Czytaj książkę: «The coordinates of awakening. 2022»


Translator Alexandra Sapronova

© Marina Isachenko, 2022

© Alexandra Sapronova, translation, 2022

ISBN 978-5-0059-0928-2

Created with Ridero smart publishing system


I am writing this book for those who have all their lives avoided esotericism, but from birth knew God and communicated with him. Those who are harmless and will NEVER take something belonging to others.

For those who seek their higher purpose, whatever it may be, who are ready to SERVE GOD, even at the cost of their worldview and life.

For those in whom there are no superfluous emotions, but there is an understanding of the HIGH VALUE of every born and unborn person.

For those who KNOW for SURE that we are born and die many times, so they strive to preserve the purity of their thoughts and life at all costs…

If this text seems stilted to you, you don’t have to read any more. This book’s time will come later.

The book contains much more information than is obvious. Each paragraph is a form of self-diagnosis for the possibility of transformation towards oneself.


The movement of civilization towards a bright future for every person is progressive and dynamic. Many sciences strive to tell you what to do and how to do it, in a certain sequence, and for what. All knowledge can be found, all theories can be proven again or refuted. Everything is allowed. The measure of freedom borders on impunity.

The current civilization is harmonious in its paradoxical nature: all the conditions have been created to block the natural needs of humanity: to give birth, to live simply and quietly, working on your land, creating your own world, your own space. These little things that give simple human happiness [making simple human happiness available] are excluded from the system of survival in our world.


For whom was this world invented, I ask myself, how did it happen that most of the inhabitants of the World are deprived of the opportunity to take all the elements of happiness, and are forced to always earn their living through sweat and blood, working for self-destruction in peacetime?

How did it happen that the natural needs began to be considered a tendency to debauchery, drunkenness, gluttony or addiction? How did it happen that you don’t want to bring your children into the world, because there is no time to spend with them, and after raising a child in a hostile environment, you don’t know how to help them become a person?

How did it happen that, when striving for freedom, each of us falls into a certain dependence: debts, limited resources, a lack of understanding of society, the arbitrariness of officials, the inability to remove from ourselves the abomination of information and social unrest?

After all, even the powerful of this world, who are at the top of the hierarchy, are not happy. Their children are also not protected from hostility, since even at the top the “fear of loss” and the feeling of slave-like dependence rule all.

What happened? What kind of vicious circle do we go through, striving for freedom and becoming more and more entangled with each step in a strange web of social conventions, connections and directions?

What kind of civilization is this, that turns all concepts upside down, excluding from the system of the world the carriers of the future, children, and the carriers of the past-the elderly, thus shortening our lives to the size of social utility? Social utility to whom? From 18 to 45 – what’s next? 28 years of active life, and then social death – then an ordinary death, and the ones who do not want to live by these rules are marginal people, and are already being purged from social processes by public opinion, as not fast enough for the modern world? Children should not be produced, old people should be retired, young people should be involved in social processes.

There is not a single living being on the planet who has been touched by our civilization and who has managed to remain protected, happy and free in their own choice of path.

What is this world we live in?


– Mom, tell me a story about the ceiling…

…Once upon a time there was a Ceiling. He lived well and was very proud that he was higher than the Floor. That people were walking under him, and he was holding a Chandelier. Every night when the lights were turned on, he was particularly proud of his work and his usefulness. Of course he was. It gave so much light.

But one day water poured down on him from above! The ceiling was very surprised and even scared: after all, the Chandelier could be ruined! He looked up for the first time and saw… the floor!

The ceiling couldn’t believe his eyes and asked: “Who are you?”

“I’m Floor,” The Floor replied.

“No way,” the Ceiling protested and inadvertently looked even higher. And It saw another ceiling!!! “It can’t be,” the Ceiling muttered, and looked higher and farther: it can’t be…

But above was the Floor and Ceiling of the second, third, fourth, and even fifth floors!!! The Ceiling looked even higher and saw something quite unimaginable: the Roof!

The emptiness of the Attic and the purpose of the Roof struck him: The Ceiling realized that there was something that protected it from something unpredictable and unmanageable. And the Ceiling felt the World… And the World had lost its usual form.

Then the Ceiling looked up quite high and saw the Sun. It’s rays now warmed and burned, then disappeared behind the clouds, then again shone bright and pure. And the Ceiling realized that there is Love…

– Now sleep…


I had almost filled out the log when a question suddenly rang out from the audience:

– Tell us about your concept of the world…

– In what sense? – the question surprised me.

