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The predictions about Spain

Quatrain 10.95 Philip II

Dans les Espagnes viedra Roy tres-puissant,

Par mer & terre subjugant or midy:

Ce mal sera, rabaissant le croissant,

Baisser les aesles a ceux du vendredy.

To the Spains will come a very powerful King,

By land and sea subjugating the South:

This evil will cause, lowering again the crescent,

Clipping the wings of those of Friday.

Most probably, this prophecy about Philip II (1527-1598) .He ruled 42 years from 1556, as King of Spain, Portugal, Sicily, Naples, the Netherlands and all Spanish colonies in Ameriсa. He had high efficiency, controlled all the many subordinate territories. himself took all the important decisions and appointments. He cruelly and mercilessly dealt with infidels and all who did not suit him.

The 2 line. Perhaps in this line the struggle of the monarch with the Moors who inhabited the south of Spain is predicted. Under the pressure of Philip, the Moriscos accepted Christianity outwardly, remaining faithful to Mohammed. The king understood this and in every way oppressed them and evicted them. This caused an uprising, which in 2 years was brutally suppressed. In 1560 Spain sent a navy to the shores of North Africa, but the Turkish fleet defeated the Spanish.

The 4 line. Friday is a festive day for Muslims. Philip II, as heir to the Great Roman Empire, considered it his sacred duty to protect and spread Catholicism. The Inquisition was one of the forms of combating heresy, which was particularly rampant. Throughout his reign, Philip periodically waged war against the Turks. Spain had a huge fleet of "Invincible Armada", which was destroyed by storm and British.

Linkage with other quatrains: 10.55, 3.20.

Quatrain 7.29 A monument erected

Le grand Duc d'Albe se viendra rebeller,

A ses grands peres fera le tradiment:

Le grand de Guise le viendra debeller,

Captif mene & dresse monument.

The great Duke of Alba will come to rebel,

he will betray his great forebears.

The great de Guise will come to vanquish him,

Captive led and a monument erected.

Presumably, this quatrain is about the siege of Metz by the Spaniards (1552-1553) during the 10th Italian War. The grand duke of Alba (29.10.1507-11.12.1582) commanded the Spanish troops. The duke de Guise led the defense of the fortress. Many noble nobles of France also participated in it. The French launched a sortie and won a decisive victory with minimal losses. The Spaniards suffered huge losses and fled, leaving behind the sick and wounded. De Guise organized assistance to the wounded prisoners.

Alba won a victory in Belgium in 1568 and erected a monument to himself in Antwerp.

Probable decoding of number 7.29. If 2 to flip in 5, 9+1=10 (7510), then the permutation gives 1507 – the year, 29 – the birthday of the duke Alba.

Quatrain 3.43 Duke of Alba

Gens d'alentour de Tarn, Loth & Garonne

Gardez les monts Appennines passer,

Vostre tombeau pres de Rome & d'Anconne

Le noir poil crespe fera trophee dresser.

People from around the Tarn, Lot and Garonne

Beware of passing the Apennine mountains:

Your tomb near Rome and Ancona,

The black frizzled hair will have a trophy set up.

In March 1557 the French army, led by François de Guise, crossed the Apennine mountains with the aim of capturing Naples. The Spaniards were their enemy, led by the Duke of Alba. He had black frizzled hair. The French arrived in Rome 03 March1557,

Alba defeated the French near Rome, and then in April – May near Civitella (at Nostradamus – Anconna). Pope Paul IV was forced to sign an alliance with Spain.

The Duke de Guise had the title of Lorraine (French: Lorraine, German: Lothringen). In the first line from the words Loth & Garonne you can make Lothringen. No only the letter i.

Connection with other quatrains: 3.38.

Decoding of number 3.43. If 3 to consider as 300, then 300-43=257. Turn 2 over in 5, 1 put in front and get 1557 – the year of Alba's victories in Italy.

Quatrain 9.78 French princess

La dame Grecque de beaute laydique,

Heureuse faicte de proces innumerable,

Hors translatee au regne Hispanique,

Captiue prinse mourir mort miserable.

A lady with the Greek beauty of Laida,

Pleases countless fans:

(She) moved to the Spanish kingdom,

Captured die a miserable death.

