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Czytaj książkę: «Popular Lectures on Zoonomia», strona 9


The force of sound is increased by the reflection of many bodies, particularly such as are hard or elastic, which receive the waves or pulses of the air and reflect them back again; these reflected pulses, striking the ear along with the original, strengthen the original sound. Hence it is, that the voice of a speaker is louder, and more distinctly heard, in a room than in the open air. I said that these reflected sounds entered the ear at the same time with the original: this however is not strictly the case, for they must enter the ear after the original, because the sound has a greater space to move over: but they enter the ear so quickly after the original that our sense cannot distinguish the difference. If however the reflecting body should be placed at such a distance, that the reflected sound should enter the ear some considerable or sensible time after the original, an echo or distinct sound would be heard.

It appears from experiment that the ear of an experienced musician can only distinguish such sounds as follow each other at the rate of nine or ten in a second, or any lower rate; and therefore that we may have a distinct perception of the direct and reflected sound, there should at least be an interval of 1/9 of a second; but in this time sound passes over one hundred and twenty seven feet, and consequently, unless the space between the sounding body and the reflecting surface, added to that between the reflecting surface and the ear, be greater than one hundred and twenty seven feet, no echo will be heard, because the reflected sound will enter the ear so soon after the original, that the difference cannot be distinguished; and therefore it will only serve to augment the original sound.

From what has been said, it is evident, in order that a person may hear the echo of his own voice, that he should stand at least sixty three, or sixty four feet from the reflecting obstacle, so that the sound may have time to move over at least one hundred and twenty seven feet before it come to his ear, otherwise he could not distinguish it from the original sound.

But though the first reflected pulses may produce no echo, both on account of their being too few in number, and too rapid in their return to the ear; yet it must be evident that the reflecting surface may be so formed, that the pulses, which come to the ear after two or more reflections, may, after having passed over one hundred and twenty seven feet or more, arrive at the ear in sufficient numbers to produce an echo, though the distance of the reflecting surface from the ear be less than the limit of echoes. This is instanced by the echoes that we hear in several caves or caverns.

The sense of hearing is more apt to be vitiated or diseased than any of the other senses, which indeed is not surprising, when we consider that its organ is complex, consisting of many minute parts, which are apt to be deranged.

It sometimes becomes too acute, and this may arise either from too great an irritability of the whole nervous system, which often occurs in hysteria, also in phrenitis, and some fevers; or from an inflamed state of the ear itself.

The sense of hearing becomes diminished, and often entirely abolished; and this may arise from various causes, such as an original defect in the external ear, or the meatus auditorius, or both; the meatus auditorius is often blocked up with wax or other substances, which being removed, the hearing becomes perfect. Deafness may likewise arise from a rigidity of the membrane of the tympanum, from its being erodedor ruptured, or from an obstruction of the Eustachian tube. It may likewise arise from a paralysis or torpor of the auditory nerve, or from some diseased state of the labyrinth, or from a vitiated state of the brain and nerves. There is a kind of nervous deafness which comes on suddenly, and often leaves the patient as suddenly.

There are various instances, however, in which the membane of the tympanum has been lacerated or destroyed, without a total loss of the sense of hearing, or indeed any great diminution of it. A consideration of these circumstances induced Mr. Astley Cooper to think of perforating it, in cases of deafness arising from a permanent obstruction of the Eustachian tube, and he has often performed this operation with great success. Of this he has given an account in the last part of the Philosophical Transactions. This operation ought however only to be performed in case of the closure of the Eustachian tube. Cases of this kind may be distinguished by the followingcriteria. If a person on blowing the nose violently, feel a swelling in the ear, from the membrane of the tympanum being forced outwards, the tube is open; and though the tube be closed, if the beating of a watch placed between the teeth, or pressed against the side of the head, cannot be heard, the operation cannot relieve, as the sensibility of the auditory nerve must have been destroyed. In a closed Eustachian tube, there is no noise in the head, like that accompanying nervous deafness.

