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Fryday 21.

Directly over my Room was a sick Woman that kept a dismal groaning all night – My window-Shutters Clapt the Potowmack howl'd, yet I Slept – My Bill at Mrs Laidlers – A Bottle of Porter 2/. Dinner 1/3 Bed./6d – Bottle of Rum for Ferrymen 1/3 – Gallon Oats./8d – Stable & Foder 1/. – A smart looking Girl at Mrs Laidlers made me smile – She was complaining to me of the unhealthy Climate, that these three months past she has had a constant Ague & Fever, & been in the Country only six months – Pray Miss said I did you come from Britain? – No Sir, I came from London – Rode thence to Port-Tobacco – It has been extremely sickly here this Fall – Bill to Barber 1s/8 – Breakfast 1/ – Hay and Oats 1/3 – Mrs Halkinson my Landlady, a poor aged, distress'd Widow, when she found that I was acquainted with her little son at Princeton, seemed a little to revive; she beg'd me to encourage her Son to be diligent & industrious, to caution & admonish him from h[er] against bad company & wicked practices – She told me of her great & sore loss of an only Daughter, a young woman of 15 this Summer, since which, she told me in tears, that She has been a stranger to health & Quiet – O relentless Death! – How universal & severe are thy Commissions! From Mrs Laidlers to Port Tobacco is called 13 miles – I rode thence thro' a fog of Dust to Piscatua 14 miles. The Landlady here is very ill – That dismal disorder the bloody-Flux has been extremely bad at Port-Tobacco, & in the Neighbourhood of this town, but is subsided – Expence here half a Gill of Brandy./3d – Oats & Fodder./6d – Left this Village half after four, and rode to upper-Marlborough, almost blinded with sweat & dust! – Arrived by seven, a little tired this Evening – Distance 16 Miles – Whole distance yesterday including the Ferry 8 miles 44 Miles – Whole Expence 8/7 – That epidemical distemper above mentioned has been likewise raging in the Neighbourhood of this Town – Bill at Marlborough To Tea 1/3 – To lodging ./8 – To Oats 1/1 – To stabling 1/. —

Saturday 22.

Rode thence to Patuxen Ferry 4 mile Ferriage./6d – Thence to South River 12 miles, Ferriage./6d – To Boy ./4 – Thence to Annapolis 4 miles – Bill here To Dinner & Club 4/6 – To Hay & Oats 1/3 – To two Silver watch Seals 15/6 To half Gallon Rum for Ferryman 2/6 – To Hay for Horse /8 – To Barber 1/ – Left Annapolis at 6 no wind returned about 8 to the Coffee-House To Ferriage across the Bay 17/6 —

Sunday 23.

Teusday evening last the people of this Town & of Baltimore obliged one Anthony Stewart a Merchant here to set fire to a Brig of his lately from London in which was 17 Chests of Tea – The People seem indeed to be full of patriotic Fire – Second Bill at Annapolis – Supper 1/6 – Lodging ./9 Hay 1/3 – 2 Gallons Oats 1/6 – Articles for the Voyage 4/. – Landed about 5 at Kent-Island,208 rode thence to a small Ferry for Oats & Ferriage 1/. – thence we rode to Queens Town 15 miles209– Bill there 5/2½

Monday 24.

Rode from Queens Town over a low levil Country 7 miles to a small Tavern – Breakfasted 1/7 rode thence by a small Town call'd Churchill – thence to the Head of Chester River 22 miles here I dined my Company gone to the Chester Races which happen to morrow – Expence 2/4 Rode thence to Warwick 12 miles My Horses feet swell this Evening

Teusday 25.

Bill at Warwick – supper 1/3 – Oats./8 – Stable Hay & Lodging 2/. – Glass of Wine Bitters./4 – Rode thence to Port Penn 15 miles expence there 1/7 – Ferriage 5/. – Arrived once more by Gods Kindness in New-Jersey among my friends & relations I found many of my Acquaintances have gone off the Stage Uncle Seeley; Damon James; Mrs Reeve; James Boyd; & several others – And many are Sick – Our Family through divine Goodness are in Health. —

[Letter of Philip V. Fithian to Elizabeth Beatty]
Greenwich Novem: 30: 1774.

To Laura.

