Seat by Seat

The Political Anorak's Guide to Potential Gains and Losses in the 2015 General Election
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The 2015 general election is almost upon us, but the question on everyone's mind is also the one that no one seems to be able to answer: What's the result going to be? While political commentators all nervously agree it will be 'one to remember', the truth is that this is the most unpredictable election in recent memory. For the first time in British political history we are now in five-party politics, national swingometers are a thing of the past and opinion polls have been rendered almost irrelevant. Despite the challenges involved, however, political pundit Iain Dale has used recent polling, statistics and his famously sharp instinct to predict the result in each and every one of the UK's 650 constituencies. And if his predictions are anywhere near correct, Britain is on the verge of months, perhaps years of political uncertainty and upheaval. But will he be proven right? Only time will tell…

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Biteback Publishing
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