Czytaj książkę: «Russia the formation of the state in the 9th century Veneds and the severjans (northerners), part of the Huns, which became the basis of a new community», strona 3


Lobulate temple rings, scapholes, and blackened ceramics, and volute (double helix) in jewelry and art

Also interesting are peculiar rings, called temporal lobular rings – the number of lobes is from two to six. The temple rings were made from the materials of the finds, from gold and silver. It is interesting to show the two-lobed ring from the Schliemann’s Treasure Catalog, inventory number Aar132, Bz50, P92 F6014 and Aar 133 Bz49, P91 A 6015. The two-lobed ring of gold from the State Historical Museum Collection (Historical Museum) photo dsc00946. These findings only confirm Taylor’s theory of the advancement of shepherd tribes to Asia Minor and Greece. The find is dated to the beginning of the second millennium BC. e.

Now let’s turn to the finds of the Abashevskaya and Andronovskaya cultures, which have developed in the forest-steppe zone of Eastern Europe, whose monuments are found from the left bank of the Dnieper in the west to the Tobol River. Dated to the beginning of the middle of 2 thousand. As a distinctive feature, one can see the use of the “meander” pattern in the decoration of vessels, as well as bipartite temporal golden rings. In the Urals, in peat bogs, wooden buckets with the figure of a swan were found

Lobular rings, Schliemann’s treasure, Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts

Lobular rings GIM

The oldest boat-shaped bucket found was found in the famous Gorbunovsky peat bog, not far from Omsk, the bucket is made of wood. Belongs to the Abashev culture, dated to the middle of the 20th millennium BC. So the use of ladles in everyday life was a characteristic feature of the Indo-European culture of the Bronze Age from Denmark and Russia, Greece, in Russia until the 20th century.

Crystal ladle, Mycenae

Ladle from the Omsk region, wood

A very interesting find in Greece, a crystal ladle with a handle in the form of a duck’s head was found in Mycenae, dated to the 15th century. BC. The work, of course, is extremely difficult, how could a master make such a fragile thing, because it was not cast and was not blown out of glass? But the shape of this magnificent object copies wood products found in the distant Urals. Wooden buckets are later found in the burials of the Scythians already in the Iron Age, as evidenced by numerous finds. The culture of using ladles in everyday life was preserved in Russia until the 20th century; now these wooden objects are used as decorative dishes. That is, this ritual tableware can also be used as a kind of indicator of Indo-European culture.

Abashevskaya culture, blackened vessel with a meander of the State Historical Museum, Moscow.

Blackened and milky pottery appears among the artifacts of the Yamnaya and Catacomb culture in the middle of the 3rd thousand BC. The method of making black-glazed ceramics was discovered in the boundless past. Who and when is now impossible to establish. It is known that the Etruscans (VIII – II centuries BC) already had a technology for making black-polished ceramics. In Russia, black-polished household utensils were widespread; the peak of its popularity fell on the period from the 3rd to the 19th centuries. The method is quite simple – the ceramics are smoothed, then the products are fired in a smoking flame without oxygen (staining). Milk is a very appetizing formulation and one of the most popular fire decorating methods. The bottom line is as follows – a sintered shard (which has passed through the roasting) is placed in milk and then baked again at a lower temperature (about 300°C). And this dish has been seen among the finds since the 3rd thousand BC. and to the present time in the basin of the Volga and Don rivers, and the steppes of the Black Sea region, and the Trans-Urals. Similar pottery was discovered by Schliemann and Taylor during archaeological excavations in Troy and Hellas, and similar utensils have been found in Crete and date back to the beginning of the third millennium BC. Bracelets, pins, wands with the image of a volute (double spiral) can also be called iconic. These finds are massive, and open bracelets with volute are one of the signs of these cultures.

Bronze bracelet from Sintashta

monuments of Koban culture, State Historical Museum

The gigantic rise of the Huns

Huns-Hans, but just real, ethnic Huns. and not members of the union of tribes who adopted the Hunnic culture, was distinguished by extremely high growth. According to the findings of the Tarim mummies belonging to the Andronovo culture, they grew up to 200 cm. The mummies were discovered in 1939. Bergman, and the most impressive finds in China were in the 1980s, where well-preserved remains were found, exhibited in the Urumqi Museum.

