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Czytaj książkę: «The Mediterranean's Wife by Contract»

Kathryn Ross

‘I will do whatever it takes, Andreas! Anything to make Lilly’s life more secure.’

‘Anything…?’ He leaned back against the counter and surveyed her lazily. ‘Somehow I don’t think a nun’s habit would suit you, Carrie. Maybe you need to rethink that.’

‘Joke all you want.’ Carrie tipped her head up defiantly. ‘But I am prepared to put Lilly first. Whereas you—at the end of the day it’s still going to be your staff who tuck Lilly into bed, while you’re tied up with the business.’

Andreas held her gaze. ‘Not if I take a wife.’

Kathryn Ross was born in Zambia, where her parents happened to live at that time. Educated in Ireland and England, she now lives in a village near Blackpool, Lancashire. Kathryn is a professional beauty therapist, but writing is her first love. As a child she wrote adventure stories, and at thirteen was editor of her school magazine. Happily, ten writing years later, DESIGNED WITH LOVE was accepted by Mills & Boon®. A romantic Sagittarian, she loves travelling to exotic locations.

Recent titles by the same author:






MILLS & BOON® Pure reading pleasure


A BLIND date wasn’t Carrie’s idea of fun. But since day two of their holiday together when Jo had met Theo she had been determinedly insisting that Carrie just had to meet his handsome older brother.

‘Honestly, the moment you see him you’ll know what I mean,’ Jo had told her seriously. ‘If I wasn’t head over heels about Theo I’d be interested in him myself. Andreas is absolutely gorgeous, and a really nice guy.’

‘Jo, if you are doing this because you don’t want me to be left alone then you really don’t need to worry. After the last few months working for my degree I’m perfectly happy to be left to do some serious relaxing, soaking up the sun and—’

‘Yes, I know, you said all that—but you really need to meet him, Carrie. He’s a real Greek Adonis—honestly. Just humour me; meet Andreas once for a few hours one evening. We’ll make it a foursome—how’s that? We’ll have pre-dinner drinks together at that lovely little taverna on the waterside. And if you are hitting it off you can stay and we’ll have dinner together—if you’re not, you can tell him you’ve already eaten and leave. But you will like him—honestly.’

On day four of the holiday in a moment of weakness Carrie had agreed. Now here she was sitting at a table by herself feeling more than a little apprehensive. Jo and her new boyfriend Theo had been delayed. And heaven alone knew where Andreas was. Possibly dragging his heels if Theo had strong-armed him as heavily as Jo had her.

She should never have agreed to this, Carrie thought with embarrassment.

At least the waterside taverna was an idyllic place to wait.

The sun was setting in a glorious shade of crimson, turning the sea a flame red, and giving a spectacular end to another long hot day on the small Greek island of Pyrena.

Carrie breathed in the warm evening air, fragrant with jasmine and the salt of the sea, and relaxed. With a bit of luck Theo’s brother wouldn’t turn up and Carrie could make a hasty escape and leave Jo and Theo to enjoy a romantic evening together. They needed to make the most of their time, because in another ten days the holiday would be over and she and Jo would be heading back to London. Jo would be devastated to leave—Carrie had never seen her so captivated by a guy. It was completely out of character. And Theo seemed to feel exactly the same way. They had just clicked immediately and now, even though they’d only known each other a few days, it was as if they had always been together.

Was that true love? Carrie wondered.

Darkness was stealing over the landscape and a waiter was lighting some candles on the tables nearby ready for the evening ahead. As yet the place was quiet, just one other couple dining at a table tucked away in a far corner. She glanced at her watch. Jo was now ten minutes late. Maybe if she wasn’t here in another ten Carrie could sneak away—because the more she thought about it, the more she didn’t want to be here. Jo and Theo needed to be alone, not wasting precious time needlessly matchmaking! Why couldn’t they understand that she was happy on her own reading her book? She didn’t want to meet anyone.

‘Are you waiting for someone?’

The question made Carrie look up and shock sizzled its way through her entire body.

If this was Andreas, then Jo hadn’t been exaggerating! He was absolutely gorgeous—in fact he was probably the most handsome man Carrie had ever set eyes on in her life.

He was tall yet powerfully built and he was wearing an expensive-looking dark suit with casual flare that only continental men seemed to achieve so effortlessly. A crisp blue shirt was open at the strong column of his neck. His thick dark hair was cut short accentuating chiselled features and a strong jaw. But it was his eyes that held her spellbound, they were the colour of dark molasses, intense, almost arrogant in their assessment of her.

