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Caliban by the Yellow Sands: A Community Masque of the Art of the Theatre

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'Caliban by the Yellow Sands' is a play by Percy MacKaye. The play is loosely based on Shakespeare's play The Tempest, and centers on the character Caliban, the monster son of Sycorax, and his desire for knowledge. He is depicted as a much more primitive character than Prospero or Ariel, in his pursuit of the art of Prospero. These are not meant to be direct characters from Shakespeare's play but rather symbolic representations of what these characters mean in the context of his play.

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Good Press
Percy MacKaye "Caliban by the Yellow Sands: A Community Masque of the Art of the Theatre" – pobierz epub, mobi, pdf lub przeczytaj online. Zamieszczaj komentarze, recenzje i głosuj na swoje ulubione.


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