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Czytaj książkę: «Your Chinese Horoscope 2011»

Neil Somerville

Your Chinese Horoscope 2011
Neil Somerville
What the Year of the Rabbit holds in store for you


As we march into a new year

we each have our hopes, our ambitions and our dreams.

Sometimes fate and circumstance will assist us, sometimes we will struggle and despair, but march we must.

For it is those who keep going, and who keep their aspirations alive, who stand the greatest chance of securing what they want.

March determinedly, and your determination will, in some way, be rewarded.

Neil Somerville

Table of Contents

Cover Page

Title Page























About the Author


About the Publisher


The origins of Chinese horoscopes have been lost in the mists of time. It is known, however, that oriental astrologers practised their art many thousands of years ago and even today Chinese astrology continues to fascinate and intrigue.

In Chinese astrology there are 12 signs named after 12 different animals. No one quite knows how the signs acquired their names, but there is one legend that offers an explanation. According to this legend, one Chinese New Year the Buddha invited all the animals in his kingdom to come before him. Unfortunately, for reasons best known to the animals, only 12 turned up. The first to arrive was the Rat, followed by the Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and finally Pig. In gratitude, the Buddha decided to name a year after each of the animals and that those born during that year would inherit some of the personality of that animal. Therefore those born in the year of the Ox would be hardworking, resolute and stubborn, just like the Ox, while those born in the year of the Dog would be loyal and faithful, just like the Dog. While it is not possible that everyone born in a particular year can have all the characteristics of the sign, it is incredible what similarities do occur, and this is partly where the fascination of Chinese horoscopes lies.

In addition to the 12 signs of the Chinese zodiac there are five elements and these have a strengthening or moderating influence upon the signs. Details about the effects of the elements are given in each of the chapters on the signs.

To find out which sign you were born under, refer to the tables on the following pages. As the Chinese year is based on the lunar year and does not start until late January or early February, it is particularly important for anyone born in those two months to check carefully the dates of the Chinese year in which they were born.

Also included, in the appendix, are two charts showing the compatibility between the signs for personal and business relationships and details about the signs ruling the different hours of the day. From this it is possible to locate your ascendant and, as in Western astrology, this has a significant influence on your personality.

In writing this book I have taken the unusual step of combining the intriguing nature of Chinese horoscopes with the Western desire to know what the future holds, and have based my interpretations upon various factors relating to each of the signs. Over the years in which Your Chinese Horoscope has been published I have been pleased that so many have found the sections on the forthcoming year of interest and hope that the horoscope has been constructive and useful. Remember, though, that at all times you are master of your own destiny.

I sincerely hope that Your Chinese Horoscope 2011 will prove interesting and helpful for the year ahead.



The names of the signs in the Chinese zodiac occasionally differ, although the characteristics of the signs remain the same. In some books the Ox is referred to as the Buffalo or Bull, the Rabbit as the Hare or Cat, the Goat as the Sheep and the Pig as the Boar.

For the sake of convenience, the male gender is used throughout this book. Unless otherwise stated, the characteristics of the signs apply to both sexes.


Whether nibbling the grass in a lush green meadow, living on a hillside or kept as a family pet, there is an air of contentment about the Rabbit. Little seems to trouble him and he just gets on with life in a quiet and peaceable manner. And while a lot can happen in a Rabbit year, it can touch the lives of all of us in a positive and inspiring way. This is a time which favours the family and encourages learning and personal growth as well as the commemoration of major events.

Politically, Rabbit years are times of diplomacy and negotiation. In this one, in view of some of the tensions and warring going on, many of the world’s leaders will be examining ways forward, exploring options and trying to reach consensus. Over the year some carefully negotiated agreements will be forged which will not only bring peace to some troubled regions but also help in reducing carbon emissions, decommissioning weapons and tackling world economic issues. The year will see a succession of summits and, as a result, the strengthening of ties between world leaders and nations.

Interestingly, previous Rabbit years have seen the formation of the Entente Cordiale between Britain and France, the establishment of a hotline between Moscow and Washington, the ending of the Vietnam War and, in 1987, the INF treaty between America and the Soviet Union being signed, which paved the way for the destruction of all land-based medium-and short-range missiles. It was in that same Rabbit year that Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev introduced glasnost, the policy of openness that was to transform life in the Soviet Union and later have a great impact on events in Eastern Europe. What happens in 2011 can be equally far-reaching.

Economically, many countries will see slow but steady growth. To help, many governments will offer financial incentives to encourage investment and stimulate growth as well as reduce unemployment. Also, after the lessons of the banking crisis, tighter controls will be in force and the policy of many a fiscal body and government will be cautious encouragement. There will be gains to be had in many of the stock markets around the world, with some notable rallies. However, these may be followed by some sharp corrections and investors cannot afford to lower their guard during the year.

