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Reduce abdominal fat: Your 14 day challenge to the flat belly!

Before it starts

So that you do not only learn pure theory knowledge, but start directly well into your belly fat burning, you receive this 14-day action plan as a bonus. This will allow you to start changing your life step by step over the next two weeks. Each day has three components: You make yourself aware of your behaviour by keeping a record of it and reflecting on it in the evening with the help of questions, you add a healthy eating habit every day and keep it (or do a special task), and you bring some more movement into your life. In the first week you do this by slowly increasing your daily number of steps to 10,000, in the second by integrating activity into everyday life.

There are a few things you need to get started with the action plan right away. I'm sure you'll have them all at home:

- a booklet (in which you keep a record of the plan)

- a body balance

- a tape measure

- a pedometer (e.g. in a mobile phone)

- the determination to give you 14 days to improve your life.

When you have all this, you can start right away!

Day 1: Getting an overview first

Your first day only serves to give you an overview of where you stand. Get on the scales in the morning and note your weight. You'll do that every morning from now on.

Opinions differ as to whether one should really weigh oneself every day. The weight doesn't react directly to all changes in your behavior. Sometimes it goes up even though you've had a very healthy diet. Water loss can lead to weight loss, muscle building to increase because muscles are heavier than fat. Nevertheless, it helps you to get a feeling for your weight is within a certain range and you know when it is good and when it is not. And you can take countermeasures immediately, and not after a week.

Next, you measure your abdominal girth and write it down. Since you want to lose belly fat, this is your most important value. However, fluctuations can also occur here. If you build up muscles, they will initially lie under the abdominal fat and expand your abdominal girth. As soon as the fat is gone, however, the centimeters also melt. You only measure your abdominal girth three times in a fortnight.

Today you should eat all day as you have always done and move like this. You're supposed to see what your normal behavior looks like. The only difference is, you write down everything you eat. Even if you do sports, you write that down. And in the evening, you write down the number of steps you've taken.

Every night, you end up taking stock. Ask and answer the questions in your notebook:

- How many meals have you had?

- How many times did you eat snacks in between?

- How much did you move?

- How many steps did you take?

Starting tomorrow, you will use this as a basis to adjust your behaviour step by step and get rid of your abdominal fat.

Day 2: Set goals

Today we start by setting goals that you should achieve to reduce your abdominal fat. New goals are added every day. What you have already achieved the day before, of course, you should keep.

Your goals for today ...

What you're writing today:

- Eating habits: Drink at least three liters of water or unsweetened tea. This will make you less hungry and automatically eat less.

- Move it: Walk at least 5,000 steps.

Questions to answer in the evening:

- In the morning: your weight

- During the day: everything you have eaten, all sporting activities

- In the evening: the number of your steps

- What did you have a hard time with today?

- What was very easy for you even though you didn't expect it?

Day 3: Breakfast is the most important meal of the day

In the second chapter you read that breakfast is an important foundation for you. So today you should pay special attention to this meal and prepare a really healthy breakfast. You can get suggestions in the second chapter.

Your goals for today ...

What you're writing today:

- Eating habits: Eat a healthy and fibre-rich breakfast.

- Move it: Walk at least 6,000 steps.

Questions to answer in the evening:

- In the morning: your weight

- During the day: everything you have eaten, all sporting activities

- In the evening: the number of your steps

- Have you noticed a difference in your starvation behavior after eating healthy breakfast?

- Do you notice that your movement behaviour changes because you want to take more steps?

Day 4: The evening remains free

Yesterday you started the day healthy, today you stop it healthy. After 8:00, you shouldn't eat anything. If you're hungry, you can have a drink, of course. Unsweetened tea calms the stomach and reliably eliminates feelings of hunger. And, of course, the goals of the previous days remain the same!

Your goals for today ...

What you're writing today:

- Eating habits: Don't eat after 8:00.

- Move it: Walk at least 7,000 steps.

