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In principle you can use all fruits (except bananas!) for the preparation of your healthy vitamin water and let your imagination run wild. You will be amazed how beneficial your body will react to this new form of hydration, as it is not only supplied with sufficient fluids, but also with high-quality vitamins and minerals.

Aroma water with herbs - Drink yourself healthy...this is how it works!

In the last chapter we have given you some recipes for your vitamin water with fruits. But also herbs can contribute a lot to a better state of health and emphasize the taste. There are many herbs with which you can also produce pure herbal water. Let yourself be surprised by the following explanations and flavours!

Herbs have many healing substances. For the preparation of the flavoured water, it is advisable to get the herbs fresh and to crush them lightly with a mortar before use.

Delicious flavoured water can be made from the following herbs:

- Basil

- Dill

- Fennel

- Lavender

- Balm

- Mint

- Rosemary

- Sage

- Thyme

Basil with cucumber and pineapple

Add five basil leaves, a cup of pineapple and half a cucumber and refrigerate for several hours. You can also leave out the pineapple and try this recipe with strawberries, or use lemons instead of cucumber.

Dill with cucumber

Dill tastes fantastic with cucumbers and both ingredients for the vitamin water have an extremely refreshing effect, making this recipe ideal for

particularly hot summer days. Leave half a cucumber with some dill in a jar overnight.

Fennel with apple

Put a thin slice of apple with a few twigs of fennel in the preserving jar. If you like the taste, you can also cut off some extra pieces of the tuber and put them into your water. Otherwise you can try the fennel with ginger and cinnamon.

Lavender with strawberries

For the preparation of your vitamin water you need half a cup of strawberries and some lavender, which should however be worked briefly in the mortar before, so that the aroma can develop better.

Melissa with peach

The fresh lemon balm leaves are put on together with the cut peach (without seed) and put in the fridge overnight if possible. Melissa can also be combined with other fruits or spices, such as pineapple, kiwi or ginger.

Mint with pear and grapefruit

Five to ten mint leaves with a few slices of grapefruit (with skin) and a few pieces of pear is an excellent remedy for a hangover, and also to get back into shape. Mint, by the way, is suitable for almost all fruits, or also in combination with other herbs, because it provides a particularly refreshing taste.

Rosemary with strawberries

Two large branches of rosemary are advisable for this recipe, which are prepared together with a cup of berries as infused water or vitamin water. Rosemary is also ideal with watermelon, cherries or pomegranates.

Sage with watermelon

1/3 watermelon with fresh sage, the number of leaves depends on the desired flavour. Sage is also very suitable for berries, as well as combined with mint.

Thyme with melissa and cucumber

Arrange half a cut cucumber with a few leaves of lemon balm and a stalk of thyme as aroma water and leave to stand for several hours. Thyme water can also be prepared with fresh ginger and lemon.

With these delicious and simple recipes for refreshing flavoured water, you're sure to want to drink a really big glass of your homemade preparations, don't you? Not only the recipe ideas are important, but of course also the ingredients and possible effects of the selected herbs for our drinks, which is why we describe these ingredients in more detail. In this case, you can also orientate yourself not only on the desired flavour, but also on the respective advantages of the most popular culinary herbs.

Basil is one of the most popular herbs in food preparation. This spice is particularly popular in Italian cuisine. Originally, basil was a well-known medicinal plant because it contains healing substances. Basil is prescribed in folk medicine for inflammation and digestive problems, migraine, menopausal complaints, skin diseases, sleep disorders and also for the treatment of joint pain. However, in cases of illness you are not automatically healed by some dried leaves on the pizza or in the tomato sauce. But in infusions with fresh basil you can certainly benefit from the valuable ingredients. These include vitamin C, vitamin K, beta-carotene, iron, calcium, copper and manganese. For the infusions, basil can also be prepared with paprika to make a spicy version of vitamin water.