All the legends about the giants of Greece speak of the extremely high growth of these heroes, in Germany the Huns (Huns) are called giants, and the Burgundians, part of the Huns, also had gigantic stature according to the letters of the Romans. Savirs-Seversk-northerners of Novgorod-Seversk Land reached a height of 180 cm.

The closest to the Andronovites were the representatives of the European Corded Ware culture and the Sintashta culture, as well as modern Indian populations, according to the study by Keyser C. et al. “Ancient DNA provides new insights into the history of south Siberian Kurgan people.”

The magical power of number seven

The number seven appears to be significant for these northern tribes. There are numerous depictions of seven-pointed stars. Seven tribes of the union of Slavic tribes are known, the Union of seven Slavic tribes (Greek έptά γενεάς – “Seven clans” or “Seven tribes”) is an intertribal union of Slavs in the 7th century on the Balkan Peninsula, which, along with the Bulgars and other Slavs, became the basis of the future states of the First Bulgarian Kingdom and the Bulgarian people. The seven Hungarian tribes are Nyek (Hungarian Nyék), Meguer, Kurt-guarmat, Tarjan, Eno (Yeno) – one of the seven Hungarian tribes, Ker, Kesi. It would seem that there are different tribes, Hephtalites, Hungarians, Slavs. and everywhere the sacred union of the seven tribes. By the way, there is a Septimania region in France, and there were seven kingdoms in Britain – Mercia, Northumbria, East Anglia, Essex, Sussex, Sussex, and Kent. Seven wonders of the World that Hellas spoke about,

“I have seen your walls, Babylon, on which

And chariots; I saw Zeus in Olympia,

The Miracle of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the Colossus of Helios

And the pyramids are the deeds of many and hard works;

I know Mavsol’s huge tomb. But only saw

I am Artemis’ palace, which lifted the roof to the clouds,

Everything else faded before him; outside Olympus

The sun sees no beauty equal to it anywhere.”

Hellenic poet, Antipater of Sidon

Seven wise men of Ancient Greece, and not all were Hellenes by nationality.

“I call seven wise men – their homeland, name, speech:

“Measure is the most important thing,” Cleobulus used to say to Linda;

In Sparta: “Know thyself,” Chilo preached;

Restraining anger was admonished by Periander, a native of Corinth;

“Lish in nothing!” – the proverb was Pittac’s Mithilen;

“Watch the end of life,” repeated Solon of Athens;

“The worst are in the majority everywhere,” said Biant Priensky;

“Do not vouch for anyone” – Thales of Miletus word.”

Unknown ancient poet

Sometimes the Scythian sage Anarhasis is added to this list.

Seven Advisors of Alexander the Great by Arrian, this list of the most important dignitaries of Macedonia included Alexander’s friends, and this work is divided into seven books, too – also in imitation of Xenophon. Seven boyars of Russian tsars, because there were seven assessors in the boyar duma, and this figure is present everywhere Seven

Huns’ hairstyles – a shaved head, and a braid at the back of the head or on the right side of the head

Even hairstyles, such a seemingly unimportant part of human culture, turned out to be very similar in the zone of distribution of the Andronov Huns’ habitat. This tribe, or parts of it, reached China and India, and in the west to Egypt and Hellas, and left their mark even in such a part of human culture as hairstyles. It is hard to imagine that this was an accident. Obviously, it was the Huns-Hans who brought these hairstyles to this region, to Northern China. The deity GUAN-GUN (or Gun-Gong), carrying, as you can see, the Hunnic horses, is depicted in this way. Gun-gun (Chinese god of water, depicted with the body of a snake, a human face and red hair on his head. In some stories he is described as a man with a snake’s tail instead of legs. Gun-gun is a destroyer god, and in many legends it is he who causes disasters Most of the legends with him end with Gong-gong being killed or sent into exile, usually after being defeated in a battle with another major deity, such as, for example, the fire god Chzhuzhun.

Bian-fa (Chinese. “Pigtails”) – the traditional male hairstyle of the Manchus and other nomadic peoples of the Great Eurasian steppe It was a pigtail of three strands, which was braided at the back of the head or crown, while the hair was shaved off the forehead and temples.

