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Czytaj książkę: «The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ», strona 10



Jesus passes the seventh brotherhood test, and in the purple room of the temple receives the seventh, the highest degree, THE CHRIST. He leaves the temple a conqueror.

The work of Jesus in the Chamber of the Dead was done, and in the temple purple room he stood before the hierophant.

2 And he was clothed in purple robes; and all the brothers stood. The hierophant arose and said,

3 This is a royal day for all the hosts of Israel. In honor of their chosen son we celebrate the great Passover Feast.

4 And then he said to Jesus, Brother, man, most excellent of men, in all the temple tests you have won out.

5 Six times before the bar of right you have been judged; six times you have received the highest honors man can give; and now you stand prepared to take the last degree.

6 Upon your brow I place this diadem, and in the Great Lodge of the heavens and earth you are THE CHRIST.

7 This is your great Passover rite. You are a neophyte no more; but now a master mind.

8 Now, man can do no more; but God himself will speak, and will confirm your title and degree.

9 Go on your way, for you must preach the gospel of good will to men and peace on earth; must open up the prison doors and set the captives free.

10 And while the hierophant yet spoke the temple bells rang out; a pure white dove descended from above and sat on Jesus’ head.

11 And then a voice that shook the very temple said, THIS IS THE CHRIST; and every living creature said, AMEN.

12 The great doors of the temple swung ajar; the Logos journeyed on his way a conqueror.


The Council of the Seven Sages of the World


The seven sages of the world meet in Alexandria. The purposes of the meeting. The opening addresses.

In every age since time began have seven sages lived.

2 At first of every age these sages meet to note the course of nations, peoples, tribes and tongues;

3 To note how far toward justice, love and righteousness the race has gone;

4 To formulate the code of laws, religious postulates and plans of rule best suited to the coming age.

5 An age had passed, and, lo, another age had come; the sages must convene.

6 Now, Alexandria was the center of the world’s best thought, and here in Philo’s home the sages met.

7 From China came Meng-ste; from India Vidyapati came; from Persia Kaspar came; and from Assyria Ashbina came; from Greece Apollo came; Matheno was the Egyptian sage, and Philo was the chief of Hebrew thought.

8 The time was due; the council met and sat in silence seven days.

9 And then Meng-ste arose and said, The wheel of time has turned once more; the race is on a higher plane of thought.

10 The garments that our fathers wove have given out; the cherubim have woven a celestial cloth; have placed it in our hands and we must make for men new garbs.

11 The sons of men are looking up for greater light. No longer do they care for gods hewn out of wood, or made of clay. They seek a God not made with hands.

12 They see the beams of coming day, and yet they comprehend them not.

13 The time is ripe, and we must fashion well these garments for the race.

14 And let us make for men new garbs of justice, mercy, righteousness and love, that they may hide their nakedness when shines the light of coming day.

15 And Vidyapati said, Our priests have all gone mad; they saw a demon in the wilds and at him cast their lamps and they are broken up, and not a gleam of light has any priest for men.

16 The night is dark; the heart of India calls for light.

17 The priesthood cannot be reformed; it is already dead; its greatest needs are graves and funeral chants.

18 The new age calls for liberty; the kind that makes each man a priest, enables him to go alone, and lay his offerings on the shrine of God.

19 And Kaspar said, In Persia people walk in fear; they do the good for fear to do the wrong.

20 The devil is the greatest power in our land, and though a myth, he dandles on his knee both youth and age.

21 Our land is dark, and evil prospers in the dark.

22 Fear rides on every passing breeze, and lurks in every form of life.

23 The fear of evil is a myth, is an illusion and a snare; but it will live until some mighty power shall come to raise the ethers to the plane of light.

24 When this shall come to pass the magian land will glory in the light. The soul of Persia calls for light.


Meeting of the sages, continued. Opening addresses. Jesus with the sages. Seven days’ silence.

Ashbina said, Assyria is the land of doubt; the chariot of my people, that in which they mostly ride, is labeled Doubt.