Elizabeth Valois, French princess, was married to the king of Spain Philip II in 1559. She was so beautiful that the courtiers were afraid to look at her so as not to cause the jealousy of the king. She was unhappy in marriage and died very early at 23 in 1568.

Decoding of number 9.78. If 9 to consider as 900, then 900-78 = 822. Flip 22 in 55, 8 + 1 = 9, in the opposite order will be 559 – the year of the wedding.

Quatrain 3.20 Uprising of Moriscos

Par les contrees du grand fleuve Bethique

Loing d'Ibere au royaume de Grenade,

Croix repoussees par gens Mahometiques,

Vn de Cordube trahyra la contrade.

Through the regions of the great river Guadalquivir,

Deep in Iberia to the Kingdom of Grenada,

The crosses beaten back by the Mahometan peoples

One of Cordova will betray his country.

The 2 line. The Granada Emirate was inhabited primarily by Moriscos (of Arab origin) which professed Islam. In 1492 the emirate fell under the onslaught of Spanish troops. Granada has become the region of Spain. The river Betis, mentioned in the first line, flows here. Muslims were forcibly converted to Christianity. Moriscos (diminutive of the Moors) took Christianity outwardly, secretly remaining Muslims. Under Ferdinand II they were not particularly oppressed. They were allowed to lead a familiar way of life, mosques were preserved.

The 3 line. The situation of Muslims in Spain greatly deteriorated with the coming to power of Philip II, which led to the uprising of 1568-1571. They went to the mountains, forming detachments and exerting strong resistance. The uprising was brutally suppressed. After which many fled to America or Africa, 80,000 Moriscos were settled in different villages of Spain so that the connections between them were lost.

Linkage with other quatrains: 10.95.

Decoding of the number 3.20. If 300-02=298, flip 2 in 5 and 9 in 6, 1 is put at the ahead then we will get 1568 – the year of uprising.

Quatrain 8.25 Furtive love

The heart of the lover, awakened by furtive love,

Will ravish the lady in the stream.

Half the trouble will be against she lustful,

The father of each will deprive the body of its soul.

This prophecy reveals else secret of history that has not been made public until this time.

1 line. Don Carlos was secretly in love with his ex-bride Elisabeth of Valois, who became the wife of his father and Queen of Spain.

2 line. Young lovers will be together.

3 line. Terrible punishment befall Elisabeth for treason to her husband.

4 line. Philip II of Spain, father of Don Carlos, orders both lovers to be killed.

Connection with other quatrains: 10.35 – the murder of Don Carlos, 8.63 – the murder of the queen with a baby.

Decoding of the number 8.25. Rearrange the numbers – 528, flip 2 to 5, 5+1=6, we get 568 – the year of death of Carlos 24.07 and Elisabeth 03.10.

Quatrain 2.98 The murder of Don Carlos

Celuy du sang resperse le visage,

De la victime proche sacrifice,

Tonant /tonnant/ en leo augure presage,

Mais estre à mort lors pour la fiancee.

The one whose face is splattered with the blood

From the victim – soon sacrificed:

Jupiter in Leon, omen through presage:

To be put to death then for the bride.

1 line. Don Carlos was killed on 24 July 1568 in his chambers. The exhumation showed that the head was cut off, so the face is splattered with blood.

2 line. A few months later, Elisabeth became a new victim, poisoned during childbirth.

3 line. As Avgur Nostradamus predicted, the death occurred on July 24 – the zodiac sign Leo.

4 line. Philip II married the bride of his son, with whom he was in love. The result was a love triangle with a tragic denouement.

Decoding of the number 2.98. If 29 to flip in 56, 1 to put in the front, then 1568 is the year of murder Don Carlos.

Quatrain 8.63 Brutal jealous

Quand l'adultere blessé sans coup aura

Meurdry la femme & le fils par despit /depit/,

Femme assoumée l'enfant estranglera:

Huict captifs prins, s'estouffer sans respit.

When the adulterer wounded without a blow

Will have murdered his wife and son out of spite;

His wife knocked down, he will strangle the child;

Eight captives taken, choked beyond help.