The name of the Huns-Hans forever remained in the name of the Indian Gndhara, and the Ganges River. Krishnaites are Vaishnavas, and they wear Urdhva-Pundra on the bridge of their nose, a tamga depicted on the helmets of Urartu and Rus. For men, it is advisable to cut their hair short or shave it off, leaving a bun of hair called shikha on the back of the head. Shikha – a lock of hair on the back of the head, indicating belonging to the brahminical class. According to Vedic culture, when a person undergoes the ceremony of hair cutting (miracle-karana-samskara) and Vedic initiation (upanayana), he should shave his head, leaving only a tuft of hair called sikha. One who has a sikhu can practice different types of yajna. Therefore, according to Indian tradition, all brahmanas, Vaishnavas and others wear shikhs. According to the grhya-sutras, eccentricity should take place at the end of the first year of a child’s life or before the end of the third (Manu-smrti, II.35), but later scriptures have increased this age to seven years. First, the child’s hair is moistened, then the father cuts it while reciting prayers. After a child’s hair is cut, the father often leaves a shikha (śikhā IAST) or miracle (cūḍā). Analog-hair cutting in Hellas with ephebes.

Bian-fa (Chinese. “Pigtails

Homer describes it as follows:

Lead and into battle led Elefenor, Aree’s branch,
The son of the Khalkodons, the head of the unrepentant Abants.
He foresaw these abants, on the rear of the hair they only grew,
Warriors of ardent, burning blows of clear copies
The copper armor of the enemies is to be smashed by hand on the Persians. Homer, Iliad.

Thus, this hairstyle belonged to the Hans (Huns-Gants Andronovites) who brought it from Crete to India and China and Egypt, where they were called Hyksos (shepherd kings)

Saka mummy Hare

Krishna hairstyle, shikha

Severtsy-northerners, as part of the Hun tribe, retained their hairstyle, and the Cossacks, who come from the Severshchina, wore similar hairstyles – Oseledtsy and I \ ‘s forelocks.

The ancestral home of the Indo-Europeans. The ancestral home is Hell and Tartarus

The location of the ancestral home of the Indo-Europeans has always been a stumbling block for the scientific community and I would like to give a number of arguments for the primary habitat in the region of Obi-Yamal, Pechora, Arkhangelsk and Vologda regions and the islands of Novaya Zemlya. What makes it possible to come up with such an unconditional opinion? This geographical reference to this area is due to the myths and legends about Ganesh, Skanda, Indrik-beast. Tartar (ancient Greek Τάρταρος), in ancient Greek mythology – the deepest abyss located under the kingdom of Hades (representation, starting from Hesiod, where, after titanomachy, Zeus overthrew Kronos and the titans and where they were guarded by the hundred-handed giants of Hecatoncheira, the children of Uranus. the Cyclops are imprisoned. This is a dark abyss, which is as far from the surface of the earth as the sky is from the earth: according to Hesiod, a copper anvil would fly from the surface of the earth to Tartarus in nine days. Tartarus was surrounded by a triple layer of darkness of the god Erebus and copper walls with the copper gates of the god Poseidon. According to Hesiod, he arose after Chaos and Gaia. According to Epimenides, he was born from Aerus and Nyukta. According to other authors, as the personification of this abyss, Tartarus was the son of Ether and Gaia. From Tartarus Gaia gave birth to the monstrous Typhon and Echidna. Tartarus is mentioned by Homer (Il. VIII, 13According to the testimony of ancient Greek authors, Tartarus was in the North. Later, the authors began to consider Tartarus the most remote place in Hades. e century the most abandoned and remote corners of the earth began to be called tartar. In late antiquity, Tartarus was represented as a space of dense cold and darkness. Later, in European cartography, due to contamination, Tartarus was associated with Tartaria – northern Asia. The origin of the name of the god is not exactly clear; in any case, it was associated with the ancient Greek ἀϊδής “invisible”, ἀΐδιος “eternal”, ἀϊδνός “gloomy”, αἰδοῖος “venerable, compassionate”; αἰδώς, “awe, reverence”, but also “mercy”; ἀΐδηλος “making it invisible”, that is “destructive”, or “invisible, unknown, mysterious, gloomy”. the rivers of Hades, the most famous are Styx, Cocytus and Phlegeton, a flaming river. Hell and Tartarus are the land of the ancestors of the Huns (Hans), lands in the far North, from Yamal to Altai, the basin of the oil-bearing Ob river.

Giants, or Gants, that is, Huns-Hans, who also came from the Phlegrean fields, in myths they were described as opponents of the Olympic gods, and the Phlegrian fields are called their homeland.

