Czytaj książkę: «Essential Oils For Your Health And Beauty»


ESSENTIAL OILS• for Your Health and Beauty •Part 2authorLyudmila Ananieva

CopyrightEssential Oils: for Your Health and BeautyPart 2Copyright © 2017 by Lyudmila AnanievaOctober 2017Publisher: Tektime – www.traduzionelibri.itAll rights reserved. This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This e-book may not be sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this e-book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you are reading this e-book and did not purchase it, please purchase your own legal copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

Table of Contents


Title page









Blue tansy

German chamomile







Key lime









Essential Oils Against Acne and for Problematic Skin

Contraindications for Using Essential Oils

Caution When Using Essential Oils

Thank You


Among the unique properties of essential oils, the ability to regulate the level of hormones in the body that are responsible for preserving and maintaining youthfulness should be highlighted. Among them we can note the oil of myrrh, sandalwood, jasmine, ylang-ylang, rose, neroli, patchouli, etc. The high efficiency of their use is due to the phytohormones contained in the oils, which have a structure similar to human hormones.

Some types of essential oils have a powerful antioxidant effect (juniper, rosewood, vetiver, myrrh, rose, etc.), they contribute to restoring the oxygen balance in our body, while eliminating the toxic effect of oxygen when it is abundant, thereby slowing down the natural aging of cells, enhancing tissue respiration and blood supply.

The uniqueness of essential oils is that when applied in each specific case, their curative and beneficial effect is exactly directed to the area most in need. That is why it is so important to choose the right essential oil in this or that case. If this condition is met, the positive effect will be quite rapid.

It is important to note that essential oil use for the skin, as a rule, is prohibited in undiluted or pure form (with the exception of some types that are applied directly to problem areas), since they cause a strong irritation of the skin surface. Therefore, they must be diluted in vegetable (base or carrier) oils before use. Basically they are used to enrich self-prepared creams and masks for face and body skin, as well as hair.

For skin care, essential oils have a wide spectrum of action. They are used for any type of skin in order to cleanse, rejuvenate, increase firmness and elasticity of the skin, to treat irritations, inflammations, redness, acne, post-acne, etc. In the first part of the book you can find the skin type determination table.

In this book you will find:

1 Useful properties of essential oils.

2 Positive effect on skin, hair, and nails.

3 Recipes for beauty and health.

1. Rose

1.1. Useful properties

 eliminates inflammatory processes on the skin, combats skin irritation and peeling;

 promotes cell rejuvenation;

 smooths the skin, increases firmness and elasticity;

 regulates the secretion of sebaceous glands;

 eliminates scars

 combats stretch marks (striae);

 perfectly combats migraines and headaches, eliminates spasms of cerebral vessels;

 normalizes the endocrine system, regulates the woman’s hormonal balance;

 has a positive impact on the digestive tract function;

 has a healing and protective effect on the mucous membranes;

 is an excellent remedy against thrush (candidiasis);

 has a disinfecting effect, stimulates the regeneration of tissues;

 has a calming effect during overexcitation, relieves of neuroses, depressions, and insomnia;

 improves memory, tones up, improves attention span;

 has a positive impact on the functioning of cardiovascular system;

 treats eye diseases, improves vision in general;

 has a beneficial effect on days of premenstrual syndrome (PMS), normalizes the amount of menstrual flow.

1.2. Rose oil in cosmetology and perfumery

Rose is rightfully considered the tsarina of fragrances and the queen of flowers. Its aroma has always been associated with luxury and femininity. Today, rose essential oil is used in the production of perfumes, cosmetics, as well as specifically in the care of face skin and hair.

Thanks to the high rejuvenating properties, rose oil is effectively used in the care of mature, fading skin, as well as skin that has partially lost its firmness and elasticity. Regular use of rose essential oil for care stimulates the regeneration processes in the cells, makes the facial oval and the contour of eyelids clear, tones up, increases firmness and elasticity of the epidermis, makes the face smoother by relieving of shallow facial wrinkles. In addition, it can eliminate senile pigment spots, improve the overall complexion, and smooth the skin.

The use of rose oil beneficially affects dry skin with signs of coarsening and peeling, it intensively nourishes and softens the skin surface, eliminating, as quickly as possible, the existing problems. When used for skin care, it creates an invisible film that serves to protect the skin from the negative effect of external factors (wind, frost, sun).