There is one species of deafness, which occurs very frequently, and happens generally to old persons, though sometimes to the delicate and irritable in the earlier periods of life. Anxiety and distress of mind have been known to produce it. Its approach is generally gradual, the patient hears better at one time than at another; a cloudy day, a warm room, agitated spirits, or the operation of fear, will produce a considerable diminution in the powers of the organ. In the open air the hearing is better than in a confined situation; in a noisy, than in a quiet society; in a coach when it is in motion, than when it is still. A pulsation is often felt in the ear; a noise resembling sometimes the roaring of the sea, and at others the ringing of distant bells is heard. This deafness generally begins with a diminished secretion of the wax of the ear, which the patient attributes to cold. It may be cured, particularly at its commencement, by the application of such stimulants as are capable of exciting a discharge from the ceruminous glands; for which purpose thev should be introduced into the meatus auditorius.

In some cases of this kind, where the auditory nerve has been in some degree torpid, or rather perhaps where there has been a kind of paralysis, or want of action, in the muscles which brace the membrane of the tympanum, and keep the chain of bones in their proper state; a person has not been able to hear, except during a considerable noise. Willis mentions the case of a person who could only hear when a drum was beaten near her; and we are told of a woman who could not hear a word except when the sound of a drum was near, in which case she could hear perfectly well. When she married, her husband hired a drummer for his servant. In instances of this kind the noise probably excites the action of the torpid muscles, which then put the apparatus in a proper condition to hear.


In order to understand properly the theory of vision, it will be necessary to premise an anatomical description of the eye: but I shall content myself with as short a one as will suffice to explain the effects it produces on the rays of light, so as to produce the distinct vision of an object.

The shape of the eye is nearly spherical; it is composed of several coats or tunics, one within another; and is filled with transparent humours of different densities.

The proper coats of the eye are reckoned five in number; viz. the sclerotica, cornea, choroides, iris or uvea, and the retina.

After the tunica conjunctiva, or adnata, (a membrane, which, having lined the eyelids in the manner of a cuticle, surrounds the anterior part of the globe) is removed, we perceive a white, firm, membrane, called the sclerotica, which takes its rise from that part of the globe where the optic nerve enters, and surrounds the whole eye, except a little in the fore part; which fore part has a membrane, immediately to be described, called the cornea. The tunica sclerotica, viewed through the conjunctiva, forms what is called the white of the eye. Some anatomists have supposed that this coat is a continuation of the dura mater, which surrounds the optic nerve; but later observations have shown this opinion to be ill founded. The tunica sclerotica consists of two layers, which are with difficulty separated.

The next coat is the cornea, so called from its resemblance to transparent horn; it arises where the sclerotic coat ends, and forms the fore part of the eye. The cornea is a segment of a lesser sphere than the rest of the eye, and consequently makes it more prominent on the fore part: it is transparent, and firmly connected by its edges to the sclerotica.

Immediately adherent to the sclerotica, within, is the choroides, which takes its rise from that part of the eye where the optic nerve enters, and accompanies the sclerotica to the place where it is joined to the cornea; here it is very closely connected to the sclerotica, where it forms that annulus, called ligamentum ciliare; then leaving the sclerotic coat, it is turned inwards, and surrounds the crystalline lens; but as this circle, where it embraces the crystalline, is much narrower than where the membrane leaves the sclerotic coat, it becomes beautifully corrugated, which folds or corrugations have been, by the more ancient anatomists, improperly called ciliary processes.

