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Czytaj książkę: «Your Personal Horoscope 2010: Month-by-month Forecasts for Every Sign», strona 4



Best Days Overall: 5, 6, 13, 14, 15, 23, 24, 25

Most Stressful Days Overall: 3, 4, 9, 10, 16, 17

Best Days for Love: 2, 9, 10, 11, 21

Best Days for Money: 2, 5, 11, 12, 21, 22, 26, 27

Best Days for Career: 1, 9, 16, 17, 18, 28

Last month Uranus left your sign and this month, on the 10th, Jupiter follows. After the 10th there is almost no fire in the horoscope (only when the Moon moves through a fire sign temporarily). No more talk of global warming. The earth is colder now. It is at times like these that the world needs people like you, Aries–it needs your fire, your flame of passion and enthusiasm, your optimism and can-do attitude. Your natural leadership qualities get more respect. Yes, it is great to have good ideas and communication skills. Great to have a pragmatic attitude, but without the verve and energy of fire these things ring hollow. Without people like you to motivate others–to light a fire under them–they will just ‘go through the motions’.

Health still needs more watching–especially after the 23rd. Like last month, enhance your health by resting and relaxing more and working to a rhythm. Try to alternate your activities. Pay more attention to your heart and small intestine. Be more mindful on the 1st and drive defensively. Avoid risk-taking activities. Mind your temper.

Job-seekers had many opportunities last month and this trend continues in the month ahead. But last month your work planet went retrograde on the 20th and will be retrograde until the 12th of this month. Job opportunities need more study. Job changes as well. After the 12th judgement should be clearer about these things.

With Saturn camping out on an eclipse point all month there are changes in your career. Upheavals happening. There are shakeups in your corporate hierarchy and in your industry. Parents and parent figures are experiencing personal dramas, too. But these shakeups are helping you–opening doors for you. Be alert.

This month the planetary power shifts–and in a dramatic way–from the lower to the upper half of the horoscope. In fact, by the 23rd 90 per cent of the planets will be in the upper half–a huge percentage. This is the time to pursue your career goals. By now your family situation should be more stable, and you can serve them best by being successful in the world.

On the 23rd, as the Sun enters Libra, you enter a yearly social peak. For singles there are many love opportunities–more dating, parties and going out. Those already in a relationship are having their relationships tested. The best way to save a current marriage is to make it your number-one priority–almost your mission in life. Anything less will not do it.


Best Days Overall: 3, 4, 11, 12, 21, 22, 30, 31

Most Stressful Days Overall: 1, 2, 7, 8, 13, 14, 28, 29

Best Days for Love: 1, 7, 8, 9, 18, 19, 28

Best Days for Money: 1, 2, 9, 10, 18, 19, 23, 24, 28, 29

Best Days for Career: 7, 16, 13, 14, 26

You are still in a yearly social peak until the 23rd. There is a romantic opportunity with someone older or a boss on the 1st and 2nd. A child of appropriate age has a wonderful career opportunity or has some career success at his or her present job.

There is still a need to make your marriage, current relationship and social life your main mission in life. This will bring social success.

Venus makes a rare retrograde on the 8th. Thus, this is a good period to review your love and social life and see where improvements can be made. As mentioned, this is not a time (from the 8th onwards) to make important love decisions. Often we meet seemingly exciting people under this retrograde, but don’t get swept off your feet–go slow and steady in love. There is no rush.

Finances should be reviewed as well. This is no time to make important financial decisions, major purchases or investments. Of course, you continue with your normal expenditures–you don’t stop buying groceries or necessities–but you are more careful with the big things.

Health needs watching until the 23rd, but the problems are only temporary. As mentioned, strive to maintain high energy levels. Pay more attention to your heart all month, to your small intestine (until the 3rd), kidneys and hips (from the 3rd to the 21st), and colon, bladder and sexual organs (from the 23rd onwards). Detox regimes are powerful from the 22nd onwards.

Your 8th house was powerful last month and will get even stronger in the month ahead. Whatever your age or stage in life there is a strong libido and more sexual activity. Your spouse, partner or current love is having a banner financial month (he or she is now in a yearly financial peak). There is better spousal support and generosity now.

This is an excellent period to get rid of the excess and effete from your life–whether possessions, effete material in the body or old, outworn mental and emotional patterns.