Dill is known to most people only as a popular spice for salads and fish dishes. This option is also a particularly healthy ingredient for our vitamin water from herbs. Dill has a fine, tart taste, which also goes very well with parsley. For the preparation of flavoured water you should take the fine leaves and also the delicate dill tips. This culinary herb contains large amounts of vitamin A and vitamin C, but iron, calcium, manganese and folic acid also offer us numerous health benefits. Dill is good for digestion, helps against existing gases, protects our bones and is also effective against diabetes. By the way, dill is also a good home remedy against hiccups, as it not only reduces gas formation, but also has a calming effect in case of nervous disorders. Otherwise you can combine dill with other herbs and fruits, such as lemon or grapefruit.

Fennel has a very special aroma, which is why it offers many more advantages than just tea, cough or digestive problems. It can be used in many ways in food preparation and is also frequently used in naturopathy. Its healing properties are due to the essential oils it contains, which strengthen the stomach, stimulate blood circulation and are also anti-inflammatory. However, fennel loses its excellent healing properties when cooked, as the essential oils evaporate. Fennel contains many vital substances that can certainly cover our daily needs. Even if you may not be a fan of these tasty vegetables, you should pay attention to your nutritional needs. With the exception of vitamin B12, fennel contains all the vitamins of the B group, from which your muscles, heart and nerves can benefit. Otherwise it convinces with beta-carotene, calcium and potassium as well as vitamins C and E. Fennel therefore offers excellent protection against numerous diseases.

Lavender not only looks beautiful on the windowsill and in the garden, it also has very good healing properties. By the way, you can also use the flowers for your vitamin water, because they provide a very special eye-catcher in the glass carafe. In the kitchen it is used to season meat dishes, in soups and in many cheeses, such as raclette cheese or goat cheese. Lavender, consumed as tea, is a healthy alternative to conventional tranquilizers and can also bring even totally exaggerated children back to rest. In vitamin water it has a cleansing and refreshing effect that can even sharpen the senses. The leaves have an intense, aromatic taste. However, it is advisable to use it sparingly for now. Lavender has been used for years to treat liver and lung diseases, cramps, aching limbs, dental problems and also heart and digestive problems. Lavender also goes very well with berries, peaches and mangos.

Melissa is mainly used in German-speaking countries for the preparation of exotic dishes. This herb is more known to us as a medicinal herb in tea blends. The leaves are used for medicinal purposes. They have a lemon-like and very intense smell, which is why they are also known as lemon balm. In combination with lemons, oranges or of course with other fruits and herbs, this plant is a popular ingredient for infused water or detox recipes. Lemon balm is ideal for relieving stress, cramped stomach and intestinal complaints, for a better sleep as well as against flatulence. Also, melissa has an antiviral effect. In case of frequent stomach and intestinal problems, you can also prepare lemon balm with fennel and aniseed as aroma water to benefit even better from the ingredients.

Mint is one of the most popular ingredients for all kinds of herbal water, as this aromatic plant has an excellent refreshing effect. It is not included in toothpastes and chewing gum for nothing. In the kitchen it is used for smoothies, desserts, sauces and salads. Mint leaves should be used fresh for the aroma water. Although this popular herb has a very intense delicious taste, you should not exaggerate the dosage, as a strong menthol concentration can attack the gastric mucosa. Five to ten mint leaves are therefore quite sufficient for one litre of water. It can actually be combined very well with everything. So not only with fruit, but also with other herbs and spices. Especially refreshing is mint with citrus fruits or berries. But the flavoured water also tastes very good with melissa or ginger. Mint is ideal for headaches, colds and inflammation of the oral mucosa, exhaustion, itching and respiratory diseases.

Rosemary is an important ingredient in Mediterranean cuisine, but the official pharmacopoeia also lists this spice as the medicinal plant of 2011. Rosemary also contains essential oil with an excellent effect. It has been known as an antiseptic since ancient times, as well as for better brain performance. Above all, the carnosolic acid contained is said to have a positive effect on Alzheimer's and dementia, as it effectively fights free radicals and toxins. But of course the intensive aroma also contributes to the fact that rosemary is now being used more and more frequently in aroma waters. Depending on its intensity, this plant is good against nausea, nervousness, exhaustion, digestive problems and also against bladder and kidney diseases. By the way, you can still use the rosemary branches for full ribbons after use in vitamin water, as it is a natural and gentle cleanser that can also relieve pain. So rosemary can be used in many ways. During pregnancy, however, you should refrain from consuming this medicinal plant!