Philip II, suspecting his wife and son of a love affair, established surveillance over them. Apparently, having learned of the betrayal, he arrested Don Carlos in his rooms on 17 January 1568. Queen Elisabeth, the wife of Philip, gave birth after 9.5 months on October 3. Officially, she died in an unsuccessful birth, but according to Nostradamus, a jealous husband cracked down on his wife and child. Don Carlos was killed 4 months earlier.

Perhaps the last line speaks of the elimination of all witnesses to these crimes.

Decoding of the number 8.63. If to rearrange the numbers – 368, 3-1 = 2, to flip 2 to 5 and we get 568 – the year of the death of Carlos and Elisabeth.

Quatrain 4.97[2] Philip II – monarch of Portugal

L'an que Mercure, Mars, Venus retrograde,

Du grand Monarque la ligne ne faillir,

Esleu du peuple l'vsitant pres de Gagdole,

Qu'en paix & regne viendra fort enuiellir.

The year that Mercury, Mars, Venus in retrogression,

The line of the great Monarch will not fail:

Elected by the Portuguese people near Cadiz,

One who will come to grow very old in peace and reign.

In the 1st line the year of events is indicated through the date of connection of 3 planets – it was 22 October 1579.

The line of the great Monarch will not fail: 14 April 1578 Philip III was born – the heir of Philip II, the great monarch of Spain.

3 line. Due to the lack of heirs, Philip II introduced his troops and proclaimed himself the monarch of Portugal. It was after the death in 1580 of the ruler of Portugal, Cardinal Enrique.

4 line. Very old - it is predicted a long life (71 years) and a long reign (33 years) of Philip II.

Linkage with other quatrains: 10.95, 9.89.

Decoding of number 4.97. 4+1=5. If the numbers to rearrange, then 579 – the year of the connection of Mercury, Mars and Venus.

Quatrain 9.89 Reign of Philip II

Sept ans sera Philip, fortune pre(o)spere(r),

Rabaissera des Barbares l'effort.

Puis son my(i)di perplex(e), rebours affaire,

Ieune ogmion abysmera son fort.

For seven years fortune will favor Philip,

He will beat down again the exertions of the Berbers:

Then at his noon perplexing contrary affair,

Young Ogmios will destroy his stronghold.

The 1 line. Philip II, king of Spain since 1556, was very successful at the beginning of his reign. He controlled vast territories in America, Italy, the Netherlands, and France. His fleet was the most powerful at that time.

The 2 line. Spain successfully fought against the Berbers in the 1560s on land and at sea.

In line 3 the expression at his noon can be understood as the middle of life. The revolution in the Netherlands in 1565 weakened the power of Philip. His affairs began to decline. His debts grew. In 1588 England defeated the "Invincible Armada." Spain has ceased to be the "mistress of the seas."

In the 4th line the young Ogmios is Henry IV. He declared war on Spain in 1595 and won. In May 1598 the Verwen Peace was signed. Philip II withdrew troops from all occupied French territories. He soon died in 09/13/1598.

Decoding of the number 9.89. 98 is the year, and 9 is the month of the death of Philip II. If 9 to turn over to 6, 6-1=5 (589), then the permutation of the numbers gives 598 year.

Quatrain 4.2 The Franco-Spanish War 1635-1659

Par mort la France prendra voyage à faire,

Classe par mer, marcher monts Pyrenees,

Espagne en trouble, marcher gent militaire,

Des plus grand; dames en France emmenees.

Because of death France will take to making a journey,

Fleet by sea, marching over the Pyrenees mountains,

Spain in trouble, military people marching:

Some of the greatest Ladies carried off to France.

The wars between France and Spain were conducted fairly regularly for several centuries. It is difficult to determine which of these refers to this quatrain. By deciphering the number a war was chosen, which France began in 1635 with the purpose of expanding its possessions.

The first line says about someone's death. We can assume (without any certainty) that this is Gonzalo de Cordoba, a prominent Spanish commander, who participated in many battles against France. He died in February 1635.

The 2 line. Military operations were conducted, mainly, in the border areas in the Pyrenees, Flanders and on the sea.

The 4 line. As a result of the war, the peace treaty was concluded. Under the terms of the treaty, the French King Louis XIV should was to marry the daughter of the Spanish King Maria Theresa.