To the same part of the choroid coat, where the ciliary ligament begins, is fixed a moveable and curious membrane, called the iris; this membrane has a perforation in the middle, called the pupil, for the admission of the rays of light. The iris is composed of two kinds of fibres: those of the one sort tend, like the radii of a circle, towards its centre, and the others form a number of concentric circles round the same centre. The pupil is of no constant magnitude, for when a very luminous object is viewed, the circular fibres of the iris contract, and diminish its orifice; and, on the contrary, when objects are dark and obscure, those fibres relax, and suffer the pupil to enlarge, in order to admit a greater quantity of light into the eye: it is thought that the radial fibres also assist in enlarging the pupil. The iris is variously coloured in different persons, but according to no certain rule; though in general, they who have light hair, and a fair complexion, have the iris blue or grey; and, on the contrary, they whose hair and complexion are dark, have the iris of a deep brown; but whether this difference in colour occasions any difference in the sense, is not yet discovered. In the human eye the whole choroid coat, and even the interior surface of the iris or uvea, is lined with a black mucus; this mucus, or as it is called, pigmentum, is darkest in young persons, and becomes more light coloured as we advance in years. In many animals, but more particularly those which catch their prey in the night, this pigmentum is of a bright colour: its use will appear afterwards.

The last, and innermost coat of the eye, is the retina, it differs much from the above mentioned coats, being very delicate and tender. It is nothing but an expansion of the medullary part of the optic nerve, which is inserted into each eye, nearer the nose, and a little higher, than the axis. This coat has been thought by many to end where the choroides, going inwards, towards the axis of the eye, forms the ciliary ligament; Dr. Monro thinks that it is not continued so far, and we cannot see with what advantage it could have been continued to the ciliary ligament, since none of the rays of light, passing through the pupil, could fall upon that part of it. In the middle of the optic nerve is found the branch of an artery, from the internal carotid, which is diffused and ramified in a beautiful manner along the retina. From this artery, a small branch goes through the middle of the vitreous humour, and giving off branches on every side, expands itself upon the capsule of the crystalline lens.

We shall now consider the humours of the eye, which are three in number, the aqueous, the crystalline, and the vitreous; all transparent, and in general colourless; but of different densities.

The aqueous humour, so called from its resemblance to water, fills up all the space between the cornea and the crystalline humour. It is partly before and partly behind the uvea, and is divided by that membrane into two parts, which are called the chambers of the aqueous humour; which chambers communicate with each other by means of the pupil.

The next humour is the crystalline; it is situated between the aqueous and vitreous humours, and is connected to the choroid coat by the ciliary ligament: it is not the least of all the humours, as has been generally supposed, the aqueous and it being of equal weights; but its substance is more firm and solid than that of the other humours: its figure is that of a double convex lens; but the fore part next the pupil is not so convex as its other side, which is contiguous to the vitreous humour; the diameter of the sphere, of which its anterior segment is a part, being in general about seven or eight lines, whereas the diameter of the sphere, of which its posterior segment forms a portion, is commonly only about five or six lines. It is covered with a fine transparent capsule, which is called arachnoides. This humour is situated exactly behind the pupil, but not in the centre of the eye, as was supposed by Vesalius, being a good deal nearer its forepart. The convexity of its posterior surface is received into an equal concavity of the vitreous humour. It is not of an equal density throughout, but is much more hard and dense towards its centre than externally, the reason of which will appear hereafter. Till we arrive at about our thirtieth year, this humour continues perfectly transparent, and colourless; about that time it generally has a little tinge of yellow, and this colour increases with age.

The third humour of the eye, is the vitreous; it is the largest of all the humours, filling up the whole of that part of the eye which lies behind the crystalline humour. It is thicker than the aqueous, but thinner than the crystalline humour; on its back part is spread the retina, and in the middle of its fore part is a small cavity, in which the whole posterior surface of the crystalline lens lies; this humour is also enclosed in a very fine capsule, called tunica vitrea; this capsule at the edge of the crystalline humour is divided into two membranes, of which the one is continued over the whole anterior surface of the vitreous humour, and lines that cavity into which the back part of the crystalline is received; the other passes over the crystalline humour, and covers all its fore part, by which means these two humours are closely connected together. The weights of the aqueous, crystalline, and vitreous humours in a human eye, are, according to the accurate Petit, at a medium, to each other, as 1, 1, and 25.

