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Czytaj książkę: «The Guy Next Door»

Missy Tippens

From Friend to…Fiancé?

Stalwart and steady, Darcy O’Malley has been by Luke Jordan’s side since childhood. She has seen him through trials and tragedies, romances and breakups. They’ve been everything to each other—except boyfriend and girlfriend. Why ruin a good thing? What Luke can’t explain, however, is why suddenly Darcy’s presence is making his heart beat so hard. Something has changed since he left Appleton, and it’s making him uneasy. Is it possible his best friend is meant to be something more? Dare he risk their perfect friendship in the hopes of finding his perfect wife?

“What’s wrong between us?” Luke asked.

“Something’s off, and it has nothing to do with our parents.”

The look in his eyes—heat, frustration, determination—sent her heart racing, her breath hitching. He was going to dig until he found out exactly what had gotten into her.

A stupid, dangerous, poorly timed attraction.

She needed to say something instead of standing there struck speechless by his nearness and the rawness in his eyes.

The powerful urge to simply pour it all out, to tell her good friend how she used to feel about him, how she feared she would feel again if she wasn’t careful, pulsed in her head. She reached up and laid her hand lightly on his chest. “Luke…”

His eyes sparked, and then he stepped away, his expression turning icy.

The rebuff sent a shock wave of cold through her body, cold enough to knock her back to her senses.


Born and raised in Kentucky, Missy met her very own hero when she headed to grad school in Atlanta, Georgia. She promptly fell in love and hasn’t left Georgia since. She and her pastor husband have been married twenty-five-plus years now and have been blessed with three wonderful children and an assortment of pets.

Missy is thankful to God that she’s been called to write stories of love and faith. After ten years of pursuing her dream of being published, she made her first sale of a full-length novel to the Love Inspired line. She still pinches herself to see if it really happened!

Missy would love to hear from readers through her website,, or by email at For those with no internet access, you may reach her c/o Love Inspired Books, 233 Broadway, Suite 1001, New York, NY 10279.

The Guy Next Door
Missy Tippens

Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as

members of one body you were called to peace.

And be thankful.

—Colossians 3:15

To editors Emily Rodmell and Melissa Endlich—

For allowing me to live my dream.

To Melinda Meredith and Kim Botner—

For lifelong friendship, even across the miles.

To God—

For knowing me fully and loving me anyway.


Special thanks to Rachel Dylan,

Jennifer Artrip Franklin and Olen Winningham

for research assistance.

Thank you to my parents

for their love and encouragement.

Thanks to Lindi Peterson and Janet Dean

for their faithfulness and feedback.

I could never repay you for your help.

To my blogging sisters in Seekerville, thank you for the prayer, daily doses of laughter and loving friendship.



Back Cover Text


About the Author

Title Page

Bible Verse



Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen


Dear Reader

Questions for Discussion



Chapter One

It’s about time.

Darcy O’Malley sat on the front porch steps as the hot afternoon sun headed westward, watching her best friend’s car pull into the driveway next door. She sucked in a deep breath, tension easing out with it.

Six months. Six long months since Luke Jordan had been home—the longest they’d ever gone without seeing each other. Having his car parked where it belonged brought a sense of normalcy.

Of course, these days, he called Tennessee home.

Darcy waved, but he couldn’t see her from behind the overgrown boxwoods.

He climbed out of the car and stretched. As expected, his hair had grown shaggy. Unruly brown hair that begged a girl to push it off his forehead.

Darcy gave a derisive snort. It was ridiculous how many girls had held that honor. Too many to count.

She stepped out on the sidewalk. Luke spotted her and waved, his face lighting with a big goofy grin.

“Come on over,” he called, motioning her toward his car.

He met her halfway and held out his arms. She fell into his embrace, wrapping her arms around his neck. When he lifted her off the ground and gave a brotherly squeeze, she felt as if she were the one who had come home. She’d missed him.

“I’m so glad to see you,” she said against his cheek, breathing in the familiar scent of his Prell shampoo. “But you need a haircut.”

“Glad to be back in Georgia where you can hound me into going to the barber.” He set her on her feet and smiled, but his eyes looked shadowed.

