Czytaj książkę: «To Tame A Warrior's Heart»
Table of Contents
Cover Page
Dear Reader
Title Page
About the Author
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
An odd expression crossed Nicholas’s face as he looked at her.
Catrin followed his gaze and looked down. Her gown had slipped low over her bosom. Her face heated—no wonder he stared! She tugged the fabric higher and pulled her cloak tight about her.
A chill swept through her, washing away the pleasurable heat Nicholas had kindled. She must have been mad to let things go so far.
From the moment he had touched her, she’d had no control over the situation…
No control over herself.
She’d become a creature possessed by needs, needs she’d do well to ignore.
What had she been thinking, to fall into Nicholas’s embrace so easily?
She hadn’t thought at all. It seemed she could not trust herself in Nicholas’s presence.
That would not do. She pushed the soft, wonderful feelings deep and tried to bury them beneath her usual prickly facade…
Dear Reader,
Sharon Schulze’s very first book, Heart of the Dragon, gained her an RWA Golden Heart Award Nomination, some terrific reviews and a K.I.S.S. Award from Romantic Times. This month the March Madness author returns with To Tame a Warrior’s Heart, a stirring medieval tale about a former mercenary and a betrayed noblewoman who overcome their shadowed pasts with an unexpected love. Don’t miss it.
With The Lieutenant’s Lady, her fourth book for Harlequin Historicals, author Rae Muir begins an exciting new Western series called THE WEDDING TRAIL. This month’s story is about a hard-luck soldier who returns home determined to marry the town “princess,” a woman who sees him as little more than a way out of an unwanted marriage. And USA Today bestselling author Ruth Langan is also out this month with Ruby, the next book in her ongoing series THE JEWELS OF TEXAS. Ruby is the delightful tale of a flirtatious young woman and the formidable town marshal who falls under her spell.
The Forever Man is a new title from Carolyn Davidson, the author of Gerrity’s Bride and Loving Katherine. This emotional story is about a spinster who has given up on love—until a marriage of convenience to a widower in search of a new life for himself and a mother for his two sons heals her broken heart and teaches her to trust in love again.
Whatever your tastes in reading, we hope you enjoy all four books, available wherever Harlequin Historicals are sold.
Tracy Farrell
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To Tame A Warrior's Heart
Sharon Schulze
is a confirmed bookaholic who loves reading as much as writing. Although she has a degree in civil engineering, she’s always been fascinated by history. Writing about the past gives her a chance to experience days gone by—without also encountering disease, vermin and archaic plumbing!
A New Hampshire native, she now makes her home in Connecticut with her husband, Cliff, teenagers Patrick and Christina, and their miniature dachshund, Samantha. She is the current president of the Connecticut Chapter of RWA; in her spare time she enjoys movies, music and poking around in antique shops.
Readers may contact her at P.O. Box 180, Oakville, CT 06779.
To the Connecticut Chapter of RWA—what a group!
Your friendship and support mean more than I can say.
Special thanks to my editor, Tracy Farrell, for her
patience and encouragement—and for recognizing
Nicholas and Catrin when she met them again.
England, 1214
After a lifetime spent fighting for others in distant lands, he had finally returned to England to take his rightful place among his kind. Tall, strong, handsome—a warrior blessed with skill and grace upon the battlefield.
And between the sheets, rumor had it.
Lord Nicholas Talbot appeared the embodiment of knightly virtue, a nobleman born and bred.
King John knew better.
How it pleased him to bend Talbot to his will, to watch as the arrogant young lord danced warily through the intricacies of Court. Sooner or later, Talbot would trip and reveal his true self to the world.
That thought brought a pleasure of its own.
But until he did, his liege lord would make use of his skills, send him to the far reaches of the kingdom, if he wished.
And if Talbot did not obey, ’twould be an easy task to expose his shame to the world.
King John smiled. No matter what the deed, how could Talbot refuse?
Chapter One
The Welsh Marches
Hooves clattered against the rocky path, the sound echoing through the mist-shrouded trees. Catrin shifted in the saddle; the shiver that ran down her spine owed little to the icy moisture covering her like a blanket. Never had the journey to her cousin’s keep at l’Eau Clair seemed so long—or so ominous. She pulled her cloak snug at the throat. Perhaps ’twas her impatience to arrive that made her nerves feel stretched to breaking, not the threat of an unknown menace hidden just beyond her view.