I always adhered to the lesson plan, only occasionally giving special exercises to students if they could not solve their problems on their own. The exercises were quite practical, including knowledge from psychology and economics. That’s all.

Of course, I found out about their problems from their own thoughts, which, recently I have been hearing quite clearly, but I never asked aloud what was going on with them. By solving problems, they simultaneously solved their own life issues, without making excuses, without explaining anything to anyone.

Periodically, students from other groups came to my lectures. Once they caused me a lot of trouble by leaving the seminar of the head of the department where I was working. Since then, I’ve banned other students from attending my classes, but almost every lecture had two or three people in the audience I hadn’t seen before. Today was another such instance.

The most frightening thing is to hear fear. It was not by chance that each of my lectures began with filling out documents – in these moments of silence, I listened to my students. Calling them by name, listening to each one. I started doing this after one case, when I heard a girl at a lecture thinking about suicide. I then hastily came up with a task for her about identifying employees with hidden motivation, and at the end of the lecture I asked her to stay. It turned out that a woman in the subway pricked her boyfriend with a needle, allegedly infected with hepatitis “B”, shouting that “I will not die alone!”. Now he began to prepare to take his own life, but he had not yet decided how to deliver the news to his parents. The insane situation, the insane fear, the insane pain threatened to turn into irreversible grief.

“He’s not really sick,” I said, almost at random, following only my gut. I didn’t know if I was right or not. It was necessary to force them to act creatively. I called the hotline together with the girl and clarified that hepatitis in the first weeks of infection is quite curable… It was not difficult to find out where to take tests. A week later, the boy himself called and said that he was healthy.

Such situations were rare. But every time I ran into them, it was like walking along the edge of a knife where someone else’s life was on the line. Sometimes it took me considerable effort to intercept the fall. Gradually, an understanding developed: “helping is my key need.” But not everyone needs my help, because any intervention of mine will radically and irrevocably change a person’s life.

At the same lectures I observed how some students switched off into a hypnotic-like sleep with the beginning of my words and came to their senses only by the phrase “class is over.” Where their consciousness was wandering at these moments – I could not determine. Rather, it seemed that, coming into contact with my consciousness, their system “hung up” and turned on only when I stopped broadcasting the material.


The school year was ending. The last time I taught at the university. I warned everyone in the department about my dismissal. I was terribly sorry to leave, but I was even more tired of the constant noise of other people’s problems in my head, of the tension when you hear a mental cry for help or despair that youth is not able to express. Someone is always hungry, because they ran out of money. Someone broke up with a loved one. Someone evaluates my appearance. Someone has problems with parents or family… Constant noise.

I have often been told by students that when I tell the material, it is as if they see an internal training film. That’s probably why my lectures were always quiet. Many people began to come up with questions for me and ask me to convert them into tasks. Some reported that they stopped being ill after my lectures, and asked to come with friends. Others asked to work with them individually.

All this was very much beyond the scope of correct teaching at the university. That’s why I decided to leave to go into private practice.

Private practice is a miracle that puts everything in its place. Those who really need to come to me will be able to come to me, and those who are not ready for my influence will not come into contact with me.

I didn’t know then what my “impact” was, but everyone who came to me for help received a completely unexpected result.

Now there is the question of “my concept of the world” —

– What do you mean? I asked, still deciding whether to voice what I’d been seeing for the past three years or to change the subject.

The question was serious. The kid who asked it – a perfect “misfit”, who was diligently searching for his own “concept”, but could not find it. Maybe my worldview would help him. And what is spoken out loud – might help me realize it myself.

I noticed a long time ago: as soon as I begin to talk, when such knowledge is spoken aloud, I say things that I did not even know I had in me. Controversial problems are solved, new sides of theories are discovered. Names, dates and whole historical stories that are important to me and to the audience come up. Some of them are quite logical, while others I had to look up and find confirmation in historical references or rare sources.

– I want to hear the reason you have for helping people? – What is it? “he asked more decisively.

– …?

It was an unexpected revelation. I never knew that someone was watching me so closely to notice, that I was quietly aligning their lives…

“The influence of a teacher assumes a priori some intervention into private space, with the aim of teaching new skills and to enhance student experience” – the phrase for the response developed, as usual, almost automatically and was launched in the process of speaking. But he continued confidently and aggressively, not allowing anything to stop him:

– You change the lives of those with whom you work! They even change in appearance, even more so in personality!