She should have anticipated the sadness. This was his first visit home since his mother’s funeral. “Tough coming back?”

“Yeah. Seeing the house…” He sucked in a deep breath and glanced up at the two-story brick home he’d lived in from birth.

She waited, knowing better than to push him to talk about his mom.

“I’m surprised to see you here in the middle of the afternoon,” he said, effectively changing the subject. “Thought you’d be at one of your many jobs.”

Typical of him to slip in a jab about her over-packed schedule, though Luke was simply spouting what everyone else around her had been spouting. He always joked about her overcommitment, but underneath, he was being protective, worried about her stress level and health.

“I only have two jobs,” she said. “Finished one for the day and am about to head to the other.”

“Only two.” He shook his head. “You’re finally living your dream of being a microbiologist and have the luxury of living rent-free. Why put in so many long hours?”

The muscles in Darcy’s neck tightened with nagging concerns over losing that rent-free status before she was ready. “I don’t remember asking your opinion,” she said, snippier than she’d meant.

One corner of his mouth tilted up in a grin. He’d always loved riling her up and blaming her temper on her red hair.

“Hey, I just want you to have a life,” he said. “Maybe go out, have fun, find that Prince Charming you’ve always dreamed of.”

For now, her life was consumed by work and paying off student loans. Even if by some chance Prince Charming did show up, she couldn’t squeeze in a moment for him.

She’d missed their banter, though, and couldn’t help returning his smile. “Once again, I don’t remember asking for your opinion.”

He laughed and nudged her shoulder with his.

“So, how long are you staying?” she asked.

“A week, two at most. I brought some work, and Roger’s covering for me.”

“Not long, but I’ll take what I can get.” She hooked her arm around his and looked up. “So when can we hang out?”

Their gazes locked, and his teasing smirk faltered. “Um, I may be pretty busy.” He glanced at their joined arms, then at his parents’ house.

The action felt like a snub. Had she somehow made him uncomfortable?

“You’re not going to like why I’m here,” he said.


“Dad’s been talking of downsizing. I’m here to help get the house ready to put on the market. I’m hoping he and Granny will join me in Nashville.”

Her heart stuttered. Surely Luke didn’t mean it.

He didn’t laugh. Didn’t bump her shoulder like he usually did when he was joking. Her stomach sank to the sidewalk, and the excitement that had fueled her for days tumbled along with it.

Her best friend might stay in Tennessee permanently?

* * *

Stunned, Luke looked into Darcy’s eyes—had they always been so blue? Had her auburn hair always been so shiny and silky, her fair, freckled skin so smooth? When she’d wrapped her arm around his, every inch of that smooth skin touching his ignited his nerve endings.

What was wrong with him? This was Darcy. Darcy. And she was simply acting like she always did.

He needed to get control of this sudden, weird…­attraction. Hadn’t he learned the hard way that going from friend to anything beyond friend would end in a mess?

Remember Chloe, he thought, repeating his and Darcy’s long-ago mantra. Darcy’s sister, Chloe, barely spoke to him nowadays. He couldn’t imagine the pain of losing Darcy’s friendship.

“It’s been six months since you were home, Luke.” Darcy glared at him, playful, yet chastising. “Your family can’t move away. We’d never see each other.”

The hurt tone of her voice made him want to pull her close, to comfort. Instead, he eased his arm out of her grasp. At the moment, even incidental contact left him reeling. “Dad’s been depressed, so I need to do something. He’s obviously lonely, says the place is too big for him since Mom died.”

“It wouldn’t be if you moved back to Appleton.” The pleading in her eyes was all too familiar. They’d had this conversation several times.

Hands jammed in his pockets, he put extra space between them. “You’ve missed me that much, huh?” he teased.

“Dream on.” She laughed and hitched a thumb toward the house. “I can’t believe your dad would abandon so many memories.”

“Once we have a plan in motion to sell the house, I’ll ask him to come to Nashville and become a partner in what will soon be my law practice.”

She stilled. “You’re really going to do it? Stay in Nashville and ask Burt to join you? He’s been building his practice here in Appleton for decades. Why don’t you join him, prove yourself like you wanted to do when you were a kid.”

