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The Marriage Whore II

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All rights reserved by the author.

Original copyright © 2018, by Laetitia Guivarché.


Dear readers,

thank you for purchasing my book.

My name Laetitia Guivarché. With this book I would like to share my pleasure and sexuality with you.

This book is an erotic short novel. The focus is on Jenny Weißmüller. Jenny is 39 years old. She is married and mother of three beautiful daughters.

The sex with her husband Nils is average at best. Which is mainly due to Jenny's reticence. When she attended a seminar for alternative medicine and nutritional science in Munich, she got to know her lecturer better. Maximilian Scheer is the shooting star of the scene and a master in many areas.

Your Laetitia

The Marriage Whore 2

How could I have gotten involved in this adventure? What hadn't happened in the last few days? I looked at Nils lying on the mattress next to me exhausted and satisfied asleep. Meanwhile Nils had slightly grey temples. At the sight of his tanned, well trained body I immediately got desire to do it again with him.

My name is Jenny Weißmüller. I am 39 years young and a woman who until recently led a completely normal life. I have been with my husband for more than 20 years and we have three wonderful, albeit very young children. We also have a beautiful house with a large garden and we are well on budget. I am currently on maternity leave or exempt from duty and have actually been absolutely happy with this life up to now.

Of course there are always ups and downs in a marriage with children. But in the end, most women would probably like to swap with me. There were also difficult times in our relationship, especially when my husband felt neglected and then made one or two derailments before we were married and had children. But I always knew in my deepest innermost being that he is the right life partner for me and the right father for my children.

There was not even the slightest indication of another man who would have interested me or even approached me in any way. The reason for Nile's derailments was actually always in the sexual area, since I was brought up very conservatively and by no means had my husband's sexual activity and curiosity. For me sex was always something very special and there were many things I could not and did not want to give to my husband.

Although this had already changed a lot in recent years from my point of view and in the meantime I also found pleasure in satisfying my husband orally, there were still taboos for me. Our children have reduced the cuddling hours together to a minimum. Even though I personally found that our sex had also developed - even became more and more passionate and uninhibited.

But after a 12 to 14 hour day with three children and housework, I could not fulfill my husband's wish to wrap myself in exciting lingerie for him and then seduce him. It was very hard for me to understand that, too.

But then came the seminar that was to change my life fundamentally. I had been looking forward to this seminar for a long time because it was about alternative natural healing methods and modern nutritional science. The lecturer was an expert in this field and was considered a young shooting star of the scene. Therefore, the majority of his seminars were sold out for years - despite the very high costs. I had already read many of his books and was therefore all the more excited as it was to receive his knowledge live.

Nils had let all his connections play to get a place for me because he knew exactly how important participation was to me. The seminar took place in Munich in a luxury hotel and although I had never left my children alone for three days in a row before - even at birth I was always home again after two days - I knew my darlings were in good hands. They were in good hands with Nils and my parents.

In addition to the seminar itself, I was therefore also looking forward to three days of relaxation away from daily family life. Once again to be able to determine my daily routine and to enjoy the seminar, the city and the hotel with all its advantages. Nils also persuaded me to arrive one day before the seminar in order to be able to tune in to it in peace and quiet. So I packed my seven things and said goodbye to my family and then headed to Munich.

The night before, we had wonderful, passionate sex. So I also drove with the certainty that also in this area everything was in order for the next days. I arrived in Munich around noon and since I could not check into the hotel yet, I put my car in the parking garage and decided to use the time for something for which I did not find the last years really time and peace - shopping!

It was fantastic to stroll alone through the city centre and to enjoy the shops and the hustle and bustle there. My husband had also given me a certain budget. Because he knew this was a unique opportunity for me. Of course with the ulterior motive to think of him and to buy one or the other nice piece of fabric.

Time went by far too fast and I only realized - when the shops closed one after the other - that I had just spent several hours shopping in complete peace and enjoyment and proudly dragged my packed shopping bags back to my hotel. I had once again overrun my husband's budget a little bit. But he knew about me.

After checking into the hotel - and moving into my room - my first job was to tell my husband about my shopping and the wonderful afternoon. And of course to ask about the well-being of our children. These were, however, as Nils told me, just with grandma and grandpa on an evening walk. Nils was preparing dinner himself.

Since I knew that Nils was about to have the most difficult part of my absence, namely to put the gang of children to bed after dinner and showering, I immediately said goodbye to him again. I didn't know if and when we could still talk on the phone tonight and went to the bathroom. I was right in positive stress. I actually wanted to try on my newly bought robe at my leisure. And I also wanted to go to the wellness area. Then I realized I didn't have time to eat today.