Sage as a kitchen spice is not very widespread in German-speaking countries. It is indispensable in Mediterranean cuisine, as it is used for the preparation of salt, for sauces and also for the vegetable filling of ravioli. Pasta, for example, is served with sage leaves steamed in butter, resulting in a particularly spicy and delicious taste. If you buy sage fresh for your aroma water, pay attention to the leaves, as young leaves have a milder taste. Sage is also a popular medicinal herb with great effect for numerous ailments. It helps with respiratory diseases, as its essential oils have an antimicrobial effect. Sage is also used for excessive sweat production. Sage gives your aroma water a unique taste. You can combine this plant with lemons or limes, with berries or with anise and cloves.

Thyme is often used in food preparation. It is ideal for seasoning casseroles, salads, sauces, soups and also meat dishes. However, this spice is also a very popular and above all versatile medicinal herb with which you can emphasize the effect of your vitamin water much better. Thyme has already been recommended by Hippocrates against respiratory diseases. The essential oils contained have an antibiotic, antibacterial and mucolytic effect. It is therefore a natural antibiotic that can also relieve cramps. By the way, thyme is also a good natural remedy after an extended drinking session, as it can also help against the typical complaints of a hangover. This, too, is of course a convincing reason to enrich the vitamin water with thyme. Infusions of this popular medicinal herb are said to keep you mentally fit and can also lower your blood pressure, depending on the dosage. You can combine thyme for your flavoured water with cucumbers, strawberries, pineapple or of course with other herbs.

Of course, you can also use other herbs for your vitamin water, such as parsley, lemon grass, nettle or dandelion, as well as flowers. Daisies and sunflowers in drinking water look extremely good and contribute to rare vital substances for our organism. By the cold preparation of our aroma water also the important vitamins, minerals and trace elements remain contained. The herbal preparations should be consumed within 24 hours, as this not only changes the taste, but can also have a negative effect on our health after this period. For a summer party, or to attract even more attention with your aroma water, you can also prepare small meadow flowers, clovers and herbs as ice cubes. Only one leaf or flower per cube is placed on the water and after a few hours you will have a very colourful and above all original effect in your water glass or in the carafe. You will be enthusiastic about the healthy ideas you can come up with.

Edible flowers are not only daisies, but also violets, camomile, yarrow, roses, mallows and evening primroses. However, you should keep away from oleander flowers, golden rain and aquilegia flowers, as these flowers are poisonous! The monkshood, thimble, yew berries and daphne, whose berries are very similar to currants, are also poisonous. The deadly nightshades are also extremely dangerous. For meadow plants you should therefore only rely on reliable and really healthy alternatives for your aromatic drink.

If you want to enrich your herbal water with flowers, you can combine rose petals and daisies with balm or mint, for example. The taste is particularly aromatic after about one hour.

Detox recipes for losing weight - Drink yourself healthy...this is how it works!

Detox recipes are not only suitable for detoxifying our organism, but with the right ingredients also perfect for losing weight. But why is detox so important and what is it anyway?

Detox is the abbreviation for the English term "detoxify" and means detoxify. Originally, detoxification was mainly used to treat addictions, but nowadays more and more people swear by the excellent effects of detox treatment. Detox has also been used for many years in all kinds of fasting cures. Of course, this does not mean that you have to fast with our detox recipes. It is mainly about cleaning your body of harmful substances and boosting your metabolism a little more. If you also pay attention to a balanced diet, then you can lose weight with it. However, if you do not stick to healthy foods, even the best detox recipes will not help you much to lose weight.