That dream had died when his dad had told him he wasn’t cut out for law school. When he’d said Luke should probably consider another career. Granted, Luke had goofed off in high school, but midway through college, with Darcy’s help, he had buckled down. He’d applied and been admitted into law school the following year. He’d headed to graduate school without his dad’s support, and had worked hard to prove Burt wrong.

Looking into her eyes, Luke said, “You know how strongly I feel about making my own way.” He nodded toward his car and headed that direction.

“Yeah, I know.” She sighed and followed. “I just wish Burt would recognize how good you are at your job. And that you would let go of the past and come back here where you belong.”

Luke had been working as an associate for Roger Young for nearly a year, had thrived on the challenge and done well. Once Roger retired, Luke would take over. “Business is great. There’s more opportunity in the city.”

She arched a brow. “Your dad has been very successful in Appleton. Together, you could be more so.”

Of course she and the townspeople would assume Luke had gone off on his own and refused an offer to join his father’s practice. They didn’t know the painful truth. Dad himself didn’t even realize how the snub had hurt. “He’s never asked me to come work with him.”

Darcy’s face scrunched in disbelief. “What?”

Luke wished he could take the humiliating words back, but this was Darcy. He could tell her anything. “It’s true. Dad never once mentioned having me join his practice, even when I told him about other job offers.”

Which had been the death of Luke’s dream—Jordan & Jordan, Attorneys at Law in the big Victorian house on Golden Street.

Darcy laid a soft hand on his arm. “I can’t believe that.”

“You know he doubted me every step of the way, which is why I plan to stay in Nashville.” Luke reached in the backseat and pulled out his luggage.

“Then why ask him to join your practice?”

“I’ve been worried about him, have been thinking for weeks about asking him to move closer. Figured a new start might help.”

She sighed. “I understand your concern. I’ve been there with Mom.”

“I also want to bring in a partner with experience, someone who’ll inspire confidence in the clients Roger is sending my way. I’d like to think Dad and I could work well together, especially if I get a chance to show him I’m capable.”

As Darcy glanced at her watch, the sun shone on her hair, highlighting coppery strands that brushed well past her shoulders. Most of her life, she’d worn a ponytail. When had she started wearing her hair down? Had it been down the last time he saw her?

“Time to head to the mall job.” Eyes so deep blue they sometimes looked violet sparked with frustration. “It doesn’t sound as if I’ll be able to change your mind about coming back home for good.”

Luke shook his head. “I closed on the office building last week. Roger has sent out letters to all his clients informing them of his pending retirement, inviting those who haven’t yet worked with me to drop by.”

Darcy frowned. “What about your grandmother? You really think she’ll move, too?”

That part of his plan didn’t sit well with Luke. He hated to uproot Granny after she’d lived in Appleton her whole life. “I hope she will.”

“If you ask me, dynamite couldn’t blast her out of her home.” Her eyes heated before she glanced away, angry. “But, you didn’t ask me.”

“Come on, Darcy, be happy for me.”

“If anyone can persuade Burt and Grace to move, it’s their beloved only child and grandchild.” Her gaze darted everywhere except directly at him, silently voicing her disapproval, pricking at his conscience.

He hadn’t come home looking for approval, though. He’d come home with a goal to help his dad while securing his own future. And he intended to see his plan through.

* * *

Luke pushed aside his sadness with each step he took up the ladder leaning against his childhood home. He wouldn’t dwell on saying goodbye to the place where he’d grown up. The house was just brick and mortar, full of material stuff. He would always have the memories of his mom.

Darcy would probably disagree. For some odd reason, their earlier conversation had left him rattled. Probably because he’d disappointed her. He’d always hated letting her down.

“What are you doing up there, son?” Burt Jordan, home from the office, stood in the front yard in dress pants and a button-down shirt, sleeves rolled up, arms crossed.

“Trying to get a good look at the roof,” Luke said. “Probably needs to be replaced.”

“Wish you would’ve talked to me before you bothered. I’ve got someone lined up to replace it next week.”

Laughing, Luke climbed down. “Good. You’re jumping on repairs.”