Aware that he was waiting for a reply she tried to gather herself together with some difficulty. ‘Yes…some friends—’

‘You must be Carrie?’

She nodded. Was it her imagination, she wondered, or was the air electrically charged between them? Their eyes seemed to hold for a fraction too long before his gaze swept over her in a bold unconcealed scrutiny of her appearance from her long blonde hair and sweetheart-shaped face, down over the curves of her figure in the bright blue summer dress.

And shockingly Carrie felt a thrust of sensual heat stir deep inside her at that slow, sexy deliberation.

‘Andreas Stillanos.’ He held out his hand and she took it, aware that as their skin touched she felt the zing of attraction deepen. She liked the strong firm touch of his skin against hers. She liked everything about him.

This was crazy, she thought with a mounting sense of panic. A man had never had this effect on her before; so, OK, he was good-looking—so what? She didn’t know him—how could she feel so intensely…turned on just by the way he was looking at her?

But the simple truth was that she did—there was something almost raw and primitive about it. Carrie couldn’t explain it; all she knew was that it was scaring her to death! She was a sensible person, grounded—realistic—this was a kind of madness that she didn’t want.

She watched as Andreas pulled out the chair opposite her and sat down.

For a moment there was silence, filled only with the relentless sizzle of the tide as it brushed over the stony beach beside them, a sound that seemed to echo the sensations inside her body.

‘Jo and Theo have been delayed,’ she told him, trying hard to pull herself together.

‘Yes, so I gathered.’ His lips curved in an amused smile.

She supposed she had stated the obvious! Carrie tried to compose herself, tried to think of something else to say, but as their eyes held she found the task increasingly difficult.

A waiter appeared next to them and Andreas spoke to him in Greek. The sound was deep and sexy and Carrie was even further entranced.

‘Can I get you another drink, Carrie?’ He switched effortlessly to perfect English again and looked over at her.

‘No, I’m fine, thank you.’ Carrie indicated her glass of wine that was almost full.

They were left alone again.

‘I think the delay is something to do with Theo’s dive shop,’ Carrie continued, trying to stay focused on anything except the feelings he was generating inside her. ‘Apparently he stayed open later than usual to accommodate some customers who are going home to England tomorrow.’

Andreas regarded her sardonically. ‘Personally, I think the delay is more to do with throwing us together on our own for a while.’

That thought hadn’t occurred to her until he suggested it so bluntly and Carrie felt a surge of red-hot embarrassment. ‘I don’t think so!’ But even as she rejected the idea she wondered if it were true—were Jo and Theo deliberately late? Honestly, it was too mortifying!

‘Don’t you?’ He seemed to be watching her with very close attention, and she knew that even though they were sitting in the semi-darkness of the star-lit evening he could see that she was blushing.

The knowledge and the way he was watching her made her flush even more. ‘Well, Jo rang me to apologise for their delay and she sounded genuinely agitated. She always likes to be on time.’

‘So you haven’t felt obligated to meet me, then?’ he asked with a mocking lift of one eyebrow. ‘Because to be honest Theo hasn’t stopped going on about you for the last few days.’

‘And you found yourself agreeing to this evening’s arrangements just to get some peace?’ Carrie wanted the ground to open up and swallow her. ‘It’s OK; I have to admit to a similar situation. Jo has been going on rather a lot about you too. I think she feels guilty about leaving me—but I keep telling her I’m perfectly happy.’

‘They’ve fallen in love and now they think that the whole world needs to follow suit,’ Andreas said wryly.

The waiter arrived with his drink and Carrie had never been so very glad of an interruption. It was obvious from his derisive words that Andreas had wanted this blind date even less than she had! And she noticed he’d ordered a Greek coffee—hardly a pre-dinner drink. He wasn’t even pretending that he might stay.

As they were left alone again he glanced up and their eyes met. ‘Unfortunately I have a business meeting back in Athens early tomorrow. So I can’t stay long.’

‘Well—I can’t stay long either.’ Carrie rallied herself, her pride rising to her defence. ‘I was just thinking before you arrived that we should get this over with as quickly as possible. Jo and Theo should be making each moment count, having a nice romantic time on their own.’