For those on the spiritual path, this a period for going more deeply into the mysteries of resurrection and transformation. Both these things depend on getting rid of excess.

On a more mundane level, this is a good time for paying off debt, attracting outside investors to your projects (or dealing with existing investors) or borrowing money. Prosper this month by helping others to prosper–by putting their financial interests ahead of your own.


Best Days Overall: 7, 8, 17, 18, 26, 27

Most Stressful Days Overall: 3, 4, 10, 11, 24, 25

Best Days for Love: 3, 4, 5, 13, 23

Best Days for Money: 5, 6, 13, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 23, 25

Best Days for Career: 3, 4, 10, 11, 12, 13, 22

Many of the trends that we wrote of last month are still in effect now. Venus, your love and financial planet, is still retrograde–so finances and love are in a period of review and study. Some 90 per cent, and sometimes 100 per cent, of the planets are still in the upper half of the horoscope–ambitions are strong and much career progress is being made. You can continue to de-emphasize emotional and family issues and focus more on outer success. Saturn is still in your house of marriage, testing and reorganizing your love life, marriage and friendships. Proceed slowly in love. Allow time–whether you are planning a marriage or divorce.

Like last month, your 8th house is powerful until the 22nd. Review our discussion of last month.

This month your 9th house is powerful, too. It started to get strong on the 28th of last month and will get even stronger this month. Thus foreign lands are calling to you and there will be happy opportunities for foreign travel, too. Your travel planet, Jupiter, will start to move forward on the 18th, so try to schedule your travel after that. There are also many other happy things going on. There are happy educational opportunities. Students, on the university or graduate school level, seem successful. Applicants likewise. Those of you involved in legal issues should see improvement in the month ahead. There are religious and philosophical breakthroughs for those who want them–and when these things happen there is great joy. The mental horizons get expanded. The Hindu religion considers the 9th house to be the most fortunate of all the houses–so this is a happy month.

Health is much improved this month–especially after the 22nd. Still, with Saturn having an impact on you, pay due attention–especially to your heart (all month), your colon, bladder and sexual organs (until the 9th), and your liver and thighs (from the 9th onwards). Detox is still powerful until the 9th. Regular thigh massage is powerful after the 9th.

Job-seekers should look in foreign lands or with foreign companies. There are also opportunities at universities, religious institutions, travel agencies and publishers.


Best Days Overall: 5, 6, 14, 15, 16, 23, 24

Most Stressful Days Overall: 1, 7, 8, 21, 22, 28, 29

Best Days for Love: 1, 2, 12, 22, 28, 29, 31

Best Days for Money: 1, 2, 4, 12, 13, 17, 18, 22, 23, 31

Best Days for Career: 1, 7, 8, 10, 20, 28

The planetary momentum is overwhelmingly forward this month. Some 90 per cent are moving forward, and from the 6th to the 10th (and from the 30th onwards) 100 per cent are forward. So this is a month of rapid forward motion–just the way you like things.

Your 10th house of career becomes powerful after the 8th. On the 21st, as the Sun crosses the Midheaven, you enter a yearly career peak. Keep in mind that 90 per cent (and sometimes 100 per cent) of the planets are still in the upper half of the horoscope. So this is a banner career month. You are on top–elevated–respected–honoured and appreciated. There are pay rises and promotions. You are honoured for your professional achievements but also for who you are. Push forward boldly to your goals. Reach for the Sun, Moon and stars.

Health becomes more delicate after the 21st–probably due to the focus on your career and the demands of success. As always, try to rest and relax more. Pay more attention to your heart (all month), your liver and thighs (on the 1st and from the 19th to the 31st), and your spine, knees, teeth, bones, gallbladder and skeletal alignment (from the 2nd to the 19th).

Mercury goes retrograde right in the heart of the Christmas shopping season–from the 10th to the 30th. Probably a good idea to do your shopping early.

With your financial planet (Venus) now moving forward, the financial picture is more clear. Your financial judgement is sound. If you have done your review in the past few months, your goals are clear and you are ready to implement your improvements. Venus is receiving wonderful aspects from Jupiter, so this is a prosperous month. But, as mentioned earlier, you need to be aware of the financial interests of others and put them first. Good to pay off debt. Your spouse or partner seems very generous and is prospering. There are opportunities with troubled properties or troubled companies. You need to keep taxes in mind when making important financial decisions. Inheritance can happen for many of you. Others are planning their estates now.