“Noreen has encouraged me to get out of my cave and start living again.” Burt held out his hand. “Welcome home.”

Luke turned the shake into a brief half hug. “Thanks.” He pulled away and took a good look at his dad.

For months after Luke’s mom died, Burt had sounded despondent on the phone. The past few weeks, though, he’d sounded stronger, more upbeat. Now, Luke saw a hint of the old spark in his dad’s eyes, the way he’d been before Joan got sick. Apparently Darcy’s widowed mom, Noreen, had helped Burt begin to deal with the loss.

With a familiar stab of guilt over not being around much the past couple of years, he gave his dad one last pat on the shoulder. “I’m here to help with the house. Tell me what you need.”

His dad winced, looking off in the distance, wrinkles crinkling around his brown eyes. He’d aged a lot since Mom’s passing. “Been meaning to talk to you about that.”

“I saw the load of pine straw beside the house,” Luke said. “Want to spread some mulch while we talk?”

“Sure. Let me change first.”

Luke took the ladder to the garage and then located the wheelbarrow. In a few minutes, his dad reappeared in a pair of old jeans and a polo shirt—about as casual as he ever dressed. No faded T-shirts for Burt Jordan. In fact, he rarely wore jeans.

Burt grabbed a shovel and two rakes and handed one to Luke. “Had that load delivered a few weeks ago. Haven’t had a chance to spread it.”

Either that or he’d been so depressed he hadn’t felt up to going outside to work in the yard. “Let’s do it, then.”

They filled the wheelbarrow and made several trips dumping piles of pine straw around the shrubbery and flower beds, spreading it as they went.

“So are you still wanting to sell the house?” Luke asked.

“Well, the thing is…” Burt raked pine straw around an island of azalea bushes with white blooms almost past their peak. “I’ve been having second thoughts.”

Letting go of the house would be difficult, but if his dad changed his mind about selling, he probably wouldn’t consider relocating to Nashville.

Luke stopped raking and rested his arm on the handle. “Is it because of memories of Mom?”

Burt paused and stared off toward the house considering the question, as if unsure how to answer. “That’s part of it.”

He’d never seen his dad indecisive, but that probably went along with the grief. “Has something changed since you told me you wanted to downsize?”

A look of consternation drew Burt’s brows downward. “Selling the house feels so final. It closes the door to the past, and I’m not ready for that. I’d like to do something, first, that’ll be a testament to your mom, to show what Joan meant to us and to the community.”

Without warning, Luke’s throat tightened. “Any ideas?”

“Not yet, although, as active as she was, it shouldn’t be difficult. I’m sorry if I dragged you here too soon.”

“Don’t apologize,” Luke said. “I want you to make the right decision for you.” And he meant it. No matter what happened with the potential move or partnership, Luke wanted his dad to be happy.

“Life is fleeting,” Burt said. “I know I need to move on. I just don’t want to rush the process.”

Luke pushed the wheelbarrow to spread mulch around the boxwoods in front of the house. “Six months isn’t long, and selling is a big decision. I get it.”

Burt clapped him on the back. “Exactly. Noreen said you’d understand.”

Why would his dad share his doubts with Darcy’s mother before he told Luke? The families had been close for ages…but still.

Raking pine straw around the hedges, Luke covered dirt, the occasional weed and remnants of last year’s mulch. Noreen was just being supportive. She’d been a widow for a few years. Luke should thank her for being there for Burt. That was what neighbors in Appleton did. They looked out for each other.

Neighbors…Darcy. They’d always looked out for each other, too.

Stopping to wipe his brow, Burt looked around the yard. “I should start dinner soon.”

“Go ahead. I’ll finish this up.”

Burt thanked him and headed inside. In the fading light, Luke hefted one last load of pine straw into the wheelbarrow and pushed it to the opposite side of the house to spread around his mother’s rosebushes. He’d have just enough daylight to finish the job.

As he spread mulch around the fragrant plants his mother had tended as if they were her children, Luke imagined her there beside him. The sweet smell always reminded him of her. The previous week, he’d walked into the office and thought, for a split second, his mom was there. But a vase of freshly cut flowers from Roger’s wife’s garden had been the trigger.