Several industries are likely to fall under the spotlight this year, especially in the alternative energy sector. Much attention will be focused on finding new ways to harness the world’s resources, including new research projects and encouragement for wind farms, wave power and solar energy.

The Rabbit year is also likely to be marked by some medical breakthroughs, not only in the treatment, even conquering of certain diseases, but also in their early diagnosis and prevention. The Rabbit year’s emphasis on research can lead to some momentous findings as well as the introduction of life-changing procedures. It was a previous Rabbit year that saw the first successful kidney transplant and the invention of the iron lung.

Another feature of the Rabbit year is that it strongly favours culture, and some artists and performers will push the boundaries and create some extraordinary pieces. The year will also see some major touring exhibitions, which will allow more people to appreciate artwork and historic artefacts. In addition many countries will hold important festivities and celebrations during the year, both in commemorating achievements and promoting trade and industry. It was sixty years ago that the Festival of Britain was held in the UK, an event considered a landmark at the time.

There will also be considerable focus over the year on education. Governments will be keen to increase funding to schools as well as provide grants and incentives for those entering further education or vocational training. In many countries there will also be measures to increase the number of apprenticeship and work placement schemes. Education and training will certainly be high on the agenda of many a government.

With the year’s emphasis on personal development, many people will be giving some consideration to their lifestyle. Whether by attending to their well-being, taking up new interests or enrolling on a course or study programme, they will find the Rabbit year favours personal growth and the opportunities will be there – but they do need to be grasped.

The Rabbit year also favours family values and quite a few people will be making sure that more quality time is spent with their loved ones. Here again this can be a year for personal reappraisal and as a result many will bring their lifestyle into better balance. Relationships, too, are favourably aspected and this can be a year for finding or renewing love and starting a family as well as appreciating loved ones.

Overall, the Year of the Rabbit will be a full and interesting one. A lot will happen on the world stage and even though there will be dangers, tensions and tragic moments, there will also be reason for hope. It is a year for discussion, diplomacy and, importantly, personal growth. As George Eliot, born under the sign of the Rabbit, noted, ‘It’s them that take advantage that get advantage i’ this world.’

To benefit in the Year of the Rabbit it is a case of taking advantage of opportunities, particularly to make more of yourself and your personal strengths. While some signs will fare better than others, the Rabbit year is a promising and encouraging one. Use it well and I wish you every success and good fortune.


18 FEBRUARY 1912 ~ 5 FEBRUARY 1913 Water Rat
5 FEBRUARY 1924 ~ 23 JANUARY 1925 Wood Rat
24 JANUARY 1936 ~ 10 FEBRUARY 1937 Fire Rat
10 FEBRUARY 1948 ~ 28 JANUARY 1949 Earth Rat
28 JANUARY 1960 ~ 14 FEBRUARY 1961 Metal Rat
15 FEBRUARY 1972 ~ 2 FEBRUARY 1973 Water Rat
2 FEBRUARY 1984 ~ 19 FEBRUARY 1985 Wood Rat
19 FEBRUARY 1996 ~ 6 FEBRUARY 1997 Fire Rat
7 FEBRUARY 2008 ~ 25 JANUARY 2009 Earth Rat


To see,

and to see what others do not see.

That is true vision.

The Rat is born under the sign of charm. He is intelligent, popular and loves attending parties and large social gatherings. He is able to establish friendships with remarkable ease and people generally feel relaxed in his company. He is a very social creature and is genuinely interested in the welfare and activities of others. He has a good understanding of human nature and his advice and opinions are often sought.

The Rat is a hard and diligent worker. He is also very imaginative and is never short of ideas. However, he does sometimes lack the confidence to promote his ideas and this can often prevent him from securing the recognition he deserves.

The Rat is very observant and many Rats have made excellent writers and journalists. The Rat also excels at personnel and PR work and any job that brings him into contact with people and the media. His skills are particularly appreciated in times of crisis, for the Rat has an incredibly strong sense of self-preservation. When it comes to finding a way out of an awkward situation, he is certain to be the one who comes up with a solution.

The Rat loves to be where there is a lot of action, but should he ever find himself in a very bureaucratic or restrictive environment he can become a stickler for discipline and routine. He is also something of an opportunist and is constantly on the lookout for ways in which he can improve his wealth and lifestyle. He rarely lets an opportunity go by and can become involved in so many plans and schemes that he sometimes squanders his energies and achieves very little as a result. He is also rather gullible and can be taken in by those less scrupulous than himself.