Questions to answer in the evening:

- In the morning: your weight

- During the day: everything you have eaten, all sporting activities

- In the evening: the number of your steps

- How are you doing with the new eating structures in the morning and evening?

- Have you developed strategies to control your hunger better?

Day 5: Healthy food

In this book you have learned a lot about which foods are particularly healthy. Now you should integrate them bit by bit into your diet. You will need at least one of these today for your dinner - which of course should not take place after 8 pm.

Your goals for today ...

What you're writing today:

- Eating habits: Integrate one of the foods from chapter 4 into your dinner.

- Move it: Walk at least 8,000 steps.

Questions to answer in the evening:

- In the morning: your weight

- During the day: everything you have eaten, all sporting activities

- In the evening: the number of your steps

- Did your dinner differ much from your other meals?

- Why did you choose the food you took?

Day 6: Something special today

Not only food and exercise help to burn fat. In chapter 5 you have learned more ways to get rid of your belly fat. We'll make use of it today.

Your goals for today ...

What you're writing today:

- Special task: Do a stomach massage today to strengthen your connective tissue.

- Move it: Walk at least 9,000 steps.

Questions to answer in the evening:

- In the morning: your weight

- During the day: everything you have eaten, all sporting activities

- In the evening: the number of your steps

- Did you notice a difference in connective tissue after the massage?

- Do you find the number of steps difficult?

Day 7: Time for a mid-term review

Happy birthday! You've already been successfully on your way to getting rid of your belly fat for a week. Time to take stock. Of course, you have goals again today. Today you shall get to know Smoothies, if you don't know them yet.

The fruit cocktails taste good, are healthy and last a long time. Especially green smoothies have many vitamins and fiber. You can look forward to one today! If you don't have a mixer yourself (you can also use a staff mixer), you can also use a purchased smoothie. The only important thing is that no sugar has been added.

Your goals for today ...

What you're writing today:

- Eating habits: Have a smoothie.

- Move it: Walk at least 10,000 steps.

Questions to answer in the evening:

- In the morning: your weight, your belly circumference

- During the day: everything you have eaten, all sporting activities

- In the evening: the number of your steps

- Do you have anything to do with hunger?

- How well have you integrated the changes into your everyday life?

- What are your expectations for the second week?

Day 8: Five times a day

After making minor changes to your eating habits in the last week, you should now learn to eat really healthy while keeping very clear structures. This starts with you no longer having snacks in between, but instead eating five small meals a day, as described in the second chapter.

Your goals for today ...

What you're writing today:

- Eating habits: Have five small meals (see chapter two) and refrain from eating in between.

- Move it: Do three push ups in the morning. If they are very difficult for you, you can also do push-ups while standing on the wall or put your knees on.

Questions to answer in the evening:

- In the morning: your weight

- During the day: everything you have eaten, all sporting activities

- In the evening: the number of your steps

- How'd you get those five meals a day?

- What's hard for you these days?

- What's easy for you?

Day 9: Become a sugar detective

Sugar has many calories, makes you hungry and ensures that your fat reserves are not reduced. That's why you should avoid sugar. It should not be more than 25 grams per day, and that includes everything, for example lactose in the milk. Today you should pay special attention to sugar and actively reduce it.

Your goals for today ...

What you're writing today:

- Eating habits: Look at the sugar content in all the food you eat. Don't eat anything that has more than 3 grams of sugar per 100 grams.

- Move it: Increase the number of push-ups to five this morning.

Questions to answer in the evening:

- In the morning: your weight

- During the day: everything you have eaten, all sporting activities

- In the evening: the number of your steps

- What sugar wells did you find today?

- How'd you like the way you handled the sugar?

Day 10: The salad makes the difference

Salad is an all-rounder. He's healthy and versatile. And you should eat it a lot more often. Take today, for example, because that's one of your goals.

Your goals for today ...

What you're writing today:

- Eating habits: Have a salad with lunch today. Make sure that the dressing is also healthy.