Love is still delicate. You still need to make your marriage or relationship your number-one priority (a rival to your career). Singles seem most interested in the sexual chemistry. There are many opportunities this month. Marriage seems unlikely, though. A happy sex life will cover many sins in a troubled marriage–but your relationship needs more than that.


Personality Profile



Ruling Planet–Venus

Career Planet–Uranus

Love Planet–Pluto

Money Planet–Mercury

Planet of Health and Work–Venus

Planet of Home and Family Life–Sun

Planet of Spirituality–Mars

Planet of Travel, Education, Religion and Philosophy–Saturn

Colours–earth tones, green, orange, yellow

Colours that promote love, romance and social harmony–red-violet, violet

Colours that promote earning power–- yellow, yellow-orange

Gems–coral, emerald


Scents–bitter almond, rose, vanilla, violet

Quality–fixed (= stability)

Quality most needed for balance–flexibility

Strongest virtues–endurance, loyalty, patience, stability, a harmonious disposition

Deepest needs–comfort, material ease, wealth

Characteristics to avoid–rigidity, stubbornness, tendency to be overly possessive and materialistic

Signs of greatest overall compatibility–Virgo, Capricorn

Signs of greatest overall incompatibility–Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius

Sign most helpful to career–Aquarius

Sign most helpful for emotional support–Leo

Sign most helpful financially–Gemini

Sign best for marriage and/or partnerships– Scorpio

Sign most helpful for creative projects–Virgo

Best Sign to have fun with–Virgo

Signs most helpful in spiritual matters–Aries, Capricorn

Best day of the week–Friday

Understanding a Taurus

Taurus is the most earthy of all the Earth signs. If you understand that Earth is more than just a physical element, that it is a psychological attitude as well, you will get a better understanding of the Taurus personality.

A Taurus has all the power of action that an Aries has. But Taurus is not satisfied with action for its own sake. Their actions must be productive, practical and wealth-producing. If Taurus cannot see a practical value in an action they will not bother taking it.

Taurus’ forte lies in their power to make real their own or other people’s ideas. They are generally not very inventive but they can take another’s invention and perfect it, making it more practical and useful. The same is true for all projects. Taurus is not especially keen on starting new projects, but once they get involved they bring things to completion. Taurus carries everything through. They’re finishers and will go the distance so long as no unavoidable calamity intervenes.

Many people find Taurus too stubborn, conservative, fixed and immovable. This is understandable, because Taurus dislikes change–in the environment or in the routine. They even dislike changing their minds! On the other hand, this is their virtue. It is not good for a wheel’s axle to waver. The axle must be fixed, stable and unmovable. Taurus is the axle of society and the heavens. Without their stability and so-called stubbornness, the wheels of the world (and especially the wheels of commerce) would not turn.

Taurus loves routine. A routine, if it is good, has many virtues. It is a fixed–and, ideally, perfect–way of taking care of things. Mistakes can happen when spontaneity comes into the equation, and mistakes cause discomfort and uneasiness–something almost unacceptable to a Taurus. Meddling with Taurus’ comfort and security is a sure way to irritate and anger them.

While an Aries loves speed, a Taurus likes things slow. They are slow thinkers–but do not make the mistake of assuming they lack intelligence. On the contrary, Taurus people are very intelligent. It is just that they like to chew on ideas, to deliberate and weigh them up. Only after due deliberation is an idea accepted or a decision taken. Taurus is slow to anger–but once aroused, take care!


Taurus is very money-conscious. Wealth is more important to them than to many other signs. Wealth to a Taurus means comfort and security. Wealth means stability. Where some zodiac signs feel that they are spiritually rich if they have ideas, talents or skills, Taurus only feels wealth when they can see and touch it. Taurus’ way of thinking is, ‘What good is a talent if it has not been translated into a home, furniture, car and holidays?’

These are all reasons why Taurus excels in estate agency and agricultural industries. Usually a Taurus will end up owning land. They love to feel their connection to the Earth. Material wealth began with agriculture, the tilling of the soil. Owning a piece of land was humanity’s earliest form of wealth: Taurus still feels that primeval connection.

