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Czytaj książkę: «Taking It All Off»

Cindi Myers

“I don’t know if I can expose myself this way.”

“I’ll make sure your face is covered, Glynna. Your eyes, anyway. No one will know,” Jake said. “Except you and me.”

She wished she could see what he was seeing now. She wasn’t some model—just an ordinary woman with a far from perfect figure. She was crazy to do this. “Jake, I—” She started to sit up.

“No. Lie still. You’re beautiful.” The shutter clicked, the auto-winder whirred. Once, twice, half a dozen times.

“Jake, please. This feels so strange.”

“Why? I’ve seen you naked before.”

“But you’ve never…stared at me like this. From across the room.” She shifted her hips, trying to get more comfortable, but the discomfort she felt was inside her, not in her surroundings. “I feel like I’m on display.”

“And I like what I see.”

Dear Reader,

Ah, summer vacation! The perfect chance to relax, have fun and try something new. When Glynna McCormick takes advantage of a weekend on a fantasy island to seduce wild man Jake Dawson, she discovers a whole new side of herself—and the man of her dreams.

While most of us don’t have quite that much excitement on our vacations, it is always nice to get away for a while. This book was inspired by my own once-in-a-lifetime trip to a romantic, couples-only resort in Jamaica. Not only did my husband and I have a fantastic time, but also we made friends with some other wonderful couples we still keep in touch with today.

Whether your vacation is a trip to Disneyland, a day at the beach or a relaxing afternoon in your own backyard, I hope you’ll find some time to rest and relax during the year…maybe with a good book, like this one!

I love to hear from readers. E-mail me at or visit my Web site,

Cindi Myers

Taking It All Off
Cindi Myers

For the Tower Island Gang


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18


FROM NOW ON, we’re going to do things differently.

Sure we are, Glynna thought as she read through the memo from Gordon McCormick—aka her father—about his plans to revamp Texas Style, the biweekly magazine he’d overseen for the past twenty-five years. Glynna had no doubt the magazine would change—her dad had already hired a new managing editor and a new art director, determined to transform the ailing publication’s stodgy reputation and lagging sales. What wasn’t likely to be any different was her own role as staff drudge.

She looked at her cluttered desktop. How had she gotten so far away from her real love, writing? Sure, she still produced articles for the magazine, but those were squeezed in between the rest of the tasks her dad assigned her. And what about the other work she wanted to do—the hard-hitting investigative stories that could really launch her career to the top? She had half a dozen such pieces crammed into file folders on her desk, clamoring for time she didn’t have to give them.

She frowned at the thick folder on top of her in-box—reader surveys her father wanted her to summarize in a report. A report he would glance at once, then ignore. Contemplating that folder made her queasy.

Sucking in a deep breath, she picked up the file and dropped it in her trash can. She smiled at the sight of it balanced atop the fast-food wrappers and disposable coffee cups, relief stealing over her.

But the pleasure was short-lived, as her well-honed sense of obligation took over. What would her father say if he saw it?

Overwhelmed by guilt, she fished out the folder and put it back in her in-box. Having a conscience was a pain in the ass sometimes.

Her intercom buzzer sounded. “Glynna, can I see you in my office when you have a free minute?” Editor Stacy Southern’s pleasant voice brought a smile to Glynna’s lips. Here was one thing her dad had done that actually made Glynna’s life easier. Stacy was a great editor and a true gal pal. The two women had bonded the day Stacy had interviewed for the editor’s position. Glynna had found her in the ladies’ room, frantically trying to stop a run in her stockings.

One new pair of panty hose and two aspirin later, Stacy had the job and Glynna had a new best friend.

She leaned forward and punched the button for Stacy’s office. “I’ll be right over.” Any excuse to get away from that overflowing in-box for a while.

She headed toward Stacy’s office, turning the corner just as the stairway door burst open and a familiar figure in motorcycle leathers barely missed colliding with her. He jerked back just in time, though the saddlebag slung over his shoulder popped open, spilling manila envelopes across the floor at her feet.

“Hey, sorry.” Jake Dawson, staff photographer and unconventional thorn in her father’s side, reached out to steady her. “I didn’t expect anybody to be out here.”