Decoding of the number 4.2. If 2 to flip in 5, 400-5=395, 1 to put in front, 9 to flip in 6 and to put before 3, then we get 1635 – the year of beginning war.

Quatrain 7.10 Philip V

Par le grand Prince limitrophe du Mans,

Preux & vaillant chef de grand exercite :

Par mer & terre de Gallois & Normans,

Caspre passer Barcelonne pille Isle.

By the great Prince bordering Mans,

brave and valiant leader of the great army;

by land and sea with Bretons and Normans,

Caspre pass Barcelona to pillage the island.

The 1 line. King of Spain Charles II declared his of heir the grandson of Louis XIV Philip, Duke of Anjou. The Anjou region in the west of France borders the city of Le Mans. Hence, this prophecy about the war for the Spanish inheritance (1701-1713). As a result of this war, Philip V became King of Spain.

The 2 line. Philip was only 17 years old when this war began. It went with varying success. There were periods of such severe defeats that even the great Louis XIV advised him to abandon Spain. But he survived and won. Philip V got an impoverished country with a very weak army. The French army and navy fought for the Spanish inheritance.

The 4 line. Perhaps this line about another contender for Spain – Archduke Charles of the Habsburg dynasty. In 1701 Barcelona rebelled, took the side of the Habsburgs and surrendered to the latter. Not only Barcelona, but also nearby regions and islands was captured by Charles.

Linkage with other quatrains: 9.64.

Decoding of the number 7.10. Year is indicated almost explicitly. If 1 is put at the ahead, swap 10 in 01 then we will get 1701 – the year of beginning war.

Quatrain 9.64 War of the Spanish Succession

L'Aemathion passer monts Pyrenées,

En Mars Narbon ne fera resistance,

Par mer & terre fera si grand menée,

Cap. n'ayant terre seure pour demeurance.

The Aemathion (will) pass the Pyrenees mountains,

In March Narbonne will not do resistance:

By land and sea he will carry on very great intrigue,

Cap. having no land safe for residence.

Perhaps this is a prophecy about the war for the Spanish succession (1701-1714). In that period Spain was having to some territories in Italy, the Netherlands and the colony in America. In 1701 King Charles II died. He pointed to Philip of Anjou as heir. Archduke Charles was another contender for the Spanish throne. His allies were England, Prussia, and others.

The 1 line. In the quatrain 10.7 Nostradamus calls of Louis XIV as Aemathion. In March 1704 the Allied fleet delivered the Archduke Charles with the army to the Pyrenean Peninsula. France did not have time to prepare its fleet, and not rendered resistance. However, the French army was already in Spain – crossed the Pyrenees mountains, which dividing these countries. The French army under the command of Berwick acted successfully, occupying the cities one by one. The most important object was Gibraltar. Here military operations were conducted both on land and at sea. The England got the strait.

This war was fought so long and in different countries of Europe that it is difficult to understand which episode is predicted here. As a result, Philip V became king of Spain. France made big concessions, and it lost its dominant importance in Europe.

Linkage with other quatrains: 7.10.

Quatrain 5.23 Vienna Union 1725

Les deux contents seront vnis ensemble

Quant la pluspart a Mars sera conioinct:

Le grand d'Affrique en effrayeur & tremble,

Duumuirat par la classe desioint.

The two contented ones will be united together,

When for the most part they will be conjoined with Mars:

The great one of Africa trembles in terror,

Duumvirate dissolved by the fleet.

The 1 line. 04/04/1725 was concluded the Vienna Union of Spain and the Great Roman Empire (Charles VI) against France and England.

The 2 line. Mercury, Venus, Jupiter approached Mars on 03/17/1725.

The 4 line. The main goal of Spain at the conclusion of the union was the return of Gibraltar. However, the military campaign of 1727 did not bring success. In 1731 the union disintegrated.

Decoding of the number 5.23. If 3 to consider as 300, 300-25=275, 1 to put in front, to swap 27 in 72, then we get 1725 – the year of union.

Quatrain 8.26 The battle of Montserrat

De Caton es trouuez en Barselonne,

Mys descouuers lieu terrouers & ruyne,

Le grand qui tient ne tient voudra Pamplonne.

Par l'abbage de Montferrat bruyne.