‘Yes, I suppose they should.’ Andreas looked over at her with a teasing gleam in the darkness of his eyes. ‘But I wouldn’t worry too much. I’m sure their time has been put to some good use.’

Meaning what, Carrie wondered, as opposed to their time?

‘So how are you enjoying your holiday on Pyrena?’ he asked as he sat back into his chair.

Now he was trying to make polite conversation. This was excruciating.

For her friend’s sake she forced herself to smile and answer courteously. ‘I’m having a lovely time, thank you. It’s a beautiful island.’

‘Have you been out to see the coral reef yet?’

Carrie shook her head. ‘Theo and Jo invited me to go out there with them yesterday but I don’t dive.’

‘You could snorkel.’

‘I’m not a strong swimmer and I don’t like to be out of my depth.’

‘You just need someone experienced alongside. You should try it—it really is beautiful out there.’ His mobile rang and he reached to answer it immediately. ‘Excuse me Carrie,’ he said politely as he flicked it open.

She listened as he spoke in Greek, his voice crisp and businesslike, and his expression serious.

He was far too attractive, Carrie thought as she allowed her eyes to drift over him. Dangerously so.

She wondered what it would be like to feel those sensual lips exploring hers, those hands touching her skin.

He hung up and glanced over at her again. ‘Sorry about that—business, I’m afraid.’

‘That’s OK.’ Annoyed by her thoughts, she looked away from him and lifted her glass of wine. What on earth was the matter with her? Andreas couldn’t have made it clearer that he was uncomfortable with this situation and wasn’t interested in her and yet here she was daydreaming about kissing him! ‘You know, if you need to go don’t let me detain you. I’ll pass on your apologies to Theo and Jo.’

‘I don’t think you’ll need to. They’re here.’

Carrie followed his glance out towards the road and saw Theo climbing out of his black sports car, closely followed by Jo. She noticed the way Theo waited for her by the pavement, reached out and took her hand.

There was something very touching about the moment, about the way Jo looked up at him.

‘Somehow they seem right together, don’t they?’ Carrie didn’t realize she had spoken aloud until Andreas answered her.

‘Yes. I think this is serious.’

Carrie glanced over at him, his words resonating inside her. He was right.

So what was going to happen at the end of the holiday when it was time for Jo to go home? Her friend deserved happiness so much, Carrie thought as she turned her attention back towards them. She’d been through so much in her life—Carrie knew exactly how tough she’d had it because they’d grown up together in the same foster home. She knew that Jo pretended to be tough but had a heart as kind and as soft as you could get.

As they approached Carrie thought her friend had never looked lovelier. She was wearing a black fitted dress that did great things for her slender figure, and her skin was glowing, her long blonde curls softly tousled around her face. ‘I’m so sorry we’re late,’ she murmured, looking from one to the other of them searchingly.

‘It was entirely my fault.’ Theo cut in as he reached to kiss Carrie on both cheeks. ‘Nice to see you again, Carrie, and I’m really sorry, time just ran away with us. But we knew you two would be hitting it off.’

Carrie wished she hadn’t met Andreas’s eyes across the table just at that moment.

He looked lazily amused, which irritated Carrie considerably.

‘Don’t worry about it,’ he said nonchalantly as he got to his feet to greet them. ‘Carrie and I have enjoyed meeting.’

‘Oh, good!’ Jo looked at Carrie with an ‘I told you so’ glint in her eyes and Carrie tried her utmost to look unfazed. Was Jo so blinded by love that she failed to notice Andreas’s obvious reluctance to be here?

‘So, is everything OK?’ Jo asked in an undertone as she took the seat beside her.

‘Absolutely.’ Carrie was distracted for a moment as she watched Andreas greet his younger brother. She noticed how alike they were, both tall and dark, but Theo’s features were open, pleasant, less challenging than Andreas’s, who had a powerful, hard intensity about his good looks.

It was immediately apparent that the men were not just brothers, but that they were also good friends. They talked together for a moment about Theo’s business, Theo asking Andreas’s opinion on some new equipment that he wanted.

‘They would talk for ever about business.’ Jo grinned at Carrie.

‘Hey, I need all the advice I can get,’ Theo cut in goodnaturedly. ‘Especially from a brother who has a brilliant mind for business—I don’t know what I’d do without him.’

‘You’d do very well, Theo. Your business is flourishing,’ Andreas told him staunchly.