- Move it: Attempts to walk at least four floors today.

Questions to answer in the evening:

- In the morning: your weight

- During the day: everything you have eaten, all sporting activities

- In the evening: the number of your steps

- How was climbing the stairs for you?

- Have you had enough of the salad?

Day 11: Sport is anything but murder

Today is the start of your sports career. You buy yourself a fancy new outfit and prepare for your first marathon... No, of course not. Today you should think about a sport that you always wanted to try. Squash? Riding? Archery? And then you try to do it today - or at least make an appointment for it. Because sport can be fun, and that's exactly what you should experience.

Your goals for today ...

What you're writing today:

- Eating habits: Try to put as much fibre as possible in your food today. In chapter 2 you will find some suggestions.

- Exercise: Choose a sport you've always wanted to do. Then make an appointment - preferably today - where you will try out the sport.

Questions to answer in the evening:

- In the morning: your weight

- During the day: everything you have eaten, all sporting activities

- In the evening: the number of your steps

- Why exactly did you choose the sport you chose?

- Did the fibre have an influence on your hunger?

Day 12: Indulge yourself

Today you are given another special task to help you burn belly fat. You can choose something from Chapter 5 that you enjoy the most.

Your goals for today ...

What you're writing today:

- Special task: Sauna, wrap or sun: Choose something from Chapter 5 that you want to do today.

- Move it: Take a ride on your bike today.

Questions to answer in the evening:

- In the morning: your weight

- During the day: everything you have eaten, all sporting activities

- In the evening: the number of your steps

- How was your "special task"? Do you feel a difference?

- Do you already notice that you have become more active and agile?

Day 13: Where do the calories come from?

Today, I want you to go over your notes and see exactly where you ate what.

To do this, mark all foods in the following group with a green pencil: fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes, cereals.

Animal products are marked yellow, all sweets and fast food are marked red. So you can see where the calories come from.

Your goals for today ...

What you're writing today:

- Eating habits: Evaluate your eating notes and think about how you can store more "green" food.

- Move it: Take a long walk.

Questions to answer in the evening:

- In the morning: your weight

- During the day: everything you have eaten, all sporting activities

- In the evening: the number of your steps

- What is the colour ratio of your consumed food?

- Which form of movement did you like best?

Day 14: Final Super, you did it!

You worked for 14 days to improve your behaviour step by step and to fight your belly fat. In order for you to continue making good progress, it is now up to you. Your goals for today are to make your own plan for next week.

Your goals for today ...

What you're writing today:

- Eating habits: Make a meal plan for the next week with five small meals a day. Consider everything you've learned in this book.

- Move it: Make a sports plan for next week. Plan on walking at least 10,000 steps every day, five minutes of gymnastics every day, and about an hour of sports once a week.

Questions to answer in the evening:

- In the morning: your weight, a belly girth.

- During the day: everything you have eaten, all sporting activities

- In the evening: the number of your steps

- How were those two weeks for you?

- What are your successes? What are you proud of?

- What do you expect from the next few weeks?

- What are your goals?

What happens now?

This book has given you a lot of knowledge to help you actively fight your abdominal fat. You have also worked for 14 days to improve your eating and exercise habits and thus become healthier. Of course, it's not the end. As already mentioned in the introduction, it is important that all behavioural changes are sustainable and thus permanent if you never want to have belly fat again.

So your 14-day Challenge was just the beginning, and for you it's now about changing your life and behavior according to what you've learned. You now have the basics, and you have already taken the first steps. You don't have to go on a diet and you're always full if you continue to follow the advice in this book. And your belly grease is saying goodbye forever. Because with the tips from this book, you can convince your body that it no longer needs fat.

The best way to fight abdominal fat is to make your life healthier. It will then disappear step by step, without you having to suffer privations or enduring great efforts. Your body just gets used to finally getting what it's been wanting for a long time: a healthy diet and a little exercise.