A pair of men rode ahead of her, another behind, to protect her. But she could sense their unease, hear them mutter low-voiced prayers as they scanned the thickening fog. She should never have brought them, the least skilled of her brother’s guard; she feared they’d prove a meager defense.
A soft whine caught her attention and she drew her mare to a halt. “Idris, come,” she called to the wolfhound who trotted at her side.
She surveyed the dripping trees as he rested his massive head against her leg. “Is anyone out there? Go see.”
Idris nudged her, then dropped back to the edge of the forest, head moving from side to side, ears cocked.
Catrin urged her mount on before turning to the young man who rode beside her. Padrig’s bony face appeared calm, though his skin looked pale as a fish’s belly. His bright blue eyes perused the area as if he were already the warrior he hoped to become in Lord Rannulf Fitz-Clifford’s service.
“Mayhap we should have waited for Ian,” she murmured.
“Nay, milady, there was no need.” Padrig sat straighter in his saddle. “Though Lord Ian’s company would be welcome, of course.”
Despite Padrig’s brave words, he was afraid, to judge by his pallor. Though fourteen, nearly a man, he had led a sheltered life until he came to them. Yet he craved adventure, and the chance to become Rannulf’s squire, with the same fervor she’d seen in her brother at that age.
She’d been wrong to leave without Ian, she’d realized as soon as they’d reached the forest. Her sense of unease had grown, so that now only her fear of retracing their tracks kept her moving onward, toward l’Eau Clair.
They’d have been safe with her brother’s escort, for no one would dare threaten the Dragon—Prince Llywelyn of Wales’s enforcer. But now…
She should never have risked Padrig’s safety, nor that of the others, for her own selfish impatience.
Her cousin Gillian would give birth when God—and her body—willed it, whether Catrin was there or not. And likely manage just fine, despite Gillian’s protestations to the contrary.
“You don’t need the others, milady.” Padrig looked down at the gleaming sword at his waist, then glanced up, his cheeks red. “There are five of us, enough to protect you. Isn’t that what you told Father Marc before we left Gwal Draig?”
Despite Padrig’s tact, her face heated with shame. She’d fairly screamed the words at the hapless priest when he’d made a last, valiant attempt to stop them. Ian would berate the poor cleric yet again, no doubt, when he returned home and found her gone.
Padrig laid his right hand on the cross formed by his sword hilt. “I am yours to command, Lady Catrin. I will guard you with my life. I swear it.”
She suppressed a smile at his fledgling bravado. Somehow the lad had managed to clutter his head with the foolish tales of chivalry so popular among the Normans. She didn’t deserve such loyalty, but it would be cruel to spurn his gallantry. “I am honored, Padrig.” She reached across the narrow space that separated them, not surprised when he grasped her hand in his and essayed a rough bow.
“Nay, milady, ’tis I—”
A muted sound captured her attention and she tugged her hand free. “Did you hear that?”
She halted her mount and waved Padrig to silence, but only the distorted clatter of hooves met her straining ears. Yet Idris bounded past them, just as she heard the sound again.
A flight of arrows!
“Hurry.” She spurred her horse toward Padrig’s and forced him to the side of the trail. “Come with me.”
A muted cry echoed through the trees, followed by the clash of steel against steel. Catrin slid from the saddle, grabbed Padrig by the arm and pulled him into the forest.
The two rear guards sped by as she drew the boy deeper into the brush. Heart pounding, she dragged Padrig after her, paying no heed to the icy water and branches that pelted them as they stumbled though the leafless trees.
“Where are we going?” Padrig paused to disentangle his cloak from a bramble. “Shouldn’t we help the guards?”
“’Twill do no good if we rush onto the trail and are attacked,” she replied, bending from the waist to catch her breath. “Subtlety—”
A horse lunged past them, eyes rolling. One of her guards dangled from the saddle, blood streaming from his throat and mouth and dripping down his arrow-studded chest. The expression of surprise on his lifeless face would haunt her for a long time to come—assuming, of course, that she had any time left.
