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Snežana Stefanović
Serbian: Vocabulary Practice A1
to the Book
“Idemo dalje 1”
- Cyrillic Script
Words and Phrases with English Translation
Level A1 – Beginner
Text copyright © 2021 Snežana Stefanović
Cover design © 2021 Danilo Wimmer
All rights reserved.
The book, including its parts, is protected by copyright. Any exploitation is prohibited without the author's consent. This applies in particular to the electronic or other reproduction, translation, distribution and public access.
Cyrillic Script
Words and Phrases in Cyrillic Script with English Translation
The concept of the work "Serbian: Vocabulary Practice A1 to the Book "Idemo dalje 1" – Cyrillic Script (Level A1 – Beginner)” was developed as a supplement to the reading book "Serbian: Idemo dalje 1". The vocabulary practice contains alphabetically sorted words, terms and expressions that can also be found in the reading book, and for each word there is one or more sentences as an example. The sentences serve to make it easier to remember the word in context.
The vocabulary practice can also be used independently of the rest of the accompanying material, as a stand-alone reading or as a reference tool while learning Serbian. In terms of grammar, the sentences are written in the present tense and the topics are adapted for language level A1 beginners according to the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).
For more information about other books in the "Serbian-Reader" series, please visit the following website:
Cyrillic Script
A, a = А, а А, а | B, b = Б, б Б, б | C, c = Ц, ц Ц, ц | Č, č = Ч, ч Ч, ч | Ć, ć = Ћ, ћ Ћ, ћ | D, d = Д, д Д, д |
Đ, đ = Ђ, ђ Ђ, ђ | Dž, dž = Џ, џ Џ, џ | E, e = Е, е Е, е | F, f = Ф, ф Ф, ф | G, g = Г, г Г, г | H, h = Х, х Х, х |
I, i = И , и И, и | J, j = Ј, ј Ј, ј | K, k = К, к К, к | L, l = Л, л Л, л | Lj, lj = Љ, љ Љ, љ | M, m = М, м М, м |
N, n = Н, н Н, н | Nj, nj = Њ, њ Њ, њ | O, o = О, о О, о | P, p = П, п П, п | R, r = Р, р Р, р | S, s = С, с С, с |
Š, š = Ш, ш Ш, ш | T, t = Т, т Т, т | U, u = У, у У, у | V, v = В, в В, в | Z, z = З, з З, з | Ž, ž = Ж, ж Ж, ж |
Words and Phrases in Cyrillic Script with English Translation
acc. – accusative
coll. – colloquial language
dat. - dative
dia. – dialect
f - female
fig. – figurative
gen. – genitive
inf. – infinitive
inst. – instrumental
loc. – locative
m – male
n - neuter
N - nominative
pfv. a. – perfective aspect
pl. – plural
PPA – past participle active
sg. – singular
voc. – vocative
a – but; and
"a" is an opposing "and" and stands for "and but"
Софија жели да једе супу и главно јело, а Марко само супу. – Sofija wants to eat a soup and the main course, but Marko only wants the soup.
Марија је добро, а Марко није . – Marija is doing well, but Marko is not doing well.
ајвар – spread (also as a side dish) of peppers and melanzani
Ја волим ајвар. А ти? – I like "ajvar". And you?
албум фотографија – photo album
Ово је мој стари албум фотографија . – This is my old photo album.
алергија – allergy
Мислим да имам алергију, стално кишем . – I think I have an allergy, I sneeze all the time .
али – but
Али зашто ? – But why?
алтернатива – alternative
Имамо ли неку другу алтернативу ? – Do we have another alternative?
амерички – american
Волиш ли америчке филмове? – Do you like american films?
апотека – pharmacy
Идем у апотеку . – I am going to the pharmacy.
аутобуска станица – bus station, bus stop
Где је овде аутобуска станица ? – Where is the bus stop?
аутом – by car
Долазим аутом . – We are coming by car.
баба – grandma
Где живи твоја баба ? – – Where does your grandma live?
бар – at least
Одмори се бар пет минута ! – Rest at least 5 minutes!
баш – (emphasis word) just, but, really, yet
Ово дете је баш смешно ! – This child is really funny!
бавити се, ја се бавим – to occupy oneself; бавити се спортом – to do sport
Којим спортом се бавиш ? – What kind of sport do you do?
Бели, бела, бело (m/f/n) – white
Моја кошуља није бела него сива . – My shirt is not white, but gray .
без (+ gen.) – without
Не могу да идем без ташне ! – I can´t go out without the bag!
бибер – pepper
Где је бибер ? – Where is the papper?
бити (ја сам) – to be (I am)
бивши, бивша, бивше (m/f/n) – former
Ово је мој бивши кварт . – This is my former neighbourhood.
близини → у близини – near, nearby
У близини је добар кафић . – There is a good cafe nearby.
близу – near, close
Моја кућа је близу болнице . – My house is close to the hospital.
боца – bottle
Али боца је празна ! – But the bottle is empty!
боксати, ја боксам – to do box
Мој брат бокса већ две године. – My brother has been boxing for 2 years.
болестан, болесна, болесно (m/f/n) – ill, sick
Ко је болестан ? – Who is ill?
Марија је болесна . – Marija is ill.
боље – better
Сад ми је боље . – I feel better now. (mi = we; me)
брат – brother
Ја немам брата . – I don´t have a brother.
братић – cousin
Мој братић се зове Немања . – My cousin´s name is Nemanja.
брига – worry
Без бриге ! – Don´t worry!
брзина – speed; на брзину – quickly
Можемо да попијемо кафу на брзину па идемо . – We can finish the coffee quickly and then we'll go.
брзо – fast
Зашто трчиш тако брзо? – Why are you running so fast?
будити се, ја се будим – to wake up
Када се обично будиш ? – What time do you usually wake up?