Czytaj książkę: «Competitive games for your everyday handball training», strona 2


No. 8: Power team ball

Minimum number of players: 8

Difficulty level:

Equipment required: 8 cones, two playing fields suitable for number of players


- Define two playing fields of similar size with cones.

- Make two teams.


- Two teams play team ball against each other in the confined playing field (field 1), observing the following rules:

→ Each player (, , , and ) must have held the ball once and there must have been at least six ball contacts, for example (A).

→ Afterwards, the player must lay down the ball behind the line of cones in the opposite field (2) (B).

→ Now, there is a switch in ball possession. , , , and do the same exercise in field 2 in order to lay down the ball behind the line of cones in field 1.

→ If players manage to steal the ball, they start the course in the field in which they stole the ball.


- Allow dribbling.

Quick adjusting leads to a highly dynamic game.

All players must run at high speed to succeed (laying down/stealing the ball).

No. 9: Team ball on four side lines

Minimum number of players: 12

Difficulty level:

Equipment required: 1 handball, ½ playing field


- Make 4 teams of at least 3 players.


- The teams play team ball against each other.

- The players play towards one of the side lines; they score points by laying down the ball behind the line (A).

- Which team will play towards which side line will be figured out during the game.

- The players who manage to lay down the ball behind a free line “own” this line throughout the whole game.

- The players who laid down the ball must leave the ball there immediately for the other teams.

- A player of another team may now pick up the ball and start playing towards his team’s line.

- Dribbling is allowed.


- The players must adjust quickly and fetch the ball swiftly in order to succeed again with their team. The individual tasks change permanently.


- Jump shot passes.

- Passing with the non-throwing hand.

No. 10: Team ball with subsequent action

Minimum number of players: 10

Difficulty level:

Equipment required: 8 cones, 1 handball


- Use cones to define several cone goals.

- Assign the numbers 1 to 4 to the side lines.

- Make two teams.


- The teams play against each other.

- By running and passing the ball in a well-coordinated manner (A), the team in ball possession tries to pass the ball 5 (7) times to a teammate by bouncing it through one of the cone goals (B or D).

- The players must attack a different cone goal each time (C). They are not allowed to bounce the ball through the same cone goal two times in a row.

- The attacking team counts the passes through the cone goals aloud.

- As soon as the players have passed the ball through the cones 5 (7) times, the coach calls out a number between 1 and 4 (E).

- The attacking team now tries to lay down the ball behind the respective side line (F).

- The team scores if they manage to complete the whole course (play five passes through a cone goal and subsequently lay down the ball behind the correct side line).

- The other team fetches the ball and now tries to score a point as well.

- If there is a switch in ball possession, the goal counting starts over from 1.

The players must adjust quickly and run to the next cone goal immediately after scoring. As soon as the team has played five passes through the cone goals, the players must run to the respective side line immediately.

Once the scoring team has laid down the ball behind the side line, the other team must fetch the ball immediately and start an attack on the cone goals.

No. 11: Team ball with two different exercises

Minimum number of players: 12

Difficulty level:

Equipment required: 8 small gym mats, 4 cones, 1 handball


- Define a playing field with the cones and put small gym mats outside the playing field.

- Make two teams.


- Both teams play team ball within the defined playing field (cones); however, they are not allowed to dribble. If a team manages to pass 8 times in a row, without the other team stealing the ball, the second part of the game begins.

- The attacking players now try to pass the ball to a teammate standing on one of the gym mats (C). If the player on the mat catches the ball, the team scores and stays in possession of the ball. In order to score again however, the team must attack a different gym mat.

- The team does not score if there is an opponent standing on the same gym mat as the attacking player while this player catches the ball (A).

- The players keep playing until the ball is lost.

- The teammates count the score (times they caught the ball while standing on a gym mat) themselves.

- Which team manages to catch the ball on the gym mat most often and scores highest?


- Only a maximum of 3 players per team are allowed in the outer playing field (around the gym mats).

- After scoring, the players are neither allowed to attack the same gym mat again nor to attack the neighboring mats (B).

No. 12: Team ball with subsequent exercise

Minimum number of players: 16

Difficulty level:

Equipment required: 2 basketball baskets, 3 cones, 1 handball, whistle


- Use cones to divide the upper half of the playing field into two smaller fields.

- Make two teams.

- Divide the two teams in half. The teams play against each other on one quarter of the court (, , , and play against , , , and in one quarter, , , , and play against , , , and in the other quarter).


- The teams play team ball against each other, without dribbling however (A).

- The game starts 4-on-4 in one quarter of the court.

- The players of both teams are not allowed to leave their quarter of the court. However, the ball may be passed into another quarter (B); if this happens, the players keep playing in the other quarter.

- The team in ball possession tries to pass the ball 8 times without interruption.

- has the opportunity to whistle between the 5th and 7th ball contact (C). This is the sign to start the subsequent action. If does not whistle, the players must start the subsequent action automatically after the 8th pass.

Subsequent action:

- The four players standing in the other quarter (the quarter without ball) once the 8th pass is being played immediately start (D), receive a pass (E), and try to score a point at the diagonal basketball basket. If they succeed, they get a point. However, each player must run around the cone on the center line; they must not run across the other field (F).

- If the defending team manages to win the ball, the course starts over: - try to play 8 passes and may then try to hit the basket.

No. 13: Team ball with change of playing field

Minimum number of players: 8

Difficulty level:

Equipment required: 8 cones, 3 different types of balls (medicine ball, handball, soft ball, ...)


- Define three playing fields using cones and make two teams.

- Choose a different throwing toy for each playing field, e.g., common handball, medicine ball, frisbee, soft ball, tennis ball, etc.

- After playing, the throwing toys must remain in the respective playing field.


- Both teams play team ball on the individual playing fields using the respective throwing toy. The players are not allowed to bounce the toy.

- The team in possession of the toy tries to pass it eight times (return passes are not allowed).

- If the opposing team steals the toy, they may immediately try to pass it eight times themselves.

- The team scores, if they manage to pass the toy eight times. After scoring, the toy must be put on the floor at once.

- Now, the coach whistles once or twice, which is the sign for both teams to change the playing field accordingly.

Changing the playing field upon the coach’s whistle:

- One whistle: Change playing field upwards (A).

- Two whistles: Change playing field downwards (B).

- The team that first secures the toy may immediately try to pass it 8 times.


- End of game on playing field 1

→ One whistle; the players move to playing field 3. However, the players must sprint around one of the two cones first before they are allowed to enter playing field 3 (C).

→ Two whistles; the players move to playing field 2.

- End of game on playing field 2

→ One whistle; the players move to playing field 1.

→ Two whistles; the players move to playing field 3.

- End of game on playing field 3

→ One whistle; the players move to playing field 2.

→ Two whistles; the players move to playing field 1. However, the players must sprint around one of the two cones first before they are allowed to enter playing field 1 (D).

If the teams remain in one playing field for too long, due to constantly switching ball possession, the coach may whistle anytime in between. The players need to adjust to the new situation repeatedly.

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