– The Widow left the Room after begging that I would stay to Coffee – I was seated near the Toilet on which Miss had thrown her Piece of Drawing. – I viewed it, She saw me, & began a fine Apology – That her Situation is so lonely, being out of the Way of Entertainment by Company! – That Music & Drawing are her chief & necessary Amusements – That She was glad of the Opportunity of an Hours Conversation even of an utter Stranger – That She came to America about the 20th: of last May, with a Brother who is since returned – That her Aunt is desirious She may stay in Mary-land & be a Companion and Intimate with her – That since July She has had the Ague and Fever, which had left her only a few Days – And, said She, I want very much to up to Philada: – I heard all this with great Attention & Patience; – When She had finished her Story, I asked her in turn several Questions which she answered with Propriety, & the greatest Apparent Frankness – Til She came to the Answer which I have before set down, then I smil'd – You came then from Britain, Miss – No Sir, I came from London! – Fearing a Proposal to wait on her down to Annapolis, & thence to Philadelphia, the moment I had drank two Dishes of Coffee, which was a few Minutes before Sunset I mounted & rode twenty Miles —

Do you know Mr – who lodged at Mrs – in Philada said P. – to me as we were sitting together in the Parlour this rainy Afternoon, she sewing at a Lawn Wrist-band, & I pouting over Watts's Logic – Yes, Madam, I have some Acquaintance with him – And he knows Miss – said She, I saw him last Spring at Mr A – She had sometime before told him that you was remarkably & impertinently intimate with Miss Beatty – That She herself, & Miss Beatty both had disapproved of your Conduct, & had by themselves, agreed to inform you of their Sentiments & to advise you to enter upon a different Behaviour – She told him that She had at last prevailed over you so far as to declare to her that you would never make any further Addresses to Miss – because She had a few Days before made a pointed and ill-natured Remark upon your going to Virginia – And pray Madam, did you believe such Trash – ? But Trash or Substance it makes me feel grave – I was to Day looking over my Papers & saw Something Apropos, if I can turn to it presently you shall have it – It is an Extract from my Virginia Journal.

I have heard lately some very dull Stories, & am consequently in a very dull gloomy kind of Humour – Every Day I am expecting a more vigorous Feeling – Perhaps it will come tomorrow, but today I must tell you that my Feeling accords precisely with what I have recorded of myself last March.

– Virginia.
Teusday March 22. 1774.

– In spite of all my strongest opposing Efforts my Thoughts dwell on that Vixen Laura – I strive to refuse them Admission, or harbour them in my Heart, yet like hidden Fire they introduce themselves, & sieze & overcome me, when perhaps I am pursuing some favorite Study, amusing or useful, or giving Directions to my little lovely Charge —

I had an Invitation to go to night to hear Mr Worth, a Baptist Minister preach; Polley, Salley, Ruth, Sister, Dr King were to be along – But it storms, & has been storming all Day so violently that I have not dared yet to venture myself so far as the Stable to see my Horse – Nature is like your Pulse Laura; There is a constant Succession of black & white, Pain & Ease, Good & Evil – Yesterday was as fair, & to Day as directly the contrary as ever I saw two – Had you ever a Swellyng on your Finger – ? It throbb'd – The Pain came & went by turns – This is not my Thought, I stole it from Mr Addison – He tells us of the Conversation & Behaivour of the great Socrates the morning he was to die. "When his Fetters were knocked off, being seated in the midst of his Scholars, and laying one of his Legs over the other in a very unconcerned Posture, he began to rub it where it had been galled by the Iron: And willing to improve every Oppertunity of instructing them he observed the Pleasure of that Sensation which now arose in those very Parts of his Leg that just before had been so much pained by the Fetter. Upon this he reflected on the Nature of Pleasure & Pain in General that they constantly succeed each other" – If you are curious you may read the whole beautiful Story of their Alliance & Marriage in the Spect: No: 183.

We poor earthly Creatures are, as to fortune & Feeling, exactly like the Nails in a turning Wheel, to Day up, to morrow Down – Always either sinking or rising. I have been descending for several Days, & am this very Moment down on the cold Earth in which lowly Posture I sincerely tell you I am in good or evil Fortune – fortune kind or cross.

forever yours

Philip. V. Fithian.
[Letter of Philip V. Fithian to Elizabeth Beatty]
Greenwich Decem: 1. 1774.

To Laura.

