Czytaj książkę: «PEARLS OF BULGARIAN FOLKLORE - Part Five»


Ivanka Ivanova Piеtrek

Artistic name-Ivanka Ivanova

Pearls of Bulgarian Folklore

New Songs from the Pazardzhik Region

Part Five

“55 Author Songs of Ivanka Ivanova after Samples from Authentic Folklore Songs with Music Notation and Lyrics”

ISBN 978-3-7375-1504-7

Description of the book


55 unpublished Author songs of the singer based on authentic folk songs from Pazardzhik, with music and lyrics classified by type and explanations of foreign words, unfamiliar words and dialect

Lyrics are in Bulgarian original written in Latin letters, and translated into English.


55 nicht veröffentlichte Autorenlieder der Sängerin, geschaffen auf Grundlage authentischer Volkslieder aus der Region Pazardshik incl. Noten und Texte, klassifiziert nach ihrer Art und mit Erklärungen der Fremdwörter, unbekannte Wörter und Dialekte

Songtexte sind in bulgarischer Sprache Original in lateinischen Buchstaben geschrieben, und in English übersetzt.


55 непубликувани авторски песни на певицата, създадени по образци на автентични народни песни от Пазарджишко, с ноти и текст, класифицирани по вид и с обяснения на чуждиците, непознатите и диалектните думи.

Текстовете са на български оригинален написани с латински и преведени на английски.


The author, composer, arranger, and editor of the electronic book “Pearls of Bulgarian Folklore” “New Songs from the Pazardzhik Region” Part Five is the folklore singer Ivanka Ivanova Pietrek, whose artistic name is Ivanka Ivanova. Her songs haven’t been published, they’re created by her after samples from authentic folk songs from the Pazardzhik region, which she has collected for years. It is known that she collected over 1000 authentic songs.

All her books until this time have contained published and already popularized songs from the Pazardzhik region that she performs herself.

What makes the author publish this new series of books?

Her love for the Bulgarian people and her long-lived dream to preserve in a book the songs she collected. Songs that can stay for the future generation and for all the lovers of Bulgarian folklore around the world.

Our people have survived because we sang …

And our songs contain the daily life, the manners, the history, the customs …

The roots of being Bulgarian are exactly in the folklore arts as a whole, and this is her goal – for them to be preserved and passed on to the future generations.

The songs heretofore recorded are in the previous e-books by Ivanka Ivanova:

2012 – “Folklore Dedication” – Self-teacher in folk singing in four languages – Bulgarian, Russian, German, and English

2013 – The tetralogy “The Songs of Ivanka Ivanova” – Parts One, Two, Three, and Four – in three languages, Bulgarian, German, and English follows – each book with 44 Pazardzhik folk songs from her repertoire, with musical notation and lyrics.

All 176 songs have been recorded in various radio stations, TV channels, compact discs. The fourth book also introduces one authored carnival song in German – “Katrin”.

Stanchitse le bayovata tetralogy Ivanka Ivanova s songs BG,DE,E

2013 The The e-book “THE FEARFUL REBEL leader STRAHIL” was published in three languages – Bulgarian, German, and English.

It is a small book, but it can easily become the theme for the script of a movie for the famed hayduk leader Strahil. The song about Strahil has been attached to the booklet with notation and lyrics.

2014 e-book “Pearls of Bulgarian Folklore” “New Songs from Pazardzhik Region” – Part One,Part Twoo,Part Three,Part Four.

2014 In the current e-book “Pearls of Bulgarian Folklore” “New Songs from Pazardzhik Region” – Part Five the following have been presented:

Daily live folk songs, daily-mystic – about serpents, Daily live ritual folk songs - Easter folk songs, Daily live ritual folk songs-St. George’s songs,

Historic Folklore Songs,Working-bee Folklore Song,Harvesters’ Folklore Songs,Haydouk/Rebel Folklore Songs

For your ease, there is also a short presentation on the specifics of the Pazardzhik Folklore Region.

You can follow the realization of other projects of the folklore singer Ivanka Ivanova.

The final number of parts has not been settled on with a finality.

