Czytaj książkę: «Our real story: Web3 Media Startup From Scratch. A step-by-step guide to creating your own agency and earning your first million dollars»


© Viacheslav Nosko, 2023

© Maxim Burkov, 2023

ISBN 978-5-0060-1722-1

Created with Ridero smart publishing system


«Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.»

– Steve Jobs

The world of media is ever-evolving, and with the rise of Web3 technologies, we are witnessing a paradigm shift in the way content is created, distributed, and consumed. The Web3 Media Startup Playbook is a comprehensive guide that will provide you with the necessary tools, strategies, and insights to build a thriving agency in this new era of decentralized media.

As Steve Jobs once said, innovation is what sets leaders apart from followers. To succeed in the Web3 media landscape, you must be willing to embrace change, adapt to new technologies, and constantly push the boundaries of what’s possible.

In this book, we will share our journey of starting a Web3 media agency in 2016, when we began creating YouTube videos about various blockchain projects, such as Ethereum and others building their products on top of Ethereum’s blockchain like MakerDAO. We will provide you with real-life examples, lessons learned, and actionable advice to help you navigate the challenges and opportunities of the Web3 media landscape.

Chapter 1: Understanding Web3 Media and Its Potential

In this chapter, we will dive into the fundamentals of Web3 media and explore the potential it holds for revolutionizing the media industry. We will discuss the key concepts and technologies that underpin Web3 media, such as blockchain, decentralized applications (dApps), and tokenization. We will also examine the current state of the Web3 media landscape and identify the emerging trends and opportunities that startups can capitalize on.

Chapter 2: Building Your Web3 Media Startup Team

A successful Web3 media startup requires a diverse and talented team with expertise in various areas, such as content creation, blockchain development, marketing, and more. In this chapter, we will discuss the essential roles and skill sets needed for a Web3 media agency and provide guidance on how to assemble the perfect team to bring your vision to life.

Chapter 3: Developing Your Web3 Media Strategy

With a solid understanding of Web3 media and a talented team in place, it’s time to develop a winning strategy for your startup. In this chapter, we will walk you through the process of crafting a unique value proposition, identifying your target audience, and creating a content plan that resonates with your audience and drives engagement.

Chapter 4: Leveraging Web3 Technologies

for Content Creation and Distribution

In this chapter, we will delve into the various Web3 technologies that can be used to create and distribute content in a decentralized manner. We will discuss how to leverage blockchain, dApps, and tokenization to create innovative content formats, enable new monetization models, and foster a more equitable and transparent media ecosystem.

Chapter 5: Marketing and Growth Hacking Your Web3

Media Startup

To ensure the success of your Web3 media agency, you must effectively market your content and services to your target audience. In this chapter, we will share our tried-and-tested marketing tactics and growth hacking strategies to help you build a loyal following, drive traffic to your content, and ultimately grow your startup.

Chapter 6: Navigating the Regulatory

and Legal Landscape

As with any business, navigating the regulatory and legal landscape is a crucial aspect of building a successful Web3 media startup. In this chapter, we will provide an overview of the key regulations and legal considerations that you need to be aware of as you build and scale your agency.

Chapter 7: Lessons Learned and Future Outlook

In this chapter, we will reflect on our journey of building a Web3 media startup and share the key lessons we’ve learned along the way. We will also discuss the future outlook for the Web3 media landscape and provide our predictions for how it will continue to evolve and shape the media industry in the years to come.

Chapter 8: Some practical cases from WEB 3 media

In this chapter, we will write some interesting success story in web 3 media space

Step-by-step plan for starting Web3 Media Startup in 2023

10 steps to achieve WEB3 media success


The Web3 Media Startup Playbook is your ultimate guide to building a thriving agency in the rapidly evolving world of decentralized media. By following the strategies, insights, and real-life examples shared in this book, you will be well-equipped to navigate the challenges and seize the opportunities that the Web3 media landscape has to offer. So, are you ready to become a leader in the Web3 media revolution?

Chapter 1. Understanding Web3 Media and Its Potential

Web3 media is revolutionizing the way we consume and interact with content online. By leveraging technologies like blockchain, decentralized applications (dApps), and tokenization, Web3 media platforms are creating new opportunities for content creators, consumers, and startups alike.