– "From a Settlement made May 12: 1774 there appears a Balance due from Laura of N. n to Lucius, fifteen Letters & a Visit; the whole to be paid on or before the 20th: of Novem. next ensuing – Which Payment if not well & truely made by the said Laura, within the Time above limited, then the said Lucius is, & by these Presents shall be now & forever possest of the full Liberty of siezing, destraining, or taking any or every Part of the said Delinquents Goods & Chattels, & disposing of the same, as he shall think proper til the said Balance be made up – And in Case there shall be failure of Effects, then it is & Shall be lawful for the said Lucius to take under his immediate Direction the Person of the said Laura —

This 1. Day of Decem: on which I am examining a little into my Accompts is the 11:Day since the Time of Payment allow'd to that young Lady is fully expired – "Curse not the King, said Solomon, in thy Bed-Chamber, not even in thy Heart" – Why? "The Birds of the Air will tell it." – Very fine, this! Bring Scrippture among your Pounds, Shillings, & Pence – Very fine, young black Coat – Don't be too fast, Madam, I've got a Gown on, & my Hair is cu'd – On the 4: of July 1774. about three in the Afternoon, I was sitting alone in my Chamber, in Virginia, thinking – Among many other Conclusions I remember well, it was determined in my mind that this same Laura who is now so much in my Debt, is actually worth 50,000£ Sterling, pr Annum – Where is the Impropriety then, of my mentioning Solomon's Advice? – Does it now hurt your Conscience, Madam? —

If you can have Patience, I will tell you, from my Virginia Journal the true Cause of that Conclusion.

– Monday. July 4th: 1774.

"Miss Nancy Carter, at Dinner, informed us that Miss Lee, a young Lady from Richmond is now at Mr Turberville's, & she begg'd that her Brother, & I would go in the Evening & invite her here – We consented, & after School took Horses & rode on our Errand; Besides Miss Lee, we found Capt: Turberville, his Lady, Daughter, & several young Gentlemen.

After the Ceremony of Introduction, & our Devoirs were over, we took Seats, in a Cool Hall where the Company were sitting; – All when we entered were smiling at young Mr – who had been gathering Mulberries, & stained his Ruffle – The Attention of the Company being wholly taken up with him, I had the Oppertunity which I wanted, of examining the Person of his Sister, without being interrupted either by the Notice of others, or by my own Timidity. Miss Lee, I am told, is now entering her 20th Year; She is handsome. Her Eyes are exactly such as Homer, attributes to the Goddess Minrva; and her Arms resemble those which the same Poet allows to Juno– Her Hair is a dark leaden Colour; & was craped & knotted up very high, & in it neatly-woven, a Ribband, with a Sprig of green Jessamine – She wore a light Chintz Gown, very fine, with a blue Stamp, eligantly, & fashionably made, & which set well upon her – In one word, her Dress was neat & genteel; her Behaivour such as I should expect to find in a Lady whose Education had been conducted with Care & Skill, & her Person, abstracted from the Embellishments of Dress & Good-Breeding, not much above the Generality of Women.

What made me desirous to see, and curious to examine this young Lady, was a Sentence that was dropt yesterday by a respectable Person in our Family, intimating a Desire that I may, on seeing Miss Lee, after having known, by Report, her faultless Character, be so far pleased with her Person, as to try to make her mine, & settle in this Colony – That kind Person who is for making me happy by setling me in Virginia, & connecting me with one of the best Families in the Government little knows how painful it would be, if I was indeed compell'd by any Accident of Fortune, to spend the Remainder of my Days in Virginia, if it is the Pleasure of Providence, that I am to continue for any Length of Time in the World.

"Strong, & sweet are the Bands which tye us to our Place of Nativity; If it be but a beggarly Cottage, we seem not satisfied with the most rich & splendid Entertainment if we are separated totally from it.

"But if a Princess should ask me to accept together with herself, 50,000, £ Sterling pr Annum; I declare with as great Pleasure as Truth that the Esteem and Fidelity which I possess for my ever-dear Eliza would make me, without Reflection, evade & refuse the Offer."

This is not strained Panegyrick; it is still the faintest Image of my Heart, tho' the Sentiment may seem strong & improbable.

Philip. V Fithian.
[Letter of Philip V. Fithian to Priscilla Carter]
Philadelphia Octr. 12th. 1775.


It gave me high satisfaction when I saw your brother first in our province. I was cordially glad. – He came unexpected, and that circumstance increased my pleasure at seeing him at all. He is now in this city – Has been in several parts of East and West Jersey – Has tolerable health – And a steady cheerfulness, which I am willing to believe, arises from pretty constant entertainment.