I felt bad-I tried not to make radical changes in an environment where they are not ready for this. “Where did I go wrong?!” – flashed in my head. But when I looked at the students, I thought for a second that I was seeing them for the first time. Thoughtful, greedy eyes were ready to catch every word. This, it turns out, was how much they were interested in the hidden side of my personality. I thought they didn’t care. But no…

– Tell us! You are still going to leave the university! What do you have to lose? And we want to know how you see this world – " came from all sides.

“So be it, – I said, finally making up my mind. Really, what do I have to lose? At least I’ll listen to what it sounds like, spoken out loud.


And so, I opened my mouth to say the first words, but the air seemed to thicken. It became difficult for me to breathe. Pictures of interconnected systems of energy of our planet began to be “unloaded” into my consciousness, as if educational films and high-resolution programs were being copied into a computer.

Yes, I really like this process. It was for the sake of these feelings, in order to legalize them in my life and not look stupid, that I aspired to science. It seemed to me that a scientist is allowed to say strange thoughts aloud and sometimes fall out of reality. I had to bring myself back to reality every time I left the library or the university. I didn’t care much about the rules of life. But my life experience has shown that a neat appearance and external adequacy allow you to avoid many problems and collisions. Over time, I learned to be diligently silent, to be friendly, to have a set of socially significant attributes that a person of the desired community usually has.

Gradually, I grew accustomed to this condition, and it became comfortable for me. Only now did I notice that I had never told anyone in the last ten years about something that really impressed or excited me. The information about the structure of the World that had recently unfolded in my head, accompanied by imaginative series of significant situations and iconic meetings that took place in reality, was too much even for a scientist with a degree to broadcast.

And I suddenly realized that I DIDN’T KNOW HOW to talk about what was really important to me.

This is the defensive reaction of my psyche. So, I opened my mouth, but I choked…


I was silent for a minute trying to control my own vocal cords, but my voice reappeared only when I decided to make the situation comfortable for myself:

– I will tell you everything in detail, but I only ask that those, who are not very interested or who have other things to do, to leave. I don’t want to be interrupted or disturbed by extraneous desires. This is my first time voicing my worldview, and I would hate for anyone to interfere with my story.

No one moved. The air thickened a little more. Now the images and information rows lined up in my mind. It was only necessary to open my mouth and say the first word, so that the information began to form itself into consecutive phrases and sentences. At the same time, a mental film unfolded in front of my inner eye, clarifying the details and allowing me to describe the figurative series and moments more correctly. This is how I passed my exams, and how all my papers, including my dissertation, were written. The only thing that I had to bother with sometimes was to sum up the results in order to differentiate the information blocks among themselves and to place accents for the listeners. It was something of a favorite game.

It started when I was twelve. I went to the library and asked for information that I would need “for life”. And, lo and behold, the books seemed to call me from the bookshelves, lay down in my hands and opened on the right pages. It was as if the space around me was alive and told me amazing stories. Everything that the books gave me mattered and was realized within a month; the books that were not in place reached out to me through the hands of other people. I communicated. It was communication with the world, bright, open and extremely funny. People couldn’t do that.

Soon, I reduced my communication with people to a minimum, so that it would not prevent me from being myself, and therefore, to immerse myself in this wonderful world. The only thing – I needed to legalize this opportunity. And I asked God to help me in this. So, I had a career.


– Okay, imagine that we are all the thoughts of the Planet. And our planet is a form of Consciousness.

I will not use the term “consciousness” as in psychology, but I will use it to designate all the energy content of a person, including the energy fields of a spherical shape. Consciousness for us is broader than just mental awareness or the ability to speak. Consciousness is a form of organized energy that can become more complex.

The planet is one form of consciousness, and we are its energetic likenesses. After all, if we accept that the fields of man are spheres, then we are all round, just like our Earth. Each of the fields has its own purpose – I drew a little man on the board, inside several circles, as if in a center of a target.

Only the densest bodies within the fields are visually different. Our body is a specific compacted shell for convenient control of the field system.

And I also think that it is correct to consider the planet itself as a body, and I will call the whole set of energy structures, including all types of fields, the World. In my story, the word “World” will mean the living essence of the planet, surrounded by energy fields and involved in some interactions that our science may not be so obvious.

So, the world is a form of a living being, with a body in the form of a planet.


The reality around me began to vibrate. Now I was looking at the audience, as if the warm air was rising around me in streams, like on the roads, slightly bending the shapes of familiar objects. Everyone raised their heads and looked at each other, but no one said a word. I tried to concentrate and continued my story…


– Since the structure of the World repeats the structure of the human energy, I can assume that the World was originally a human-like being. As a result of some evolution, his consciousness was able to transform into huge forms. But he builds his thoughts according to images that are familiar to him – similar to how we do it, because each of us is in his image. An image that is materially condensed to a visible density.