It is in the pursuit of wealth that Taurus develops intellectual and communication ability. Also, in this pursuit Taurus is forced to develop some flexibility. It is in the quest for wealth that they learn the practical value of the intellect and come to admire it. If it were not for the search for wealth and material things, Taurus people might not try to reach a higher intellect.

Some Taurus people are ‘born lucky’–the type who win any gamble or speculation. This luck is due to other factors in their horoscope; it is not part of their essential nature. By nature they are not gamblers. They are hard workers and like to earn what they get. Taurus’ innate conservatism makes them abhor unnecessary risks in finance and in other areas of their lives.

Career and Public Image

Being essentially down-to-earth people, simple and uncomplicated, Taurus tends to look up to those who are original, unconventional and inventive. Taurus likes their bosses to be creative and original–since they themselves are content to perfect their superiors’ brain-waves. They admire people who have a wider social or political consciousness and they feel that someday (when they have all the comfort and security they need) they too would like to be involved in these big issues.

In business affairs Taurus can be very shrewd–and that makes them valuable to their employers. They are never lazy; they enjoy working and getting good results. Taurus does not like taking unnecessary risks and they do well in positions of authority, which makes them good managers and supervisors. Their managerial skills are reinforced by their natural talents for organization and handling details, their patience and thoroughness. As mentioned, through their connection with the earth, Taurus people also do well in farming and agriculture.

In general a Taurus will choose money and earning power over public esteem and prestige. A position that pays more–though it has less prestige–is preferred to a position with a lot of prestige but lower earnings. Many other signs do not feel this way, but a Taurus does, especially if there is nothing in his or her personal birth chart that modifies this. Taurus will pursue glory and prestige only if it can be shown that these things have a direct and immediate impact on their wallet.

Love and Relationships

In love, the Taurus-born likes to have and to hold. They are the marrying kind. They like commitment and they like the terms of a relationship to be clearly defined. More importantly, Taurus likes to be faithful to one lover, and they expect that lover to reciprocate this fidelity. When this doesn’t happen, their whole world comes crashing down. When they are in love Taurus people are loyal, but they are also very possessive. They are capable of great fits of jealousy if they are hurt in love.

Taurus is satisfied with the simple things in a relationship. If you are involved romantically with a Taurus there is no need for lavish entertainments and constant courtship. Give them enough love, food and comfortable shelter and they will be quite content to stay home and enjoy your company. They will be loyal to you for life. Make a Taurus feel comfortable and–above all–secure in the relationship, and you will rarely have a problem.

In love, Taurus can sometimes make the mistake of trying to control their partners, which can cause great pain on both sides. The reasoning behind their actions is basically simple: Taurus people feel a sense of ownership over their partners and will want to make changes that will increase their own general comfort and security. This attitude is OK when it comes to inanimate, material things–but is dangerous when applied to people. Taurus needs to be careful and attentive to this possible trait within themselves.

Home and Domestic Life

Home and family are vitally important to Taurus. They like children. They also like a comfortable and perhaps glamorous home–something they can show off. They tend to buy heavy, ponderous furniture–usually of the best quality. This is because Taurus likes a feeling of substance in their environment. Their house is not only their home but their place of creativity and entertainment. The Taurus home tends to be truly their castle. If they could choose, Taurus people would prefer living in the countryside to being city-dwellers. If they cannot do so during their working lives, many Taurus individuals like to holiday in or even retire to the country, away from the city and closer to the land.

At home a Taurus is like a country squire–lord (or lady) of the manor. They love to entertain lavishly, to make others feel secure in their home and to encourage others to derive the same sense of satisfaction as they do from it. If you are invited for dinner at the home of a Taurus you can expect the best food and best entertainment. Be prepared for a tour of the house and expect to see your Taurus friend exhibit a lot of pride and satisfaction in his or her possessions.

Taurus likes children but they are usually strict with them. The reason for this is they tend to treat their children–as they do most things in life–as their possessions. The positive side to this is that their children will be well cared for and well supervised. They will get every material thing they need to grow up properly. On the down side, Taurus can get too repressive with their children. If a child dares to upset the daily routine–which Taurus loves to follow–he or she will have a problem with a Taurus parent.

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