She shrugged out of his grasp, the leather of his fingerless gloves dragging against the silk of her blouse. With the ends of his shoulder-length blond hair tangled by the wind and his jacket unzipped to reveal a Museum of Modern Art T-shirt, Jake stood out amidst the suited office workers like a cobra in a cage of pigeons. And he was about as dangerous, at least to her sense of well-being. He had the annoying ability to fluster her, in spite of her best efforts to remain cool. Maybe it was the unnerving way his steel-blue gaze met hers directly, as if daring her to hide anything from him. Or the obvious enjoyment he got from refusing to adhere to any accepted standard of corporate behavior.

Or maybe it was the heat that built within her whenever he was near, an unbidden flicker of desire that reminded her that she was a woman and Jake was a man with a capital M. A man she didn’t want anything to do with, despite the automatic way her body responded to him. Why was it she could control everything else about her life but the way this one man made her feel?

“Where are you off to in such a hurry?” She hid her agitation by stooping and picking up a handful of the envelopes that had slipped from his bag. As she rose, one of them opened and a black and white photograph slid to the floor.

She stared at the photo, warmth flooding her face as she realized it was the image of a nude woman—a full-breasted, round-hipped woman seated in a chair, hair falling across her face, hiding her identity, while her spread-legged posture left nothing else to the imagination.

“Do you mind?” Jake eased the photo from her hand.

“Wh—what are you doing with those?” Glynna stepped back, struggling to remain calm, though her heart beat wildly and tension coiled between her thighs.

Jake glanced at the photo, a half smile on his lips. “Didn’t anyone tell you? We figured it would really increase the readership of Texas Style if we started including centerfolds.”

Typical Jake. He could never give a straight answer. Fine. She could play his game. “Uh-huh. And of course, you volunteered to do all the photography.”

“Of course.”

“And is that some of your work?” She nodded to the photograph, struggling not to stare at the arresting image. It was erotic, without being pornographic. Artistic, even. Not that she was an expert or anything….

“As a matter of fact, it is.” He slipped the photo back into the envelope and replaced it in his bag. When he looked at her again, his expression was teasing. “Maybe you’d care to pose for me sometime? Bet your dad would like that, huh?”

She stiffened, even as her nipples tightened at the thought of getting naked with Jake. “What does my father have to do with it? Not that I have any intention of ‘posing’ for you.”

He shrugged. “No surprise there. You’re daddy’s girl, after all.” His gaze traveled up her legs, across her torso, lingering on her breasts before meeting her eyes once more. “It’s a shame, really.”

He turned and sauntered down the hall, his boot heels making muffled thuds on the carpet.

Glynna stared after him. “What do you mean by that?” But she spoke too softly for him to hear her.

Not that she didn’t already have an idea of what his answer would be. Jake had made no secret of the fact that he thought she and her father were uptight, image-obsessed corporate clones “who wouldn’t know fun and sexy if it climbed up on the conference table and did a dance.” Or such had been his assessment at the last staff meeting he’d been forced to attend.

If he wasn’t such a brilliant photographer, her father would have fired him weeks ago. But brilliance—and advertiser and reader praise—could convince a publisher to overlook a lot.

On shaky legs, she continued down the corridor toward Stacy’s office. Jake was a gifted photographer. His work had won recognition from the Texas Press Association and he’d garnered awards in regional shows. So why was he taking pictures of naked women? Was the woman in the photo a model—or a girlfriend?

She frowned, ignoring the sudden sinking feeling in her stomach. What difference did it make to her? No doubt Jake Dawson had a string of model-girlfriends eager to pose for him. Women who were as “fun and sexy” as Glynna wasn’t.

Pondering this disturbing thought, she knocked on Stacy’s open door.

“Glynna! Come in.” Smiling, Stacy turned from her computer to greet her friend. A thirty-something blonde with a reputation for making change happen, Stacy had been hired to turn things around at the ailing magazine. But already she and Gordon had butted heads over what direction Texas Style should take. Glynna figured the battle would be interesting, as long as she herself stayed out of the line of fire.

She settled in the chair in front of Stacy’s desk and slipped out of her high heels. “What’s up?”

“The usual Monday morning chaos.” Stacy nodded at the pile of paper in front of her. “Did you have a good weekend?”

Glynna shrugged. Her typical weekend was spent working on copy for the magazine, cleaning her condo and having Sunday dinner with her father. Nothing exciting there. “The usual.” Let Stacy make of that what she would.

Stacy arched one perfect brow. “No hot dates? Sexy men? Wild adventures?”

