Czytaj książkę: «Yester-times», strona 4


Delio and Ririo raised their swords but right off were killed by archers.

Malvenuto the eunuch of Hieroglyph who was leading hunt for Lavinia in assault of the castle, smiled.

‘Now you’re our prisoner Your Majesty. And Majesty no more.’

‘Can I accompany my queen to captivity?’ Nadine asked him.

‘All right. Come along, girls,’ said Malvenuto, ‘You will be murdered if any sign of disobedience will be shown by your people.’

‘At least we’re alive,’ Lavinia sobbed and swooned.


When his father king Miran died world seemed lost its colors to prince Timeus. He prayed about his father through the nights and daily wrote book about exploits of late king showing new pieces to his mother queen-widow Cora. It was becoming wonderful book about true hero, true love and true meaning of life. This miracle of literature was to survive through the ages to tell to future generations of people of earth where road to glory is and how to find it. The book consisted of verses. They were light and strong, tender and mild, sage and prophetic. Timeus was very young but his mother was proud of her son, she listened to his reading in the evenings before the dusk and hid secretive tear of happiness tinted with sorrow about death of her beloved husband. In the month book was about to be completed, it lacks only one thing- description of enthronization of new king. But Timeus liked to be simple prince leaving all decisions about The-Seven-Hills kingdom to his mother.

Once in the morning mother found him weeping in his room.

‘Why are you crying, dear?’ She asked.

‘I never, never will be hero like my father. I’m just poet, nothing more. And though my father taught me how to use sword I will never have enough courage to brave the enemy out.’ Timeus stammered through tears, his eyes ablaze.

‘You even don’t know yourself.’ Cora smiled.

‘What I must to do to know myself?’ Timeus asked.

‘You must find your love.’

‘Love? But what the love you speaking about?’

‘I speak about love of your life. The only thing that makes life to be lived, and fight to be won.’

‘But where I can find it?’

‘In your heart.’

‘My heart is empty.

‘Fill it.’


‘Time will show. And now just to dry your tears go to hunt and bring me whatever you like for the dinner.’

‘All right, mother. I will think about your words. I’m not afraid of my future. Let’s hope we’ll be worthy of father.’

‘So get on your white horse and go to the forest.’

Timeus snatched the bow and quiver and went to stableyard. And the next moment he was riding from the castle.

Timeus was unhappy with hunting this day, only three arrows left in his quiver and he had no game at all. He missed every shot from beginning. Suddenly he had seen Nouvelius the messenger. It was good spirit that was telling news to kings and saint people.

‘Hear, Timeus the prince of The-Seven-Hills. I have to tell you where your fate waits you.’ Nouvelius said.

‘I will obey every word of yours.’

‘Lavinia queen of Sainted Lakes is seized by Hieroglyph chief of marine robbers and brought to Labion island with Nadine, her true servant. If you want to find your love, make free Lavinia and marry her. Omigo the good genius is waiting for you at the old altar in the forest. Go to him and receive what God sends you.’

‘Thank you, Nouvelius.’

‘I hope I’ll help you in your adventure.’

Nouvelius disappeared and Timeus get harried up his white horse to old altar.


As soon as Timeus dismounted from horse, kneeled and said first words of great prayer ‘God, who is almighty and good…’, he saw beam of light descending from heaven on the old altar. As beam touched stone of altar, Omigo the good genius appeared there with all his glory.

‘I’m glad to see you, Timeus.’

‘O, master of all good spirits, tell me what to do.’ Timeus was full of joy and said first words that came to his heart.

‘Take this sword and apple of ruby color.’

‘Thank you, Omigo. But what to do with them?’

‘This apple for charmed princess you will meet soon. And this sword that made from golden lightning will help you fight any enemy you can encounter in your life. If you bless with this sword any weapon of your friends it will receive part of its power enough to help you.’

‘But where I must go?’

‘Say fare well to your mother and hit the road to Itania and then to Labion island.’

‘What I must do there.’

‘Help to princess Carmille, she was charmed by Elizora.’

‘Who is Elizora?’

‘She is servant of Nemigo the evil genius. She charmed three princesses. The all charms must be broken if you want to find your love.’

‘I will try.’

‘God help you’ Omigo said and ascended in the beam of light to the heaven.


Cora met her son before gates of castle.

‘What happened?’ She asked when saw him smiling.

‘I have seen Omigo and Nouvelius.’

‘What did they say?’

‘I must go for long journey.’


‘They explained me how to find my love.’

‘O, Savior, you don’t forget us!’