All the products of the author this far, you can find at her profile at the following location: Pietrek/4169.

The specifics of the Pazardzhik Folklore Region

It is a specific part of the Thracian folklore region and it is a mixed region from the folklore point of view. It is influenced on the Thracian, the Rhodope, the Pirin and the Sofia sing tradition. It is characterized by a large variety of beats. A two-voice part is detached from the town of Vakarel to the Topolnitsa river and there are two singers in a band in Sestrimo and Varvara villages.

The songs in two voices with dynamic second voice are separated around Velingrad town. The highest interval between the first and the second voice is fourth.

The Western part of the Thracian lowland begins from Pazardzhik town. The town is a juncture between Europe and Asia. The pause between the couplets is typical for the singing of the region. The common beats here are 2/4- Pravo horo, 11/16- Krivo horo, 7/8- ruchenitsa, 5/8- Paidushko horo, 9/8- Daichovo horo, 13/16…and mixed beats like 5/8 + 9/8- Yovino horo. The slow songs have the typical throat trembling (modulating of the sound). The songs are thematically various: harvesting, heroic, mythical, haidouk, love, songs for table, for work and working-bee.

The traditional instruments are wooden flute, bagpipe (dzhura), rebec, tambourine and drum.

Daily Life folk songs

1 Ah, tova pile/ Oh, this bird

Ah, tova pile, shto mi rano pee

shto mi rano pee, rano pred zori,

ah, to mi budi mladata nevyasta,

mladata nevyasta, shto mi sladko spi.

„Ya stani, stani, ti mlada nevyasto

ya stani, stani, konya mi stegni,

che az shte da ida mnogo nadaleko

mnogo nadaleko v novite zemi.

Rachay, porachay kakvo da ti kupya,

kakvo da ti kupya ot novite zemi,

dali pismo iskash, ili pari iskash

ili mene iskash, pri teb da doyda?”

A nevyasta duma, duma i produma”

„Az nishto ne iskam ot novite zemi!

Nito pismo iskam, nito pari iskam

samo tebe iskam pri men da doydesh!”

1 Oh, this bird

Oh, this bird, why is it singing so early,

why is it singing so early, early before dawn,

ah, it wakes up my young bride,

young bride sleeping so sweet.

“Hey get up, get up, you young bride,

get up, get up and my horse saddle,

because I will go very far away

very far away in the new lands.

Say, tell me what to buy for you,

what to buy for you from the new land,

do you want a letter or money

or you want me to come to you?“

And the bride said, said and spoke

“I do not want anything from the new lands!

Neither a letter nor money

I want only you to come to me! “

2. Vida dvorove meteshe/Vidda was sweeping the yard

Vida dvorove meteshe, dzhanam,

Vida dvorove meteshe,

pred Vida pile shetashe, dzhanam,

pred Vida pile shetashe.

Pa si na Vida govori, dzhanam,

pa si na Vida govori:

„Vido, nevyasto hubava, dzhanam,

Vido, nevyasto hubava!

Shto dvori metesh i peesh, dzhanam,

shto dvori metesh i peesh?

Devet ti bratya umreli, dzhanam,

devet ti bratya umreli!

Deseti dusha sbirashe, dzhanam,

deseti dusha sbirashe!”

Vida nevesta hubava, dzhanam,

Vida nevesta hubava.

Tya vlezna v hladni zimnitsi, dzhanam,

tya vlezna v hladni zimnitsi,

otvori sini sandatsi, dzhanam,

otvori sini sandatsi.

Sableche byala premyana, dzhanam,

sableche byala premyana,

obleche cherno do zemya, dzhanam,

obleche cherno do zemya.

2. Vidda was sweeping the yard

Vida was sweeping the courtyard, dear,

Vida was sweeping the courtyard,

a chicken was bustling in front of Vida, dear,

a chicken was bustling in front of Vida.

And it was saying to Vida, dear,

and it was saying to Vida:

“Vido, beautiful bride, dear,

Vido beautiful bride!

Why are you sweeping the courtyard and singing, dear,

why are you sweeping the courtyard and singing?