In Chinese sources (Bei Shi and others), the state (and, accordingly, the people) of Yada is noted, attributed to the Xiyu region. Chinese historians found it difficult to indicate their origin; it was assumed that they were descendants of Yuezhi or Gaoju. They lived west of Khotan and south of the Altai spurs. The capital is the city of Badiyan, only 10 li in a circle. There is a palace and Buddhist stupas and pagodas adorned with gold. And in these sources the Hephthalite and Sarmatian Huns are called so. I.e. the Chinese call their land ADOM.

This geographical reference to this area is due to the myths and legends about Ganesh, Skanda, Indrik-beast. No one can argue that this is the closest place to the European part of the continent, where the remains of mammoths are massively found, and one of the most famous is Yamal, and the most famous find is the Yamal mammoth Masha. Often in the works of oral folklore, the “homeland” of the Indrik-beast is called – the Indian land full of wonders – India, which is not accidental, but there were several Indies in the history of migration of Indo-Europeans, and one was later described by Herodotus in the Caucasus as Sindika, an area in the Kuban region…

Here, as you can see, Tarja-reka is also mentioned, as the place of the ancestral home of the Indo-Europeans, which remained with the Hellenes in the form of Tartarus, as one of the places the land of ancestors.. Researchers have established an undoubted connection between the Indrik beast and the Vedic and Hindu deities Indra, and his weapon is the vajra and the vahana (carrier) is the elephant Aivarat, which also brings him closer to Ganesha (at birth Vinayak, then acquired the name Ganesha, Ganapati, Ganapati means the leader of the divine army of Shiva – ganas). Phlegrian fields also resemble Yamal and the Ob basin, where gas emissions are frequent and lead to explosions and burning of the soil. This can also explain the “milk rivers” and “jelly” banks. When condensation gets into the water. water becomes muna and resembles milk, and oil, mixing with the earth, turns it into jelly. And the slightest carelessness leads to inflammation, and here truly the hellish place is obtained. The climate here, to put it mildly, is not hot, that is, corresponds to the description of Hel of Scandinavia and Hell and Tartarus of Greece, damp, humid and cold, but the earth burns underfoot, and the water of the rivers is often poisonous from oil and gas, like the Styx of Hellas.

That is, the migration of Indo-Aryans from the coast of the Arctic Ocean is proved by the toponymy of places, the location of mammoth burial grounds in that region, and the emergence of myths about Ganesha, Apollo and Indrik-Zver, in the regions of the Ob river basin, and the present Arkhangelsk, Vologda regions and the Komi Republic, and Khanty-Mansiysk district, where there are cases of findings of mammoth remains. An additional argument in favor of the migration of Indo-Aryans from the Ob is the “Guestrovskaya Ode”, a poem published in Germany, the principality of Mecklenburg for the wedding, written by an unknown author specifically for the wedding in 1716 of Karl Leopold of Mecklenburg and Ekaterina Ioannovna, niece of Emperor Peter I, daughter of Tsar Ivan V Aleksey Tsarina Praskovya Feodorovna Saltykova, the elder sister of Empress Anna Ivanovna. This work describes the migration of the emboldened tribe from the Ob River to present-day Germany. Also, numerous finds of the most valuable artifacts in the Yamal region and the mouth of the Ob river, as well as in the area of the river. Kama of a later time, the so-called “Zakamsky silver”, which most likely were offerings from Iran, Byzantium to the sanctuaries of the Far North, described by Herodotus, who considers these places to be associated with the veneration of Apollo, and Herodotus gives evidence of Aristeus, who visited the Far North in execution vows. That is, the tradition, memories of the ancestral home, already at a later time turned out to be so strong that offerings to the gods to the ancestral home of the Indo-Europeans were sent from Iran and Greece, for which there is material evidence, these are the treasures of Yamal (as well as burials and numerous finds of people of the European type) and Zakamsk treasures. And probably, this area can be identified with Hyperborea of Ancient Greece, as the place of origin of a number of Indo-Aryan peoples.

Nobody can argue that this is the closest place to the European part of the continent, where the remains of mammoths are massively found, and one of the most famous is Yamal, and the most famous find is the Yamal mammoth Masha [Tikhonov A. N., Brave V. M. Mamontenok from Yamal // Nature. – 1989. – No. 6. – P. 46—47.]