Rose oil shows useful properties for the care of hypersensitive face skin. Its application soothes the skin, relieves inflammation and irritation, preventing them from reappearing. For those who have problems with rosacea (spider veins) on their faces, rose oil will help make them less noticeable with regular use.

For eyelid skin care, rose oil will also bring undoubted benefits. Adding it to care products for the skin around the eyes, you quickly get rid of dark circles under the eyes, swelling, and mimic wrinkles.

This truly “royal oil” will help in general to improve the face skin in such diseases as psoriasis, allergic dermatitis, eczema, herpes, neurodermatitis, etc.

1.2.1. Anti-aging night cream Composition

 Sweet almond oil — 30 ml.

 Rose oil — 3 drops.

 Patchouli oil — 3 drops.

 Ylang-ylang oil — 2 drops.

 Neroli oil — 2 drops. Use

In almond oil add the remaining ingredients and stir well. Apply this “cream” at night to a pre-cleaned face skin of dirt and makeup. After twenty minutes, blot the product excess with a paper towel. Keep refrigerated.

1.3. Recipes for treatment with rose oil

For thrush it is recommended to perform a douching with rose oil, for this, add to warm boiled water (5 l) a mixture of a teaspoon of soda and 3 drops of rose oil. The procedure should be done daily for seven days.

For herpes on the labia, rose oil is helpful when used in undiluted form. It should be applied directly to blister formations three to four times a day.

To get rid of psoriasis, allergic dermatitis, neurodermatitis, eczema and other skin diseases, it is well to add rose oil to the ointments prescribed for the treatment of these diseases. One drop of oil should be taken for a single dose of ointment.

To relieve toothache, it is well to rinse the oral cavity with the following composition: in 100 ml of water, add a mixture of half a teaspoon of baking soda and one drop of rose essential oil.

In order to improve overall health, it is recommended to take one drop of rose oil three times a day before eating. It is dripped into a piece of sugar and eaten.

1.3.1. Rosewater Effect

It combats crow’s feet, removes oily shine, and narrows pores. Composition

 Warm boiled water — 250 ml.

 Rose oil — 10 drops. Use

Add oil to water and apply daily, morning and evening, as a cleansing lotion. The product can be used to eliminate swelling and bags under the eyes. To do this, apply cotton pads soaked in rosewater to closed eyes and leave for ten minutes. After a few procedures, the problem completely disappears.

1.4. Contraindications to the use of rose essential oil

1 Individual intolerance.

2 Cannot be applied in pure form, except in the cases mentioned.

3 Allergic reactions.

4 Pregnancy.

2. Anise

Effect: expectorant, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, spasmolytic, immunomodulatory, diuretic, antipyretic.

It is used for acute and chronic respiratory diseases (bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia, asthma), kidney and bladder diseases, intestinal atony, normalization of water-fat balance and skin rejuvenation.

2.1. Effect of anise essential oil

 Anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, spasmolytic, immunomodulatory (mainly increases the B-system activity), diuretic, antipyretic, coronarolytic, anticarcinogenic, antioxidant, expectorant.

 Stimulates the respiratory center.

 Increases the secretion of digestive glands.

 Normalizes the blood supply to the brain.

 Eliminates tachycardia.

 Improves mental and physical performance.

 Relieves nervous and emotional tension.

 Optimizes adaptive responses.

 Forms complexes with lead ions, contributing to their removal from the body.

 Eliminates intestinal atony.

 Reduces menstrual pain.

 Increases milk production in nursing mothers.

 Has a sedative effect, helps to eliminate depression and to reduce child hyperexcitability and tearfulness, helps in case of nervous exhaustion.

 Helps to normalize the water-fat balance of the skin and to increase the turgor of its cells, which increases skin firmness.

2.2. Use of anise oil in cosmetology

Such a plant product is primarily used to care for mature and fading skin. The oil stimulates the epidermal cells to produce more collagen, tones the skin, and increases its firmness. It is also effective for some skin diseases, helps to get rid of the first signs of scabies, as well as lice and fleas. In cosmetology, anise oil has found application in the care of locks. This plant product is used to enrich shampoos, masks and conditioners. It is also added to aromatic baths and special relaxing and restorative massages. While enriching cosmetic products, it is necessary to strictly respect the amount of oil: we take 3 drops of essence per 10 ml of base oil. To obtain a massage mixture, the same proportion is used, only as a base, we use a cream or a body lotion. While taking an aromatic bath, just 7 drops of this plant product should be added to the water.

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Data wydania na Litres:
16 maja 2019
96 str. 45 ilustracje
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