Glynna laughed out loud. “Since when does any of that apply to me?” When she did date, she favored conservative, bookish types. Not particularly thrilling, but the playing field wasn’t that broad in her social circle.

Stacy made a noncommittal noise and opened a file folder in front of her. “Was that Jake Dawson I heard in the hall just now?”

Glynna silently cursed the hot flush that rose to her face. “Yes.”

“Mmmm. Now there’s a sexy man for you. Gorgeous, smart, talented and a little crazy.” Stacy grinned. “You wouldn’t have a boring weekend with him.”

“I wouldn’t have any kind of weekend with him.” Glynna sat up straighter, ignoring the flutter in her stomach at the thought of a date with wild man Jake Dawson. “Honestly. He’s not my type and I’m sure he wouldn’t be interested in someone like me.”

“What do you mean, someone like you? Attractive, smart and talented. Sounds to me like the two of you have a lot in common.”

Glynna crossed, then uncrossed her legs. “You’ve been working too hard, Stace. You’re imagining things.” She leaned forward, eager to change the subject. “So what did you want to see me about?”

“Oh, you’re gonna love this.” Stacy riffled through the folder and pulled out a slick color brochure. “Take a look.”

Glynna glanced at the picture of a photogenic young couple clad in teeny, tiny swimsuits, lounging in the surf. What’s your romantic fantasy? the brochure asked.

She turned the page. An elaborate sandcastle-like structure sat on a beach where palm trees swayed and more young couples frolicked in the surf. “At La Paloma Resort, fantasies do come true,” she read from the brochure. “La Paloma? I’ve never heard of the place.” She slid the brochure back to Stacy. “Is it one of those Caribbean places for honeymooners?”

“You’re almost right. It’s a new couples-only resort on Paloma Island—off the coast of Galveston. The grand opening is this weekend, and we’ve been invited to send a reporter to cover it.”

“Why? I mean, I guess a new resort is nice, but it’s not exactly the kind of thing Texas Style usually covers.”

“Exactly. The old Texas Style would have had a one-paragraph blurb buried in the back of the magazine, behind an article on some oil baron’s redecorating project and a piece on downtown steak restaurants. Which explains why sales figures are plunging to the basement.” She picked up a hefty stack of computer printouts and shook them at Glynna. “If we want to attract more advertisers, we need to attract younger, hipper, sexier readers. And that means hipper, sexier articles.”

“But a new resort?”

“Not just a new resort. I’m thinking of a cover article with the theme ‘romantic fantasies.’ Something sexy and fun.”

Glynna shook her head. The typical Texas Style cover story focused on the upcoming opera season or the dismal state of oil futures or other topics deemed of interest to Houston’s Old Guard upper class. “My dad will never go for it.”

“Which is why I don’t intend to tell him until it’s too late to do anything about it.” Stacy leaned toward Glynna. “There’s not going to be a Texas Style magazine if we don’t do something drastic, and soon. The competition is killing us. But an article like this, done right, will get people talking about us. That kind of buzz translates into readers and ad dollars. Your father may balk at first, but he’ll thank me later.”

Glynna sighed. “You’re right. Dad is set in his ways, but he’s a good businessman. He won’t argue with results.”

“Great.” Stacy sat back, smiling. “Be at Pier Six at nine o’clock Friday morning. The resort’s yacht will transport you to La Paloma.”

“Yacht?” Glynna stood. “What are you talking about?”

“The grand opening? I told you they’ve invited a reporter to attend, to write about the resort.”

Glynna jumped to her feet. “But it doesn’t have to be me! Didn’t you say this was couples only? And I’m an investigative reporter. Romance isn’t my thing.”

“Then maybe it’s time you ‘investigated’ the topic.” Stacy set aside the computer printouts and leaned toward Glynna. “I’m taking a real risk here. This story has to be stellar if I’m going to pull this off. I need my best writer—and that’s you.”

“I’m flattered, but really…”

“No buts. I’ve already given them your name. Besides, I think you could use a little time off.” Stacy sat back and gave her a long look. “When was the last time you had a vacation?”

Glynna couldn’t meet her gaze. Her father rarely took time off, and she’d felt obligated to follow his example. She told herself she’d have time for vacations later, when she was further along in her career. Right now, she had too much work to do.

“This wouldn’t exactly be a vacation,” she said. “Not if I’m supposed to be reporting.”