The basis for every detox cure is to drink a lot of water and mainly to consume fresh fruit and vegetables. It is no coincidence that detox is also compared to a healthy diet in which many people who want to lose weight eat water, teas, fruit juices and raw food. The detoxification treatment is, as already mentioned several times, not only about the desired weight loss, but mainly about the cleansing of our organism. This also creates an excellent basis for easier change of diet afterwards. Most detox treatments do without alcohol, nicotine, salt, sugar and coffee. But you should also be able to do without meat, sausage and dairy products, at least for a few days. In addition to fruit and vegetables, wholemeal products are also recommended. If you decide to take a serious detox treatment, you should do it for three days. Below we also show you some interesting recipe ideas, so that you don't have to starve at all. So that this treatment is not too difficult for you, you can of course also try out your upcoming detox program over the weekend, since you are certainly not exposed to stress on these days, and then also have enough time for relaxation and exercise in the fresh air. These two factors are as important as water and fresh food.

Detox is optimal for our organism, but it is also an exhausting work to free it from the available toxins. With lots of sleep and relaxing baths we can relieve our body very well. Sauna sessions are also ideal for the detoxification process, as we sweat excessively and can also excrete toxins better. So you can combine your upcoming detox phase with a little wellness treatment and give your body a little more time and attention these days. Afterwards you will feel fit and beautiful again, as detox also significantly improves our skin. Typical signs of possible poisoning include limpness, fatigue, muscle weakness, anxiety or other emotional discomfort. Allergies and headaches can also indicate the presence of toxins.

Even if one pays attention to a healthy way of life, this is still far from being a sufficient guarantee that our body is really free of harmful substances. The existing environmental toxins alone can cause toxin sources to penetrate our organism through the air we breathe. However, drugs and cosmetic products may also contain substances that are harmful to health. Food colorants are added to many medications. The best example of this is cough syrup, which usually looks much more appetizing due to the dye. However, not all dyes are healthy! According to the WHO, red food colouring in particular can be harmful to health. Unfortunately, however, the pharmaceutical industry is not subject to special labelling requirements, which is why there are no references to the package inserts of most medicines. As far as cosmetics are concerned, most beauty products also contain chemical substances that are also known as harmful substances. In shampoos, for example, formaldehyde is added to guarantee a longer shelf life. According to the German Association for the Environment and Nature Conservation, the preservative methyl paraben can even cause hormonal disorders. Our household cleaning products also contain many harmful substances with which we come into daily contact.

For this reason alone, it is necessary to relieve our body so that we feel healthy and fit again. It is advisable to pay attention to the sources of toxins and to strive for detoxification several times a year.

Among the best known toxins:

- Autogenous pollutants

- Endogenous toxins

- Exogenous toxins

Autogenic pollutants are due to genetic causes, and allegedly also to heredity. This means that existing toxins can also be transferred from mother to baby during pregnancy.

Endogenous toxins are toxins produced by bacteria or other pathogens. These include putrefactive agents, alcohols, arabinitol and ammonia.

Exogenous toxins, on the other hand, are contained in food in the form of preservatives, colorants and sweeteners. This group also includes heavy metals, insecticides and herbicides, pollutants such as fluorides or parabens in the care products, as well as electrosmog, to which we are exposed through the use of microwave or mobile phones. Heavy metals are also found in dental fillings, in water, in the air and also in the ground.

All three groups can be responsible for the development of diseases of civilization. These include a weakened immune system and autoimmune diseases, circulatory disorders, allergies, high blood pressure and diabetes as well as burnout. Our body cells are thus daily in the fight against countless pollutants, which is why it becomes increasingly difficult for them to dispose of them properly over time in order to keep our bodies healthy. Detox is highly recommended for this reason alone and not just for losing weight.

How do I start my detox phase?

Get yourself a nice glass decanter for your detox recipes or the matching jars in which you prepare your vitamin water. Your shopping list should include fresh fruit, vegetables, herbs and spices. The following recipe ideas are ideal to detoxify the organism in the best way and at the same time to stimulate the own fat burning much better. It is important to choose an optimal time for which a weekend is usually particularly suitable.

The best recipe ideas to lose a few pounds with detox water

Detox lemon water to lose weight

Slice the juice of a freshly squeezed lemon, another lemon and mix the water with a pinch of sea salt and some chilli or cayenne pepper.

