Czytaj książkę: «Teens Speak English. Тексты и задания на английском языке для подростков»


© Радмила Шарифьянова, 2023

ISBN 978-5-0060-1458-9

Создано в интеллектуальной издательской системе Ridero


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Я рада представить вам книгу «Teens Speak English: тексты и задания на английском языке для подростков». Эта книга создана специально для того, чтобы помочь подросткам изучать английский язык в интересной и увлекательной форме.

В книге вы найдете разнообразные тексты про подростков, которые помогут расширить ваш словарный запас и улучшить навыки чтения. Каждый текст сопровождается заданиями на понимание прочитанного, которые подойдут под различные уровни владения языком. Вы также найдете примерные ответы на все задания, чтобы проверить свои знания и уверенность в своих ответах.

Надеюсь, что данная книга станет для вас хорошим помощником в изучении английского языка.

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Exploring the Diverse World of Teenage Hobbies

From sports and music to art and socializing, teenagers have a vast and varied array of hobbies that they enjoy exploring in their free time. Hobbies not only provide a source of entertainment and recreation for teenagers but also offer numerous benefits for their physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

Physical activities are a popular hobby among many teenagers, with sports being one of the most common pursuits. Whether it’s team-based sports like soccer or basketball, individual sports like tennis or swimming, or extreme sports like skateboarding or snowboarding, there is something for everyone. Engaging in physical activity helps teenagers stay healthy, build strength, increase endurance, and improve coordination.

Music is another passion shared by many teenagers. Listening to music, attending concerts, learning to play an instrument, or even composing their own songs are all popular hobbies. Music can be a great stress-reliever, offering a creative outlet for self-expression and helping teenagers develop a deeper appreciation for different cultures and musical genres.

Artistic hobbies, such as drawing, painting, sketching, or designing, allow teenagers to express themselves creatively and explore their passions. Taking up artistic hobbies can also help teenagers develop their problem-solving skills, fine motor abilities, and attention to detail.

Socializing is an essential part of teenage life, and many hobbies offer opportunities for social interaction. Hanging out with friends, attending parties or events, or simply chatting online or on social media platforms are all popular hobbies. By engaging in social activities, teenagers can build positive relationships, develop communication skills, and learn how to navigate social situations effectively.

Outdoor activities like hiking, camping, or exploring nature are increasingly popular among teenagers. These activities offer opportunities for teens to connect with nature, get some fresh air and exercise, and learn more about the environment and conservation.

In conclusion, hobbies are an integral part of teenage life and offer numerous benefits for their overall well-being. Whether it’s through physical activity, artistic expression, or social interaction, having a hobby helps teenagers develop new skills, build self-confidence, and foster positive relationships with others. By exploring the diverse world of teenage hobbies, teenagers can discover new passions, explore their interests and talents, and build a richer, more fulfilling life.


Pursuing – преследование, осуществление

Sedentary – сидячий образ жизни

Composing – сочинение, создание

Creative – творческий

Coordination – координация

Appreciation – оценка, признательность

Fine motor abilities – мелкая моторика

Communication skills – навыки общения

Conservation – сохранение, охрана

Fulfilling – исполнение, выполнение, удовлетворение

Physical – физический

Endurance – выносливость

Passion – страсть, увлечение

Stress-reliever – средство от стресса

Self-expression – самовыражение

Problem-solving – решение проблем

Attention to detail – внимание к деталям

Socializing – общение, социализация

Positive relationships – положительные отношения

Nature – природа


Beginner Level:

1. Match the hobby with its description:

– Playing video games

– Drawing

– Hanging out with friends

– Playing sports

A. Engaging in physical activities for fun and competition.

B. Creating artwork using pencils, paints or other materials.

C. Spending time with peers for socializing and entertainment.

D. Using electronic devices to play interactive digital games.

2. Fill in the blank with the correct word from the text:

«Music can be a great _____________, offering a creative outlet for self-expression and helping teenagers develop a deeper appreciation for different cultures and musical genres.»

Intermediate Level:

1. Write a paragraph about your favorite hobby. Describe the hobby and explain why you enjoy it. Use vocabulary words from the text where appropriate.

2. Choose one of the hobbies mentioned in the text and write five sentences about it in the present tense. Include details about what the hobby involves, how often you engage in it, and why you enjoy it.

Advanced Level:

1. Discuss the pros and cons of participating in extreme sports as a hobby. Use evidence from the text to support your arguments.

2. Debate the role of hobbies in teenage mental health and well-being. Argue whether hobbies are essential to adolescent development or if they are just a form of distraction from more important responsibilities. Use supporting evidence from the text or research to back up your position.

Sample answers

Beginner Level:


– Playing video games – D. Using electronic devices to play interactive digital games.

– Drawing – B. Creating artwork using pencils, paints or other materials.

– Hanging out with friends – C. Spending time with peers for socializing and entertainment.

– Playing sports – A. Engaging in physical activities for fun and competition.