Padrig crossed himself, his expression grim. She had to get him away before yet another death stained her soul, but she knew he would refuse to leave her. Even as she struggled to form the words, he grasped her arm.
“Your pardon, milady.” He tightened his fingers and pulled her along. “Fear not, I’ll get you to safety.”
Catrin tugged free of his hold and eased back toward the sounds of battle. He reached for her again. “We can do nothing for them. Come, ’tis best we leave while we can.”
She reached toward him as though in supplication, then snatched at the sword hanging from his belt. The blade slipped free before he had time to do more than curse. “You’ve much to learn, Padrig.” She closed both hands tight around the hilt and stepped away. He’d better not argue, for she hadn’t the strength to heft the weapon for long. But he didn’t know that—she hoped. “’Tis my fault we’re in this trouble. ’Tis up to me to get us out.” She motioned with the sword. “You must go for help. It’s your duty,” she added as indecision crossed his face. “Did you not swear a solemn oath to me? You must go back and catch a horse, then ride for help. I will hide here until you return.”
“I should not leave you,” he protested. “Come with me.”
“Nay, ’twill be easier for you to slip away alone, and you can ride faster.” She brought the sword tip up to rest against his chest. “I order you to go—now, lest you incur my displeasure.”
She could see that he believed she would use the weapon if he didn’t obey her. He ducked his head and murmured, “God keep you, milady,” before he darted into the bushes.
Catrin drew a deep breath and lowered the blade, her attention on the faint trail before her as she wove through the clinging branches. She had no idea of the enemy, their numbers or their strength. No more than three of her guard were left—and herself, of course, though she doubted she counted as much of an asset.
Who could have attacked them, and why? She’d brought scant baggage and rode surrounded by armed men. What possible benefit could they gain?
She reached the edge of a clearing. Setting aside the sword, she pulled up her hood to hide her face. Then, arms braced to stop their shaking, she took up the weapon once more and left the shelter of the forest.
As the wisps of fog drifted apart, she saw that only one of her men remained on his feet, surrounded by three tattered ruffians. They circled him like carrion crows round a dying lamb, blades and voices taunting his vulnerability. The bodies strewn over the ground bespoke her guards’ valiant defense, but for naught. Her men had been outmatched by numbers alone.
She stifled a cry when her anxious gaze found Idris draped over two men, their throats bloodied. Arrows protruded from his dark hide.
Anger and grief lent steel to her backbone and power to her arms. She held the sword before her and charged into the clearing, her voice raised in her brother’s fierce battle cry.
The three men turned toward her and, ignoring the guard, stalked forward to encircle her.
Her hood had fallen, exposing her tangled braid—a banner proclaiming her sex, should there be any doubt. Too late to matter, she thought with a shrug, and tightened her grip on the sword.
“Here she is, men,” said one, his filthy face twisted into a smirk. He pointed his knife at her. “Think this be the lady we’s sent to fetch?”
Catrin stood motionless, only her eyes moving. She didn’t recognize them. Who would want her this badly? “Who sent you?” she demanded.
“’Tis not for me to say.” He motioned with the knife. “Come now, my pretty, put down the sword. Ye’ll not be needing it.”
“Aye. Only sword we’ll be needin’s right here,” another added. The others laughed when he jiggled the front of his breeches.
Her stomach knotted. Please God, not that! Better to turn the blade on herself than allow these swine to touch her. But she’d take at least one of them with her, she vowed.
The men had relaxed their vigilance, and they continued to ignore the remaining guard. But though the man looked weary to her furtive gaze, she read a message in his eyes.
He would not fail her.
She swung her sword in a wide arc and ran toward the ruffians as the guard rushed forward, slashing about with his weapon.
Her blade sank deep into the belly of the would-be rapist. Numbing pain shot through her fingers and up her arm, but she kept her grip. I doubt your sword will serve you now, you bastard. She smiled in grim satisfaction.
Her smile disappeared when the guard fell. She’d no one to depend upon now but herself. What to do? She braced her foot against her victim’s chest and pulled the blade free, then backed up to maintain her defense.