Pineapple water with cinnamon

For one litre of water you need half a fresh pineapple and two cinnamon sticks. The longer this exotic vitamin water is in the refrigerator, the better it tastes.

Detox water with apple vinegar

One tablespoon of apple vinegar is sufficient for one litre of water. You can also add a few slices of apple or pineapple to this aroma water and add a few basil leaves.

Mandarin water with blueberries

Two mandarins with half a cup of blueberries are ideal for preparing one litre of water. You can also use an orange instead of mandarins.

Peppermint water with cucumbers

For one litre you need half a cucumber with skin and some fresh peppermint leaves. You can also enhance the detoxifying effect with freshly grated ginger and a lemon.

Watermelon with ginger and basil

A slice cut into small pieces is sufficient for the melon water. Then simply add some ginger and fresh basil to support the detoxifying effect.

Mint water with blueberries

Half a cup of huckleberry is enough for one litre of water. All you need to do is crush the fresh mint leaves so that the aroma can be released more easily.

Cinnamon water with green apple

Two medium-sized, sliced apples with three cinnamon sticks are ideal to support the metabolism during detoxification. Of course, you can also take other apples with a sweeter taste for a change.

Cucumber-mint water with lime and cranberries

For this refreshing and purifying detox water you need a handful of cranberries, two limes, half a cucumber and some freshly grated mint leaves. The mixture should be refrigerated for at least one hour before consumption.

Strawberry detox water

A cup of strawberries with a sprig of rosemary go wonderfully together and give the vitamin water not only a beautiful colour, but also an excellent taste.

Ginger water with lemon

Two lemons and a small piece of freshly grated ginger are ideal to support fat burning and strengthen the immune system.

Detox water with chia

Two lemons and two tablespoons of chia are sufficient for one litre of water. One, the lemons, should be squeezed out. The chia seed has to grow well for about two hours.

Celery water with spinach

For the preparation of one litre, three celery sticks are recommended, some spinach leaves, as well as a lemon from which you can squeeze half of it.

Cucumber mix to lose weight

For this detox recipe you need half a cucumber, an apple and the pulp of a grapefruit. You can also add a few mint leaves to this mixture.

Detox with coconut water

A cup of coconut water is sufficient for one litre of water. Serve with a lime and a cup of mixed berries. You can also grate a little bit of the lime peel before this fruit is sliced.

Turmeric water with pepper

For this detox recipe you need a tablespoon of turmeric, two lemons, one of which is grated and squeezed, as well as a pinch of cayenne pepper and freshly grated ginger for one litre of water.

Cucumbers and radish water

One cucumber and five radishes are sliced for this recipe, you don't need to peel the vegetables. You can also add a pinch of chilli, cayenne pepper and sea salt, depending on your taste.

Beetroot with basil

A large, or two medium-sized tubers of beetroot give your detox water a beautiful colour. For a special aroma you can add fresh basil or try the mint variant.


This recipe is for the brave. In this case, however, they are two ideal ingredients that really get the metabolism going. You will need three chopped cloves of garlic and several grated slices of ginger.

Green tea with lemon and ginger

Green tea is also excellent for detoxification and to boost metabolism and fat burning. You need a tea bag for one litre of water. The tea should of course be prepared with hot water. Then add lemon juice and freshly grated ginger.

With these recipes, you can now really try drinking water alternately and above all in a very healthy way. There are no limits to your imagination. However, you should avoid adding sugar and sweeteners to detoxify. If necessary, you can sweeten your vitamin water with a little honey.

If you prefer citrus fruits in your aromatic water, it is recommended to consume the preparation with a straw. This protects your teeth better, as the acid contained can also attack the teeth over a longer period of time and can therefore lead to sensitivity. Otherwise lemons or of course the other citrus fruits are ideal for losing weight, because the fat burning is really well brought in motion, which is also the case with ginger, as well as with the spices, like cinnamon and cayenne pepper.