The bones found in Caton of Barcelona,

Secret place discovered, terror and ruined.

The great one who holds not holds wants Pamplona,

drizzle at the abbey of Montserrat.

Barcelona is mentioned in the 1st line, near which is the abbey of Montserrat (4th line) – the main monastery of Spain. It belonged to the canton of Barcelona during the French occupation. In 1811 the base of Spanish partisans was not far from the monastery in the mountains. The French army found and captured this place and all the guns of the partisans. They destroyed and burned the monastery.

The third line is probably about Napoleon, who took possession of Spain, including the city of Pamplona was taken in 1808. The emperor could not hold this region, and in 1812 the Spaniards began to drove the French from their land.

Now the monastery was been restored and is functioning. It is often visited by tourists and pilgrims. (see photo)

Decoding of the number 8.26. The numbers rearrange – 286, flip 6 to 9 – 289. If 2 to consider as 2000, then 2000-89=1911. 9-1=8. We get 1811 – the year of the battle of Montserrat.

Quatrain 9.16 General Franco

De castel Franco sortira l'assemblee,

L'ambassadeur non plaisant fera scisme:

Ceux de Ribiere seront en la meslee,

Et au grand goulphre desnier ont l'entree.

Out of castle Franco will come the assembly,

The ambassador not agreeable will cause a schism:

Those of Riviera will be in the squabble,

And they will refuse entry to the great gulf.

The 1 line. In September 1936 the nationalists of Spain chose as their leader general Francisco Franco (1892-1975). His name Nostradamus indicates in the first line exactly, without changing a single letter – Franco. He became dictator and Generalissimo of Spain in 1939-1975.

The 3 line. The fascist party "Spanish phalanx", created by X.A. de Rivera, was involved in a civil war.

The 4 line. Almost all naval forces of the country supported the general: the battleship, 3 cruisers, 16 destroyers, all submarines. With its coming to power the fascist regime was established in the country, but Spain did not take part in the hostilities of World War II.

Decoding of the number 9.16. If 9+1=10 and consider as 1000, then 1000-61=939 – the year the establishment of the Franco dictatorship.

World wars

Quatrain 10.86 World war I

Come vn gryphon viendra le Roy d'Europe

Accompagne de ceux d'Aquilon,

De rouges & blancs conduira grane trope

Et iront contre le Roy de Babylon. L

Like a griffin will come the King of Europe,

Accompanied by those of 'Aquilon':

He will lead a great troop of red ones and white ones,

And they will go against the King of Babylon.

The 1 line. Wilhelm II (1859-1941) was the last German emperor and the king of Prussia 1888-1918. He was a supporter of military policy, held in 1914-1918, joined the alliance with Ottoman Empire. Germany was the leader of the military-political bloc of the Central Powers. In according to the Versailles peace treaty Germany and the kaiser have been recognized the main culprit of the First World war.

The Prophet regards the Kaiser as the second Antichrist. He writes about this in the "Letter to Henry II": Then the great Empire of the Antichrist will begin where once was Attila's empire and the new Xerxes will descend with great and countless numbers, so that the coming of the Holy Ghost, proceeding from the 48th degree, will make a transmigration.

Judging by the citation, the 2 nd antichrist will be expelled by Lenin, who came (born) from 48 ° longitude – this is the city of Ulyanovsk. The 1st decree of the leader was about peace. Peace at any cost! He stopped the first world war, concluding the Brest Peace. Vicar from Christ – his covenants are in many respects similar to the commandments of Jesus. Against him, because he was an atheist. In 1918 a revolution occurred in Germany and the Kaiser fled.

The second Antichrist was similar to the third (Stalin) with hand. The Kaiser's left arm was 15 cm shorter than the right. At Stalin the left hand was damaged at 6 years old and was shorter.

The 4 line. In the World War I Germany entered 01.08.1914, declaring war on Russia. As in quatrain 1.55, Nostradamus calls Russia Babylon here. Indeed, more than 190 nationalities live in Russia. The prediction of World War I is in Nostradamus and in a letter to Henry II. This will be preceded by a solar eclipse more dark and gloomy than any since the creation of the world, except that after the death and passion of Jesus Christ. The total solar eclipse was at the very beginning of the World war I, in August 2014. It became a sign. All the regions of the Earth through which the eclipse passed later were involved in the war. The next total solar eclipse was in February 1916.

