Czytaj książkę: «Yester-times», strona 5


‘I heard you were charmed by Elizora.’ Timeus began.

‘It is very possible.’


‘I was always perfect gourmet. And I always would read every dish or wine like a book. Now since Elizora visited me I can nothing of this.’

‘Then take this.’ Timeus gave her apple of ruby color.

‘What I have to do?’

‘Just eat it and we’ll see.’

When Carmille ate apple her eyes suddenly cleared from fog of spells.

‘I can say that this apple was from Heavens,’ Carmille pronounced after short meditation. ‘It was from grove where heavenly birds sing and lion of fire guards them.’

‘So your gift is back?’ Timeus asked.

‘Yes, I think it is back completely.’

‘So we can go?’ Timeus said rising to his feet.

‘O, please, don’t go. I’ll set up great feast to honor you.’

‘I’m sorry, but I must leave you.’ Timeus apologized.

‘I will remain here.’ Fluctuantius said.

‘O, how it is good of you.’ Carmille kissed cheek of Fluctuantius.

‘So good bye.’ Timeus left castle of Carmille and mounted his white horse for further journey.


In the midnight Fluctuantius caught up with Timeus.

‘Why had you left her?’ Prince asked him.

‘It’s very hard to sit at the table with girl who constantly reading every dish and wine like a book.’

‘Tough experience?’

‘Awfully tough.’

‘So let’s go on.’

‘Thank you, Timeus.’


‘Dear, Malvenuto.’ Hieroglyph began.

‘What I can do for you, my master?’ Eunuch asked.

‘I think we must extort the vow out of Lavinia that she will never marry no one.’

‘I think it is right move.’

‘So go to her and do it.’

In a few minutes Malvenuto the eunuch was in a chamber of Lavinia.

‘My master claims the vow not to marry no one from you.’ He said to Lavinia.

‘Don’t listen to them, Your Majesty,’ Nadine implored her queen.

‘Why just not to obey?’ Lavinia asked her.

‘The world is full of brave and honest people. And I believe someone will help us to be free again and your kingdom will be returned to you,’ eyes of Nadine were in tears.

‘So we turn down you offer,’ Lavinia said to Malvenuto.

‘You’ll regret it,’ eunuch said and went off.

‘O, my dear father, if you were with me, I had nothing of these troublesome misfortunes.’

‘Let’s pray to your father. He is saint and will help us,’ Nadine proposed.

‘So if we have nothing to do but prayer, let's pray and we’ll see what is to come.’

After short time of prayers Lavinia fell asleep. She saw her father in her dream.

‘I found for you perfect groom,’ he said.

‘Who is he?’ Lavinia asked him.

‘Prince Timeus.’ Talantus responded.

‘But where is he.’

‘I hope you will meet him in short time.’

‘I’m afraid it’s impossible.’

‘All is possible for true loving heart.’ Talantus kissed his daughter’s forehead and dream was off.


Timeus and Fluctuantius were sleeping under old oak after long trip through the wilderness when suddenly both got awake with sound of golden trumpet of Nouvelius.

‘Good messenger!’ Timeus shouted with boyish joy jumping to his feet and then kneeling before good spirit.

‘I have two good news for you.’

‘What news?’ Fluctuantius asked who was very sleepy. Knight was unaccustomed to talking with spirits and did not know how to behave.

‘The first is about apparition of king Talantus to his daughter in her night dream. King approved of union of Timeus and Lavinia.’

‘Thank you Nouvelius, but what the next?’ Timeus could not fight down his agitation.

‘Do you see this mountain? On the top of it is situated ancient altar where you are both to meet in short time Omigo. He is about to give you new gifts from Heavens.’

‘Thank you, dear messenger,’ Timeus said and Nouvelius was off.


It took whole hour to climb on the top of the mountain pointed by Nouvelius. But after prince and knight kneeled before this altar beam of light came from above and when they raised their heads they could see Omigo in all his glory.

‘Come to me, Timeus,’ Omigo said.

‘What I can do for you?’ Timeus asked approaching the altar.

‘Take this lyre and amber apple. Apple will save one life, but lyre which is made of golden lightening will save many lives.’

‘Thank you, but what I have to do?’ Holding new gifts Timeus asked.

‘You must disenchant second princess and travel to Labion island.’

‘What then?’

‘You will see.’ Omigo said and beam of light in which he appeared ascended to Heavens.


Hieroglyph barely slept last night. He felt troubles surrounding him. He came to Elizora.

‘I feel too nervous to rule my people. I’m afraid of death coming.’

‘Don’t be coward. I talked with Nemigo right off, he ordered me to build valley of precious stones on the way of this men.’ Elizora smiled with her cold smile.

‘That must stop them.’ Hieroglyph suddenly felt burden falling from his heart.