Joan had been strong and solid, a homemaker who made her family feel loved and cared for, even as she reached out to love others. She’d been the glue that held their family together when he and his dad butted heads through his high school and early college years.

Before Joan died, she told Luke and Burt they needed to be patient with each other, needed to be more supportive. Fortunately, for the most part, he and Burt had made peace. His mother would want that, would expect it.

Luke wanted to join his dad in honoring her memory. Together they would figure out a way.

Tires on the pavement of the driveway next door drew his attention. Darcy returning from her second job?

No. Noreen’s small sedan. She climbed out of the vehicle, smiling as she headed his way.

With her long, light blond hair, no gray in sight, and the stylish way she dressed, Noreen had always looked younger than other mothers. Though now, a few slight wrinkles around her light blue eyes hinted at her age.

“Good to have you home,” she said as she hugged him. “Burt has looked forward to your visit.”

The perfume she wore smelled familiar, as if it was the same perfume his mom, her best friend, had always worn. His throat constricted, forcing him to cough to clear it. “Thanks for all you’ve done to help him the past few months.”

“I know what a struggle it is to lose a spouse. I simply pushed him to get out of the house and back to the office.”

“Whatever you’ve done has worked. He’s in a better place.”

She started to say something, but then folded her hands together, pressing them in front of her lips as if stopping herself.

“What is it?”

Shaking her head, she smiled. “Nothing at all. Have you seen Darcy yet?”

“Ran into her as I was arriving this afternoon.”

Noreen’s eyebrows drew together, and she let out a small humph. “It’s a wonder she was home at all. She’s working herself to death to pay off her student loans by a self-­imposed deadline. She has no social life.”

“I happened to catch her between the lab job and mall job.”

Noreen let out a deep sigh. “I told her she is welcome to continue living with me as long as she likes. No need to push herself so.”

He couldn’t help but grin. “She always was a little headstrong.”

“Just like her dad,” she said with a roll of her eyes.

Another vehicle pulled into the driveway. Darcy’s SUV. His stomach lurched in anticipation as if he were sixteen instead of twenty-six.

“There she is now,” Noreen said. “She works till eight again tomorrow night. Then Saturday, after working all day at the hospital, she’ll do the late shift at the mall.”

“Late shift?”

“The store closes at ten on weekends, which puts her home after eleven, making for a sixteen-hour day. Added to that, she takes the cash to the night deposit by herself.”

By herself with all that money? “Can’t she get a security escort?”

“She claims she’s perfectly safe.”

Darcy joined them by the roses. “From the frown on Mom’s face, I’d say she’s complaining about my arriving home late.”

How could Darcy be so careless? From the time she first moved into a dorm, hadn’t he always warned her to be cautious? “She’s just worried about you.”

Darcy slumped as if exhausted. “I don’t need a lecture right now.”

“Luke, maybe you can talk some sense into her.” Noreen rubbed her temples and then headed to the O’Malley house.

Luke turned to Darcy. “Long day, huh?”

“I’m fine. It was a slow evening.”

Gently lifting her chin, he examined her face. The shadows pooling under eyes had nothing to do with the fading daylight or harsh outdoor spotlight his dad had turned on. “You look worn out.”

“Gee, thanks.” She pushed his hand away. “You certainly know how to make a girl feel good.”

If he told her how beautiful he thought she was at the moment, she would think he’d gone off his rocker. She would not be comfortable if she found out that just this afternoon he’d seen her through new eyes.

The eyes of a man suddenly aware his best friend was a gorgeous, appealing woman.

Disdain for the out-of-character thoughts sent him grasping for a comeback, something funny, a brotherly dig. As a breeze lifted her long hair, blowing the ends across his arm, all clever thoughts fled.

“Hey, best friends look out for each other, don’t they?” he choked out, pulling the best friend card. “Maybe you need an intervention.”

“What I need is to have my priorities, my work, respected. You should empathize.”

Yeah, he did. But it didn’t mean he’d quit worrying about her welfare.

He would head over to the mall late Saturday. Maybe ask her for input on how they could honor his mother. Then he would insist on escorting her to the bank.

It was the least he could do for a friend.

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