Decoding of the number 10.86. 1000-86=914, If 1 tk put in front, then we will get 1914 – the year of beginning World war I.

Quatrain 2.95 The great brothers dissension

Les lieux peuplez seront inhabitables,

Pour champs auoir grande diuision:

Regnes liurez à prudens incapables,

Entre les freres mort & dissention.

The populous places will be uninhabitable:

Great discord to obtain fields:

Realms delivered to prudent incapable ones:

Then for the great brothers dissension and death.

1-2 lines. After the 1st World War 19/12/1918 the French government recognized the land from Nancy to Verdun and Lille unsuitable for living. Long intense military operations were conducted in this territory.

A large number of unexploded ordnance, mines, bombs remained in this territory. The soil is poisonous and not fertile. These lands were called the "Rouge Zone". Many abandoned villages are in the area. In World War I, France put up decent resistance and won at the cost of heavy losses.

3-4 lines. In 1914, German Kaiser Wilhelm II began the 1st World War by attacking Russia, the emperor of which was his cousin Nicholas II. Nicholas could not maintain order in the country, was overthrown by the Revolution and executed in 1918. King George V of Great Britain was a cousin of William II and Nicholas II. Despite this, he declared war on Germany and did not invite the Russian emperor after the overthrow. Herbert Wells wrote about the court of George V that he was a stranger and not interesting.

These 3 countries of the Entente: Great Britain, France and Russia are considered to be winners, but Lenin stopped the war, having concluded the Brest Peace, and then the revolution in Germany overthrew the Kaiser.

Connection with other quatrains: 6.43.

Decoding of number 2.95. If 2 to considered as 2000, then 2000-59=1941. Rearranging 4 and 1 we get 1914 – the year of the beginning of the 1st World War.

Quatrain 5.91 The partition of Albania

Au grand marché qu'on dit des mensongers,

Du bout Torrent & camp Athenien:

Seront surprins par les cheuaux legers,

Par Albanois Mars, Leo, Sat. vn versien.

In the grand market they say liars,

From the Torrent and field of Athens:

They will be surprised by the light horses,

By those of Albania (when) Mars, Leo, Saturn in Aquarius.

The 1 line. Mars are mentioned, which symbolizes the war. The second line says about a light cavalry that was used during the First World War. Having looked on the Internet Albania during the first world war, I easily found and liars. It turns out that in London in 1915 the representatives of the Entente countries and Italy assembled and secretly conspired to divide Albania. Moreover, 2 years before the envoys of these same countries, in the same London, guaranteed Albania independence and integrity – truly liars. The Albanian partition agreement is the most shameful in the history of diplomacy. The consequence of this was the occupation of Albania at the end of the war by the Italians, Serbs and Greeks.

Decoding of the number 5.91. Year is indicated almost explicitly. If 1 to put between 59, then by swapping these numbers we get 1915 – the year of secret agreement.

Quatrain 6.43 Battle of the Marne

Long temps sera sans estre habitee,

Ou Seine & Marne autour vient arrouser

De la Tamise & martiaux temptee,

Deceus les gardes en cuidant repousser.

For a long time will it remain uninhabited,

Around where the Seine and the Marne she comes to water:

Tried by the Thames and warriors,

The guards deceived in trusting in the repulse.

During the First World War on the Marne were 2 large battles in 1914 and 1918 between the forces of the Entente and Germany. The Germans were defeated. However, to the French, these victories were worth huge losses. After the war the territory between the Seine and Marne entered the "red zone", that is i.t became unusable neither for the forest, nor for .any other activity.

The translation of 3 and 4 lines is very doubtful. Perhaps Nostradamus predicted Britain's participation in the First World War.

Quatrain 3.58[3] Will be born a great

Aupres du Rin des montagnes Moriques

Naistra vn grand de gens trop tard venu.

Qui deffendra Saurome & Pannoniques,

Qu'on ne scaura qu'il sera deuenu.

Near the Rhine from the Noric mountains

Will be born a great one of people come too late,

One who will defend Sarmatia and the Pannonians,

One will not know what will have become of him.