2 Once Faith walked forth in Babylon; and she was bright and fair; but she was clothed in such white robes that men became afraid of her.

3 And every wheel began to turn, and Doubt made war on her, and drove her from the land; and she came back no more.

4 In form men worship God, the One; in heart they are not sure that God exists.

5 Faith worships at the shrine of one not seen; but Doubt must see her God.

6 The greatest need of all Assyria is faith – a faith that seasons every thing that is, with certainty.

7 And then Apollo said, The greatest needs of Greece are true concepts of God.

8 Theogony in Greece is rudderless, for every thought may be a god, and worshipped as a god.

9 The plane of thought is broad, and full of sharp antagonists; and so the circle of the gods is filled with enmity, with wars and base intrigues.

10 Greece needs a master mind to stand above the gods; to raise the thoughts of men away from many gods to God the One.

11 We know that light is coming o’er the hills. God speed the light.

12 Matheno said, Behold this land of mystery! this Egypt of the dead!

13 Our temples long have been the tombs of all the hidden things of time; our temples, crypts and caves are dark.

14 In light there are no secret things. The sun reveals all hidden truth. There are no mysteries in God.

15 Behold the rising sun! His beams are entering every door; yea, every crevice of the mystic crypts of Mizraim.

16 We hail the light! All Egypt craves the light.

17 And Philo said, The need of Hebrew thought and life is liberty.

18 The Hebrew prophets, seers, and givers of the law, were men of power, men of holy thought, and they bequeathed to us a system of philosophy that was ideal; one strong enough and good enough to lead our people to the goal of perfectness.

19 But carnal minds repudiated holiness; a priesthood filled with selfishness arose, and purity in heart became a myth; the people were enslaved.

20 The priesthood is the curse of Israel; but when he comes, who is to come, he will proclaim emancipation for the slaves; my people will be free.

21 Behold, for God has made incarnate wisdom, love and light, which he has called Immanuel.

22 To him is given the keys to open up the dawn; and here, as man, he walks with us.

23 And then the council chamber door was opened and the Logos stood among the sages of the world.

24 Again the sages sat in silence seven days.


Meeting of the sages, continued. Presentation of the seven universal postulates.

Now, when the sages were refreshed they opened up the Book of Life and read.

2 They read the story of the life of man; of all his struggles, losses, gains; and in the light of past events and needs, they saw what would be best for him in coming years.

3 They knew the kind of laws and precepts suited best to his estate; they saw the highest God-ideal that the race could comprehend.

4 Upon the seven postulates these sages were to formulate, the great philosophy of life and worship of the coming age must rest.

5 Now Meng-ste was the oldest sage; he took the chair of chief, and said,

6 Man is not far enough advanced to live by faith; he cannot comprehend the things his eyes see not,

7 He yet is child, and during all the coming age he must be taught by pictures, symbols, rites, and forms.

8 His God must be a human God; he cannot see a God by faith.

9 And then he cannot rule himself; the king must rule; the man must serve.

10 The age that follows this will be the age of man, the age of faith.

11 In that blest age the human race will see without the aid of carnal eyes; will hear the soundless sound; will know the Spirit-God.

12 The age we enter is the Preparation age, and all the schools, and governments and worship rites must be designed in simple way that men may comprehend.

13 And man cannot originate; he builds by patterns that he sees; so in this council we must carve out pattern for the coming age.

14 And we must formulate the gnosis of the Empire of the soul, which rests on seven postulates.

15 Each sage in turn shall form a postulate; and these shall be the basis of the creeds of men until the perfect age shall come.

16 Then Meng-ste wrote the first:

17 All things are thought; all life is thought activity. The multitude of beings are but phases of the one great thought made manifest. Lo, God is Thought, and Thought is God.

18 Then Vidyapati wrote the second postulate:

19 Eternal Thought is one; in essence it is two – Intelligence and Force; and when they breathe a child is born; this child is Love.