The thunder of hooves split the air and horses burst through the mists. An armed man rode at their head, his battle cry filling the clearing.
Her attention caught by the sight, Catrin never heard the whoosh of arrows until their barbs sank into her flesh.
Nicholas wiped the beaded moisture from his face, though his glove felt just as wet from the clinging fog. He shook his head to clear the exhaustion from his brain and berated himself yet again for his stupidity. ’Twas foolish not to have accepted Rannulf’s offer of a guide; it would have given him company to ease the boredom of the journey, as well as reassurance that he hadn’t wandered away from the route to Dolwyddelan.
But he’d dared not linger at l’Eau Clair, not when Lady Catrin uerch Dafydd might arrive at any moment Gillian’s cousin was an enigma, a siren who drew him to her even as she sought to keep him away. Since he didn’t understand her allure, he avoided her when he could.
Instead of lingering in comfort with Rannulf and Gillian at l’Eau Clair, he found himself camping along the trail, wet and miserable.
He should have learned patience by now, patience, and how to play the nobleman’s game. But he’d angered his king once again. Look where it had brought him: plodding along a muddy trail through the backwoods of northern Wales. It seemed punishment for every sin he’d ever committed. God knew there were enough of them.
Rapid hoofbeats roused him. Three riderless horses appeared out of the fog, reins flying as they sped down the road toward him.
A signal set his stallion dancing sideways across the path to halt their headlong flight. He dismounted and sought to calm them. Though they accepted his touch, their foam-flecked hides and rolling eyes bespoke their terror.
Blood—a great deal of it—streaked the light gray gelding, although it appeared unharmed.
A strange cry pierced the air. He’d swear ’twas a battle cry, but the voice sounded feminine.
Someone needed help.
He grabbed the reins and tied the three horses together, then took up a lead rein and leapt into the saddle. Sword held high, he spurred his mount and raised his voice in a roaring bellow to accompany the thunder of hooves as they raced down the trail.
Too late!
A slight, dark-cloaked figure crumpled to the ground as he broke through the bushes. Even as he rode into the clearing, more ragtag fighters left the brush to add their numbers to the men already gathered within the clearing.
They beset him at once. As they reached to pull him from the saddle, he freed the string of horses and kicked out, sending one man to his knees with blood streaming down his face. He slashed with his sword and sent another to writhe upon the ground.
Perhaps he might escape this fiasco after all.
An arrow pierced his left arm, sending him reeling in surprise. ’Twas all the distraction the ruffians needed. They attacked in force, cudgeling him with stout branches and pulling him from the saddle. His body jerked beneath the rain of blows.
He hit the ground with a thud and struggled against them, but he was no proof against their numbers. Someone stripped back his mail hood and they continued to buffet him about the head and body.
As his vision dimmed around the edges, his lips curled in a smile.
No one would ever believe Nicholas Talbot died doing a heroic deed.
Chapter Two
Catrin drifted in a cold, black void of confusion, meaningless words echoing in her head. She sucked in a breath, the inrush of air bringing with it the taste of fresh-churned soil and wet grass.
How did she come to be lying on the ground?
Raucous laughter sounded nearby, summoning up memories of the ambush. Fear held her motionless, lest her attackers notice her again.
Icy moisture dripped onto her face. As her senses sharpened, a wave of nausea swept over her, followed by fiery shards of pain radiating from her back. Gritting her teeth, she focused upon her surroundings.
The earth trembled beneath her cheek, and her ears picked out the muffled sound of retreating hoofbeats, but the voices remained—nay, they grew louder. She risked opening her eyes.
A small group of men, four or five, she thought, stood near a mail-clad body, their speech and gestures agitated. One man stepped away from the others and motioned them to silence. “I say we go after the horses,” he said sharply. “That stallion alone’d fetch a handsome price, and the other mounts’re finer than any of ours. With our pay for this—” his arm swept out to encompass the slaughter “—we can all live like kings.” He moved out of Catrin’s sight, then returned leading a horse. “Come on,” he urged as he climbed into the saddle. “His lordship said we could have all the pickings from this job. That means the horses, too.”