Another characteristic of the Rat is his attitude towards money. He is very thrifty and to some he may appear a little mean. The reason for this is purely that he likes to keep his money within his family. He can be most generous to his partner, his children and close friends and relatives. He can also be generous to himself, for he often finds it impossible to deprive himself of any luxury or object he fancies. He is very acquisitive and can be a notorious hoarder. He also hates waste and is rarely prepared to throw anything away. He can be rather greedy and will rarely refuse an invitation to a free meal or a complimentary ticket to a lavish function.

The Rat is a good conversationalist, although he can occasionally be a little indiscreet. He can be highly critical of others – for an honest and unbiased opinion, the Rat is a superb critic – and will sometimes use confidential information to his own advantage. However, as he has such a bright and irresistible nature, most people are prepared to forgive him his slight indiscretions.

Throughout his long and eventful life the Rat will make many friends and will find that he is especially well suited to those born under his own sign and those of the Ox, Dragon and Monkey. He can also get on well with those born under the signs of the Tiger, Snake, Rooster, Dog and Pig, but the rather sensitive Rabbit and Goat will find him a little too critical and blunt for their liking. The Horse and Rat will also find it difficult to get on with each other – the Rat craves security and will find the Horse’s changeable moods and rather independent nature a little unsettling.

The Rat is very family orientated and will do anything to please his nearest and dearest. He is exceptionally loyal to his parents and can himself be a very caring and loving parent. He will take an interest in all his children’s activities and see that they want for nothing. He usually has a large family.

The female Rat has a kindly, outgoing nature and involves herself in a multitude of different activities. She has a wide circle of friends, enjoys entertaining and is an attentive hostess. She is also conscientious about the upkeep of her home and has good taste in home furnishings. She is most supportive to the other members of her family and, due to her resourceful, friendly and persevering nature, can do well in practically any career she chooses.

Although the Rat is essentially outgoing, he is also a very private individual. He tends to keep his feelings to himself and while he is not averse to learning what other people are doing, he resents anyone prying too closely into his own affairs. He also does not like solitude and if he is alone for any length of time he can easily get depressed.

The Rat is undoubtedly very talented, but he does sometimes fail to capitalize on his many abilities. He has a tendency to become involved in too many schemes and chase after too many opportunities at once. If he can slow down and concentrate on one thing at a time, he can become very successful. If not, success and wealth can elude him. But, with his tremendous ability to charm, he will rarely, if ever, be without friends.


In addition to the 12 signs of the Chinese zodiac there are five elements and these have a strengthening or moderating influence on the signs. The effects of the five elements on the Rat are described below, together with the years in which they were exercising their influence. Therefore those Rats born in 1960 are Metal Rats, those born in 1912 and 1972 are Water Rats, and so on.

Metal Rat: 1960

This Rat has excellent taste and certainly knows how to appreciate the finer things in life. His home is comfortable and nicely decorated and he likes to entertain and mix in fashionable circles. He has considerable financial acumen and invests his money well. On the surface he appears cheerful and confident, but deep down he can be troubled by worries that are quite often of his own making. He is exceptionally loyal to his family and friends.

Water Rat: 1912, 1972

The Water Rat is intelligent and very astute. He is a deep thinker and can express his thoughts clearly and persuasively. He is always eager to learn and is talented in many different areas. He is usually very popular, but his fear of loneliness can sometimes lead him into mixing with the wrong sort of company. He is a particularly skilful writer, but he can get sidetracked very easily and should try to concentrate on just one thing at a time.

Wood Rat: 1924, 1984

The Wood Rat has a friendly, outgoing personality and is popular with his colleagues and friends. He has a quick, agile brain and likes to turn his hand to anything he thinks may be useful. His one fear is insecurity, but given his intelligence and capabilities, this fear is usually unfounded. He has a good sense of humour, enjoys travel and, due to his highly imaginative nature, can be a gifted writer or artist.

Fire Rat: 1936, 1996

The Fire Rat is rarely still and seems to have a never-ending supply of energy and enthusiasm. He loves being involved in some form of action, be it travel, following up new ideas or campaigning for a cause in which he fervently believes. He is an original thinker and hates being bound by petty restrictions or the dictates of others. He can be forthright in his views but can sometimes get carried away in the excitement of the moment and commit himself to various undertakings without thinking through all the implications. Yet he has a resilient nature and with the right support can go far in life.

Earth Rat: 1948, 2008

This Rat is astute and very level-headed. He rarely takes unnecessary chances and while he is constantly trying to improve his financial status, he is prepared to proceed slowly and leave nothing to chance. He is probably not as adventurous as the other types of Rat and prefers to remain in familiar territory rather than rush headlong into something he knows little about. He is talented, conscientious and caring towards his loved ones, but at the same time can be self-conscious and worry a little too much about the image he is trying to project.

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Data wydania na Litres:
28 grudnia 2018
354 str. 8 ilustracje
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