The Inner Life of Martin Frost

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Martin Frost sets out for a country house to write his novel away from the distractions of the city. Thinking that he is the sole occupant of the house, he is surprised and annoyed when he discovers a young woman in residence. She is similarly disturbed by his presence. They begin a passionate affair, which reaches an intriguing climax when he has to choose between his life and his art. Written and directed by Paul Auster, The Inner Life of Martin Frost shows him at his mesmerizing best, juggling fiction and reality. The film stars David Thewlis (from Mike Leigh's Naked), Irene Jacob (The Double Life of Veronique), Michael Imperioli (The Sopranos), and Sophie Auster (Lulu on the Bridge), and joins Paul Auster's other much-loved works of cinema, such as Smoke and Blue in the Face.

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Ograniczenie wiekowe:
Faber & Faber
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