‘Not without your help.’ Theo glanced around for the waiter. ‘Shall we grab some menus? I don’t know about everyone else but I am very hungry.’

‘Unfortunately I’m not going to be able to stay.’ Andreas glanced at his watch. ‘I have to head off to Athens—I have a meeting early tomorrow.’

‘Oh, no! But surely you can stay a little longer?’ Jo couldn’t contain her disappointment.

‘Afraid not.’ Andreas glanced over at Carrie. ‘But it has been really lovely meeting you, Carrie.’

The urbane civility of the words made Carrie cringe. ‘Yes—likewise.’ She smiled politely back at him.

Their eyes held for a moment.

Andreas noticed how she tilted her head up, an almost rebellious fiery light in her eyes. Obviously she’d been as uncomfortable with this situation as he had.

She was stunningly beautiful—Theo hadn’t been embellishing. But there was also an unusual fragility about her, and a reserve that fascinated him. Most young women flirted openly with him, but she hadn’t even tried to capture his interest, there had been no coy smiles, or false joviality. Just that proud tilt of her head as she looked across at him and when she smiled—really smiled, not in that polite way she was now—it blew him away.

But he didn’t have time for such things, he reminded himself firmly. He was in the midst of difficult business negotiations and now was not a good time for a dalliance. Besides, this situation could be a minefield. Theo was deeply involved with Carrie’s best friend and by contrast Andreas wasn’t looking for anything serious and never would be, so it was probably best to steer clear of muddying these waters.

‘I’ll leave you to enjoy your evening.’ He rose smoothly to his feet.

‘Damn!’ Jo muttered the word angrily under her breath as they watched him walk away. ‘I’m so sorry, Carrie…I really thought you two would hit it off!’

‘We did. We enjoyed a very pleasant drink together,’ Carrie hastily reassured her friend. ‘Don’t waste your time worrying about it!’

‘Andreas really is in the middle of a most gruelling takeover deal,’ Theo inserted quickly. ‘He’s just sold his publishing house and now he’s buying out shares in a newspaper company—playing for very high stakes. If his meeting is early in the morning he will have to take the late ferry to Athens tonight and stay at his apartment there.’

‘Theo, you don’t need to explain.’ Carrie was discomfited by how upset they both were and also touched by their staunch regard of her feelings. ‘Andreas and I had a lovely time chatting as we waited for you. I thoroughly enjoyed his company. But we both agreed that you two need time on your own, and to be honest I’m really glad of the opportunity to go back to the apartment and have an early night.’

‘You are not going anywhere!’ Jo said with a raised eyebrow. ‘You are having dinner with us—we insist!’

‘But honestly, Jo—’

‘I wouldn’t argue if I were you,’ Theo told her with a grin. ‘Because you won’t win.’


CARRIE was sipping water as she lounged on the sunbed reading her book. This was quite blissful, she thought as she stretched lazily to put her glass down. But in a moment she was going to have to work up the energy to move into the shade.

London felt like another planet away. There were only a few people around the apartment-complex pool—and the tranquillity of the setting amidst green manicured gardens was very relaxing.

Jo had just left to go and have a coffee with Theo at the dive shop. She’d asked Carrie to accompany her but after the embarrassment of meeting Andreas last night she definitely preferred to be alone. That had to be the most uncomfortable half hour of her life.

However, he had been incredibly good-looking. For a second she remembered the dark, searing intensity of his eyes, remembered the craziness of her thoughts—the weird feelings of longing. She was twenty-two years of age and no man had ever stirred that kind of reaction in her before.

In fact, men had chased her, flirted with her, even kissed her and hadn’t awoken that kind of response. She’d started to wonder if perhaps she didn’t have it in her to feel passion, because she always thought things through—analysed relationships to the utmost degree.

Jo had told her she had a trust problem when it came to men, and she knew deep down that her friend was probably right, that it was probably because her father had walked out on her when she’d been young. She’d even started to accept that about herself—accept the fact that maybe she would never allow herself to let go and just be swept away by emotions. And yet last night all Andreas had done was look at her and she had felt more alive—more turned on—than she ever had before!

Too much sun combined with holiday madness, she told herself swiftly as she switched her attention back to her book. Andreas wasn’t even interested in her—and she wasn’t interested in him!

Her phone rang and she quickly reached to answer it before it could disturb the peace and quiet of the afternoon. She couldn’t see whose name was flashing on the dial but she guessed it would be Jo ringing to see if she would change her mind and join them.