20 And thus the Triune God stands forth, whom men call Father-Mother-Child.

21 This Triune God is one; but like the one of light, in essence he is seven.

22 And when the Triune God breathes forth, lo, seven Spirits stand before his face; these are creative attributes.

23 Men call them lesser gods, and in their image they made man.

24 And Kaspar wrote the third:

25 Man was a thought of God, formed in the image of the Septonate, clothed in the substances of soul.

26 And his desires were strong; he sought to manifest on every plane of life, and for himself he made a body of the ethers of the earthy forms, and so descended to the plane of earth.

27 In this descent he lost his birthright; lost his harmony with God, and made discordant all the notes of life.

28 Inharmony and evil are the same; so evil is the handiwork of man.

29 Ashbina wrote the fourth:

30 Seeds do not germinate in light; they do not grow until they find the soil, and hide themselves away from light.

31 Man was evolved a seed of everlasting life; but in the ethers of the Triune God the light was far too great for seeds to grow;

32 And so man sought the soil of carnal life, and in the darksomeness of earth he found a place where he could germinate and grow.

33 The seed has taken root and grown full well.

34 The tree of human life is rising from the soil of earthy things, and, under natural law, is reaching up to perfect form.

35 There are no supernatural acts of God to lift a man from carnal life to spirit blessedness; he grows as grows the plant, and in due time is perfected.

36 The quality of soul that makes it possible for man to rise to spirit life is purity.


Meeting of the sages, continued. The remaining postulates. The sages bless Jesus. Seven days’ silence.

Apollo wrote the fifth:

2 The soul is drawn to perfect light by four white steeds, and these are Will, and Faith, and Helpfulness and Love.

3 That which one wills to do, he has the power to do.

4 A knowledge of that power is faith; and when faith moves, the soul begins its flight.

5 A selfish faith leads not to light. There is no lonely pilgrim on the way to light. Men only gain the heights by helping others gain the heights.

6 The steed that leads the way to spirit life is Love; is pure unselfish Love.

7 Matheno wrote the sixth:

8 The universal Love of which Apollo speaks is child of Wisdom and of Will divine, and God has sent it forth to earth in flesh that man may know.

9 The universal Love of which the sages speak, is Christ.

10 The greatest mystery of all times lies in the way that Christ lives in the heart.

11 Christ cannot live in clammy dens of carnal things. The seven battles must be fought, the seven victories won before the carnal things, like fear, and self, emotions and desire, are put away.

12 When this is done the Christ will take possession of the soul; the work is done, and man and God are one.

13 And Philo wrote the seventh:

14 A perfect man! To bring before the Triune God a being such as this was nature made.

15 This consummation is the highest revelation of the mystery of life.

16 When all the essences of carnal things have been transmuted into soul, and all the essences of soul have been returned to Holy Breath, and man is made a perfect God, the drama of Creation will conclude. And this is all.

17 And all the sages said, Amen.

18 Then Meng-ste said, The Holy One has sent to us a man illumined by the efforts of unnumbered years, to lead the thoughts of men.

19 This man, approved by all the master minds of heaven and earth, this man from Galilee, this Jesus, chief of all the sages of the world, we gladly recognize.

20 In recognition of this wisdom that he brings to men, we crown him with the Lotus wreath.

21 We send him forth with all the blessing of the seven sages of the world.

22 Then all the sages laid their hands on Jesus’ head, and said with one accord, Praise God!

23 For wisdom, honor, glory, power, riches, blessing, strength, are yours, O Christ, forever more.

24 And every living creature said, Amen.

25 And then the sages sat in silence seven days.


Jesus addresses the seven sages. The address. Jesus goes to Galilee.

The seven days of silence passed and Jesus, sitting with the sages said:

2 The history of life is well condensed in these immortal postulates. These are the seven hills on which the holy city shall be built.

3 These are the seven sure foundation stones on which the Universal Church shall stand.

4 In taking up the work assigned for me to do I am full conscious of the perils of the way; the cup will be a bitter one to drink and human nature well might shrink.