Nine of my brothers have died, dear,

nine of my brothers have died!

The tenth is in his death-bed, dear,

the tenth is in his death-bed! “

Vida, beautiful bride, dear,

Vida, beautiful bride.

She entered the cool cellars, dear,

she entered the cool cellars,

and opened blue chests, dear,

and opened blue chests.

Took off her white gown, dear,

took off her white gown,

and put on long black clothes, dear,

and put on long black clothes.

3 Vse ma yad, mamo/ I am so angry, mother

Vse ma yad, mamo, vse ma yad

deto ma malka ozheni,

deto ma malka ozheni,

ozheni, ta ma zacherni.

Moite, mamo, eranki

vse hodyat, mamo, i nosyat,

a pak men, mamo, gorkata,

mazhko mi dete na ratse.

Mazhko mi dete na ratse

i drugo, mamo na sartse.

Stara svekarva e v kata,

govedar ide ot gore.

Govedar ide ot gore,

sram me e da ya pogledna,

gryah me e da ya nakaram,

govedata da pribira.

3 I am so angry, mother

I am so angry, mother, I am so angry

that you got me married so young,

that you got me married so young

got me married and ruined my life.

Girls of my age, mother,

are still going out, mother, and wearing,

and I have, mother, poor me,

my male child in my arms.

My male child in my arms

and another one, mother, in my heart.

Old mother in law is sitting in the corner,

the herdsman comes from the upper road.

The herdsman comes from the upper road,

I am ashamed to look at her,

I feel guilty to get her

to bring the herds home.

4 Dve mi sa zvezdi rano greyali/Two stars have risen early

Dve mi sa zvezdi rano greyali,

rano greyali –

ednata gree gore nad selo,

gore nad selo.

Drugata gree dolu pod selo,

dolu pod selo.

Taya, shto gree gore nad selo,

gore nad selo.

Tya e greyala v malkata moma,

v malkata moma.

Taya shto gree dolu pod selo,

pod selo.

Taya shto gree dolu pod selo,

pod selo,

tya e gledala v mladoto momche,

v mladoto momche.

4 Two stars have risen early

Two stars have risen early,

risen early -

one shines up above the village,

up above the village.

The other shines down below the village,

down below the village.

The one that shines up above the village,

up above the village,

shines over the young maid,

the young maid.

The one that shines down below the village,

down below the village,

the one that shines down below the village,

down below the village

shines over the young lad,

the young lad.

5 Karay, uchi Gana, mamo/ Go, teach Gana, mother

Karay, uchi Gana, mamo,

da ne hodi Gana/2

da ne hodi Gana, mamo,

po turski mahali/2

Che tam, deto Gana hodi,

tam nikoy ne hodi,/2

tamo samo hodi be, mamo,

edno kleto turche./2

Na kaval mi sviri, mamo

i na Gana duma:/2

„Teb ne ti prilicha, Gane

za voda da hodish./2

Za voda da hodish, Gane

bosa po nalami./2

Tebe ti prilicha, Gane

hanama da stanesh./2

Na chardak da sedish, Gane

zhaltitsi da nizhesh,/2

zhaltitsi da nizhesh, Gane,

koprina da predesh./2

5 Go, teach Gana, mother

Go, teach Gana, mother,

not to walk Gana / 2

not to walk Gana, mother,

to the Turkish neighborhoods. / 2

There, where Gana walks

nobody else is walking,/ 2

there only walks, mother,

one miserable Turkish lad./ 2

On his flute he is playing, mother,

and he is talking to Gana: / 2

“It does not fit you, Gane

to walk to take water. / 2

To walk to take water, Gane,

barefoot in clogs. / 2

It better fits you, Gane

to become a married Turkish woman. / 2

On the veranda to sit, Gane

golden coins to lace through, / 2

golden coins to lace through, Gane,

silk yarn to spin. / 2

6 Mayka Gyurgiya pleteshe/Gyurgia’s mother was plaiting her hair

Mayka Gyurgiya pleteshe,

Gyurge le, belo momiche,

na sitni, drebni reditsi,

Gyurge le, belo momiche.