“Aye, Ralph’s right,” another agreed. “We can come back for the rest later. They ain’t goin’ nowheres.” He laughed and poked the body at his feet with a fine sword. “Best get what we can. We been cheated already—I had a powerful ache to ride a noble lady, not a damned horse.”
“Ye still could. She won’t fight you any.” They all laughed. Catrin tensed, the motion intensifying the ache spreading from her back.
“She’s dead, you idiot. I’m not stickin’ my rod in a dead woman! Christ, what fun is that?” He gave a gusty sigh. “Come on, let’s get the horses ‘fore they’re gone for good.”
To Catrin’s relief, they mounted up and rode off, but she feared ’twas a temporary victory. She had to get away before they returned, else she’d be dead in truth.
Or wish she were, she reflected as darkness claimed her once more.
Nicholas lay flat on his back, grateful for the steady drip of cold water onto his face. It soothed his battered flesh and carried him away from the deadly black cloud muddling his mind. Groaning, he rolled onto his side.
A warm, foul breeze wafted across his face. He opened his eyes just as something hot, wet and raspy swept over his cheek.
Was he dead already, and Satan beginning his torment? Only in the devil’s pit would he find himself face-to-face—again—with Lady Catrin’s hellhound.
Nicholas recognized Idris immediately, especially from this angle. At least this time the dog’s teeth weren’t sunk into his throat, and Catrin standing over him, laughing. He blinked in a vain attempt to clear his vision, then propped his head on his hand to stare at the beast. Idris lay sprawled beside him, maw agape and fangs glistening.
’Twas a wonder the dog could move. An arrow protruded from the hound’s back, and numerous cuts marred his dark hide. Yet he’d managed to drag himself to Nicholas’s side.
Could Nicholas do any less than to search for other survivors?
He shifted and raised his uninjured arm, surprised at how unsteady he felt, and reached over to rub Idris’s head. “Why are you here, eh, fellow? Where is your mistress?”
Stomach churning, Nicholas sat up, blinking as his sight alternately blurred and sharpened. By God, he’d felt better after a night of hard drinking! But lying in the drizzle wouldn’t cure his ills, nor protect him from the next knave to wander down the road. Cursing the weather, the king and the Welsh with equal venom, he rolled to his knees and pushed himself to his feet.
He had a bad feeling about this situation. If Idris was here, Catrin had to be nearby. Nicholas lurched across the uneven ground toward the fighter he’d seen fall. His balance shifted and he pitched the last few feet, to land hard on his side next to the cloak-covered body sprawled near the underbrush.
He slipped the hood back to reveal a mass of dark, tousled hair. His touch gentle, he eased her face toward him.
Her pale, delicate features, devoid of her usual defiance, brought death to mind. Yet she still lived, her breath a faint mist against his fingers when he touched her lips.
So cold! Her lips had been hot—both to hear and to touch—when last they’d met. The memory of her mouth, so soft beneath his own, had come unbidden into his mind far too often these months past.
He pushed the image aside and smoothed her hair from her face, then turned his attention to the three feathered shafts jutting from her back. “Holy Mary save her,” he muttered. Crossbow bolts. Longbow arrows would have been bad enough, but these…
Too often he’d seen men suffer a lingering, painfilled death from such wounds. He rested his throbbing head on the ground beside her and scanned her face once more.
How could he tell Gillian of her dearest cousin’s death?
A moan, a mere wisp of sound, slipped from Catrin’s lips, and she opened her eyes. Gone were the flashing silver depths he remembered. In their stead shone painglazed pewter, dull and gray. Her gaze flitted about before settling upon his face, so near her own. A spark of recognition flickered to life.
“Nightmare,” she mumbled, her voice weak. Her mouth moved aimlessly before curling about the words. “Or death.” She swallowed, her tongue darting out to capture a bit of moisture from her lips, as her eyelids drifted closed.
Nicholas pushed himself upright. Shoving the wet hair off his face with a shaking hand, he dragged his attention from Catrin and surveyed the clearing. The fog lent an unnatural glow to the carnage. Nothing moved. All was silent save for the steady drip of water from the trees. Yet he still should examine the bodies, for despite the amount of blood spattered everywhere, someone else might have survived.