5 But I have lost my will in that of Holy Breath, and so I go my way to speak and act as I am moved to speak and act by Holy Breath.

6 The words I speak are not my own; they are the words of him whose will I do.

7 Man is not far enough advanced in sacred thought to comprehend the Universal Church, and so the work that God has given me to do is not the building of that Church.

8 I am a model maker, sent to make a pattern of the Church that is to be – a pattern that the age may comprehend.

9 My task as model builder lies within my native land, and there, upon the postulate that Love is son of God, that I am come to manifest that Love, the Model Church will stand.

10 And from the men of low estate I will select twelve men, who represent the twelve immortal thoughts; and these will be the Model Church.

11 The house of Judah, my own kindred in the flesh, will comprehend but little of my mission to the world.

12 And they will spurn me, scorn my work, accuse me falsely, bind me, take me to the judgment seat of carnal men who will convict and slay me on the cross.

13 But men can never slay the truth; though banished it will come again in greater power; for truth will subjugate the world.

14 The Model Church will live. Though carnal man will prostitute its sacred laws, symbolic rites and forms, for selfish ends, and make it but an outward show, the few will find through it the kingdom of the soul.

15 And when the better age shall come the Universal Church will stand upon the seven postulates, and will be built according to the pattern given.

16 The time has come; I go my way unto Jerusalem, and by the power of living faith, and by the strength that you have given,

17 And in the name of God, our Father-God, the kingdom of the soul shall be established on the seven hills,

18 And all the peoples, tribes and tongues of earth shall enter in.

19 The Prince of Peace will take his seat upon the throne of power; the Triune God will then be All in All.

20 And all the sages said, Amen.

21 And Jesus went his way, and after many days, he reached Jerusalem; and then he sought his home in Galilee.


The Ministry of John, the Harbinger


John, the harbinger, returns to Hebron. Lives as a hermit in the wilds. Visits Jerusalem and speaks to the people.

It came to pass when John, the son of Zacharias and Elizabeth, had finished all his studies in the Egyptian schools that he returned to Hebron, where he abode for certain days.

2 And then he sought the wilderness and made his home in David’s cave where many years before, he was instructed by the Egyptian sage.

3 Some people called him Hermit of Engedi; and others said, He is the Wild Man of the hills.

4 He clothed himself with skins of beasts; his food was carobs, honey, nuts and fruits.

5 When John was thirty years of age he went into Jerusalem, and in the market place he sat in silence seven days.

6 The common people and the priests, the scribes and Pharisees came out in multitudes to see the silent hermit of the hills; but none were bold enough to ask him who he was.

7 But when his silent fast was done he stood forth in the midst of all and said,

8 Behold, the king has come; the prophets told of him; the wise men long have looked for him.

9 Prepare, O Israel, prepare to meet your king.

10 And that was all he said, and then he disappeared, and no one knew where he had gone.

11 And there was great unrest through all Jerusalem. The rulers heard the story of the hermit of the hills,

12 And they sent couriers forth to talk with him that they might know about the coming king; but they could find him not.

13 And after certain days he came again into the market place, and all the city came to hear him speak; he said,

14 Be not disturbed, you rulers of the state; the coming king is no antagonist; he seeks no place on any earthly throne.

15 He comes the Prince of Peace, the king of righteousness and love; his kingdom is within the soul.

16 The eyes of men shall see it not and none can enter but the pure in heart.

17 Prepare, O Israel, prepare to meet your king.

18 Again the hermit disappeared; the people strove to follow him, but he had drawn a veil about his form and men could see him not.

19 A Jewish feast day came; Jerusalem was filled with Jews and proselytes from every part of Palestine, and John stood in the temple court and said,

20 Prepare, O Israel, prepare to meet your king.

21 Lo, you have lived in sin; the poor cry in your streets, and you regard them not.

22 Your neighbors, who are they? You have defrauded friend and foe alike.

23 You worship God with voice and lip; your hearts are far away, and set on gold.

24 Your priests have bound upon the people burdens far too great to bear; they live in ease upon the hard earned wages of the poor.