Adolf Hitler was born on 20 April 1889 in an Austrian village near the border with Germany. His father was 52 years old when Adolf was born – a late child.The river Rhine flows in Austria, and mountains are on a large part of it's territory

Pannonia – Hungary, which entered into an alliance with Nazi Germany. Hitler tried to defend the territorial problems of Hungary.

The 4 line. At the end of the war Hitler flew first by plane to Spain, then by submarine to South America. He organized the killing of a double so that he would not be looked for. The corpse was partially burned – this made identification difficult. Where, when and how Adolf ended his life remains unknown.

Connection with other quatrains: 9.90.

Quatrain 3.35* The Birth of Hitler

Du plus profond de l'Occident d'Europe,

De pauures gens vn ieune enfant naistra:

Qui par sa langue seduira grande trouppe,

Son bruit au regne d'Orient plus croistra,

From the very depths of the West of Europe,

A young child will be born of poor people,

He who by his tongue will seduce a great troop:

His fame will increase toward the realm of the East.

The 1 line. Presumably, this quatrain of Nostradamus about the birth of Hitler. He was born in 1889 in the in Upper Austria, in the center of Western Europe.

The 2 line. He was born in a hotel, because at that time the family did not have the opportunity to buy their own housing. His father was a civil servant, and the family often moved, in connection with his new appointments.

The 3 line. Hitler was an outstanding orator and actor. He could inspire his thoughts to thousands of people, leaded them to frenzy. They obeyed him unconditionally, he had the ability to manage huge rallies, as if hypnotizing people. The Fuhrer used the reception of "Big Lie", knowing that people would rather believe excessive lies than a little deception or truth.

East is mentioned in the 4th line, apparently, Russia. Here, fascist Germany led the most large-scale and protracted war.

Linkage with other quatrains: 4.56.

Quatrain 5.29 Mussolini

La liberte ne sera recouuree,

L'occupera noir fier vilain inique:

Quant la matiere du pont sera ouuree,

D'Hister, Venise faschee la republique.

Liberty will not be recovered,

A proud, villainous, wicked black one will occupy it,

When the matter of the bridge will be opened,

The republic of Venice vexed by the Hister.

The 2 line. Since in the last line of the quatrain Hitler is mentioned in connection with Venice, it is not difficult to guess that is being said about the connections between Italian and German fascism. Consequently, wicked black is Benito Mussolini (1883-1945) – head of government, duce, leader of the National Fascist Party of Italy from 1925.

The 1 line. As is known, the fascist regime is a dictatorship and does not allow any freedom.

The 4 line. In the summer of 1934, Hitler visits Venice. Mussolini later expressed his negative impression about this man: "This annoying person … this Hitler – a fierce and cruel creature. He makes us remember Attila. Germany has remained since the time of Tacitus the country of the barbarians. It is the eternal enemy of Rome. "

Linkage with other quatrains: 3.63.

Decoding of the number 5.29. Year is indicated almost explicitly. If 1 to put at the end (5291), then by swapping these numbers we get 1925 – the year when Mussolini became head of government.

Quatrain 9.53 Fascist genocide

Le Neron ieune dans les trois cheminées

Fera de paiges vifs pour ardoir ietter,

Heureux qui loing sera de tels menées,

Trois de son sang le feront mort guetter.

The young Nero in the three chimneys

Will cause live pages to be thrown to burn:

Happy those who will be far away from such practices,

Three of his blood will have him ambushed to death.

Perhaps Nostradamus calls Hitler as Nero. At once, with the coming to power of the fascists, concentration camps began to be created. In them got Jews, gypsies, communists and all those who disagreed with the Nazis. During the war the concentration camps: Auschwitz, Buchenwald, Majdanek, Dohau, the children's camp of Salaspils, etc. were used for mass exterminate of people. So in Auschwitz, corpses were burned in ovens. Probably, in some camps of people burned alive. This practice was also used by the fascists in the occupied territories. For example, in the Belarusian village of Khatyn, civilians were burned alive, including women and children, and this case is not the only one.

Ograniczenie wiekowe:
Data wydania na Litres:
14 listopada 2019
Data napisania:
316 str. 11 ilustracje
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