2. «Music can be a great stress-reliever, offering a creative outlet for self-expression and helping teenagers develop a deeper appreciation for different cultures and musical genres.»

Intermediate Level:

1. My favorite hobby is playing basketball. I enjoy it because it keeps me active and healthy. It’s also competitive, which makes it exciting. When I play, I feel like I’m part of a team and I get to meet new people who share the same interests as me. I often play with my friends at the park on weekends. It’s a great way to spend time outdoors and have fun.

2. Example for playing sports:

– Playing sports makes me feel alive and energized.

– I usually play basketball with my friends after school.

– We always try to improve our skills and techniques.

– It’s such a thrilling experience to score a goal or make a perfect shot.

– I think playing sports helps me stay fit and mentally sharp.

Advanced Level:

1. Pros of participating in extreme sports as a hobby may include enjoying the thrill of adrenaline, developing mental toughness and physical endurance, and gaining a sense of accomplishment from pushing one’s limits. Cons may include the risk of injury or even death, financial costs associated with gear and equipment, and potential negative impacts on relationships with family and friends who may worry about the risks involved.

2. Hobbies are essential to teenage mental health and well-being because they provide an outlet for stress, promote creativity, and foster a sense of identity and purpose. Engaging in hobbies can help teenagers develop skills and interests that they may carry into adulthood. However, it’s important to balance hobbies with other responsibilities, like schoolwork or family obligations, and ensure that they are not negatively impacting mental health by causing stress or addiction.

The Benefits of Travel for Teenagers

Travel can be a transformative experience for teenagers, allowing them to explore new cultures, build independence and confidence, and gain valuable life experiences. Whether it’s a trip to a nearby city or a journey across the globe, travel offers unique learning opportunities that can’t be replicated in a classroom.

One of the main benefits of travel for teenagers is the chance to step outside their comfort zone and try new things. This might include trying new foods, speaking a different language, or navigating unfamiliar transportation systems. These experiences can help teens develop problem-solving skills and build resilience.

Travel also provides a chance for teenagers to bond with family members or friends in a new setting. Sharing new experiences and making memories together can strengthen relationships and create lifelong connections.

Additionally, travel can broaden a teenager’s perspective on the world and expose them to different ways of life. It can also foster a sense of empathy and compassion for people from different backgrounds.

While travel can be expensive, there are many budget-friendly options available for teenagers. Hostels and homestays offer affordable accommodations, while public transit and walking tours can provide low-cost transportation and sightseeing options.

In conclusion, travel can be an invaluable experience for teenagers, offering opportunities for personal growth, relationship-building, and broadening perspectives. With careful planning and consideration, even those on a tight budget can benefit from the many rewards of travel.


Transformative – трансформирующий

Explore – исследовать

Independence – независимость

Confidence – уверенность

Life experiences – жизненный опыт

Journey – путешествие

Learning opportunities – возможности для изучения

Replicated – воссозданный

Comfort zone – зона комфорта

Problem-solving skills – навыки решения проблем

Resilience – устойчивость

Bond – связь

Broaden a teenager’s perspective – расширить перспективы подростка

Expose – представлять, выставлять на показ

Empathy – эмпатия

Compassion – сострадание

Budget-friendly – бюджетный

Homestays – проживание у жильцов

Public transit – общественный транспорт

Sightseeing – осмотр достопримечательностей


Task 1 (Beginner):

What are some benefits of travel for teenagers?

a) learning opportunities

b) staying at home all the time

c) playing video games

Task 2 (Intermediate):

What are some budget-friendly options for teenagers who want to travel?

a) hostels and homestays

b) luxury hotels

c) private transportation

Task 3 (Advanced):

How can travel foster empathy and compassion in teenagers? Provide examples from the text.

Task 4 (Advanced):

Write an essay discussing the impact of travel on personal growth and development for teenagers. Use specific examples from the text and your own experiences or research to support your argument.

Sample answers

Task 1 (Beginner):

Answer: a) learning opportunities

Task 2 (Intermediate):

Answer: a) hostels and homestays

Task 3 (Advanced):

Answer: Travel exposes teenagers to different ways of life and can challenge their preconceived notions and biases. For example, visiting a developing country may highlight the struggles and challenges faced by those living in poverty, leading to a greater understanding and empathy for others. Additionally, interacting with people from different cultures can provide insight into their beliefs and values, encouraging a more tolerant and compassionate worldview.

Task 4 (Advanced):

Answer: The experience of travel can have a significant impact on the personal growth and development of teenagers. Exposure to new environments and situations can increase adaptability, independence, and problem-solving skills. Travel can also provide opportunities for self-reflection and introspection, helping teenagers to discover their passions and interests. Additionally, encountering diverse perspectives and cultures can broaden their understanding of the world and foster empathy and compassion. Overall, travel has the potential to positively shape a teenager’s identity and future trajectory.