‘Hi, Jo—will you stop fussing? I’m by the pool doing nothing and loving every minute,’ she told her breezily.

‘Well, I’m glad to hear it.’ The amused male voice sent so many disconcerting waves of shock rushing through her that she almost dropped the phone. She knew instantly who it was; there was no mistaking that deeply sensual almost lazy intonation. And it was so weird hearing his voice after she’d just been thinking about him. As if dark forces had conjured him up!

Trying desperately to dispel the ridiculous thoughts, she sat up on the sunbed, her book falling to the ground, and said the first thing that came into her head. ‘Andreas, where on earth did you get my phone number?’

‘Well, now, you can have two guesses,’ he replied teasingly, ‘but if you’d like a hint, I’ve just seen Theo at the shop. He wanted some advice on this equipment he’s buying—’

‘And you allowed him to talk you into calling me! Andreas, I know you think a lot of your brother, but this goes beyond the line of duty—’

‘Hey, can I just stop you right there?’ he cut across her firmly. ‘For once Theo didn’t even mention you—I asked him for your number.’

There was a moment’s silence and Carrie wondered if she had misheard him. ‘Why did you do that?’

‘Because I have some free time this afternoon, and I wondered if you’d like to go out to the coral reef with me.’

The invitation was deeply tempting but she forced herself to take a deep breath and think sensibly. ‘Thank you, I appreciate the kind offer, but I’m busy—’

‘I thought you just said you were doing nothing?’ He sounded even more amused now.

‘Yes, I’m busy doing nothing and loving it.’

‘So come and be energetic with me and you’ll love it even more.’

The teasing husky words made her adrenalin surge wildly.

‘I’ll pick you up in about ten minutes.’

‘Ten minutes! I thought you were in Athens this morning!’ Her voice rose slightly.

‘I was, for an early breakfast meeting. That finished early enough for me to catch the ferry over, so now I’m just down the road from your hotel—I told you, I’ve been out to see Theo.’

‘Andreas, I won’t be ready—’

‘Then I’ll wait—but not for long, so get a move on.’

The phone went dead and Carrie held it away from her ear and glared at it as if it were a living entity.

How dared he take her acceptance for granted? Did he think that just because her friend had been so keen to set her up with him that she was some kind of sad charity case? Well, she would soon put him right about that! She wasn’t going to go out with him! He would arrive and she would still be lying here reading her book.

Carrie picked it up and adjusted her floppy hat down over her eyes and tried to focus back on the page.

But all she could think about was Andreas. Why had he suddenly phoned her like this? She really had thought she would never hear from him again.

Should she swallow her pride and go out with him? She had to admit she was more than a little curious about the feelings he had stirred within her last night—had it just been some flight of fancy on her behalf?

She glared at the printed page, hating herself for weakening. Andreas had made it abundantly clear he wasn’t interested in her last night—so this was probably some kind of sop to his brother’s feelings, because Theo had been as upset as Jo when he’d walked out.

She glanced up over the pages of her book as she heard a car pulling up outside. A few moments later she saw Andreas strolling in through the front gates of the property. He looked magnificent. There was no other word for it. His clothes were casual, a white linen shirt and sand-coloured trousers, yet he looked incredibly sophisticated and stylish—or was that simply the air of confidence that he wore like a well fitting cape?

Carrie immediately wished she’d rushed inside to get changed. Not that she had many stylish clothes with her. The dress she’d worn last night was it—everything else was shorts, tee shirts and jeans. But it was too late to even think about that now, she realized with a rapidly beating heart as he glanced over and caught her eye.

‘Ah, there you are.’ He cut away from the path and walked across the grass towards her and she noticed the interested glances he received from some attractive young women nearby.

She tried to pretend that she was engrossed in her book, only nonchalantly glancing up as he reached her side. She wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction of knowing that she too found it hard to take her eyes off him.

He seemed to tower over her, and that combined with the fact that she was only wearing a bikini made her feel suddenly extremely self-conscious.

She sat up a little straighter on the bed and then drew her knees up in an attempt to shield her body from his eyes. But she realized that wasn’t working as his gaze just moved over her long legs with swift male appraisal.

‘I don’t know what you are doing here, Andreas,’ she murmured nervously.