Since the world is a living being, just as any being is born, it is able to produce and organize a cumulative number of thoughts that are related to each other, have an external cause for occurrence and an internal need for implementation. Which means that each of those born in this world has an external cause for birth, and a set of internal tasks that are significant for humanity. This corresponds to the basic criteria for building a system of consciousness. Violation of the sequence mechanism can lead to chaos…

– What’s the obvious conclusion?” I smiled at the audience.

– Each of us has a unique value to the world.

– Everyone has their own destiny, where they must fulfill something.

– And I think everyone should strive for an inner ideal and creative aesthetics. I smiled. – All deviations are chaos.

Each of those born in this world has an external reason for birth and a set of internal tasks that are significant for humanity.


Our World is a boy. He is now about twelve years old if comparing to a human. His psyche is rather unbalanced, he is very afraid to live, and his consciousness expresses a response to some pain caused. This can be understood from general social reactions and social fantasies that are massively broadcast.

Everything that lives and what happens to them – are fantasies and fears of our World. The interaction of a living person is a manifestation of the direction of his thoughts and character. It is neither bad nor good – our world lives by the totality of us, just as we live by the totality of our thoughts, reactions, and actions.

Our world lives by “the totality of us,” just as we live by the totality of our thoughts, reactions, and actions.


When the World was younger [the picture was broadcasting about earlier forms of organization of the energies of the World. Unstable forms of the organization of living beings and many other phenomena that are not acceptable to talk about, or there are no explanations for them in science: unstable forms of civilizations, unusual forms of organization of life, against which dinosaurs are just a toy format. Maybe that’s why modern children love dinosaurs?] in his mind, however, there were various forms of fantasy – viable and not so much, beautiful and scary. Animals appeared and disappeared, ancient unusual races and fabulous creatures. Along with the compaction of the body of the world, living beings were compacted and modified. Once some thoughts settled into a worldview – humanity lost the ability to change shape. However, now the space around our world is being transformed – it is studying itself, transforming itself, trying to improve itself, or hurting itself. In general, everything that an ordinary teenager does to himself.

The main creative thoughts are born in the form of people. Or rather, in human form. The very first thoughts actually appeared with birth. These are the first thoughts – beautiful and sublime, based on the connection with the System of accompanying the life of the World. Then, for some reason, this connection was lost, and for some time our boy-World lives in a state of mental chaos.


Reality froze for a moment, and then broke free and became normal again: chairs, tables, students became dense, as if there were no fluid forms. I took a deep breath. The lights in the entire auditorium flickered and purred as they gathered light. From that moment on, everything that was said was accompanied by the flashing of electricity. The students froze at the next flash, then looked up cautiously to see if the lighting fixtures would hold up. No one moved.

– We are all – thoughts of our World. Some are bright and creative, others are silly or crazy. There are some who are ashamed to show it.

Each of us is a separate thought. We “started” once in time immemorial. And we will “end” – when the World dies. The rest of the time, we are reincarnated, but we are still ourselves. The flow of thoughts never stops, so humanity cannot become extinct without the death of the World. But the destruction of the World will stop humanity, even if it opens other worlds.


The lamps blinked at the audience again, and the lights crackled here and there. The thirty-seat auditorium seemed to have its own electromagnetic field. The lights were going wild. I asked one of the students to go out and find out what was going on with the electricity.

We waited in silence for the blinking and crackling to stop.

– Nothing, – the smiling guy returned, – there are no problems anywhere. Tell me more…


– Any child is born by someone, then is brought up and taught. Always protected, if it is a normal society. Our Boy-World was also born by someone, and he is accompanied by the higher light forces that are responsible for his safety, training and usefulness among similar worlds.

Mentors are beings of the highest order, material and immaterial incarnations, who are responsible for the development of the World in different ways.

Some of them are described and standardized in religious teachings, these include angels, for example. The other ones are the World-born, but reached the highest form of enlightening: saints-people-of-thought. The third ones are described by eyewitnesses, sometimes simultaneously in different parts of the world, and cannot be interpreted either in science or in religions.

All of them have one thing in common – they carefully preserve each of us. The miracles that come from them, preserve and restore the lives of people important to the planet. Sometimes the voices of Mentors really sound in the head of a person, but they are always kind voices that correct the behavior of the wrong person in a creative direction.