I decided to use the whirlpool in my room later and to take a quick shower in order to relax a little before dinner in the wellness area. I didn't really have time to take a closer look at the stylishly - very modernly furnished room, let alone to unpack my suitcase. After the shower I immediately went to the wellness area, which besides the large swimming pool also had a nude area with three different saunas, two steam baths and two additional swimming pools - completely according to my ideas.

I spent two wonderful hours there. Mostly alone and it was hard for me to move back to the room. But since dinner was only possible for a certain time - I had no choice. With pleasure I notice that the ladies at the reception explained to me that I could use the sauna area until midnight to possibly spend some time there after dinner.

I decided to do my freshly bought purchases and since I have hardly any elegant clothes privately and rather like sporty and casual clothes I was very happy that I had indulged in the nice dark red summer dress. First I look at myself naked in the mirror. I noticed that the two hours of relaxation in the steam bath and sauna had done me quite well. I'm 5'8" and I'm 185 pounds. For my age and the birth of my three children I am still very handsome.

Of course, my boobs are not as firm as they used to be and some stretch marks adorn my body. And in the meantime, the kilos have shifted differently than before. But I still had a very feminine figure. Only my butt was now much bigger and rounder than it was a few years ago. But not only my own husband confirms to me again and again how much he loves my body and how attractive he finds me. I also noticed one or two glances from the men in the sauna area. And also the somewhat envious looks of the ladies.

I was doing great even though I'd only been here a few hours. The looks did me good. That's why I decided to style myself for dinner again. I blow-dried my hair, put on some eye shadow and made up my lips very discreetly. That was something I hadn't done in a long time and when I looked at myself in the mirror, I thought it was a shame that my husband couldn't see me like that.

I don't know if it was the mood or whatever that was. But I also wanted to put on the underwear I just bought, although I usually always wash newly bought clothes first. So I put on the dark red - transparent bra and the matching thong and smiled. I was looking forward to presenting this new part to Nils. Since he is currently standing on transparent underwear and the thong was also one of that kind which was probably a lot under the term "subject to a gun license".

I had already shaved at home, looking forward to the wellness area in the hotel. Although I was always very proud of my pubic hair in the intimate area and it was absolutely out of the question for me to shave completely, the "short hairstyle" fitted very well to the new underwear. Then I put on the two newly bought black hold-up stockings and put on the tight-fitting dark red half-long summer dress.

The newly purchased, high-heeled pumps complemented the total work of art. Our eldest daughter, Samira, would now be ashamed of me at the age of 16. I briefly thought about sending a picture to my husband's mobile phone, which I immediately rejected because he might misinterpret it.

I found myself very attractive - no, that's a lie. I even found myself extremely sexy and was finally looking forward to a good dinner. The hotel was well attended but mainly crowded by tourists. It was probably not one of those hotels where business travellers usually stayed overnight. But on one or the other table I saw one or the other man sitting alone in a suit. I really enjoyed walking through the dining room and for me the glances of the gentlemen - one discreetly the other a bit more clumsy - fell on me too.

Frightened and a little embarrassed I realized that I even enjoyed attracting the glances of strange men. And suddenly I saw him, the man I was here for in the first place. Maximilian Scheer, called Dr. Feelgood himself had also arrived one day before the seminar and was having dinner. I knew the man from photos and his internet presence and his books. But not personally yet and I decided to sit at the table to his left.

The young doctor looked up briefly as I sat down. So I smiled at him a little embarrassed and nodded politely, he also gave me a smile back. After choosing my dinner I realized how he looked at me. But as I turned in his direction, he turned his eyes away from me and looked at his cell phone. Before I got my starter he got up - passed my table and wished me a pleasant evening. A pleasant shiver ran down my spine.

Maximilian Scheer had an amazing charisma. He was almost 190 cm tall, slim and top dressed. He was tanned and had a very sporty figure. His short hair was blond and shaggy. At just 28, he was one of the shooting stars in the industry. A lateral thinker with youthful concepts and ideas. But he seemed much more mature than his age would suggest.

His voice went through my bones as he greeted me. It was very deep but still gentle. He also had beautiful bright blue eyes. I was very agitated and felt something that I could not really assign. The food was excellent and also my darling sent me a reassuring SMS that the kids would finally sleep and now he would go to bed totally exhausted as well.

Once more I let the day pass me by. And I was completely happy - the few hours here had already more than paid off and did me a lot of good. After four courses at the sumptuous buffet my hunger was satisfied and I was surprised that it was already shortly before 23:00 o'clock. Now I had to hurry to allow myself another hour of relaxation in the sauna.

