Hitler (1889-1945). Who knows if Hitler dreamed about rest? Perhaps, who does not dream about rest in elderly age! He was a furious orator and, of course, a bloody winner, however, in the history of such personalities there were many. In the last line, the prophet singles out the language in the first place, because popularity among the people Hitler won largely thanks to the oratorical skill. Presumably, his body was found partly burned in a blanket (with his wife).

Linkage with other quatrains: 8.41, 2.24.

Decoding of the number 4.56. If 1 to put in end, to flip 6 in 9, then by swapping these numbers we get 1945 – the year of Hitler's official death.

Quatrain 5.8[2] Nuclear explosion in Japan

Sera laissé le feu mort vif caché,

Dedans les globes horribles espouuentable

De nuict à classé cité en poudre laché,

Ls cité à feu, l'ennemy fauorable.

There will be unleashed live fire, hidden death,

Horrible and frightful within the globes,

By night the city reduced to dust by the fleet,

The city afire, the enemy amenable.

Perhaps this quatrain about nuclear explosions in the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945. The first 2 lines so clearly describe the nuclear explosion that probably this quatrain has already been deciphered earlier. The nuclear explosion has the shape of a fungus, the upper part of which is spherical. As a result of 2 nuclear explosions, more than 200 thousand people died. "Hidden death" can be understood as an invisible radiation sickness.

The 3 line. There are 2 discrepancies. The explosions were not made by the fleet, but by aircraft, not at night, but in the morning. The atomic bomb "Kid" really, was delivered by the cruiser of the USA "Indianapolis" to the island of Tinian. This bomb was dropped on Hiroshima at 08:15 on August 6. The buildings were instantly destroyed by a powerful blast wave. A great fiery tornado was formed. He destroyed everything in an area of 11 square kilometers.

The second atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki on 9 August. Although the power of this bomb was much higher than the first, there were fewer casualties and destruction from it. Atomic explosions in Japan at the end of World War II showed what a world war III might be like.

Decoding of the number 5.8. If 1 to put in front and to consider as 1000, then 1000-58=942, flip 2 in 5 we get 945 – the year of nuclear explosions in Japan.

Quatrain 6.61 Hitler absconded?

Le grand tappis plie ne monstrera,

Fors qu'a demy la pluspart de l'histoire:

Chasse du regne loing aspre apparoistra,

Qu'au fait bellique chacun le viendra croire.

The great carpet folded will not show

But by halved the greatest part of history:

Driven far out of the realm he will appear harsh,

So that everyone will come to believe in his warlike deed.

What happened to Hitler is not exactly known. Perhaps Nostradamus open the veil of secrecy in this quatrain?! The great carpet folded can mean a blanket into which the corpses of Adolf Hitler and Eva Brown were wrapped, presumably. The version exists, and even the book is written about the fact that Hitler lived the rest of life in Argentina and died in 1962. Information exists that Hitler ran first on airplanes, then on a submarine.

Linkage with other quatrains: 4.56.

Decoding of the number 6.61. If 1+1=2, flip first 6 in 9, then we get 962 – the year of expected death.