The Impact of Social Media on Teenagers

Social media has become an integral part of daily life for many teenagers, but its impact on their mental health and well-being is a growing concern. While social media can provide opportunities for connection and self-expression, it can also contribute to feelings of anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem.

One factor that contributes to the negative effects of social media is the constant comparison to others. Teenagers often measure their own success and worth based on the curated and idealized versions of other people’s lives that are presented on social media. This can lead to feelings of inadequacy and a skewed perception of reality.

Another issue is cyberbullying, which has become a prevalent problem on social media platforms. Cyberbullying can have serious consequences for teenagers, including increased levels of anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts.

Despite these concerns, social media also has the potential to be a positive force in teenagers’ lives. It can provide a platform for activism and community building, and can help teenagers explore their identities and interests.


– Integral – неотъемлемый

– Well-being – благополучие

– Growing concern – растущая озабоченность

– Connection – связь

– Self-expression – самовыражение

– Comparison – сравнение

– Success – успех

– Worth – стоимость, ценность

– Curated – отобранный, отредактированный

– Idealized – идеализированный

– Inadequacy – неполноценность

– Skewed – искаженный

– Perception – восприятие

– Cyberbullying – кибербуллинг

– Prevalent – распространенный

– Consequences – последствия

– Activism – активизм

– Community building – создание сообщества

– Explore – исследовать


Beginner Level:

Write five adjectives to describe social media.

Sample answers:

– Popular

– Addictive

– Fun

– Informative

– Engaging

Intermediate Level:

What are the negative effects of social media on teenagers? Give at least three examples.

Sample answer:

The negative effects of social media on teenagers include constant comparison to others, which can lead to feelings of inadequacy and a skewed perception of reality. Cyberbullying is also a prevalent problem on social media platforms, which can have serious consequences for teenagers, including increased levels of anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts.

Advanced Level:

What are some potential benefits of social media for teenagers? Explain in detail.

Sample answer:

Social media has the potential to be a positive force in teenagers’ lives by providing a platform for activism and community building. It can help teenagers explore their identities and interests, connect with people who share similar passions, and discover new opportunities. Additionally, social media can provide access to information and resources that may not be available offline, such as mental health support groups or educational content. However, it is important to use social media in a balanced and healthy way to avoid the negative effects that it can sometimes have on mental well-being.

Balancing Extracurricular Activities and Academic Workload for Teenagers

Extracurricular activities are an important part of a teenager’s life, providing opportunities for socialization, skill-building, and personal development. However, balancing these activities with academic workloads can be a challenge.

One factor that contributes to the difficulty of balancing extracurricular activities and academics is time management. Teenagers may struggle to prioritize their commitments and allocate time effectively. This can lead to stress, fatigue, and burnout.

Another issue is overcommitment. Teenagers may feel pressure to participate in multiple extracurricular activities or take on leadership roles within them. While this can provide valuable experiences, it can also lead to a lack of balance and negatively impact academic performance.

Despite these challenges, there are strategies that teenagers can use to find a healthy balance between extracurricular activities and academics. These include prioritizing commitments, setting realistic goals, and seeking support from teachers, parents, or school counselors.


– Extracurricular activities – внеклассные занятия

– Socialization – социализация

– Skill-building – развитие навыков

– Workload – нагрузка

– Time management – управление временем

– Prioritize – выделять в приоритет

– Allocate – распределять

– Stress – стресс

– Fatigue – усталость

– Burnout – выгорание

– Overcommitment – перегрузка обязательствами

– Leadership roles – лидерские роли

– Valuable – ценный

– Lack of balance – несбалансированность

– Academic performance – учебная успеваемость

– Realistic goals – реалистичные цели

– Support – поддержка


Beginner Level:

What are extracurricular activities? Give three examples.

Sample answer:

Extracurricular activities are activities that take place outside of the regular school curriculum. Some examples include sports teams, music groups, and volunteer clubs.

Intermediate Level:

What are some challenges that teenagers face when balancing extracurricular activities and academics? Explain in detail.

Sample answer:

Teenagers face several challenges when balancing extracurricular activities and academics. Time management is one of the biggest challenges, as teenagers may struggle to prioritize their commitments and allocate time effectively. This can lead to stress, fatigue, and burnout. Another issue is overcommitment, where teenagers may feel pressure to participate in multiple extracurricular activities or take on leadership roles within them. While this can provide valuable experiences, it can also lead to a lack of balance and negatively impact academic performance.

Advanced Level:

What are some strategies that teenagers can use to find a healthy balance between extracurricular activities and academics? Explain in detail.

Sample answer:

To find a healthy balance between extracurricular activities and academics, teenagers can use several strategies. Prioritizing commitments is one important strategy, where teenagers should identify the most important activities and allocate time accordingly. Setting realistic goals is another key strategy, which involves choosing extracurricular activities that align with academic and personal goals. Seeking support from teachers, parents, or school counselors is also important, as they can provide guidance and help with time management. Additionally, practicing self-care and taking breaks when needed can help prevent burnout and maintain a healthy balance.

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