‘But not for long time. This prince Timeus feels spells and is apt to break them.’ Eyes of Elizora were cold and watching.

‘So what we are to do?’ Hieroglyph was dismayed.

‘Just wait for great battle.’

‘To die?’

‘We’ll see.’


When Timeus and Fluctuantius approached the valley of precious stones they saw strange light spread above it. When valley finally was open to their eyes Fluctuantius said ‘Oh!’ and closed his mouth with his palm.

‘We’re rich till the end of our lives,’ knight said as soon as he could speak.

‘Don’t be so gullible.’ Timeus was already off his horse and kneeling to pray.

‘Don’t, just don’t,’ Fluctuantius shouted.

But when Timeus just said first words of prayer ‘God, who is almighty and good…’ valley disappeared.

‘What have you done?’ Knight was nearly in tears.

‘Spells are broken so we can move on.’

‘But we could…’

‘Just forget it,’ Timeus said and got on his horse.


‘Prince Timeus and knight Fluctuantius wait for your reception.’ Doratio butler of princess Oleria pronounced.

‘How sweet of them! I’m always glad to see new nobleman in my castle. Are they philosophers?’

‘I don’t know, Your Highness.’

‘Bring them in my chamber and we will see.’

‘Good day, princess,’ Timeus greeted her as he entered.

‘Just as you say.’ Oleria was sort of coquette.

‘We came here to help you, princess.’ Fluctuantius added.

‘If you want to help me with my philosophy- don’t bother, because since Elizora visited me I have no inspiration.’

‘What about this?’ Timeus asked her giving her amber apple he received from Omigo.


‘Just eat it.’ Fluctuantius said.

‘No tricks?’ Oleria felt strange premonition.

‘Just eat,’ knight was unable to wait more for new miracle.

Oleria ate it and spells dissolved in her eyes.

‘This day has two wings. First of restoration of my glory as great philosopher and second of great danger to my enemies. With this wings news about this day will fly around my kingdom till the end of my life. Stop!’

‘What?’ Fluctuantius asked, he was always bored with this philosophic girl.

‘I have my inspiration again.’

‘Receive our congratulations, Your Highness.’ Timeus was smiling because he guessed about feelings of Fluctuantius.

‘We must leave you.’ Fluctuantius was inpatient.

‘As you wish.’ Oleria answered.

When they already were far from her castle Timeus asked his friend.

‘You don’t like philosophy?’

‘Only feminine one,’ knight responded and then they laughed.


When Hieroglyph heard about the last achievements of Timeus from Nemigo he called for Malvenuto.

‘What I can do for you?’ Eunuch asked his master.

‘You must force Lavinia to kill herself.’

‘But how?’

‘You must to do it or your dead!’ Hieroglyph cried and Malenuto kneeled before him and was gone.

When Eunuch came to chamber of Lavinia Nadine sang old song of Sainted Lakes ‘Do bring your enemy to death.’

‘Shut up, you slave!’ He said to Nadine.

‘Are you afraid of me singing,’ maid defied him.

‘Shut up!’

‘What do you want?’ Lavinia asked him.

‘You must kill yourself with poison in this cup or I’ll kill you myself.’

‘But I don’t want to die.’

‘Never mind, it’s about time.’ He made few step to approach with cup in one hand and sword in another but Nadine threw pitcher of oil at his feet. He slipped and fell on his sword.

‘What’s all this?’ Lavinia asked Nadine in tears.

‘I think he just occasionally cut his throat.’


When Timeus and Fluctuantius came to Labion in the ship of fishermen Nouvelius met them on the shore.

‘You must follow me to nearest forest.’

‘To find Omigo?’ Fluctuantius asked.

‘Yes, he will prepare you for final battle.’

‘So lead us, good messenger.’ Timeus said, and they ran.

Beam of light already waited for them.

‘I must give you something for your love, Timeus,’ Omigo appeared in the light.


‘This wedding ring which is made of golden lightening. Female that will wear this ring will love you till this ring on her hand.’

‘And if it is off her hand?’

‘This depends on God and on you. Be ready because monsters are coming.’

‘Will we die?’ Fluctuantius was hesitative.

‘Timeus, bless sword of your friend with your sword to share your power.’ Omigo and Nouvelius said all together.

Timeus did as they ordered.

This moment monsters of Elizora’s charms appeared from the forest. There were six warriors in human shape and beast of six legs and six heads which breathed with fire.

‘For God’s sake,’ Fluctuantius murmured in fear.

‘For God’s sake!’ Timeus shouted and battle started.

It was no easy but in very short time Fluctuantius understood how to kill warriors. When his sword came through heart of one of them this warrior scattered with sparkles. The same thing was with heads and legs of beast. When Timeus pierced them with the sword there were sparkles and pierced member of beats vanished.