Hem ya pleteshe, kalneshe,

Gyurge le, belo momiche,

„Otkak si moma stanala,

Gyurge le, belo momiche!

Che mi dodeya, dodeya,

Gyurge le, belo momiche,

ot godezhari da dozhdat,

Gyurge le, belo momiche!

Da dozhdat, da gi posreshtam,

Gyurge le, belo momiche,

posreshtam, oshte goshtavam,

Gyurge le, belo momiche!”

6 Gyurgia’s mother was plaiting her hair

Gyurgia’s mother was braiding her hair,

wow Gyurge, white girl,

into small, tiny rows of braids,

wow Gyurge, white girl.

Her mother was braiding and cursing,

wow Gyurge, white girl:

“Eversince you have become a maid,

wow Gyurge, white girl!

I am tired of, bored of,

wow Gyurge, white girl,

matchmakers visiting our house,

wow Gyurge, white girl!

Visiting our house to welcome them,

wow Gyurge, white girl,

welcome them and even give them food and drinks,

wow Gyurge, white girl! “

7. Mayka na Stoyan produma/Stoyan’s mother talks to Stoyan

Mayka na Stoyan produma:

„Sinko Stoyane, Stoyane!

Day, sinko, da te premenya!

Premenen da mi pohodish,

che se e, sinko, prochulo

moriya, sinko, zla chuma!

Ne mori staro i grozno,

no mori mlado, hubavo,

vse kato tebe yunatsi!”

7. Stoyan’s mother talks to Stoyan

Stoyan’s mother was saying to Stoyan:

“My son, Stoyan, Stoyan!

Let me, my son, get you dressed up!

So you go out dressed up

because, my son, it became known

that there is a killing, my son, evil plague!

It does not kill the old and the ugly,

but kills the young and the good-looking,

all like you, young heroes! “

8. Mama Elenka dumashe/ Elenka’s mother talks to Elenka

Mama Elenka dumashe:

„Dashte Elenke, Elenke,

stiga si, mama, lezhala,

lezhala, oshte pospala!

Ya stani, dashte, da predesh,

da predesh, oshte da tachesh,

darove da si prigotvish

za svekar i za svekarva!

Za zalvi i za etarvi

i za po-golemi deveri,

che kato doydat svatove,

ti da gi, dashte, daruvash!”

8 Elenka’s mother talks to Elenka

Elenka’s mother was saying to Elenka:

“My daughter Elenka, Elenka,

don’t be lying, my daughter,

lying and still sleeping!

Get up, my daughter, to start spinning,

spinning and weaving,

gifts to prepare

for your father in law and mother in law!

For your sisters-in-law

and for older brothers-in-law,

so when matchmakers come for you,

you give them your gifts, my daughter! “

9. Mari mome, malka mome/ Marri girl, young girl

Mari mome, malka mome,

kato sedish na dva druma,

kato sedish na dva druma,

na dva druma, na razdruma.

Ne vidya li drum da mine,

drum da mine sivo stado,

drum da mine sivo stado,

sivo stado i siv zelen kon?

Bre ovcharyo, shiligaryo,

vidyah, vidyah vchera mina,

vidyah, vidyah vchera mina,

vchera mina po pladnina.

9. Marri girl, young girl

Hay girl, young girl,

as you are sitting alongside two roads,

as you are sitting alongside two roads,

two roads, two crossroads.

Didn’t you see crossing the road,

crossing the road a gray herd,

crossing the road a gray herd,

a gray herd and a gray green horse?

Hay, white shepherd, lamb breeder,

I saw it yesterday, I saw it go past,

I saw it yesterday, I saw it go past,

yesterday it went past at noon time.

10. Mari mome, Stefanke:Marri, Stefanka girl

Mari mome, Stefanke

ti li mi se hvaleshe,

ti li mi se hvaleshe

che ti vino ne piesh?

Che ti vino ne piesh,

vino i lyuta rakiya,

vino piesh s vedroto,

a rakiya s kiloto!

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