It was thought necessary to premise this general description of the structure of the eye, in order that what we are going to add in the remaining part of this Lecture may be the more easily comprehended. A more distinct idea will perhaps be had from a contemplation of the following figure, which represents the section of an eye by a vertical plane passing through its centre.


NOO represents the optic nerve.

The outmost line ALLB represents the sclerotic coat, and the

part ACB the transparent cornea.

The line ALLB, immediately within the former, represents the

choroides; the part APB is the iris or uvea, in which the hole at P

is the pupil.

The line FOOG is the retina.

The cavity ACBEMDA is the aqueous humour.

DE is the crystalline lens or humour.

The space DFOOGE, lying behind the crystalline, represents the

vitreous humour.

BE and AD is the ligamentum ciliare.

Nature and Properties of Light.

After this short description of the human eye, I shall next proceed to take notice of some of the properties of light; but shall confine myself to such as are absolutely necessary for explaining the phenomena of vision, as far as that can be done from optical principles.

1. It is, I believe, generally at present agreed, that light consists of exceedingly small particles of matter, projected with great velocity in all directions from the luminous or radiant body. This hypothesis, to which no solid objection has yet been made, appears to be more simple than any other; and is so consistent with all the phenomena yet observed, that we have great reason to think it true: however, as it is not absolutely and directly demonstrated, it may have been wrong in optical writers to have given this hypothesis (for it can only be called a hypothesis) as a definition of light.

2. The space through which light passes is, by opticians, called a medium, and it is observed, that, when light passes through a medium, either absolutely void, or containing matter of an uniform density, and of the same kind, it always proceeds in straight lines.

3. Those rays of light which come directly from a luminous body to the eye, only give us a perception of light; but when they fall upon other bodies, and are from them reflected to the eye, they give us an idea or perception of those bodies.

4. When a ray of light passes out of one medium into another of different density, it is bent out of its course, and is said to be refracted. We must, however, except those rays which fall in a direction perpendicular to the surface of the refracting medium; as the refractive force acts in the same direction in which those rays move, they will not be turned out of their course, but proceed in the same direction they had before they entered the refracting medium. When a ray passes out of a rarer into a denser medium, it will be refracted, or bent towards a line which is perpendicular to the surface which separates the media at the point where it falls; but when it passes out of a denser into a rarer medium, it will be bent from the perpendicular.

5. Whenever the rays, which come from all the points of any object, meet again in so many points, after they have been made to converge by refraction, there they will form the picture of the object, distinct, and of the same colours, but inverted. This is beautifully demonstrated by a common optical instrument, the camera obscura. If a double convex lens, be placed in the hole of a window shutter in a dark room, and a sheet of white paper be placed at a certain distance behind the lens; a beautiful, but inverted picture of the external objects will be formed: but if the paper be held nearer, or more remote than this distance, so that the rays from each point shall not meet at the paper, but betwixt it and the lens, or beyond the paper, the picture will be indistinct and confused.

Of the Manner in which Vision is performed.

From the just mentioned properties of light, and the description we have given of the eye, it will not be difficult to explain the theory of vision, so far as it depends upon optical principles. For the eye may, with great propriety, be compared to a camera obscura; the rays which flow from external objects, and enter the eye, painting an inverted picture of those objects on the retina: if you carefully dissect from the bottom of an eye, newly taken out of the head of an animal, a small portion of the tunica sclerotica and choroides, and place this eye in a hole made in the window shutter of a dark chamber, so that the bottom of the eye may be towards you; the pictures or images of external objects will be painted on the retina in lively colours, but inverted.

In order to see how the several parts of the eye contribute to produce this effect, let us follow the rays proceeding from a luminous point, and see what will happen to them from the beforementioned properties of light.