The voices of the mentors are a priori kind, the commands are creative, they correct the behavior of the wrong person in a creative direction. There is no destructive subtext in such commands. Never.

They are beautiful and perfect. Their style takes into account the many relationships between all life on the planet, in fact, until the very old age of the World, so their explicit intervention in one fell swoop solves many problems at once. They are energetic. Rather, they are light, pure, high-density structured energy.

In general, any energy at a certain density begins to have consciousness. The higher its concentration and internal frequency – the more powerful consciousness is formed.

Any energy at a certain density begins to possess consciousness.

Our world is made up of hot, bright energy. But there are cold energies, slow or even consisting of alternative particles. Any alternative energy that absorbs the basic energy of the World is an infection.

Any alternative energy that absorbs the basic energy of the World is an infection.

Yes, people who practice working with dark types of energy are the infected groups of our World.

The light blinked very hard and for a long time, as if agreeing with this unpleasant truth. My breath caught in my throat again.

Either out of excitement, or maybe because of the feeling that even the walls are waiting for us to continue, and we are part of something big and invisible.


– There is a hierarchy of Mentors. The ones closest to us, from whom we recieve the most information, are avatars, which are visualized forms of the key life-support flows of our World. There are twenty-seven of them. Disruption of these flows is fraught with disruption of the life support of the World, and we notice them in difficult periods, because the disturbed flow in religions is called sin.

Avatars monitor the preservation of balance.

The Higher level – Mentors of Measure. These are the beings responsible for the measures of creation/destruction, the degree of usefulness of the processes for the correct development of the World.

In parallel with them, there is are Councils. They are made up of Saints. Moreover, there are saints of all nations in the council, and what was my surprise when the name heard in my head was confirmed on the Internet by the presence of such a saint in different religions.


Now about us. If you remember, we are the thoughts of this World. We are created in the image of what this world “remembers” and has seen. Our essence is not chaotic. If you have noticed, the very first thoughts are very significant. They have an understanding of love and security, a basic sense of decision-making, and much more, on which the whole psyche is then built. If you shift this to people, it turns out that the analog of such thoughts will be significant people of each time.

There are destructive thoughts, secret ones, and others. There are just thoughts-imperfections that do not carry anything in themselves. We have similar thoughts – so why should we be offended by the planet?

Still all thoughts can be divided into levels:

Basic level: the planet’s own thoughts are normal people.

Planetary level: thoughts conditioned by the higher learning of the World itself, a sign that the World is mastering reality; in life, these are geniuses, pronounced teachers, whom you believe because their words are the truth.

But there is the highest, super planetary level.

Super planetary level: thoughts-programs embedded in the system of consciousness of the World, bearing the basis for the preservation of the psyche of the World, laid even deeper than in the genetic systems. These are the Messiahs. There may be messiahs in the world. Their main feature is that they change the course of civilization with their words.


Our auditorium continued to live its own life: the columns of reality thickened and spread, the lamps crackled and blinked, finishing each significant paragraph and as if reinforcing my words. The picture of the world was already unfolding in the minds of the students. But I felt tired from an overabundance of figurative information.


If we are like thoughts that never end, then the logic of events is already inherent in us from the very beginning. When we are born, we only follow it. For each movement, we build a system of resources or restrictions with our previous actions. If we are open to the world and act consistently, then we create a prerequisite for increasing resources, if on the contrary, we lose them. This is the energy analog of what is commonly called Fate.

The path – is what the Mentors call this phenomenon. Every day and every decision is a step. In the direction of the complication of forms and energies. When the paths cross, and everyone gives their solutions to other people-this is Life. A lot of decisions affect a lot of people in completely unpredictable ways. And who among us can boast that at every moment of time he acted consciously and creatively. And who can say about themselves that they understand every step, every impact, and observe the environmental friendliness of their own lives consciously?

But the vision of the Path is given to a person for this purpose, so that he can look where he is going, in order to fulfill his purpose consciously.

The vision of the path is given to a person so that he can look where he is going, consciously.


And only with Vision is how you see the thread. There is no mistake in the text – this is the conscious format of clairvoyance, as you can call it.


This revelation was one of the first things I heard in response to my anxiety that the future of me, my loved ones, and people in general was periodically opening up to me.

I asked what to do if the future that you see is absolutely terrible?

“Fix it,” I got the answer.


– You specify the details of events that can lead to a situation, and then you change the sets of details. Everything is simple and logical: you are always shown where your strong-willed decision can completely change the course of events. Otherwise, why bother you?