‘Don’t you…?’ His lips curved in a smile that made her heart rate start to increase. Then he took a chair from a nearby table and sat down beside her. ‘I thought I told you when we spoke on the phone.’

‘And I thought we’d dealt with this situation last night. Theo and Jo mean well,’ she continued briskly, ‘but we shouldn’t feel obliged to spend time together just to please them.’

‘Is that what you think this is?’ One dark eyebrow lifted. ‘I never do anything I don’t want to do, Carrie…I can assure you of that.’

‘Well, you turned up last night!’ she reminded him swiftly.

‘Yes, out of curiosity.’ He smiled. ‘You’re right when you say that I think a lot of my brother—but dating to please him…?’ He looked at her wryly and shook his head. ‘That was never going to happen.’

‘Yes, well, I feel exactly the same where Jo is concerned, so let’s just leave it like that.’ She flicked her chin up stubbornly.

‘Good, I’m glad you feel the same—because it means we can just be friends, doesn’t it?’

She liked the way he held her eyes as he said those words. Could a woman ever just be a friend with someone who looked like him? Carrie wondered.

‘I don’t do serious relationships anyway,’ he added gently. ‘I don’t want complications, nor have I got time for them, especially at the moment.’

‘Neither have I.’ She angled her chin up even further. ‘I’m on holiday to relax after working extremely hard for exams. And in nine days’ time I start a new job in the city.’

‘So a bit of light-hearted fun is in order all round.’ She wanted to ask him what kind of fun he was talking about, but she didn’t dare voice that question because it seemed far too dangerous.

‘So, the bottom line is that you’re at a loose end this afternoon?’ she said instead.

He laughed at that. ‘Maybe it is.’

‘Well, I’ll have to check my appointments diary.’ She nodded. ‘Because I’m really busy…’

He liked the playful gleam in her blue eyes.

‘Yes, I can see that.’ His glance moved towards the book that she was still holding in her hands and he reached out and took it from her. At first she thought he was taking it away, but he simply turned it around and handed it back and she realized she’d been holding it upside down!

She flushed with embarrassment. ‘I dropped it a few moments ago.’

He nodded. ‘It’s obviously riveting.’

‘It is…but I suppose I could tear myself away from it for a few hours. I’m not so sure about snorkelling at the reef, though…as I told you last night I am not a strong swimmer.’

‘Well…we’ll sail out there, assess your skills and take it from there. How’s that?’

‘Sounds OK.’

He nodded. ‘And if you don’t want to swim or snorkel you can watch the boat whilst I dive. You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do.’

‘Oh, right, so I’m just the lookout for sharks now, am I?’

‘No, I’ll promote you. You can be the bar manager,’ he amended.

‘Gee, thanks.’ She laughed. ‘Just give me a minute to go inside and change.’

‘You’re fine the way you are.’ She was wearing a very sexy red bikini that showed off her incredible figure to perfection: high pert breasts, a narrow waist, and slender hips. ‘Just throw on your shorts and T-shirt.’ He picked them up from the bottom of her sunbed and tossed them up at her.

She caught them instinctively. ‘But my money is in the apartment safe so I need to go back inside anyway.’

‘You don’t need money.’ He watched as she took off her sunhat and her hair tumbled around her shoulders and down to her waist in a golden silky wave.

She was so beautiful that he found it difficult to look away. He noticed how her ribs protruded as she stretched upwards to put her T-shirt on and how flat her stomach was and he longed suddenly to reach out and touch her, slide his hands over the satin perfection of her skin. As she stood up from the bed and pulled her shorts on she flicked a glance over at him.

It was a look that was both vulnerable yet filled with an answering fire. The same look she had thrown him last night. It intrigued him…

Not many women had that effect on him, and there had been no shortage of beautiful women in his life over the years. Mostly he hadn’t had to pursue any with too much rigour; they’d fallen into his bed with the greatest of ease—and he’d enjoyed them, whilst being as honest as he could about the fact that he had no intention of committing to a real relationship. The strange thing was that the more elusive he was, the more interested they became. But it wasn’t a game with him—he really didn’t want to get himself entwined in a serious relationship. He’d been there and wouldn’t return.

Presently there were no women in his life—he’d cleared the decks because he needed all his time and concentration for the intricate negotiations of the takeover deal. Ditching his social life for these last few weeks hadn’t cost him a second thought. He was completely focused on the deal.

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31 grudnia 2018
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