So. What kind of Indrik is this beast, and what evidence of him remains? In the Russian apocrypha, especially in the numerous versions of The Spiritual Verse on the Pigeon Book, the name of this beast appears in different forms: Indrok, Indra, Kondryk, Beloyandrik, Vyndrik, Unicorn, Unicorn and Unicorn. The name variations can be summarized in two:

Indrik and the Unicorn (the name White is also important):
The beast is a mother to all beasts…
And he dug the earth with his mother’s horn,
Dug up the keys all deep I took out all the boiling water.
This animal lives across the ocean-sea,
And he walks here in the dungeon…
It passes all the white stone mountains,
Cleans streams and depressions,
It misses rivers, cold stores…

“Pigeon Book”

In different lists of the Pigeon Book verse there are different features in the image of Indrik, but in all he is called “the father of all beasts.” He walks through the underground, “misses rivers and wells, or lives on Tabor-mountain (that is, the Mountain of Light,”; “when he turns, all the animals worship him.” Or he lives on the Holy Mountain, eats and drinks from the Blue Sea, does not hurt anyone. Or he walks with a horn through the dungeon, like “the sun through the skies.” “The Dove Book” is a collection of East Slavic folk spiritual verses of the late 15th – early 16th centuries, the questions and answers of which provide information about the origin of the world. The book united both Christian and pagan motives. The book was preserved thanks to the tragedy of the schism in Orthodoxy, and was preserved among the Old Believers. According to Russian folklore, Indrik is endowed with the features of the master of the water element, springs and wells, and acts as an enemy of the snake.

Indrik, as the master of the water element, is close to the mythical bird Sirin – the symbol of water and fertility. Images of Indrik are often combined with “braid”, which in ancient times meant water. Often in the works of oral folklore, the “homeland” of the Indrik-beast is called – the Indian land full of wonders – India, which is not accidental, but there were several Indies in the history of migration of Indo-Europeans, and one was later described by Herodotus in the Caucasus as Sindika, an area in the Kuban region…

“And somewhere else, you can hear a foolish live,
Yes, stupid to live, unreasonable?
And where, you can hear, is the Indian land,
Indian land, all rich?
As there is a lot of gold and silver,
Yes, more than that kind pearls.
In the Indian land, the steppe is wild,
The steppe is wild, the forests are dark.
Indrik the beast lives in those forests:
He has all pearl little shorts on him,
And the mane-tail is gilded,
And his hooves are all damask,
Fire blazes from his nostrils,
A column of smoke comes from his ears.
He runs to drink in the Tarja River,
He runs, he runs – the whole earth trembles.”

Here, as you can see, Tarja-river is also mentioned as the place of the ancestral home of the Indo-Europeans, which remained with the Hellenes in the form of Tartarus, as one of the places of the land of their ancestors.. Researchers have established an undoubted connection between the Indrik beast and the Vedic and Hindu deities Indra, and his weapon is the Vajra, vahana bearer) is the elephant Airavata, which also brings him closer to Ganesha, and on whose behalf the name of the country – India, and the sacred river – Indus, and the people – Indians, and religion – Hinduism are formed. And in the Russian North there are still many names of rivers with the most ancient common Indo-European root “ind”. For example, the Indiga River is the river basins between the Pechora and Mezen rivers, the river flows into the Barents Sea, and one of the Indiga tributaries is the VYREY river (and it is known that Iriy-Vyri is the name of the Kingdom of Heaven in Slavic myths). from Yamal, west of the Ob, in the same administrative district. It is also interesting that there are places in the Russian North with the sacred name “Ida”. Scientists suggest that in the era of the ancient Indo-European ethnocultural community, Indra was the single supreme god of the Indo-Europeans. After the disintegration of the Indo-European conglomerate of tribes and the departure of the Aryans from the North to the Indian subcontinent, in the memory of the Proto-Slavs, and later the Russians, one of the many incarnations of Indra – “The King of Beasts”, “Mother of all beasts” was preserved. “A brief description of the Ostyatsky people” by Novitsky says: “some who want to confirm the narrated for the reliable, so His likeness is described: with a height of three arshins, almost an arshin length, his legs are like those of a bear, his horns, folded crosswise, he wears on himself, and when he digs caves, then he bends and stretches like a crawling snake. Some, contradicting this, argue that these bones belong to unicorns or some other beasts of the sea, during the flood of Noah, they were applied and dried up on the earth by water, but by antiquity they went into the earth.