Ginger should not be missing on your shopping list for your aroma water. Ginger is an aromatic root that is very effective. This spice is used in the preparation of rice dishes, in beverages such as ginger ale, in gingerbread and also in many tea blends. According to the pharmaceutical newspaper, the tuber with its typically pungent and spicy taste is the medicinal plant 2018, as it can help against many ailments. Ginger contains more than 160 different ingredients. These include numerous vitamins, iron, sodium, calcium and phosphorus. But also its essential oils have a positive effect on our health. The pungent taste of ginger is due to gingerol. This is a special pungent which has an anti-inflammatory effect. The essential oils from this power tuber have long been used in aromatherapy to treat respiratory problems. Gingerols also help with pain, as this is a natural healing substance whose effect can be compared to aspirin. Ginger relieves headaches and migraines, sore throats and also muscle aches. But our digestion is also stimulated by the consumption of this tuber. Ginger is ideal for nausea, stomach and intestinal cramps, as well as against flatulence. The medicinal plant supports the burning of fat, since the appetite is stimulated after consumption and more digestive juices are also produced. Regular use of ginger reduces the risk of arteriosclerosis and blood vessel occlusions that can lead to thrombosis. Incidentally, the Chinese like to prepare a tea with cinnamon, magnolia blossoms, dates and a freshly grated ginger root in case of flu symptoms. They say this spice even protects our eyes. However, this statement has not yet been sufficiently proven, at least until now. One thing is certain: ginger is a wonderful remedy for your vitamin water. You can eat it sliced or grated. However, if you want to make a tea with it, the ginger should steep for at least 15 minutes so that its aroma can develop better. You can also combine this preparation with the other recipes by using boiled tea instead of tap water or mineral water and fortify it with lemons and herbs, for example. Otherwise, ginger also provides a fresh breath that lasts for a long time.

Cinnamon is also an excellent remedy and not just a spice for our puddings or baked apples. It is one of the oldest spices of all, and until the 18th century was also one of the most expensive spices in Europe. Cinnamon is made from the bark of cinnamon trees, to which the Ceylon cinnamon tree belongs. The cinnamon stick is therefore simply a tubular rolled up piece of bark. Cinnamon is an excellent fat burner and in Chinese medicine an excellent remedy against circulatory weakness, tension and internal cold feelings. It has a disinfecting and blood circulation-promoting effect, which can also relieve cramps. Cinnamon is used in folk medicine for loss of appetite, colds and flu, pain, flatulence and diarrhoea. But even with typical menopausal symptoms, cinnamon is an optimal alternative to do without medication. It can also lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels, which is why its insulin-like effect can also help against diabetes. However, it is not yet known in what quantities and in what form cinnamon can be used for therapy. This spice contains many secondary plant substances. Cinnamon stimulates our metabolism very well, which makes it ideal for losing weight, as it is a natural fat burner. The aromatic smell alone should also improve the performance of our brain. Since cinnamon tastes really good, you should also make a note of this ingredient on your shopping list and try out our cinnamon recipes for your vitamin water.

Cayenne pepper is made from ground chillies and not from pepper plants. The name is derived from the Cayenne chili variety. Cayenne pepper is extremely hot. The reason for this is capsaicin. In any case, this active ingredient is a good way to improve blood circulation because it stimulates our body's own warmth receptors and pain receptors. Cayenne pepper is therefore also successfully used in medicine for nerve pain, muscle diseases, tension and rheumatic complaints. Since cayenne pepper has a vasodilative property, it can also be used as a blood pressure medication, as it significantly improves the flow properties of the blood. It is therefore also an excellent remedy if you suffer from cold hands and feet. It is not for nothing that most foot patches also contain cayenne pepper. However, external use is usually associated with visible skin irritation. However, for one or two pinches of cayenne pepper in your flavoured water, it is safe as long as you do not exceed the recommended dosage. Over a longer period of time, with large quantities of cayenne pepper, liver and kidney complaints can occur. You can also use chilli instead of cayenne pepper for your vitamin water, and not only add lemon juice, but also a tablespoon of honey or maple syrup.

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