With this book you have embarked on a journey to shape your life in such a way that your body gets what it needs from you. This trip may not always be easy, but it is definitely feasible, and you are already on your way! In this respect, keep up the good work and good luck in your fight against belly fat!

Vitamin Water - Refreshing aroma and detox water with fruits and herbs

Vitamin water is an optimal alternative to provide our body with sufficient fluids and important nutrients. Particularly on hot days, you should take care to drink water or herbal teas. However, taking still water, at least in terms of taste, is not particularly convincing.

Tap water tastes bland and boring, not for nothing has the demand for refreshing vitamin water increased. Traditional products are usually a mixture of water and caloric beverages enriched with natural flavours and vitamins. Aroma water is available in different flavours. However, the important question is whether these soft drinks with artificial additives are really healthy when it comes to finished products.

Vitamin water can also be made very easily and without much effort. There are now countless recipe ideas for all possible needs, not only as a soft drink, but also special preparations of vitamin water that support weight loss and detoxification from the organism, or of course as an ideal supplement after exercise.

Depending on the preparation, vitamin water supplies new energy and also helps us to compensate for a lack of nutrients with this drink. In the following chapters we will therefore show you the best recipe ideas for your own vitamin water.

What is refreshing and healthy vitamin water?

The idea to produce a special vitamin water comes from America. Founded in New York in 1996, Glaceau was the first manufacturer of so-called smart water. Years later, energy drinks and vitamin water from the same manufacturer came onto the market. The company was then acquired by Coca-Cola in 2007. In Germany, Glaceau beverages have been available since 2012, but were discontinued at the end of last year because sales did not meet expectations. In the USA, however, these vitamin waters are still in high demand. Among the best-known products are the lemonade flavour Multi-V, the dragon fruit flavour Power-C, the citrus flavour known under the name Ignite, and of course the essential vitamin water with orange flavour. Every single combination allegedly offers a special effect due to the vitamins and nutrients it contains.

The actual idea for vitamin water came from J. Darius Bikoff, the founder of Glaceau and a well-known triathlete. Due to a cold he enriched his drinking water with vitamin C and zinc in order to recover more quickly. Today this drink is available under the name Defense, it is vitamin water with apple and raspberry flavour. Not all soft drinks are really low in calories. Some of them have stevia added as an alternative sugar, but normal household sugar may also be included in the vitamin water products on sale.

Vitamin water has long been a favourite drink among professional athletes, but it is also frequently used in mountaineering, among other things. Depending on the variety and brand, vitamin C, vitamins B, vitamin E, calcium and magnesium are added to the water. However, biotin, sodium and pantothenic acid can also be contained in the vitamin waters. These are functional drinks, which are basically based on table water, but contain vitamins, minerals, electrolytes and fruit and colour aromas. Electrolytes are also very important for our organism, as they protect us from heat damage, which can threaten our lives together with a lack of fluids. The most important biological electrolytes include calcium, chloride, hydrogen carbonate, potassium, magnesium, sodium and phosphate.

Electrolytes play an important role in our body, as they are mainly responsible for the spread of nerve excitation. They are also known as minerals or ions and are contained in our organism only in limited quantities. These substances decompose into positively and negatively charged ions and are therefore also able to conduct electricity in an aqueous solution. As they have a direct influence on the tension of the cell membranes, they are also responsible for the various processes of contraction in our muscles. A lack of minerals can therefore be expressed through painful muscle cramps. The most important ions in our organism are bound in water by our body. If we sweat a lot, we lose a lot of electrolytes. This is also the reason why we have to drink a lot, especially on hot days, otherwise the electrolyte level can fall dangerously. This leads to dehydration, which is associated with dizziness, nausea, dizziness and heart rhythm disorders.

Especially competitive athletes have to pay particular attention to their electrolyte levels, as they are naturally exposed to extreme loads and therefore also have a much higher demand for fluids. They are therefore dependent on a liquid absorption with electrolytes, which is why they prefer isotonic drinks in sports.

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