“There’s no reason you can’t have fun, too.” Stacy shoved the brochure back across the desk. “This place has a private beach, gourmet restaurants, nightly entertainment, even a spa.” She smiled. “You can take a few days R & R and write a killer story. Besides, I know you don’t have anything else planned for this weekend.”

Glynna sighed. Stacy knew her too well. “All right. I’ll go. But you owe me.”

Stacy grinned. “You never know. After this weekend, you may feel like you owe me. After all, anything could happen in a romantic paradise.”

“I’m going to work, Stace. I’ll come home with a story, nothing else.”

Stacy laughed. “Then maybe you should try harder.”

JAKE’S BOOTS pounded against the carpet as he made his way toward art director Nick Castillo’s office. He’d been annoyed by Nick’s abrupt summons, and more annoyed still by his encounter just now with Glynna McCormick. Something about the woman always set him on edge.

For one thing, she was as uptight as her old man. He hadn’t missed the way her lips tightened in disapproval when she’d seen the photo. She was what—twenty-five? Twenty-six? Hadn’t she seen another woman naked before?

Had she seen a man naked? He couldn’t recall any office gossip about her dating, but he’d only been with the magazine a short time. He didn’t need any longer than that to have Glynna figured out. Her “don’t touch me” attitude probably kept most men far away. He knew the type—blue-blood princesses who thought they were better than everyone else. She needed a real man to rock her world. To show her what that sexy bod of hers was made for.

He shook off the thought as he turned down the hallway leading to Nick’s office. Why was he thinking about Glynna? He could care less if her world was rocked or not. He had more important things to think about, like getting ready for his first major gallery show.

Nick was barking orders into the phone when Jake poked his head around the door. The art director motioned him closer. “I know how much it costs and I don’t care!” Nick growled. “I’ll worry about the budget, you worry about doing what I want.”

Jake dropped his saddlebag on the floor, settled into the plush leather chair across from Nick’s desk and stretched his long legs out in front of him. As soon as the art director hung up the phone, he said, “What’s the big rush to get me down here this morning? I’ve got half a dozen more important things to do.”

“Yeah. Yeah. You’re the big-shot artiste. Don’t give me that bullshit.” Nick tented his fingers and grinned at Jake. “You won’t be so annoyed when you hear what I’ve cooked up for you.”

“Let me guess. You want me to shoot the Grand Champion Steer at the Stock Show? Isn’t that always a big deal here at Texas Style?”

Nick laughed. “Maybe in the past, but no more.” He leaned forward. “What would you think of an eight-page photo essay? Something edgy and artsy—right up your alley.”

Jake tempered the jitter of excitement that shot through him. “That’s pretty radical for this place. Did Stacy agree?”

“She doesn’t know yet. But I’ll talk her into it.”

Jake shook his head. “I don’t know, Nick. Stacy isn’t one of your little girlfriends you can sweet-talk into anything.”

“No, but she’s smart.” Nick sat back, smiling slightly. “And beneath her hard-nosed facade, she’s still a woman.” His smile widened. “A damned attractive one, even if she isn’t my type. I’ll make her see that this is the kind of thing we need to move ahead of the competition.”

“What about McCormick?”

Nick frowned. “What about him? He said he wanted to revamp the publication. This is what it takes.”

Jake picked up his saddlebag and slung it over his shoulder. “I can’t believe you called me into your office for this crap. Next time, leave a message on my desk.”

“Wait. I do have something for you.” He tossed a brochure at him.

Jake caught the glossy flyer and stared at the young couple making out on the front. “La Paloma Resort? What do you want me to do with this?”

“It’s the cover story for the next issue. A luxury, couples-only resort on Paloma Island. I want you to go there this weekend and shoot the photos.”

Jake scanned the brochure copy, which promised sun, sand and sex. Except that if the place catered to couples, he wasn’t likely to find much of the third. Still, a few days lounging on the beach, aiming his camera at bikini-clad babes didn’t sound bad. “Who’s writing the story?”

“Who else? Ace reporter Glynna McCormick.”

He frowned. Just what he needed—a weekend surrounded by cooing honeymooners while he was saddled with the ice princess.

“What’s the matter? Don’t think you can handle a few days with the boss’s daughter?”

He tossed the brochure back on Nick’s desk. “You take care of Stacy. I’ll deal with Glynna.” He’d make sure she knew he expected her to stay out of his way. Once they laid out the ground rules, there’d be no trouble at all.

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