25 Your lawyers, doctors, scribes are useless cumberers of the ground; they are but tumors on the body of the state;

26 They toil not neither do they spin, yet they consume the profits of your marts of trade.

27 Your rulers are adulterers, extortioners and thieves, regarding not the rights of any man;

28 And robbers ply their calling in the sacred halls; the holy temple you have sold to thieves; their dens are in the sacred places set apart for prayer.

29 Hear! hear! you people of Jerusalem! Reform; turn from your evil ways or God will turn from you, and heathen from afar will come, and what is left of all your honor and your fame will pass in one short hour.

30 Prepare, Jerusalem, prepare to meet your king.

31 He said no more; he left the court and no one saw him go.

32 The priests, the doctors and the scribes were all in rage. They sought for John intent to do him harm. They found him not.

33 The common people stood in his defense; they said, The hermit speaks the truth.

34 And then the priests, the doctors and the scribes were sore afraid; they said no more; they hid themselves away.


John, the harbinger, again visits Jerusalem. Speaks to the people. Promises to meet them at Gilgal in seven days. Goes to Bethany and attends a feast.

Next day John went again into the temple courts and said,

2 Prepare, O Israel, prepare to meet your king.

3 The chief priests and the scribes would know the meaning of his words; they said,

4 Bold man, what is the purport of this message that you bring to Israel? If you be seer and prophet, tell us plainly who has sent you here?

5 And John replied, I am the voice of one who cries out in the wilderness, Prepare the way, make straight the paths, for, lo, the Prince of Peace will come to rule in love.

6 Your prophet Malachi wrote down the words of God:

7 And I will send Elijah unto you before the retribution day shall come, to turn again the hearts of men to God and if they will not turn, lo, I will smite them with a curse.

8 You men of Israel; you know your sins. As I passed by I saw a wounded bird prone in your streets, and men of every class were beating it with clubs; and then I saw that Justice was its name.

9 I looked again and saw that its companion had been killed; the pure white wings of Righteousness were trampled in the dust.

10 I tell you men, your awfulness of guilt has made a cesspool of iniquity that sends a fearful stench to heaven.

11 Reform, O Israel, reform; prepare to meet your king.

12 And then John turned away and as he went he said,

13 In seven days, lo, I will stand at Gilgal, by the Jordan ford, where Israel first crossed into the promised land.

14 And then he left the temple court to enter it no more; but many people followed him as far as Bethany, and there he tarried at the home of Lazarus, his kin.

15 The anxious people gathered all about the home and would not go; then John came forth and said,

16 Reform, O Israel, reform; prepare to meet your king.

17 The sins of Israel do not all lie at the door of priest and scribe. O think you not that all the sinners of Judea are found among the rulers and the men of wealth.

18 It is no sign that man is good and pure because he lives in want.

19 The listless, shiftless vagabonds of earth are mostly poor and have to beg for bread.

20 I saw the very men that cheered because I told the priests and scribes of their injustice unto man, throw stones and beat poor Justice in the streets.

21 I saw them trample on the poor dead bird of Righteousness;

22 And you who follow after me, you commoners, are not one whit behind the scribes and priests in crime.

23 Reform, you men of Israel; the king has come; prepare to meet your king.

24 With Lazarus and his sisters, John remained for certain days.

25 In honor of the Nazarite a feast was spread, and all the people stood about the board.

26 And when the chief men of the town poured out the sparkling wine and offered John a cup, he took it, held it high in air, and said,

27 Wine makes glad the carnal heart, and it makes sad the human soul; it plunges deep in bitterness and gall the deathless spirit of the man.

28 I took the vow of Nazar when a child, and not a drop has ever passed my lips.

29 And if you would make glad the coming king, then shun the cup as you would shun a deadly thing.

30 And then he threw the sparkling wine out in the street.