I hear with much surprise, that none of my letters, since I left your family, have been so fortunate as to arrive safe. I impute this to the jealousy of the public, concerning the contents of letters passing through the continen[t].

Mr Peck carries you, with these, my best wishes – That you may rise rapidly in the early improvement of your mind in each useful and ornamental undertaking to which you may be directed – That you may have much real unmixed happiness in the friendships which your age and rank will soon lead you to form – And that the transporting scenes which at a distance, you discover to be painted on your future life, may, as they rise before you one after another, give you as much peaceful enjoyment as so great imperfection can bestow.

You will please to give my best duty to your dear Mama.

I shall write to Miss Nancy. Do not fail by any means whatever, to mention me to Miss Fanny, Betsy, and Harriot– Dear Harriot, Dear Betsy, dear Fanny – Lovely, lovely Girls! And Tasker too, if he has not forgot me, O tell him, – Tell them all how much I want to see them – Tell them I will surely come for such impatience as mine cannot bear disappointment.

You will also please to give my kind respects to Miss Sally Stanhope, and to all the family without one exception.

May I ask you to send me a line? My desire of se[e]ing as well as hearing from you is so strong I will venture – O write; three lines, if you send no more, will put you to some little trouble, but none can tell how welcome three lines from you would be to

Your most obliged,

And most humble Servt:

P. V. Fithian

To Miss Priscilla Carter.

[Letter of Philip V. Fithian to Ann Tasker Carter]
Philadelphia Octobr: 13th. 1775.

Miss Nancy:

No Dances, and but little music! You will begin to ask what is the world coming to? – No Tea, nor Gause, nor Paris-net, nor lawn, nor lace, nor Silks, nor Chintzes; Good Sirs – Good Sirs! – Well Nancy, in these hard times, I must want Stocks, and you must want Caps – But you look best, when I recollect, in your Hair; you look ten thousand thousand times over the best without any Cap at all, so that in spight of me I shall be outdone. I want to know how you and the Guitar agree yet —

Pray do you ride out often? If you do, who rides with you; or do you boldly ride alone? – Tell me who is yet mistress at Checks – I believe, if you will allow me to guess at so great a distance, it is Fanny. My dear Nancy I want much to see you. I would give this moment my hand full of half-Bits, or their value in coppers, if I thought you wish to see me.

Good-by, Good-by

Philip V. Fithian

To Miss Nancy Carter.

[Letter of Philip V. Fithian to Robert Bladen Carter]
Greenwich Octobr: 16th. 1775.


It gives me pleasure to hear by your brother and Mr Peck, that, in continual health, you are growing rapidly to lusty Manhood – I am more pleased to hear that by growing industry you are rising faster in the progress of your education. Diligence overcomes all difficulties, Be diligent, in a proper course of business, and you will be great.

Mr Peck informs me that Henry has left the school and is in an other way of business; I wish him success in whatever course fortune shall lead him in. You will give him my kind respects. I should have written him a letter but I am drove on to the last hour of your brothers stay before I finish these.

Mr Peck or your Brother can inform you farther in any questions of my place and business,

I must now write myself dear Bob always respectfully


Philip V. Fithian

Master Bob Carter


[Letter of Philip V. Fithian to Councillor Robert Carter]
Greenwich Octobr. 17th. 1775.

Hon: Sir.

I was much gratified at your indulgent permission of your Son to visit, for a time, these northern Provinces. I think it will on the whole, be several ways advantageous to him. When I first saw him, he was feeble, and daily feverish; now he is better – He attended the commencement at Princeton; has been some time in Philadelphia – Seems cheerful – I think entertained – And will not return home without having made some useful observations – I am however fearful, that his constitution is not sufficiently vigorous, without scrupulous attention to exercise and nourishment, to afford him lasting health.

With regard to the public concerns they are here at so high a pass, and so complex, I must refer you to Ben and Mr Peck.

I hear with great anxiety of Mrs Carters Illness; but hope, through the kindness of auspicious Heaven, that before you receive these, She will again enjoy her usual health. You will please to remind her of my constant strong esteem; it flows from the remembrance of a succession of unmerited kindness.

I have wrote frequently since I left your family, but am surprized to hear that all my letters have been intercepted or lost.

I am, Sir, with great truth & Esteem

Your most obliged

Most obedient


Philip V. Fithian

To Robt: Carter Esqr.


[Catalogue of Library of Robert Carter Compiled by Philip Fithian.]


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