Blockchain technology provides a decentralized and transparent infrastructure for content distribution, ensuring that creators are fairly compensated for their work. Decentralized applications (dApps) are built on top of blockchain networks, enabling users to interact with content in a secure and trustless manner. Tokenization, on the other hand, allows for the creation of digital assets that can be used to incentivize user engagement, reward content creators, and enable new business models.

The Web3 media landscape is rapidly evolving, with several platforms gaining significant traction. For instance, our company has amassed over 300,000 subscribers across various social media platforms and generated more than 50 million views for our Web3, blockchain, AMA, and interview content.

Some notable examples of Web3 media platforms include:

1. Audius: A decentralized music streaming platform built on the Ethereum blockchain, Audius aims to empower artists by allowing them to retain control over their work and receive fair compensation. With over 6 million monthly active users, Audius is a prime example of the potential for Web3 media platforms to disrupt traditional industries.

2. Mirror: A decentralized publishing platform, Mirror allows writers to create, own, and monetize their content using blockchain technology. Writers can tokenize their work, enabling them to raise funds, share profits with their audience, and create a community around their content.

3. Decentraland: As a virtual reality platform built on the Ethereum blockchain, Decentraland enables users to create, explore, and monetize content within a decentralized metaverse. Content creators can design and sell virtual goods, experiences, and digital real estate, opening up new opportunities for monetization and user engagement.

4. Theta Network: A decentralized video streaming platform, Theta Network aims to improve video delivery and reduce costs by utilizing a peer-to-peer network. Users can earn tokens by sharing their bandwidth, creating a more efficient and cost-effective system for content delivery.

As the Web3 media landscape continues to grow and evolve, startups have numerous opportunities to capitalize on emerging trends. Some potential areas of focus include:

1. NFTs and digital art: Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have gained significant attention in recent years, with digital artists and collectors driving the market. Startups can explore new platforms and tools for creating, trading, and showcasing NFTs and digital art.

2. Decentralized social media: As concerns around privacy and data ownership grow, there is a growing demand for decentralized social media platforms that prioritize user control and privacy. Startups can develop innovative solutions that challenge the dominance of traditional social media giants.

3. Content monetization and creator economy: Web3 media platforms enable new business models and revenue streams for content creators. Startups can explore solutions that empower creators to monetize their work, engage with their audience, and build sustainable careers.

4. Gaming and metaverse: The intersection of gaming, virtual reality, and blockchain technology is creating new opportunities for startups to develop immersive experiences and virtual worlds that leverage the benefits of Web3 media.

In conclusion, the Web3 media landscape is ripe with opportunities for startups to innovate and disrupt traditional industries. By leveraging blockchain, dApps, and tokenization, companies can create platforms and solutions that empower content creators, engage users, and redefine the way we interact with digital media.


Web3 media agency –

YouTube chanel –

Ethereum –

Maker DAO –

Chapter 2. Building Your Web3 Media Startup Team

In the initial stages of your Web3 media startup, it’s perfectly fine to start with just two people, especially if you’re focusing on creating YouTube videos. By dividing the responsibilities between the two of you, you can effectively manage content creation, editing, and promotion.

As your startup begins to generate revenue from projects such as creating intros or hosting AMA videos, you can then consider hiring a designer and manager to join your team. This will help you expand your services, improve the quality of your content, and streamline your operations.

Remember to maintain open communication and a strong working relationship with your co-founder, as this will be crucial to your startup’s success during these early stages. As your team grows, continue to prioritize diversity, talent, and passion to ensure the ongoing success of your Web3 media startup.

2.1 Identifying Key Roles and Skill Sets

To build a strong Web3 media startup team, it’s crucial to identify the key roles and skill sets required for your project. Here are some of the essential positions you should consider:

1. Content Creators: Writers, designers, video producers, and other creative professionals who can produce engaging and high-quality content for your platform.

2. Blockchain Developers: Skilled developers with experience in blockchain technology, smart contracts, and decentralized applications (dApps) are essential for building the technical foundation of your Web3 media startup.

3. Marketing and Community Managers: These team members will be responsible for promoting your platform, engaging with users, and growing your online community.

4. Business Development and Sales: Professionals with experience in partnership building, sales, and revenue generation will help expand your network and monetize your platform.

5. Legal and Compliance Experts: Navigating the complex world of blockchain and digital media requires expert guidance on legal and regulatory matters.

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