A little later I was already lying - despite a rather full stomach - in the soothing aroma sauna. I listened to the quiet music and watched the plays of light on the ceiling. I had to try not to fall asleep because I was so relaxed. That's why I had the idea to swim another round in the colder pool. Just as I was about to leave the sauna, Dr Feelgood came in. He had the towel wrapped around his loins and looked at me with his beautiful eyes.

"Good evening. We meet again so quickly" he smiled at me mischievously. I had to take care that my towel didn't slip down which I had just tied around myself. I also wished him a good evening and left the sauna in the direction of the cold pool. While swimming I wondered if they should not have used this unique chance to go to the sauna again. But I quickly rejected that thought again.

With tired bones I set off towards the elevator to go to my room. The lift door closed when it suddenly opened again. Maximilian Scheer entered the lift. He smiled at me again. Everyone is familiar with these embarrassing situations - lift in a bathrobe and with the seminar leader. A celebrated guru in a field that has occupied me intensively for years. But Maximilian Scheer was very relaxed and a nice small talk developed.

Neither of us noticed that neither of us had pressed on the head for the respective floor of the room. I was surprised how much information can be exchanged in such a short time and Maximilian then told me in a calm voice whether he could press the button for the respective floor and whether I would be interested in continuing the conversation at the bar. Because a lift would not exactly be the right environment for a technical discussion. We both had to laugh heartily and without further consideration I accepted his invitation with thanks.

Only when I arrived in the room did I realize what had just happened. Once all tiredness was gone and I was happy to use a few minutes of his valuable time for myself - today was apparently really my lucky day. And I had an awful lot of questions about white flour.

I put on my outfit from dinner - put on some of my perfume and went back to the lobby of the hotel where the bar also had its place. Maximilian was already waiting with two glasses of red wine. He was wearing casual, light blue jeans with stylish sneakers and a modern white shirt.

"I hope you drink sweet red wine" he asked me with his gentle voice and although I hardly ever drink alcohol I nodded to him. Then I told him about my exciting day. I didn't even know why I did it and if he would even care. After all, we were separated for 11 years. But he was an attentive and patient listener. After only two glasses of wine I began to swoosh up.

I was ashamed of it and tried hard not to let anything show. Dr. Scheer then told me about his work and the content of the upcoming seminar. It was captivating to listen to him and to feel how much he believed in what he did and how convinced he was of it. There was so much passion in what he said. I was psyched like a groupie, as if I had taken stimulants and took over again the command to ask him the question that had occupied me for years.

Suddenly he looked at me and said in the same, gentle but specific tone as he communicated with me all the time that he would have to tell me something important that he had never said before to any woman in this form. I don't know exactly what I expected. Maybe a compliment or something like that, but what came next - I never expected that.

"Jenny, you're something very special - I'd like to fuck her now." I suddenly felt my throat dry. Almost like someone's choking me. The next moment, I thought I just heard wrong. But he smiled at me with his bright blue eyes and flawless teeth and added.

"It's no coincidence we've met so often tonight. You are a hot woman in your prime and make me absolutely horny". That's how fast we got from her to you. And instead of getting up and wishing him a nice evening or even slapping him, something came my way that I had never dared to dream before. Especially me, the good housewife and mother - the faithful wife, the good spirit of the family who stands above everything - I was the woman who had only one man in her life until then and until a few seconds ago had not even doubted in the beginning that there was something else in life.

"To me or to you" came over my lips like an automatic and I smiled at him like a slut in a disco. We got up and walked towards the lift - I meant he walked and I tried to walk which was hard but my knees trembled so much. Did I just tell some stranger he could fuck me? Am I out of my mind? What would my husband say? What would my children think of me?

As the elevator door closed, he came closer to me - he took me in his arms and kissed me tenderly and at that moment all my nervousness was blown away. I replied to the young man's kiss and our tongues began to play together. It was different from my husband but nevertheless there was a certain familiarity that I could not explain to myself.

We could not and did not want to leave each other - it was pure lust and passion. First the gong of the lift - which signalled that we had arrived on our floor, where his room was, separated us briefly.

Kissing like drunken teenagers we entered his room and Maximilian made some light. I headed for the bedroom without further ado. There I was, in a strange hotel room - in front of a bed with a stranger. A man 11 years younger than me. Who had an extremely attractive charisma for me and who wanted to get my panties. Max came behind me, pushed my hair aside and kissed my neck tenderly.

"You smell so good" I heard his voice purring into my ear. I threw my head back so he could caress me even better at the neck and enjoyed how his hands touched my upper body. "I'm actually way too old for you," I replied. He gently stroked my breasts - my waist and my thighs - I suddenly felt his hands everywhere. "I love older women. And you are worth more than a sin". I turned my head to his and we kissed passionately again.

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