“And the beast Indrik appeared. And the beast Indrik became a father to all beasts, a beast to all beasts. The beast Indrik itself is blue, and his eyes are golden. And maybe even the beast Indrik turns into a mighty blue warrior. His eyes are golden, he glows with a blue radiance of inner light, he holds a stone club in his hands, and he is dressed in stone armor. And so it is huge, higher than the mountains it is underground. The beast Indrik, the giant underground warrior, rides through the underworld in a stone chariot (that is, similar in skin color to Krishna and Yama (blue skin))

The wheels of that chariot are huge stone millstones, and monstrous black stone dogs, giant dogs, are harnessed to that chariot. And the eyes of those dogs burn like the fires of a thousand bonfires. And those dogs roar like a thousand thunders. And those dogs breathe fire and smoke. The beast Indrik, the giant underground warrior, rides through the underground world in his chariot. And he fights with lizards and underground dragons. And the Underground Lizard crawls away from him into his inferno. And he closes his inferno on the brass door.”

Throughout the Russian North and even farther – in Manchuria and China – legends about a strange creature of unprecedented growth called the indrik-beast are widespread. It is supposedly the size of an elephant and is endowed with horns that serve as a digging device. Descriptions of a giant mole named ting-shu or in-shu (“the mouse that hides”) we find in ancient Chinese books. Despite the hyperbolic dimensions of the incredible beast, it should be recognized that folk art is by no means a baseless fantasy. Life and real observations gave the narrators quite reliable material for this legend.

As said, this creature lives in the earth. It digs passages and tunnels with a horn and thereby opens keys, cleans springs and fills lakes and rivers with water. And if the indrik-beast under the ground makes noise, “the whole Universe will shake.” True, this is not a predatory beast, but a completely peaceful giant: “he does not hurt anyone,” apparently feeds on plants or what he finds underground. Well, it is quite possible that in this case we are talking about real mammoths, whose tusks and frozen carcasses are often found in Siberia. Apparently, both the legendary giant mole Tin-Shu, and Fan-Shu, and the Indrik-beast, and the Finnish Mamut are one and the same creature. The modern Russian name “mammoth” just comes from the old Russian word “mamut”. The Russians borrowed it from the Finnish tribes inhabiting European Russia. In many Finnish dialects, “ma” means “earth”, and “mut” means “mole” in Finnish, that is, mamut is an earthen mole.

“The mountain gave birth to a mouse” is a famous saying in ancient Greece and Rome. What does it mean? Apollo Sminthias Sminfey (Σμινθεύς), in Greek myth-making, the epithet of the god Apollo in the northwest of Asia Minor in Troas. The very name Sminfei is derived from the word αμίνθος, which meant a mouse among the Cretans. In this regard, the mouse was an attribute of the prophetic god Apollo, hence its name ζωον μαντικώτερον (prophetic animal). One of the months (Σμίνθειον) was named after Sminfei; in addition, ancient Greek authors mention the Rhodes festival of Sminfey. Pisarevsky writes that “The mouse in the cult of Apollo with Asclepius corresponds to the mole in the cult of Rudra with Ganesha” [Pisarevsky p.5] (The legend that only a mouse is afraid of an elephant). That is, the migration of Indo-Aryans from the coast of the Arctic Ocean is proved by toponymy of places, the location of mammoth burial grounds in that region, and the emergence of myths about Ganesha, Apollo and Indrik-Zver, in the regions of the Ob river basin, and the present Arkhangelsk, Vologda regions and the Komi Republic, and Khanty-Mansiysk district, where there are cases of findings of mammoth remains. Also, numerous finds of the most valuable artifacts in the Yamal region and the mouth of the Ob river, as well as in the area of the river. Kama of a later time, the so-called “Zakamsky silver”, which most likely were donations from Iran, Byzantium to the sanctuaries of the Far North, described by Herodotus, who considers these places to be associated with the veneration of Apollo, and Herodotus gives evidence of Aristeus, who visited the Far North in execution vows. That is, the tradition, memories of the ancestral home, already at a later time turned out to be so strong that offerings to the gods to the ancestral home of the Indo-Europeans were sent from Iran and Greece, for which there is material evidence, these are the treasures of Yamal and the Zakamsk treasures.