Since the rays of light flow from every visible point of a body in every direction, some of them, issuing from this point, will fall upon the cornea, and, entering a medium of greater density, will be refracted towards the perpendicular, and as they fall upon a convex spherical surface, nearly in a parallel state, the pupil being so extremely small, it is evident, from the principles of optics, that they will be made to converge: those which fall very obliquely will either be reflected, or falling upon the uvea, or pigmentum nigrum, which covers the ciliary ligaments, will be suffocated, and prevented from entering the internal parts of the eye: those which fall more directly, as was before said, become converging, in which state they fall upon the anterior surface of the crystalline humour, which, having a greater refracting power than the aqueous humour, and its surface being convex, will cause them to converge still more, in which state they will fall upon the posterior surface of the crystalline, or anterior surface of the vitreous humour; which having a less refractive power than the crystalline, they will be refracted from the perpendicular; but, as they fall upon a concave surface, it is evident, from the principles of optics, that they will be made to converge still more: in which state they will go on to the retina, and if the eye is well formed, the refraction of these several humours will be just sufficient to bring them to a point or focus on the retina.

The same thing will happen to rays flowing from every other visible point of the object: the rays which flow from every point will be collected into a corresponding point on the retina, and, consequently, will paint the image of that object inverted; the rays coming from the superior part of any object, being collected on the inferior part of the retina, and vice versa, as is manifest from the principles of optics.

If the rays are accurately, or very nearly, collected into a focus on the retina, distinct vision will be produced; but if they be made to converge to a point before or beyond the retina, the object will be seen indistinctly; this is proved by holding a convex or concave glass before the eye of a good sighted person: in the former case, the rays will be made to converge to a point before they arrive at the retina, and in the latter, to a point beyond it. In these cases, it is plain that the rays which flow from a point in the object, will not form a point, but a circular spot, upon the retina, and these various circles intermixing with other, will render the image very indistinct. This is well illustrated by the camera obscura, where if you hold the paper nearer or more remote than the focal distance of the lens, the picture will be indistinct.

So far then, in the theory of vision, are we led by the principles of optics, and we can with certainty, by their assistance, affirm, that if the eye is sound, and the image of an object distinctly painted upon the retina, it will be seen distinctly, erect, and of its proper colours: so far we can proceed on safe and sure grounds, but if we venture further, we shall find ourselves bewildered in the regions of hypothesis and fancy. The machinery by which nature connects the material and immaterial world is hidden from our view; in most cases we must be satisfied with knowing that there are such connexions, and that these connexions invariably follow each other, without our being able to discover the chain that goes between them. It is to such connexions that we give the name of laws of nature; and when we say that one thing produces another by a law of nature, this signifies no more, than that one thing, which is called the cause, is constantly and invariably followed by another, which we call the effect, and that we know not how they are connected. But there seems a natural propensity in the mind of man, to endeavour to account for every phenomenon that falls under his view, which has given rise to a number of absurd and romantic conjectures in almost every branch of science. From this source has risen the vibration of the fibres of the optic nerve, or the undulation of a subtile ether, or animal spirits, by which attempts have been made to explain the theory of vision; but all of them are absurd and hypothetical.

Kepler was the first who had any distinct notion of the formation of the pictures of objects on the bottom of the eye; this discovery he published about the year 1600. Joannes Baptista Porta had indeed got some rude notion of it prior to the time of Kepler, but as he knew nothing of the refraction made by the humours of the eye, his doctrine was lame and defective, for he imagines that the images are painted on the surface of the crystalline humour.

The disputes concerning the theory of vision had very much divided the ancient philosophers; some of them imagining that vision was caused by the reception of rays into the eye; while a great many others thought it more agreeable to nature, that certain emanations, which they called visual rays, should flow from the eye to the object.