‘Fare well, mother, and bless me.’

‘God bless you, my son, you will be always in my prayers.’

Timeus bent on his saddle and kissed his mother cheek.

‘I will be worthy of my father.’ He said.

‘I believe you.’ Cora said through the tears of gratitude to God and His will.


Just before the dusk to set in Timeus saw knight sleeping under apple tree with black horse pasturing near him.

‘Hey, you.’ Timeus said loudly to sleeping knight who instantly woke up, jumped to his feet and raised his sword.

‘Who are you?’ Knight asked.

‘I’m prince in search of his love.’

‘And I guess you have name.’

‘Yes. I’m Timeus from The-Seven-Hills.’

‘I’m knight Fluctuantius. Where are you heading?’

‘Now to Itania, but finally to Labion island to save and marry queen Lavinia.’

‘Then I offer the duel, for I’m heading to save Lavinia, too.’


‘I once was in love with her, and I thought that to be her king is worthy wage for her freedom.’

‘So let’s fight for her.’ Timeus said, dismounted and brought out his miraculous sword.

‘It will be difficult for you because I’m good fighter.’ Fluctuantius teased raising from the ground his massive shield.

‘We will see.’ Timeus said and broke shield of Fluctuantius to smithereens with one stroke.

‘Where you learn to fight, Your Highness?’ Knight asked.

‘So if you don’t mind Lavinia is mine. But if we’re friends now let’s travel together. There will be more wonders to see.’ Timeus gave his hand to defeated knight.

‘I will be only too glad.’ Fluctuantius shook hand of prince.

‘So come on and hit the road?’ Timeus asked his new friend.

‘Agreed, Your Highness,’ knight answered.


Hieroglyph came to dark tower of Elizora with heavy heart.

‘I feel troubles to come,’ Hieroglyph said.

‘What troubles?’ Elizora asked.

‘We conquered three kingdoms and I wait that someone will come and take them from us.’

‘Just calm down,’ Elizora whispered.

‘What do you want to do?’

‘We will ask Nemigo.’

‘All right.’

Elizora took her sphere in hands and mumbled old conjuration. Room was in a moment alive with colors.

‘I’m glad to see you.’ Nemigo began.

‘I feel very, very troubled.’ Hieroglyph confessed.

‘And you are right. Prince Timeus and his new friend knight Fluctuantius on their way here.’

‘What do they want?’

‘They want to free Lavinia and destroy your power over conquered kingdoms.’

‘What should we do?’

‘I’ll help you.’


‘I’ll put the river of perfume on their way to stop them for some time to confuse their plans.’

‘And what we’ll do next?’

‘Be prepared for battle with them.’

‘Battle? They’re only two.’

‘Yes, but they have powerful weapon.’

‘Thank you, master.’ Elizora said.

‘It will be tough business to fight them down.’ Nemigo roared and disappeared.


At the midday Timeus and Fluctuantius sensed the strong and pleasant smell from ahead of them. Soon to their eyes opened beautiful river that was emitting this smell.

‘What a marvel!’ Fluctuantius exclaimed.

‘I think it is not marvel but some sort of charms.’ Timeus corrected him.


‘Because no map in my library back home have a sign of perfume river.’

‘We can build great kingdom here just by selling this stuff to people who do not wash themselves with honey essence.’

‘Don’t stick to that nonsense.’ Timeus was firm with his point of view.

Fluctuantius ladled out some perfume in his helmet from the river.

‘It’s quite a fortune to find this fabulous place. With little of investment I’ll be most rich man on earth in a moment,’ knight wondered.

‘Wait. I must pray.’ Timeus kneeled and began silently to pray. In that very moment river was gone in sparkles and whirls leaving bad odor.

‘What is it?’ Fluctuantius asked.

‘Now spells are broken and we can go further.’

‘So you destroyed it?’ Fluctuantius could not believe to his eyes.

‘Yes. It’s our mission to struggle with magic.’

‘Good mission, my dear friend. I never knew that simple prayer would be so strong.’

‘Yes, if it’s honest prayer to God. So go on.’

They mounted their horses and by the evening they were at the gates of castle of princess Carmille ruler of Itania.


‘Prince Timeus of The-Seven-Hills and his honorable companion knight Fluctuantius.’ Dinario, the butler of princess Carmille, announced.

‘Thanks a lot, dear. Lead them in.’ Carmille echoed from her divan of cushions.

When two travelers came in they sat down at the feet of princess, as etiquette of those times requested.

‘So you are my guests. What I can do for you?’ Young Carmille asked them.