Catrin’s moan drew his attention once more. He dropped down beside her as she tried to roll to her side and, holding her steady, eased her onto her stomach. “Have a care, else you’ll harm yourself more.”
“This is real, isn’t it?” Even as he nodded, her eyes begged him to disagree. “Cursed knaves attacked us. Not enough guards.” She swallowed. “’Tis my fault—all my fault.” Moisture pooled in her eyes, but the tears did not fall. “They’ve gone for the horses—south, I think—but they’ll be back. I heard them say so.” Her fingers clenched into fists, she sought to push herself up off the ground.
Nicholas grasped her beneath the arms and held her still. “You’ve three arrows in your back—how do you expect to move?”
“We must go.” She sagged within his hold, hands clinging to him for a moment before she tried to shove free. “They’ll kill us when they return. Mayhap we can find a horse.”
“You’re in no condition to ride—”
She pushed against him with more strength. “Don’t you understand, you Norman coward? I’d rather die trying to escape than to chance certain death at their hands.”
His fingers tightened about her ribs. “No one calls me coward, milady. We’ll find a way to escape this place.”
Determination steadying him, he gathered Catrin into his arms and carried her to a nearby tree. Though she held her lower lip caught between her teeth until she drew blood, she didn’t make a sound.
“By Christ, I’ve never met a woman like you,” he muttered as he set her down. Whether he meant it as a compliment or a curse, even he did not know.
“’Tis your misfortune then, milord.” She wrapped her arms about the tree trunk and leaned against it.
Biting back a curse—did her baiting never cease?—he stepped back and eyed her pale face. She sounded more lively than she looked, but he doubted she’d fall into another swoon. “Will you be all right here? I want to see if anyone else survived. ’Twill take but a moment,” he added as she nodded.
He moved swiftly about the clearing despite the fact that his head felt no better. The pain did not matter. If he didn’t get them safely away soon, an aching head would be the least of his worries.
Only he, Catrin and Idris had survived the attack. Though it galled him to leave Catrin’s men where they lay, he could not spare the time—nor the strength—to bury them.
As for the dead outlaws, they deserved their fate.
Catrin’s packhorse must have bolted, for all he found were her guards’ few belongings scattered across the blood-spattered ground. His own possessions were gone with his stallion, lost to him now.
Feeling like a grave robber, Nicholas removed the threadbare cloaks from Catrin’s men. Further search yielded naught but their belts, a flint and a battered cup.
Something rustled in the bushes to his left. He reached for his dagger but came up empty. Before he had time to seek another weapon, a scrawny nag burst through the trees.
Ragged brown coat marred by narrow streaks of blood, nonetheless it appeared uninjured. A crude bridle drooped from its head, reins trailing, and a filthy sheepskin hung lopsided across its bony withers.
Nicholas made soothing noises and stretched his hand toward her. The mare halted before him, hooves shuffling upon the slick grass. After a moment the beast settled down, though her ears flicked back and forth as though she were uncertain whether to heed his entreaties.
Finally the mare heaved a ragged sigh and accepted his touch. Though naught but a rack of bones, she’d carry Catrin away from this abattoir.
“Come to me, my beauty,” he coaxed as he grasped the reins. “There, my fine lady.” Heaving his own sigh of relief, he laid his head against the mare’s neck and stroked her wet, quivering hide. After a brief hesitation she followed him across the clearing to Idris’s side.
At Nicholas’s touch the hound tried without success to stand. He should have known the dog would share his mistress’s stubborn nature. He could almost wish the dog had succumbed to his injuries, for Catrin would never agree to leave her companion behind. Cursing, Nicholas stilled Idris’s struggles and hefted him up and onto the mare’s back.
Blood trickled down his left arm as the barbed arrow shifted deeper into his flesh. Looping the reins through his belt, he pressed his fingers hard against the mail surrounding the shaft to stop the bleeding and led the mare across the clearing.
Still cursing, he dropped down beside Catrin. Jaw clenched, he gripped the arrow and tried to snap the wooden shaft. The arrowhead ground further into his arm.
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