We shall now inquire more particularly how each part of the eye is peculiarly fitted to produce distinct vision. Though the eye is composed of different humours, yet one might have been sufficient to collect the rays into a focus, and form the picture of an object upon the retina. By the experiments of the accurate Dr. Robertson, it appears that there is less difference in the density, as well as in the refracting power of the humours, than has been generally thought: by weighing them in a hydrostatic balance, he found that the specific gravities of the aqueous and vitreous humours were very nearly equal, each being nearly equal to that of water: and that the specific gravity of the crystalline did not exceed the specific gravity of the other humours in a greater proportion than that of about 11 to 10. Hence it would seem to follow, that the crystalline is not of such great use in bringing the rays together, and thereby forming the pictures of objects on the retina, as has been commonly thought by optical writers; for though in shape it resembles a double convex lens, and is, on that account, fitted to make the rays converge; yet, be cause it is situated between two humours nearly of the same refractive power with itself, it will alter the direction of the light but a little. From this, the reason is evident why the sight continues after the operation for the cataract, in which the crystalline is depressed, or extracted, and why a glass of small convexity is sufficient to supply the little refraction wanting, occasioned by the loss of this humour. But without doubt, several important purposes are effected by this construction of the eye; which could not have been attained if it had been composed of one humour only. Some of those purposes seem sufficiently evident to us; for instance, by placing the aqueous humor before the crystalline, and partly before the pupil, and making the cornea convex, a greater quantity of light is made to enter the eye than could otherwise have done without enlarging the size of the pupil; the light will also enter in a less diverging state than it could have done if the pupil had been enlarged, and consequently be more accurately collected to a focus on the retina; for a perfect eye can only collect such rays to a focus on that membrane, as pass through the pupil nearly in a state of parallelism.

Another, and perhaps a principal advantage derived from the different humours in the eye, is, probably, to prevent that confusion arising from colour, which is the consequence of the different degrees of refrangibility of the rays of light. From the experiments of Mr. Dollond, it appears, though contrary to the opinion of Newton, and most other optical writers, that different kinds of matter differ extremely with respect to the divergency of colour produced by equal refractions; so that a lens may be contrived, composed of media of different dispersing powers, which will form the image of any object free of colour; this discovery Mr. Dollond has applied to the improvement of telescopes, with great success. It is by no means improbable, that nature has, for the same purpose, placed the crystalline lens betwen two media of different densities, and, probably, different dispersing powers, so that an achromatic image, free from the prismatic colours, will be formed on the retina. Indeed we find a conjecture of this kind, so long since as Dr. David Gregory's time, he says, in speaking of the imperfection of telescopes, "Quod si ob difficultates physicas, in speculis idoneis torno elaborandis, et poliendis, etiamnum lentibus uti oporteat, fortassis media diversae densitatis ad lentem objectivam componendam adhibere utile foret, ut a natura factum observamus in oculo, ubi crystallinus humor (fere ejusdem cum vitro virtutis ad radios lucis refringendos) aqueo et vitreo (aquae quoad refractionem hand absimilibus) conjungitur, ad imaginem quam distincte fieri poterit, a natura nihil frustra moliente, in oculi fundo depingendam."

In describing the eye, I observed, that the crystalline humour was not every where of the same consistence, being much more hard and dense towards its centre, than externally: in the human eye, it is soft on the edges, and gradually increases in density as it approaches the centre: the reason of this construction is evident, at least we know of one use which it will serve; for, from the principles of optics, it is plain that the rays which fall at a distance from the axis of the crystalline, by reason of their greater obliquity, if the humour were of the same density in all its parts, would be more refracted than those which fall near its axis, so that they would meet at different distances behind the crystalline humour; those which pass towards its extremity, nearer, and those near its axis, at a greater distance, and could not be united at the same point on the retina, which would render vision indistinct; though the indistinctness arising from this cause, is only about the 1/5449 part of that which arises from the different refrangibility of the rays of light, as Sir Isaac Newton has demonstrated. Nature has, however, contrived a remedy for this also, by making the crystalline humour more dense and solid near its centre, that the rays of light which fall near its axis, may have their refraction increased, so as to meet at the same point with those which fall at a distance from its axis.